Got some tips from Twoflower and did another crystal cavern attemp. It's better, but not there entirely. I think I'll do something else tomorrow though
Hey looks like an improvment! Think you need to blend it together more. Also there is no direct shadows or lights in the scene, how do the lightsources affect each other? Where are the shadows?
Another great thing to keep in mind when doing environment is your foreground, middleground and background. Usually the farther away something is the more blurry and desaturated it will be. Try doing some photo reference pictures of caves and stuff, se how the light works etc etc (no need to spend to much time on them though).
Also I usually put together some reference pictures when doing a pic, you always get more stuff wrong than you think you will
Day 2
Next picture in my fruit collection, color got to dark in my opinion and id did not try the blueish shadow did just paint darker color of the colors i did use.
hah yeah thats what i want to work as when i graduate ^^
nice going with all those poses.
chiming in with what erik said. you need to work more on blending stuff and think more about how light from your light source hits the surfaces in the scene
Erik, Twoflower: Thanks for the feedback! I think I'll do some still life to get more comfortable with values, then jump to environs next. Today was back to 30sec poses though
This is fucking not fun to paint guys but i guess its good practise.
Not happe at all with this one. Did colour pic from photo this time, i know its good to learn mix own colours but i think its good in begining to see how the actually look. I did also use photoshop filter and blendingmodes for this one.
S_ource: When I struggle to create something and start finding stuff boring or exhausting, it's usually because I tackle a lot of problems at once. I start feeling anxious and worry when that happens. Changing the approach usually helps. Personally, before I'm gonna continue with more environments I'm gonna take a closer look at how to create good values, since I know I have troubles with that. Taking one problem at a time works well, at least for me!
Erik, I like the dude to the right! He looks old, sorta like my dad if I squint, haha.
I can also recommend for everyone to take a look at this page. Literally hundreds of links to tutorials and helpful pages!
Thanks, your probably right i will try to keep that in mind. I like the style on your sketches. Twoflower nice textures tho if its supposed to be tiled textures the first one i cant imagine it would tile very nicely. And on roof i probably would have had more light and more contrast, and maybe some more edging. Is it any particular game or style your got inspired from? And i think i might start sketch for reel instead of on computer so much easier to control the pencil. Not that im sure it would look any better.
Day 53. i name this one: The ugliest desert you will ever see (hopefully)
dunno if its just the color choice that wasnt good enough or if the values is off aswell
Nice desert! And thats a really pretty 3D scene! However, since this is a sketch thread I think we should limit it to 2D art. Post your 3D stuff on your sketchbook instead
Of course you are always free to post the concept art here and then post a link to your sketchbook where people can look at the final 3D stuff, (I would totally check it out) but I think that this thread should only be for 2D art.
Really nice design on the houses, you might wanna ease down on the blinn though, that gras looks a bit plastic ^_^
On second thought it might just be the texture that looks a bit shiney. Might wanna add a normal map there to give it some more depth.
Thanks agree with keeping this thread to 2d only so moved it to my sketchbook. Just wanted to show the design of the houses as to why i didnt tile the wall texture ^^
Only standard lambert materials in there.
yeah think it's the texture. Dunno about the normal map, kinda going for a wow/torchlight kinda vibe for the environment and doesnt think a normal map would help with that.
Damn inspired by this thread, heh.
Erik: Nice raw feeling in that character.
Twoflower: I think you need more smaller sand dunes and detail to make it all feel natural. Try and think how sand will flow in the winds. Such a big hole seems unreasonable when there's dunes nearby that could drift down into it.
Not happy at all how this came out in the digital version i'm hungry and did just want to get it done so it basically ended up looking like shit. At least the sketch looked half decent. The digital looked better with the sketch as multiply on it but now yeah it looks like it does. I'm actually embarrassed how it turned out.
Hehe first sketch (sketch a day sketch) i'm actually proud of. All traditional. Listened to kinekin and i realized i did not like doing what i have done so far so much so i just took a piece of paper and did what i felt like doing and what i felt comfortable with, maybe i don't learn so much but at least i get more comfortable drawing and having fun. I'm not aiming to become a pro concept artist anyway, just getting better for myself and to do own concept for 3d stuff and also i think it can help some in texturing to. Nice work people keep it coming.
Day 6
A project for a computer graphics class, a self portrait. Used photo ref, about 1 hour. And I thought hey, If I'm going to draw a badass portrait of myself then it's gonna be fucking badass.
Going to Prauge for a few days and can't post, keep up the good work guys!
S_ource: cool bro! Drawing skulls, especially from references will help you a lot when drawing faces! Its a great way to learn more about how the face is built and where all the parts go
Wheris, Aiconx : Nica values there! great work on the colors ^^
Trying to paint colors onto a sketch I did earlier (can see black lines from it, ish)
Not happy, but the colors feel nearly decent when zoomed out... lol
Day 07
Did some photo study this time on the skull, still traditional just some Photoshop contrast and fill the eye socket. Is it just me that seams to 50% of the time draw to big or on a bad place on the paper and don't fit it on the canvas?
Cast: looks great, it really looks 'fleshy'!
erenik: Really like the look of that, the building looks very interesting
TF, nice work with the shading there!, But maybe you should reconsider the position of the bottom tooth?
S_ource, great study!
EN: I like the mossy feel of it's furr!
Tried using CMYK for coloring, got stuck in some nice blues, making it snow all over my castle! (took around 2 hours or so)
TwoFlower: Nice Charizard XD
S_ource: Happens every single time... >_> lol
EN: Nice earthy organic feel!
