most important thing to do when you go online: bring up your quick menu (hold select) and change chat to crew+friends unless you want to hear mouth breathers and 14 year olds acting GANGSTA
most important thing to do when you go online: bring up your quick menu (hold select) and change chat to crew+friends unless you want to hear mouth breathers and 14 year olds acting GANGSTA
has anyone else been randomly prompted with changing your characters appearance after playing for a while?
I just quickly jumped through the character creation since it took about 10 tries to get through the tutorial missions without some sort of crash/data corruption so by the time i got in my character was prety gimpy looking.
I went through the adjusting that it prompted me with but after resetting the system i'm back to my original gimped out lookin guy
most important thing to do when you go online: bring up your quick menu (hold select) and change chat to crew+friends unless you want to hear mouth breathers and 14 year olds acting GANGSTA
For the love of god, thank you. I've been manually muting everyone that's been talking. It's been awful.
I personally just hope rockstar wipes everyone, there are TONS of job abuse videos out there. People are raking in 20k every minute abusing jobs and leveling extremely fast.
I was sort of hoping they'd do it even before my char got deleted
logged in today, never had a single glitch for this entire week. Right when I least expected it, level 28 with 400k completely gone
I'd highly advise not playing if you don't want to be caught off guard
What they wrote on there support site
Rockstar Games
Updated 10/8/13: If you have previously created a character but see an empty character selection screen when entering GTA Online, please back out to GTAV Story Mode and try re-entering GTA Online through the pause menu (repeat or wait until Rockstar cloud servers are back up). Do not create a new character in the empty slot where your character should be. If you receive the message 'The Rockstar Cloud Servers Are Unavailable', please return to GTAV Story Mode and follow the steps above. Please do not press Retry on the message and do not proceed online with saving disabled, as this may lead to overwriting your existing character. We apologize for this inconvenience and are working on a permanent fix for these issues
Some things I've learned in GTA:O
If you have 50k you lose 2k every time you die. Lost 25k in 3 minutes that way. It takes the money out of your bank.
When fleeing the cops, hide so they don't see you and put on a mask. Makes one star go away. Also, masks are great if you don't want the store clerks to recognize you when you rob them.
There's a free sports car/super car that you can get if you go online. I was level 12-14 when I did it, don't know how high you need to be. It's on the "black" colored car dealer site. (I don't remember the name :P)
Getting to level 15 unlocks missions and wave-missions that gives you 9000k+. One of them are a coop mission called Violent Duct. Not saying you should do them over and over and over though. That's just sad..[ame=""]GTA 5 ONLINE - FAST MONEY AND RP! (Violent Duct Mission Farming) Rank Up Fast on GTA 5 Online! - YouTube[/ame]
Got to play last night for quite a while, and the servers didn't give me any issues. So that was awesome. Got to play with two polycounters and had tons of fun. So many different types of missions.
Racing with a lot of people is a thrill... got to race with 16 people. It was a mess at the start of the race, but if you weave through you can pull some distance. But watch out for those jerks that bump your car in the corner and spin you around. Lots of fun tho.
I did not like races with weapons. They were pointless and not fun.
There was a mission where you race to a point with one team, and the other team flies jets and tries to kill the other team. That was awesome. Very exciting.
Some of the deathmatches maps are not well balanced. The rooftop mall, whatever team is on the higher ground has a great deal of advantage. But its still fun.
Surviving waves of enemies is insanely hard but lots of fun.
hmm... i tried to go after a bounty, but never got one. But i like that idea.
Its a fun game. The pacing is different than the story, and its a lot more unforgiving. There are tons of missions to experience, and when you are playing with decent people its a blast.
Just sitting down with a friend over skype, flying around in a helli robbing stores is a lot of fun. If there's a bounty, it great to fly around chashing.. I think that stuff that you can do in the open world with the other players still active is the most fun and versatile! I hope they get some more stuff like it in. Armored truck is something like that, still looking for one though.
Just started online last night, very first guy I did the very first mission with tried to kill me, lol. Requested membership to the Polycount crew as well, I'm MikeOgden1980
Online is super fun so far!! I didn't do any proper co-op missions yet, but I am having a blast with emergent gameplay.
Did a few highway races with random players just by communicating by text messages, took a guy for a long ride in a shiny black Lambo (not sure to understand the point of premium vehicles btw ...), which ended up in a long cop chase including switching vehicles along the way, met a character in a similar style than mine and formed some kind of gang... so many things can happen by just messing around !!
I also spotted a bunch of players joining forces, all sitting on top of a player-driven truck and wrecking havoc firing their shotguns from up there while the truck was driving. Also someone managed to steal an army assault chopper and flew it back to the city. Awesome stuff !
