koola grejer, gillar dina miljöer! Funderar på färgerna på snubben i förgrunden, antingen borde de smälta in mer eller sticka ut mer, nu ser det ut som att de sticker ut lite grann men ja.. Snyggt med det vita i det gröna
Your lightning is improving in your scenes, real cool to see!
I´d suggest you should try and make out some more detail in your work as well, since you´re already starting to get good at making good siluettes. Keep it up!
Thanks man, yeah it might i guess. My idea was that he would be man-sized, but maybe that dosent read very well? Oh I guess thete is always next time ^^
Really like your stuff, especially the wabbit girl, just wondering but are you going to model the creature stood with her in the concept cause I'd really love to see that
This may be weird but I absolutely love how the balance of tight vs loose is played in your drawings. How you don't go in and erase everything and keep it all tidy, how there'll still be remnants of something outside of the tank for example and you don't go in and perfectly clean that up. Just looks cool to me, and all of the stuff in general looks cool in the first place but the looseness is just nice to look at. The characters have it to I guess everything does.
Love it. But I would suggest taking more care towards perspective though, its only a little wonky here and there in the plane 04 and 05 but the tank could really have been/be more accurate IMO.
I´d suggest you should try and make out some more detail in your work as well, since you´re already starting to get good at making good siluettes. Keep it up!
Sketch A Day - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=93561&page=5
Here is a model im currently working on for school.
The assignment was to create a game character from a concept provided by our teacher (we had some freedom in designing the face and accessories).
We had 7500 trid and 1024 px maps as our limit.
Thanks man!
I think some kind of scale indicator would have been nice in that image.
Here are the concepts and textures that we did as a school assignmnet with help from Junebud.
The base meshes are from their game MilMo, the clothes, textures and concepts was created by me following their guidelines.
This is a school assignment and not created for marketing or for the game.
MilMo website - http://www.milmogame.com/
Friends work - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1554018#post1554018
characters also seem to be getting less stiff and more proportional, at least in post #78 and #79
You're really improving a lot
Keep at it!
TomNinetyTwo: Hehe yeah I would love that too, might be something I wanna try for the future ;D
Love it. But I would suggest taking more care towards perspective though, its only a little wonky here and there in the plane 04 and 05 but the tank could really have been/be more accurate IMO.
Thanks for the feedback! ^^
hnnhnnh, give us more mechas!
Trying to work on depth and perspective, here is a quick speedpaint -
I also did a dandelion...since summer is almost here