We are a bunch of Game students/artists from Sweden that want to practice our concept/painting skills, so here is our thread. The goal is to upload a new sketch each day. It can be anything from 3-4 min thumbnail to more complex paintings.
So here goes -
We have now added Challenge of the week! Each week there will be a concept theme for those people feeling a little extra adventurous!
Snygg pose med huvudet, överkroppen va jävligt snygg, tror dock att benen kunde va lite mer isär och smalare. kroppen i sig kan kanske även utvecklas mer, gillar fötterna!
Den ser ut som en Closer fr
Vill ni snacka svenska, s
now back to modelling
sorry if the image is too big :S
Huke: Its cool man, not like we have any limit to sizes, I just prefer smaller pics since it fun to limit yourself. Working zoomed in on details can sometimes ruin the composition, Thats my opinion anyway. Other than that, Guess the neck and face could be improved a bit. But thats why we are here right, Nice work
Dag: Nice pose, gotta practice on it myself. Its on my to-do-improve list :P
the leg could use some more refining, maybe you should practice "blocking" up some more naked people? painting the a skeleton (or "skeleton like person, say undead) with the muscles can be a nice way to practice anatomy.
Keep it up you guys!
you guys are awesome! Keep up the good work!
I recommend checking out Sinixdesign and FZDSCHOOL tutorials on youtube!
Huke, don't fear being rusty, an exercise like this is all about making art.
I actually think you guys are working way too small. Making a much bigger canvas and zooming out will give you way better control of your lines and shading, it's not like texture painting where you really wanna do it true-res.
Thanks man really appreciate it! The reason we work only for like 20 min a day is because we are very busy with school and work, drawing 4 hours a day is simply not possible right now, but 5-30 min here and there is at least manageable
There are however not really any time or size limit here. If you feel that you have the time to draw during 4 hours on a 2048x2048 px canvas, go ahead. Its awesome! But if you can´t a 500x500 px on 6 min is just as fun to see. I think the important thing here is simply to keep drawing a little bit everyday
If you wanna check out our school and what we do - http://thegameassembly.com/
Your school seems awesome, if i recall a bunch of alummi have come through polycount. Keep it up, guys!
The last 10% is often 90% of the work, so in addition to simple sketches you wont' return to, I'd encourage you to post progress of a sketch/piece each day, as well. Returning to a piece to push it farther tomorrow can be of huge benefit.
Nice one man!
Yupp think its a cool id
Welp, I really liked the idea of keeping working on a sketch, so I whipped this up real quickly. Gonna keep working on it for the coming days.
Animal studies are always good. C:
wish I had 4 hours a day to draw, work gets the best of me
Dawg (mr.AFK): Looks cool man, different take on treeman? or grassman maybe? Fun stuff
Cool stuff Caspar, Nice values in the face!
Oh, and please pardon the swedish comments in the picture. They're really just meant for myself but i kept them in view for the sake of composition.
I agree about sticking to english, as doing otherwise might offend people.
Nice thread.
Oscar: nice work man, fun to have you on the thread