We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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so much lovely in here tho! haven't really looked before!
Did i mention i hate trains in liverpool?
Razorb _ ALWAYS loving your stuff dude. so much my cup of tea
Nina I. _ Lazerus Reborn _ Erebus88 _ ALL. winning !!
and waiting for Dado. to come hurt my feelings
tacit math, thanks! Are your two guys for some project?
Another environmental rough with focus on mood
just did this doodle
I did this one to practice details and nurnies, I didn't care much about the design
Random: decided to take a break from work and do some animation
Ravenslayer - Hhahahahahaha fk yes.How long that take ya?
Your stuff is just too good not to.
EDIT: stuff
I might do another pack tomorrow if I have time. If there's some colour variation or an element you think would be cool to see, feel free to drop a suggestion below! My initial idea was that the character is inspired by the insect bee, and if this was to be a game character, her fighting style would be very bustling, aiming to confuse the opponent and then strike. Also due to the sound of the character's name (which has a pun in it), I think it fitting to include some Chinese oriented details in her design.
today's sketch
Please Critique
If you wanted to make a reflective surface, I would suggest trying to get some reference and make those reflections less randon.
Dado Almeida, thanks for the comment!
I did a second "pack" today, having a lot of fun doing these concepts.
However, if that's not the direction you feel is appropriate, D3 looks like a cool armor set, if you had some nice (possibly faked) specularity in the golden areas
Bored at work.
2 hours.
Please delete
Just a drawing from a photo I liked
Been doing some more life drawing again lately:
Nice from far BUT far from nice :L
Yay colour. I'm a aweful person for neglecting my intutos ;'S
So getting back into heavy saturated pallets
There is indeed a few pages of these.
Hmm not sure where I'm going with this style.