On a technical note : anyone else got stuck at Los Santos Customs after getting a marker and insurance for their vehicle ? The only way out I found was to switch online sessions, and it happened to me twice already.
(not sure to understand the point of premium vehicles btw ...)
You can't upgrade or buy insurance for stolen premium vehicles. I could be wrong but I assume the supercars don't even spawn in GTA Online free roam.
I've been focusing on driving so a nice garage and some premium vehicles are what I'm saving my cash for. I really like that you bring your personal vehicle on missions so having a really good car makes a bit of a difference.
I think I currently have the fastest non-premium sports car you can steal, I forgot the name of it. A friend took me hunting for it since I'm interested in racing it & upgrading.
You can't upgrade or buy insurance for stolen premium vehicles. I could be wrong but I assume the supercars don't even spawn in GTA Online free roam.
I've been focusing on driving so a nice garage and some premium vehicles are what I'm saving my cash for. I really like that you bring your personal vehicle on missions so having a really good car makes a bit of a difference.
I think I currently have the fastest non-premium sports car you can steal, I forgot the name of it. A friend took me hunting for it since I'm interested in racing it & upgrading.
When i got to the quest that says "Get your car" I stole a lambo thinking i was hot shit, but the game said I wasn't allowed to use it because someone else had already tagged and insured it. I was sad.
On a side note, from a game design point of view it really is awesome that one can still steal a tagged car and play along with it, even if just temporarily. It makes these cars an even more awesome item to run into - you can use them, but you have to cherish the experience because you know it wont last. It's a bit confusing at first, but very clever.
(Much better than single player mode kicking out the chrome Lambo I was trying to park inside Michael's garage just because I made the mistake of running over a yellow marker triggering a mission !!)
Also - is there a way to open up the mini GPS in SP ? That would make things much smoother, as it really works very well in MP.
I thought the replay option was turned of in the latest title update?
I never did it but when I try now you cant even select the replay button.
That being said.. fastest way so far that I have found to make money, is to do the Lester mission where you need to take out cop vehicles.
The mission itself only gives 2k, but if you take the care that is provided in the mission and sell that, you get 16k from it. So total would be 18k.
Anyway.. you can only do this once every 48 minutes though.
So I play online either solo or with friends. Best ways I've made money: Sell vehicles to Los Santos Customs (something like once ever 48 minutes like someone has posted.) Also I do the repo missions for Simeon. Then inbetween those I rob stores. Not a bad way to make decent money, and I have fun
Based on what you all have been talking about, they should have a story part where the cops bust Los Santos Customs for selling stolen cars...that would be a really good firefight with the cops...
Maybe they should make some kind of event every month or something, where you gotta defend LSC. Kinda like the sruvival missions, but its not an instance and its of epic proportions.
i would love events springing on free roam like that. that would be pretty amazing and fun. I know a lot of people pay attention to the bounties on free roam... so i am sure that would work well.
So I play online either solo or with friends. Best ways I've made money: Sell vehicles to Los Santos Customs (something like once ever 48 minutes like someone has posted.) Also I do the repo missions for Simeon. Then inbetween those I rob stores. Not a bad way to make decent money, and I have fun
Ditto! The Range Rover has good payout (9000$) and is fairly common, the Mercedes G-wagon is a good second choice at 7000$. Super easy money compared to the missions.
Every time I play I am eagerly waiting for the early morning light setting as well as the 4/5pm one. Gorgeous stuff, really. The Michael and son bike race followed by the porno boat rescue where strikingly beautiful thanks to the lighting. Congratulations !!
They just patched it. Hope it improves things, because it's just gotten worse for me. Couldn't play for more than 10 minutes until I would get 'Kicked by other players' time and time again (probably just a timeout).
Honestly, while i admire the "no menu" approach to get into the game, trying to connect to a server is horribly slow with all that loading and re-loading going on. I have to load the singleplayer again every time it disconnects me (1 minute of lost time again), and it often gets stuck on the "press A to continue after imeout" screen for like 5+ minutes
How do I even do that? I get locked into the "satellite view" loading screen all the time, in which no interaction is possible (right?)? When things go wrong it spends 3+ minutes "joining GTA online" (zoomed out), then 5 minutes stuck in a black screen (GTA Online timed out, press A to continue) where pressing A doesn't do a thing, then another 20 seconds satellite-view loading to go back to SP. After that I can just restart the cycle (tried 4-5 times yesterday) As far as i know there's no interaction possible during any of these phases...
I get on tonight, my old character is back but I'm down 10k lol Still, I did get to play some co-op missions with a mate of mine, which were fun.
Ahh good point, I best do that next time.
I just quickly jumped through the character creation since it took about 10 tries to get through the tutorial missions without some sort of crash/data corruption so by the time i got in my character was prety gimpy looking.
