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The Last of Us



  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Sorry I didn't mean the actual actors in the game, I'm seeing Tom hardy, bronn from game of thrones, an interview with the vampire Kirsten dunst. I'm often given actors to aim for is all but am usually told not to go for a full likeness due to copyright etc. that is not to discredit them in any way shape or form, they are some of the best sculpts I've seen in public circulation.
  • thepapercut
  • catstyle
    nicely done crazyfool, it was tom hardy mainly for tommy and bronn for rob ^^
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Oh damn.. this game...
  • vargatom
    crazyfool wrote: »
    Sorry I didn't mean the actual actors in the game, I'm seeing Tom hardy, bronn from game of thrones, an interview with the vampire Kirsten dunst. I'm often given actors to aim for is all but am usually told not to go for a full likeness due to copyright etc.

    Ah now I get it, yeah, our guys get that a lot too ;)
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    ....the multiplayer is really good...
  • rogelio
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    I finished The Last of Us this afternoon, very moving but somewhat blunt ending. Don't worry no spoilers.

    I liked the cross of themes at the start and end and this is probably the first game where I've seen a child stabbed through the chest with a machete. (death animation for losing) @_@

    Only complaint is that there were too many human encounters and not enough infected moments. I wanted more horror and fear, not annoying shooting behind cover with a sloppy stealth system :P
  • Nick Carver
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    Nick Carver polycounter lvl 10
    crazyfool wrote: »
    Sorry I didn't mean the actual actors in the game, I'm seeing Tom hardy, bronn from game of thrones, an interview with the vampire Kirsten dunst. I'm often given actors to aim for is all but am usually told not to go for a full likeness due to copyright etc. that is not to discredit them in any way shape or form, they are some of the best sculpts I've seen in public circulation.

    I think the likeness thing is pretty subjective, but I definitely see quite a bit of Josh Brolin in Joel and his daughter looks a lot like Dakota Fanning to me. Ellie was originally based on Ellen Page, right? Didn't they end up adjusting her character model to look less like the actress? Whether they based the faces on these or other actors these are definitely some of the best character models I've seen in a game.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Habboi wrote: »
    Only complaint is that there were too many human encounters and not enough infected moments. I wanted more horror and fear, not annoying shooting behind cover with a sloppy stealth system :P

    Sloppy stealth system? It's the best way they could've done it for sure. I think they nailed it awesomely. Surely they could've made it easier to get spotted and stuff but there is that fine balance between it being fun or not. =P

    I'd rather go for a higher difficulty so that if you get spotted by several people you die basically. =P
  • Irreal
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    Irreal polycounter lvl 10
    Completed it the other night. Wow, what an ending! This had the best writing/acting I've ever seen in a video game. For me, no other game even comes close. Yeh, I got frustrated a few times during combat but overall it was an amazing experience. Joel and Ellie was how Booker and Elizabeth should have been written. Congratulations to all those who worked on it.

    Gonna give Survivor mode a try now :)
  • mats effect
    Just finished it.
    Really glad they didn't feel the need to have a story full of twists or kill one of the main characters at the end.

    Everything about it was awesome all the way though.
  • tadpole3159
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    tadpole3159 polycounter lvl 12
    Habboi wrote: »
    I finished The Last of Us this afternoon, very moving but somewhat blunt ending. Don't worry no spoilers.

    I liked the cross of themes at the start and end and this is probably the first game where I've seen a child stabbed through the chest with a machete. (death animation for losing) @_@

    Only complaint is that there were too many human encounters and not enough infected moments. I wanted more horror and fear, not annoying shooting behind cover with a sloppy stealth system :P
    its not really a zombie game, if you watch the making of the game director talks about how they wanted to not include in game zombies and only make reference to them through newspapers and the intro. the infected are there just to justify the end of the world survival scenario. Like you said you don't get that many zombie encounters, If you strip away the scarey zombie bits its a human story about humans dealing with each other in extreme circumstances. That's why the story is so potent and the reviews are so high
  • mikhga
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    mikhga polycounter lvl 8
    Finished it a couple of days ago, hands down one of the best games I have ever played. The atmosphere and the interaction between Ellie and Joel is unbelievably good and that is why this game is in the Top 5 of "Best games of all time" in my book.
  • Rapture117
    Would love to watch that "Making Of" doc, but having trouble finding it. Anyone else able to find it?
  • mats effect
    Rapture117 wrote: »
    Would love to watch that "Making Of" doc, but having trouble finding it. Anyone else able to find it?