Aiconx: Scary ant-alien thingy..
Ooh, nice link! I havn't seen this Sinix channel before! :thumbup:
day 50
Will try using colour next time.
Looks nice Twoflower! Maybe you should take a shot at environment artist? ;D
Yupp Fearian, Sinix has some nice vids ^^
Pretty sure I have posted Pavels work here before but his style is just so cool!
Day 112
More 30 sec stuff, think I will start doing 3 minute drawings soon
Day 11
Another great thing to keep in mind when doing environment is your foreground, middleground and background. Usually the farther away something is the more blurry and desaturated it will be. Try doing some photo reference pictures of caves and stuff, se how the light works etc etc (no need to spend to much time on them though).
Also I usually put together some reference pictures when doing a pic, you always get more stuff wrong than you think you will
Next picture in my fruit collection, color got to dark in my opinion and id did not try the blueish shadow did just paint darker color of the colors i did use.
Day 113
hah yeah thats what i want to work as when i graduate ^^
nice going with all those poses.
chiming in with what erik said. you need to work more on blending stuff and think more about how light from your light source hits the surfaces in the scene
day 51
Oh, and really nice fish. Catches the eye.
Day 12
Not happe at all with this one. Did colour pic from photo this time, i know its good to learn mix own colours but i think its good in begining to see how the actually look. I did also use photoshop filter and blendingmodes for this one.
In my opinion, drawing anatomy and poses is better use of your time
Great tool for drawing poses -
Nice light threre Twoflower! and cool poses there Kinekun ^^
here is some quick stuff i did today.
Day 114:
Erik, I like the dude to the right! He looks old, sorta like my dad if I squint, haha.
I can also recommend for everyone to take a look at this page. Literally hundreds of links to tutorials and helpful pages!
Day 13
Twoflower, yeah the roof texture looks alright but the wall texture will probably not tile very good.
S_ource, yupp drawing traditional is a great way to improve, still I like to mix it upp a bit
One day I might be doing digital the other traditional.
Here is one where I used both:
Day 115 -
Day 14
Day 1
Nice rendering and pose! Colors look cool! The jaw might need some more love though ^^
Day 53. i name this one: The ugliest desert you will ever see (hopefully)
dunno if its just the color choice that wasnt good enough or if the values is off aswell
*Edit* moved the image to my sketchbook
Of course you are always free to post the concept art here and then post a link to your sketchbook where people can look at the final 3D stuff, (I would totally check it out) but I think that this thread should only be for 2D art.
Really nice design on the houses, you might wanna ease down on the blinn though, that gras looks a bit plastic ^_^
On second thought it might just be the texture that looks a bit shiney. Might wanna add a normal map there to give it some more depth.
Only standard lambert materials in there.
yeah think it's the texture. Dunno about the normal map, kinda going for a wow/torchlight kinda vibe for the environment and doesnt think a normal map would help with that.
here is my Day 116:
Nice light and shadows! Perspective feels pretty nice ^^
Damn inspired by this thread, heh.
Erik: Nice raw feeling in that character.
Twoflower: I think you need more smaller sand dunes and detail to make it all feel natural. Try and think how sand will flow in the winds. Such a big hole seems unreasonable when there's dunes nearby that could drift down into it.
Not happy at all how this came out in the digital version i'm hungry and did just want to get it done so it basically ended up looking like shit. At least the sketch looked half decent. The digital looked better with the sketch as multiply on it but now yeah it looks like it does. I'm actually embarrassed how it turned out.
Erenik: Hi there =D! Image reads well I think, feels like the entrance to a mineshaft.
aiconx: I kinda get the feeling that he'd apply for a Team Fortress 2 job, don't you think?
Mainly 1min sketches
Daily 15
welcome erenik^^
day 54
Posting today's pretty early. Diablo III is here so the next couple of days is gonna be... a bit sparse ,)
Daily 16
Here is my day 117:
Day 6
A project for a computer graphics class, a self portrait. Used photo ref, about 1 hour. And I thought hey, If I'm going to draw a badass portrait of myself then it's gonna be fucking badass.
Going to Prauge for a few days and can't post, keep up the good work guys!
Wheris, Aiconx : Nica values there! great work on the colors ^^
I'm a new poster and hopefully I'm allowed to add some of my stuff here as well. This one took about an hour for me, and critiques are welcome.
Cast: Awesome... elephant-tentacle-thingy XD
Trying to paint colors onto a sketch I did earlier (can see black lines from it, ish)
Not happy, but the colors feel nearly decent when zoomed out... lol
Cool! I like the design! How is it staying up? Is there some kind of organic helium bags somewhere? Might be hard to balance with that big head/horn.
erenik: Nice perspective there!
yo cast! thats a cool creature there, looking forward to seeing more
day 55
Did some photo study this time on the skull, still traditional just some Photoshop contrast and fill the eye socket. Is it just me that seams to 50% of the time draw to big or on a bad place on the paper and don't fit it on the canvas?
Day 118:
To be continued
Cast: looks great, it really looks 'fleshy'!
erenik: Really like the look of that, the building looks very interesting
TF, nice work with the shading there!, But maybe you should reconsider the position of the bottom tooth?
S_ource, great study!
EN: I like the mossy feel of it's furr!
Back in a few days
TwoFlower: Nice Charizard XD
S_ource: Happens every single time... >_> lol
EN: Nice earthy organic feel!
Aiconx: Scary ant-alien thingy..