Again, great work!
I love seeing your texture maps. i might just have to borrow some and try to recreate them to work on my painting skills :b
thanks for sharing your work with us!
Stellar work, Jessica! This little house is beyond the awesome. Your hand painted texturing skills are just geting better and better along the thread. Congrats!
Thank you jramauri :] It makes me happy to hear that I've improved I certainly feel I've been learning a lot.
gilesruscoe - Thanks! I plan on getting this into the engine after all the modeling and texturing is done, because I'd like my UV's to be complete before I create my 2nd UV channel for AO and lighting (ultimately I've decided to go with a 2nd UV channel for AO). Soon, soon! I want to see it with AO too!!
Unfortunately I won't be making updates for the next 3 days, cuz I can't put off my other homework forever lol. By the end of Tuesday I plan to have this done though, latest mid-Wednesday. Until then, the more c & c, the better
Couple minor crits (much easier than doing my own work )
Roofs: I'd try and get the bottom edge to be closer to the bottom of a tile. That one roof above the balcony/plant looks best, you can see the arches of the tile. Gives it a lot more shape. The other roofs cut off mid tile and makes it look really flat. Especially the one right above the round window.
Tower: Not sure what the things going up the side are, going to be vines? Anyway, they and the tower both cut through the corner of that roof piece, I'd pull that side roof out a bit just so it doesn't get cut through (or bury it into the tower, but I think out further would look better)
Doors: I'd put a dark line tat the bottom of the door, right now they feel like they 'cut off' kindof like the roof edge. And I'd be tempted to put a wood divider between the top of the door and the window.
And I feel like the door ring needs highlight on top of inside of loop, and shadows on the very bottom of outside of the loop. Just noticed your light on them seems to be coming from the left, they need rotated?
Oh shit, this is looking COOL. I would love to see more color in the shadows, though -- more play with reflected light and volume. It's a bit flat and ceegee atm.
Jawsome like usual very stylized...loving the new buildings and cows in developing your scene . Make sure to look for any oddities of faces or smoothing groups when you import into UDK. Main thing after completing or vamping up any textures and stuff is to see how the lighting is working for your scene. Any basic lighting can do for now but you have to start setting up a mood for your scene much like your concept.
Last post of your scene in UDK didn't look like much unless the structures of the landscape have been fixed since then. But I'm sure you'll get around that eventually. Keep at it and work hard!
Baddcog, SupRore, AyalaN3D - Thank you - suggestions duly noted and to be applied as I continue to work!
Alrighty guys, here's an oogly update for you :P Got my building in, although there are major lightmap seams and smoothing errors (not shown here... heh). I will fix those, as well as continue to work on my materials, including emissive and AO. Props are not yet in.
Now the real work begins!! Gotta get on this environment, shape it up right, fix some scale issues, etc. Gonna add some more buildings once this main one is sorted out. Water looks like crap, even my old placeholder water looked better lol. Need to find some way to make it turquoise, as well as give it some more depth as it looks rather clear right now, and also too reflective.
Anyway, enough rambling on my part, critique and comments welcome:
Looking good Jessica. Sounds like you have a good plan of refining everything. The water material definitely needs some work. I know it's quick and dirty. Don't forget to focus on the post process stuff in UDK. That can really make your work stand out.
-window colors don't work well. Stick to the dark ones from the concept
-the window above the door needs a frame
-even out the brick sizes of the arches
-that stuff on the side of the tower makes no sense. I imagined it to be ivy or something, but it's some weird kind of brick?
-i'd suggest some moss in between bricks. Possibly even a strip along the bottom of the entire building, by thirding. You've already got a strip in place on the tower anyway
-in general, it all still feels a bit too clean.
Looking pretty good overall. I agree the water just isn't doing it. Way too 'realistic' for the scene. Maybe more of an opaque turquiose like you said.
Honestly I don't even know if reflections in the water are needed. That's almost too much detail for this type of style.