    You need to buy the DLC season pass then its under downloads or something from the main menu of the game.
  • Rapture117
    Oh neat. Finished the game the other night and completely fell in love with it. Really interested in that Making Of.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I hope someone rips the Making of for people without a PS3
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Yea the season pass is only £16 so the price of a new blu ray really, you get some perks for single player, the 90 minute making of, and I think some multiplayer stuff too, then when they release the single player add on and I think 2 multiplayer add one you get them for nought. Well worth it in my opinion, just gotta finish the game before watching the making of haha.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Habboi wrote: »
    I finished The Last of Us this afternoon, very moving but somewhat blunt ending. Don't worry no spoilers.

    I liked the cross of themes at the start and end and this is probably the first game where I've seen a child stabbed through the chest with a machete. (death animation for losing) @_@

    Only complaint is that there were too many human encounters and not enough infected moments. I wanted more horror and fear, not annoying shooting behind cover with a sloppy stealth system :P

    totally agree, i hated those encounters, i don't mind them happening but it was geating a bit ridiculus, killing dozens of people just to kill next dozen - was expecting a bit more ammoshortage, and less force ti kill everyone.
    The game is lloking awesome, i love the story and characters, but to be honest i was not satisfied in the end, all the bugs and glitches and the very repetetive gameplay made it look a bit like someone wanted to make a game like naughtydog. It just didn't feel as polished. Definitely not a 10/10 for me, more a good 8-9
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    on the character art:

    Naughty Dog are absolutely doing it right, and far better than any other studio in my opinion.

    too many places take a 3d scan of someone, clean it up, and leave it at that. you very quickly end up with an uncanny valley render of a likeness that just doesn't cut it. see - Beyond: Two Souls http://gamer.blorge.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/beyond_two_souls2.jpg

    But Naughty Dog seem to be doing great justice to both the initial scans and to their character artists by allowing the artists to create great, interesting, and realistic looking characters who are different from those initial scans. they're making great effort to keep their work unique, and recognisable while standing out in the crowd.

    take Ellie for example. she may have started out as Ellen Page, and you can certainly still see a resemblance, but she now looks like her own person, especially after they added aspects of her voice actor into her face (Ashley Johnson). and similarly, Joel seems to look like an altered, elderly version of his voice/mocap actor Troy Baker.

    i applaud them for this.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Almost done. played about 12 hours this weekend. Will finish I hope by Wednesday. So far great game, great characters, great environments. Been playing with Japanese voice-acting and it is pretty good. Not cheesey over-dramatic nonsense like some other games.

    The way the environments are, it really feels like decay. Not random nonsense tossed to look like rubble. You look in a room, and you have an idea what it was before things went to poop. From area to area it is consistent. I see they are trying to avoid that 2' tall pile of garbage you can't cross thing, and I dig that. (very aggressive LOD system, still my PS3's fans kick in from the title screen).
  • Bobby J Rice 3rd
    Loved the art, just finished watching the playthrough's (don't have a PS3). Such an emotional ride. Didn't like the ending. The conclusion seemed cheep when you consider the global explications. Guess the sequel will address those moral issues.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Just Beat it. The Ending was brilliant. What a brutal awesome world and brutal awesome believable characters. Ellie is probably one of my favorite heroes in video game history.
    I hope there isn't a sequel..I love the game, but feel like this world is perfect and should be left
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    ILLMATICC polycounter lvl 6
    Also finished today and I loved every single minute :). I thought the ending was perfect, but I also can't help but be sad that it's over.. I think I got a bit too attached to Ellie and Joel :(
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Really great title, thoroughly enjoyed it. The end sequence was not nearly as powerful to me as the beginning was, however. When his daughter died, I actually teared up a bit. Really great experience.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    man you are getting all the GoT spoilers now joshua. all of them.
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    I never ever said I didn't enjoy the game.:)
    But I did feel forced to continue playing it, to finish it as soon as possible so that I could finish my day - I stopped playing at 2 AM, just took a shower. :poly117:

    I was hoping I could play it to the end and have it maybe save that way. But I had enough after 10 hours.
    Will give it a go some other day, shame that I bought it at release day then.. :shifty:

    I understand that the problem is because of some server issue over at sony?
    but then again, why do we need to connect to servers to save progress in a single player game? what is this, the xbone? :poly142:

    Why rely on the autosave feature? Before I turned it off after a sitting I would go into options and save the game myself just to be sure.

    Anyway, I truly loved this game. I had a hard time with the game play for quite some time, I'm just not used to stealth ( I also felt like the game was giving me mixed messages as to whether it wanted me to stealth or kill :P )
    I also found the Clickers 1 shot kill to be way to cheap. I know the idea was to keep your distance, but if they got slightly close, you're basically dead because the 180 degree turn was so slow.

    I had a few AI problems. My allies attacking when I'm trying to stealth, or the enemy seeing me when I hadn't moved in ages, was in cover, and in the darkness. But these are minor things that I don't really mind, because at other times the AI was so amazing. (Ellie jumping on the back of the last guy in a room after I had cleared the rest out) - I also LOVED the bow, seriously - fuck all the weapons guys. The bow is all you need, I found myself continually just shelving things like the shotgun and the assault rifle in favour of that (we need a DLC that's entirely based around the bow :P)
    I also enjoyed playing as Ellie a lot more, and at the end of the game thought It would have been rather cool to have played that game as her, instead of Joel. Including the bits where he wouldn't let her have a weapon. I feel that might have been much cooler.

    In the end though, I was left there with the post Last of Us blues. I never get that feeling from games. I'm usually thankful it's over.

    Honestly one of the best game experiences I've had. The story was wonderful. Naughty Dog need to keep doing what they are doing, because I love it.
  • vargatom
    man you are getting all the GoT spoilers now joshua. all of them.

    That spoiler thing happens in like the first 15 minutes, it's NOT the ending.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    do i look like i give a fuck? i haven't had a chance to play yet. i came here to see what people thought of it not to have parts of the story ruined.

    see how this argument works? i love it when people turn out to be complete hypocrites.
  • sheckee
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    sheckee polycounter lvl 9
    do i look like i give a fuck? i haven't had a chance to play yet. i came here to see what people thought of it not to have parts of the story ruined.

    see how this argument works? i love it when people turn out to be complete hypocrites.

    It sucks that it was spoilt man. But if it is any consolation (I know it probably isn't) but it's the opening moments of the game, and it's pretty obvious it's going to happen. Someone ruined another part of the game for me before I got to play it, and I sat there playing and waiting for what I inevitably knew was going to happen, to happen. It sucks. But at least it's the beginning of the game and not something in the middle. It won't ruin it for you is what I'm saying :)

    Oh, also, thanks for reminding me to put some spoiler tags in my previous post! I didn't spoil anything, but there was a couple of things that could have probably used spoiler tags that I forgot about!
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    see how this argument works? i love it when people turn out to be complete hypocrites.

    Yeah, it's hilarious!
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    I personally loved it when Ellie turned into a Pyscho and started mowing down entire brigades of Space Zombies into mush, but it kinda sucked when you had to play kaplunk with the mole people, totally ruined the pacing man!
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    sheckee wrote: »
    Oh, also, thanks for reminding me to put some spoiler tags in my previous post! I didn't spoil anything, but there was a couple of things that could have probably used spoiler tags that I forgot about!

    Haha, I haven't finished it yet and read some of your post before you got in with the spoiler tags. 'I WILL FIND YOU!!!!!' Zod style!!!! Haha, I stopped reading though so didnt spoil too much, I got the art book sitting here and the HD making of ready to watch, but gotta finish the game first. I'm managing about 2 hours a week so is gonna take me a while haha.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Yeah, it's hilarious!

    actually i (personally) don't care about the spoiler. since i won't get a chance to play the game i wiki'd the entire plot the day it came out lol. but it's quite amusing to see people who bitch about spoilers in other places, spoil other stuff that's convenient to them.
  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 15
    Played a couple of hours of the Multiplayer, it's really fun I'd say :) A little bit confusing at the start but you pick it up really quickly :)
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    vargatom wrote: »
    That spoiler thing happens in like the first 15 minutes, it's NOT the ending.
    So what? It's a major spoiler nonetheless.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    man you are getting all the GoT spoilers now joshua. all of them.

    Really? Really? WHY are you in this thread if you haven't played the game. Seriously now. It's a thread to discuss the game. I'm not going to bother myself with doing spoiler tags just because someone strolls into this thread. I mean, I fully expect spoilers when I go into the GoT threads, or any other kind of thread like this. Come on now! :P
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    [edit] I just read it is on PSN and not in the game, will check it out once PSN comes back up.

    I read there is a making of that comes with the Season Pass. But I can't find it for the life of me anywhere in the menus. What am I missing?
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Really? Really? WHY are you in this thread if you haven't played the game. Seriously now. It's a thread to discuss the game. I'm not going to bother myself with doing spoiler tags just because someone strolls into this thread. I mean, I fully expect spoilers when I go into the GoT threads, or any other kind of thread like this. Come on now! :P

    Yeah I agree. This is like any other thread out there... You HAVE to expect spoilers or things about the game. I was only in this thread before this game came out, then when the game was out I waited to join in till I finished the game. You have to expect spoilers so what Josh said really wasn't wrong.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I loved the ending
    It really solidified the characters. Ellie was willing to die to save the human race, but Joel couldn't let his "daughter" die again.

