We'll start by just drawing a piece everyday, and it can be digital or traditional. Then we'll start to work in some sweet themes to challenge ourselfs! ex. robots, chicks etc.
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warmup sketch
Started as test canvas for some new brushes I was making.
Thanks !
i just looked at your portfolio, your art is freaking amazing (Almost depressing :poly142: )
Random chick:
you guys are rocking dem 2d arts! here's a lil sketch I pooped out in my downtime.
Just a sketch I did really fast, for a tattoo I am intending to do.
Here is a character concept that I have been working on for the past 3 hours.
Warming up today with some morning figures:
Why do you like to make your stuff look like that?
^ Guys, it's a bit of a mean question to ask an artist to explain their style to you and why you should like it. When it comes to expression, it's all mindlessly unconscious, asking anyone that question is just going to put them on the spot and make them feel dumb.
Another wip, I seriously need to finish something and add some freakin characters to thoses ><
partly because i'm a crusty fucken caveman that lacks the patience. skill. and finesse of the likes of larolaro and daphz ( respect !! ). but mostly. just plain like it. well. sometimes. trying to get there at least. find a balance of nice ( to me ) / weird shapes. aggression / dorkness. all wrapped in a graphic dirty as fuck crispy shell
without jerking off listing the influences and whatnot. . . that's about as good as i could answer the question
and. since this is polycount. you can just flat come out and call balls on it right : ' dude. your shit is ugly. take it the fuck home ! '
Well I wasn't trying it's a weird question to ask:p But thanks for the answer really. I didn't mean any rudeness or anything.
I love this a ridiculous amount
Trying to learn a thing or two from classic painters, Rembrandt being one of my favourites. Based on Rembrandt's portrait of Johannes Wtenbogaert:
Some doodly scribbly stuff and the start of a scifi scene
Tacit is that 3d paintover?
Wow... Respect.
i played rayman origins and got a huge craving to draw something cartoony. so heres the result;