2) It reminds me of the movie What Dreams May Come, where Robin Williams wakes up dead in his own personal heaven and it's a beautiful tuscan countryside made of paint.
I think the depth of the whole scene and the composition are currently looking somewhat flat, but that may be because of the off scaled flowers, me thinks. but it also may be the way the hills in the background are intersecting each other?
Either way,
When you do fix those flowers toss those things across the scene it will dramatically affect the scale of the scene and make it look larger. I would think about adding small rocks to fill the edges of the water with could also add more to the scale. finally, more variety in the placing of the trees?
Elith, cupsster, Tigerfeet, TK Cale, GabrielP - Thanks for all the encouragement!!
Thanks Ronald, yes, I still have a lot of worto dok
jeffro, Stromberg90 - I will definitely look into post process, that's cool effects like dust particles and stuff, right? x]
Baddcog - Yes, hmm, you may be right about the reflections. I will play a bit more with the realistic water and see if I can't get it closer to the concept though. If it's just too clashing I will go back to the simple turquoise plane from before, which was honestly working out pretty nicely for what it was haha.
Snader, thanks for the critique! The stuff I had on the side of the tower is going to be ivy, although I don't know what you're seeing right now since there's nothing there yet xD I agree with everything you are saying except what exactly is not working about the windows? I actually want to make them emissive, hehe, I thought that would be fun!
Alberto Rdrgz - Thank you much for the suggestions! Flowers, everywhere! Rocks! Place trees more carefully. Will do :]
I was thinking of the post process chain in udk, where you can apply many different effects from changing the colors to bloom and motion blur.
I did find two tutorials that can be useful.
You shouldn't jump into any particles or any post-process effects at this time. Save that for last. Cause you'll be taking time away from small details that need to be fixed.
Remember to always go back and look at your concept! Of course not everything will be exact but pay close attention to the silhouettes because you have nice shapes in the concept and your losing a bit of it with the landscape. I painted the silhouettes for each individual form in the concept and compared it to your scene in UDK. The concept has a stronger sense of form and shape. Keep an eye out for that when you continue fixing certain things.
Also your lighting is a bit more cool in the concept while the scene has a much more warmer feel which doesn't really fit much with the blue tinted fog for the background. Its also not that strong in intensity so maybe you should bring it down a tiny bit or keep it the same in case it works. Also the direction of the sun is a bit more on the front and too much shadow is overcasting the house. However, quality in textures is still superb, so keep at it! Hope this helps!
Ooo, thanks a bunch Stromberg, I will be sure to check those out!
AyalaN3D - Yes, I definitely agree I need to nail my silhouettes first before any fancy post-process stuff. Thanks for calling out those shapes, and also pointing out the lighting - I hadn't noticed that mine was considerable warmer and brighter. Update coming soon!
Took my last screenshot and did some redline - made it a lot easier to see what I should fix as I was working today. Thanks again AyalaN3D -
So here's what I have right now:
Still got a buttload of work to do! Need to add rocks and pebbles, wheat/canola, long grass, some bushes. Worked on lighting a bit today, but it still needs a lot more love, and the bg needs to fade back some more so I think I need more fog or something. Among other things. Cows.
I was thinking of the post process chain in udk, where you can apply many different effects from changing the colors to bloom and motion blur.
I did find two tutorials that can be useful.
"particles is cool too "
Was looking for something like this yesterday, Win!
Jessica this is fantastic love the composition you have going on now.
I agree with JFletcher, the lake looks a bit nuclear imo.
The waves normal map is drawing in a lot of hard contrasting colors which is making it very hard on the eyes. I'd probably go with a subdivided plane and cut the edge flow in a way that when it's animated it'll look like it's flowing in certain directions. I'll see if I can post up an example later.
Basic Map and Package file that should help you with your water. It takes a little vert wrangling to get it nice and smooth. I found averaging or relaxing the verts helps speed up the process. You can blend in foam by adding in a second UV set as well.