    Actually all the characters were amazing in this game. Though David of the cannibalistic survivors and their story could of been more fleshed out, it seemed too flat, like we are bad people who each other people. The desperateness and hunger could of been pushed more.
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    ILLMATICC polycounter lvl 6
    ZacD wrote: »
    I loved the ending
    It really solidified the characters. Ellie was willing to die to save the human race, but Joel couldn't let his "daughter" die again.

    Actually all the characters were amazing in this game. Though David of the cannibalistic survivors and their story could of been more fleshed out, it seemed too flat, like we are bad people who each other people. The desperateness and hunger could of been pushed more.
    I don't actually believe Ellie knew that she was going to be sacrificed, the scene where she woke up in the back seat of the car and was confused about the hospital gown she was wearing kind of alludes to that. Also the fact they were talking about what they would do together afterwards, like Ellie asking Joel to teach her how to swim. I think they just took her in her unconscious state straight into the operating room.

    Also the fact that Joel was not allowed to see her one last time, and even had a armed guard on him to ensure he didn't pull anything was dodgy. If it was her decision to die, why would it be a big deal for Joel to say his goodbyes?

    I think this came into Joel's decision to lie in the end, he was protecting her from the truth -that she was almost killed- I guess he felt it was better she didn't know.

    Ellie wanted to help create a cure, but didn't know what it would cost.

    Joel was selfish and didn't want to lose his 'daughter' again, so he took her back even if it meant he doomed mankind.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Just got my art book today, so far its awesome. I had to stop looking at it to post this :P. I recommend picking this up too!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    ILLMATICC wrote: »
    I don't actually believe Ellie knew that she was going to be sacrificed, the scene where she woke up in the back seat of the car and was confused about the hospital gown she was wearing kind of alludes to that. Also the fact they were talking about what they would do together afterwards, like Ellie asking Joel to teach her how to swim. I think they just took her in her unconscious state straight into the operating room.

    Also the fact that Joel was not allowed to see her one last time, and even had a armed guard on him to ensure he didn't pull anything was dodgy. If it was her decision to die, why would it be a big deal for Joel to say his goodbyes?

    I think this came into Joel's decision to lie in the end, he was protecting her from the truth -that she was almost killed- I guess he felt it was better she didn't know.

    Ellie wanted to help create a cure, but didn't know what it would cost.

    Joel was selfish and didn't want to lose his 'daughter' again, so he took her back even if it meant he doomed mankind.
    Of course Ellie didn't know she was was going to be sacrificed, but she also shows that she wasn't afraid to die, almost suggesting that she would of. But it doesn't really matter because she never got the choice. But it was important enough to show that she wasn't afraid of death, and basically already accepted it. But she is a brave and independent character and would of wanted to be presented the option.
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    ILLMATICC polycounter lvl 6
    ZacD wrote: »
    Of course Ellie didn't know she was was going to be sacrificed, but she also shows that she wasn't afraid to die, almost suggesting that she would of. But it doesn't really matter because she never got the choice. But it was important enough to show that she wasn't afraid of death, and basically already accepted it. But she is a brave and independent character and would of wanted to be presented the option.
    Yeah for sure, if she had been given the option, I have no doubt that she would have gone along with it.
    Its kind of sad though, with the state of humanity within the game and how its deteriorated, it feels like even with a cure its far too late to be saved. Everyone would just keep killing and looting. Its almost like there is no point, and you may as well just live it out the best you can and stay out of harms way.

    Anyway, Ellie is super awesome, hands down one of the toughest characters of all time IMO
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    That ending got my wife and I depressed! So much she stopped on her playthrough. Sad story :(

    I want a sequel with Ellie as the main character.
    Joel was a great character, one of the best I've ever seen portrayed in a game. But I felt like I connected to Ellie a lot more as I played as her.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I'm so dumb. I bought 3 of the art books. Apparently I preordered one months ago. Then forgot..and guess bought another one..then forgot. And then I saw it on amazon last week so I bought it again. Is 27 old enough to start going senile?
  • Quack!
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    Quack! polycounter lvl 17
    I would prefer if no direct sequel was made. I don't want to know more of their stories. They ended it quite amazingly.

    I wouldn't mind an offshoot in the same universe that is pure survival gameplay, like DayZ style. I would love to see what Naughty Dog would do with a pure gameplay game.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I hear the multiplayer is like that! Haven't exactly tried it yet, though.
  • nick2730
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