I went through the adjusting that it prompted me with but after resetting the system i'm back to my original gimped out lookin guy
For the love of god, thank you. I've been manually muting everyone that's been talking. It's been awful.
I'd highly advise not playing if you don't want to be caught off guard
I was sort of hoping they'd do it even before my char got deleted
look at this:
I am kind of waiting for this ticking time bomb. When my character and money gets wiped, I quit. I have 0 tolerance for that shit.
If my character gets wiped it's a good sign I need to spend more time on my indie game.
What they wrote on there support site
Some things I've learned in GTA:O
Racing with a lot of people is a thrill... got to race with 16 people. It was a mess at the start of the race, but if you weave through you can pull some distance. But watch out for those jerks that bump your car in the corner and spin you around. Lots of fun tho.
I did not like races with weapons. They were pointless and not fun.
There was a mission where you race to a point with one team, and the other team flies jets and tries to kill the other team. That was awesome. Very exciting.
Some of the deathmatches maps are not well balanced. The rooftop mall, whatever team is on the higher ground has a great deal of advantage. But its still fun.
Surviving waves of enemies is insanely hard but lots of fun.
hmm... i tried to go after a bounty, but never got one. But i like that idea.
Its a fun game. The pacing is different than the story, and its a lot more unforgiving. There are tons of missions to experience, and when you are playing with decent people its a blast.
Sorry for spamming, back to work!
[Edit, some really horrible spelling errors]
Psn and social club name is shepeiro
Online is super fun so far!! I didn't do any proper co-op missions yet, but I am having a blast with emergent gameplay.
Did a few highway races with random players just by communicating by text messages, took a guy for a long ride in a shiny black Lambo (not sure to understand the point of premium vehicles btw ...), which ended up in a long cop chase including switching vehicles along the way, met a character in a similar style than mine and formed some kind of gang... so many things can happen by just messing around !!
I also spotted a bunch of players joining forces, all sitting on top of a player-driven truck and wrecking havoc firing their shotguns from up there while the truck was driving. Also someone managed to steal an army assault chopper and flew it back to the city. Awesome stuff !
On a technical note : anyone else got stuck at Los Santos Customs after getting a marker and insurance for their vehicle ? The only way out I found was to switch online sessions, and it happened to me twice already.
Still happened, it must be random.
You can't upgrade or buy insurance for stolen premium vehicles. I could be wrong but I assume the supercars don't even spawn in GTA Online free roam.
I've been focusing on driving so a nice garage and some premium vehicles are what I'm saving my cash for. I really like that you bring your personal vehicle on missions so having a really good car makes a bit of a difference.
I think I currently have the fastest non-premium sports car you can steal, I forgot the name of it. A friend took me hunting for it since I'm interested in racing it & upgrading.
I had to quit because the stupid thing is timing out. Also I lost like 3 hours of progress when coming back today
When i got to the quest that says "Get your car" I stole a lambo thinking i was hot shit, but the game said I wasn't allowed to use it because someone else had already tagged and insured it. I was sad.
turns out i had to go steal a BF Injection. those fuckers are quick!
(Much better than single player mode kicking out the chrome Lambo I was trying to park inside Michael's garage just because I made the mistake of running over a yellow marker triggering a mission !!)
Also - is there a way to open up the mini GPS in SP ? That would make things much smoother, as it really works very well in MP.
but I wish they'd do it for real, it might happen. Why would people buy MicroTs if you can just exploit the replay option it hurts business
I never did it but when I try now you cant even select the replay button.
That being said.. fastest way so far that I have found to make money, is to do the Lester mission where you need to take out cop vehicles.
The mission itself only gives 2k, but if you take the care that is provided in the mission and sell that, you get 16k from it. So total would be 18k.
Anyway.. you can only do this once every 48 minutes though.
Isnt Polycount great when you can simply post a thank you message straight to the people who make the games you enjoy?
Im still waiting for my truckload of thank you letters for Asphalt 8, it'll be along right this moment im sure....
Maybe they should make some kind of event every month or something, where you gotta defend LSC. Kinda like the sruvival missions, but its not an instance and its of epic proportions.
Ditto! The Range Rover has good payout (9000$) and is fairly common, the Mercedes G-wagon is a good second choice at 7000$. Super easy money compared to the missions.
You've done a heist online? i have still not done one.
is that some type of OCD where you feel like you need to play the previous one?
So if I don't get my #60 out of it now...I may as well toss
I lost 2 characters when I was playing online during the weekend. So I will stay away until they patch it up.
Honestly, while i admire the "no menu" approach to get into the game, trying to connect to a server is horribly slow with all that loading and re-loading going on. I have to load the singleplayer again every time it disconnects me (1 minute of lost time again), and it often gets stuck on the "press A to continue after imeout" screen for like 5+ minutes