Oh Jessica this is looking wonderful! The changes you made to the landscape have really changed it from something nice but meh to something really special. Now it looks like the landscape is actually formed out of rock formations as opposed to a child's blanket that has been smushed around to make terrain for toys.
I think the water still needs a lot of work. I have to admit though I have no idea what you can do with it (I've never worked with effects) but if you can try to re-create the painterly style of your concept it'll stop looking so jarring.
Also, I think some overhang on the small cliffs in front of the house (bordering the river) would be very nice. It's like that in your concept, remember the rising and falling river will under cut the bank.
Are the whites and greys on the flowers and leaves what you're going for? It makes them look very washed out and papery... Kindof a storybook vibe, but I'd go for much more saturated palettes to imply translucency.
Is the water going to stay this barren? I feel like the whole riverbank/water feature is dragging the scene down quite a bit, some free-floating rock assets and maybe some signs of an old bridge could help quite a bit.
Get some kind of a grass or trim that can hide the transitions between the building and the ground!
JFletcher - I'm going to make a better skybox for my scene, right now it's this really dull and cloudy UDK one and I definitely agree it's not working haha.
Gannon - Wow, thanks a lot for the file :] I will play around with it and see what I can learn. The water reflections are really bothering me tooo
Tigerfeet - Glad my landscape is not looking like smushed blanket anymore! :poly122: And yes, I will work more on the front cliffs to make them look more affected by the water. I'm gonna add crumbling rock and stuff too. Workin' on that now actually! ROCKS 8D
Nerf Bat Ninja - Ah, if there's anyone on these forums that can make me LOL, it's you . . . but anyway, thank you for the crit! Still playing with atmosphere and lighting, and also I am not joking about the cows.
SupRore - You are absolutely right about the grasses and leaves - I was definitely not planning on leaving them like that. When I painted them I was not referencing the other pieces, I just kinda went at it and it turned out dull haha. The water now has a makeshift free-floating rock bridge as in the concept, and yes, I still need to add more grass in places, especially like at the bases of things like building and trees. Thank you
Will update soon! Invaluable crits so far, everyone, thank you much.
Looks great so far. Reminds me of a saturday morning cartoon. The trees are bugging me a bit though. Are they all the same size? Maybe some scaling could help them look a little more varied.
Hey guys, took a break from my scene to work with some props. Critique and comments welcome! Next step, export to scene!
And a chaotic wireframe shot. It's bad, I know xD I plan to have another sheet where I pick some props to show with their wires next to them:
Textures - there's a big gaping 256 that I don't know what to do with yet, but I'm sure I'll find a use for it before the end:
These rocks will be rearranged into a 512, not sure why I thought I needed a 1024 for them haha:
Here's the scene again, with some minor changes. Basically I added some rocks and dirt stairs, the second villa, and some subtle point lighting for coloring certain areas like the underside of the stream cliffs. With finals ending on Saturday, I can go full blast on this scene and bring it to a finish within the next month My personal deadline is January 14th, let's see if I can do it!
The red around the straps on the hay is a bit to much I think one other think that bothers me a bit is that the barrels seams to have much greater contrast than other parts, makes them seem a bit out of place in my opinion.
generally, i think a lot of your textures lack interesting hsv changes. they're reminiscent of textures started in black and white with color overlays.
your crate, for example, is very monotonous. every board is the same color, has the same values. in the scene, this makes it very uninteresting. and that, along with the barrels, is what i see immediately and draws my eye.
the barrels have a bit more color going on, but it doesn't look painted, deliberate. it looks like you added an overlay layer with some green and orange on it. that's a fine way to start, but i think you always need to collapse that and go in and paint them into the canvas.
not sure what the orange gradient is supposed to be on the hay bale, but it is coming off like a strange shading.
personally, i'd love to see the sunflowers pop a bit more. they're an awesome opportunity for some bright bright color, but they're the same hue and value as the tall grasses and the hay bale.
i think your grass looks good, but i would like to see it pushed a bit further. it also suffers from a bit of the boring value range. everything is the same greyish green - the highlights and shadows are just lighter/darker versions. get some color in there!
tall grass looks good! i like that you're trying to get color into the shadows. unfortunately, when you mix purple and yellow you get a really unattractive brown color, which in the scene ends up making the bottom look dead. more importantly, why isn't this shadow anywhere else in the scene?! colored shadows ftw!
same basic complaints with the rocks. if you removed the fine detail overlay, what would it look like?
Sectuars nailed it in his critique, you're very good at putting forms in place and have very strong confident strokes. That's really hard to do for a lot of artists. Working with more color variation is really going to help add that extra level of depth and push your work.
For your larger scene when you get back into it, Try tossing in more saturation into the shadows. Nice rich purples and some nice warm orange into the light.
I'd like to see you mess with vertex blending using a texture on the grass to rock transitions, I also thing you should edit the vertex normals on the purple plants so they light better, you probably could just point the vertexes straight up. I'm also not a huge fan of the water at the current state, but Dan!'s corrections are really nice
love it - but the water...normally it ha pretty equal colos like the sky..and in you case it pops out pretty strong..too strong for my taste. i think it strikes against the other elements in the picture - which are pretty cool! it should reflect/support them.
Hey guys, thanks for all the really helpful and encouraging comments. It's been awhile, hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and New Year's Eve Anyhow, here is my scene!! I am calling it done - it is now complete with dust particles, bloom, DOF, and birdies! Only wanting cows now.
Sectaurs, thank you very much for your insight on color variation. It is my personal challenge to learn colors so that I can take my textures to the next level. I may not get around to revisiting the textures in this particular scene, but I definitely take your crit to heart for whatever I work on next.
All crits welcome in case I finish my cows early xD, if not, I'd still like to hear for future reference!
Since the last update:
Concept again, for your convenience:
So now it is time to work on my cow!! I am really excited for this xD I did some research on creature topology before I started, but I am probably still doing it kinda wrong haha. Some people use triangles and some people say quads only, so I will look into that a bit more. Also, this is not to be rigged; I am modeling it in-position:
Crits or advice on this greatly appreciated as I continue to work.
Yes, I have much work to do on the arches, thanks for the pointers
I'm following this through to completion!
I love seeing your texture maps. i might just have to borrow some and try to recreate them to work on my painting skills :b
thanks for sharing your work with us!
Helba - Will be importing into UDK for some shots with AO and lightmap soon
katana - Good call, I will add some door hinges!
gilesruscoe - Thanks! I plan on getting this into the engine after all the modeling and texturing is done, because I'd like my UV's to be complete before I create my 2nd UV channel for AO and lighting (ultimately I've decided to go with a 2nd UV channel for AO). Soon, soon! I want to see it with AO too!!
Unfortunately I won't be making updates for the next 3 days, cuz I can't put off my other homework forever lol. By the end of Tuesday I plan to have this done though, latest mid-Wednesday. Until then, the more c & c, the better
Roofs: I'd try and get the bottom edge to be closer to the bottom of a tile. That one roof above the balcony/plant looks best, you can see the arches of the tile. Gives it a lot more shape. The other roofs cut off mid tile and makes it look really flat. Especially the one right above the round window.
Tower: Not sure what the things going up the side are, going to be vines? Anyway, they and the tower both cut through the corner of that roof piece, I'd pull that side roof out a bit just so it doesn't get cut through (or bury it into the tower, but I think out further would look better)
Doors: I'd put a dark line tat the bottom of the door, right now they feel like they 'cut off' kindof like the roof edge. And I'd be tempted to put a wood divider between the top of the door and the window.
And I feel like the door ring needs highlight on top of inside of loop, and shadows on the very bottom of outside of the loop. Just noticed your light on them seems to be coming from the left, they need rotated?
Last post of your scene in UDK didn't look like much unless the structures of the landscape have been fixed since then. But I'm sure you'll get around that eventually. Keep at it and work hard!
Alrighty guys, here's an oogly update for you :P Got my building in, although there are major lightmap seams and smoothing errors (not shown here... heh). I will fix those, as well as continue to work on my materials, including emissive and AO. Props are not yet in.
Now the real work begins!! Gotta get on this environment, shape it up right, fix some scale issues, etc. Gonna add some more buildings once this main one is sorted out. Water looks like crap, even my old placeholder water looked better lol. Need to find some way to make it turquoise, as well as give it some more depth as it looks rather clear right now, and also too reflective.
Anyway, enough rambling on my part, critique and comments welcome:
But yeah, like it.
You know what I should read things properly, you mentioned your water already in that post, I'm sorry, don't I look silly now ha.
Thats better...eesh, needs more coffee apparently.
Still got a lot of worto dok, but I can see it come to live already~
Agree about the water and everything jeffro said, you can really push the scene with some nice lighting and post effects
-window colors don't work well. Stick to the dark ones from the concept
-the window above the door needs a frame
-even out the brick sizes of the arches
-that stuff on the side of the tower makes no sense. I imagined it to be ivy or something, but it's some weird kind of brick?
-i'd suggest some moss in between bricks. Possibly even a strip along the bottom of the entire building, by thirding. You've already got a strip in place on the tower anyway
-in general, it all still feels a bit too clean.
Honestly I don't even know if reflections in the water are needed. That's almost too much detail for this type of style.
2) It reminds me of the movie What Dreams May Come, where Robin Williams wakes up dead in his own personal heaven and it's a beautiful tuscan countryside made of paint.
this thread is so inspiring!
[i know it's still a draft, but]
I think the depth of the whole scene and the composition are currently looking somewhat flat, but that may be because of the off scaled flowers, me thinks. but it also may be the way the hills in the background are intersecting each other?
Either way,
When you do fix those flowers toss those things across the scene it will dramatically affect the scale of the scene and make it look larger. I would think about adding small rocks to fill the edges of the water with could also add more to the scale. finally, more variety in the placing of the trees?
the textures, tho... look great!
Thanks Ronald, yes, I still have a lot of worto dok
jeffro, Stromberg90 - I will definitely look into post process, that's cool effects like dust particles and stuff, right? x]
Baddcog - Yes, hmm, you may be right about the reflections. I will play a bit more with the realistic water and see if I can't get it closer to the concept though. If it's just too clashing I will go back to the simple turquoise plane from before, which was honestly working out pretty nicely for what it was haha.
Snader, thanks for the critique! The stuff I had on the side of the tower is going to be ivy, although I don't know what you're seeing right now since there's nothing there yet xD I agree with everything you are saying except what exactly is not working about the windows? I actually want to make them emissive, hehe, I thought that would be fun!
Alberto Rdrgz - Thank you much for the suggestions! Flowers, everywhere! Rocks! Place trees more carefully. Will do :]
I did find two tutorials that can be useful.
"particles is cool too
Remember to always go back and look at your concept! Of course not everything will be exact but pay close attention to the silhouettes because you have nice shapes in the concept and your losing a bit of it with the landscape. I painted the silhouettes for each individual form in the concept and compared it to your scene in UDK. The concept has a stronger sense of form and shape. Keep an eye out for that when you continue fixing certain things.
Also your lighting is a bit more cool in the concept while the scene has a much more warmer feel which doesn't really fit much with the blue tinted fog for the background. Its also not that strong in intensity so maybe you should bring it down a tiny bit or keep it the same in case it works. Also the direction of the sun is a bit more on the front and too much shadow is overcasting the house. However, quality in textures is still superb, so keep at it! Hope this helps!
AyalaN3D - Yes, I definitely agree I need to nail my silhouettes first before any fancy post-process stuff. Thanks for calling out those shapes, and also pointing out the lighting - I hadn't noticed that mine was considerable warmer and brighter. