Hi ya all!
My name is Erik, im a game art student at The Game Assembly in Sweden. Im a newby here at polycount, but the sketchbook thing sounded cool so here i go

Wow, really weird looking back, sadly all my old uploads are lost in the great void, so now the start is here, page 9 -
The focus is trying to create a low poly character that I can put in the Unity game engine later on. comments are apprechiated. (:
comments and thoughts are always apprechiated!
Got nothing to crit atm, would very much like to see more of your concepts and sketches though!
Hehe Sweden ftw indeed
And thanks! gonna upload some pics later today
me on ConceptArt.org - http://conceptart.org/index.php?artist=Teezec&cat=updated
Thanks mate nice to hear!
You could use an Emissive map on him too really make him look Tron-ish!
Hehe thanks man
Oh I wish I could but since this was an assignment from my school we had certain rules to stick to, one of them was that we where not allowed anything other that an 128x128 diffuse map with alpha.
Next model mate, next model.
Thank you for the comment, and yeah I was aiming for low poly. It was actually an assignment in school, so there where rules to stick to. We where not allowed to use more than 500 tris and a 128x128 diffuse map with alpha. Some of the stretching might also be a side effect of the rigg and pose.
Thanks though, next project we will be allowed a bit more tris (about 2000) so hopefully things will be a bit smoother there
So here is my Railgun:
really like your sketches and that neon samurai : )
Hey thanks m8!
Btw S
Nej det väljer vi efterhand som vi pluggar, något som man bestämer i tvåan eller senare tror jag.
Ja det stämmer det va lite andra tider där, kom in på Skövde också men eftersom TGA va mitt förstahands val så bestämde jag mig för att tacka nej. Känner en hel del folk so har pluggat på Skövde. Det e en bra skola, aningen mer teori dock. Kom bara ihåg att sitta så mkt du kan på fritiden om du vill bli bra btw, även om vi jobbar skitmkt i skolan så sitter jag med 3D och 2D hemma också, tips är att kolla en massa tutorials på youtube
Indeed my friend, indeed
Good luck with your application!
I sent an email to your TGA adress, thought we could have a chat about the school, there are lots of things I'm curious about, and I wanna be well prepared before the interview this spring.
Whats your opinion on the different hairstyles? Is there any favorites? Kinda liking the one with the horns right now.
Heya! Thanks man! Yeah there is still a lot of stuff that needs to be defined and added. When I paint I usually let the design grow/change/evolve while I paint, I usually dont have the final design from the start. This will probably look pretty different when its done
Interesting about the hair, I aimed for something akin to a tropical bird, how do you feel about that idea? Im thinking that the hair should be one of the first thing you notice about the character, how it differs from the environment.
Thanks for the comment
My little robots walk cycle -
An here is a quick warmup pic i did today -
A quick concept sketch i drew on paper and then skanned and painted in photoshop.
Scanned and painted in photoshop.
Here goes -
mr.AFK - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=92163
Huke -
Caspar - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=93548
Oskarreftel - http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=92096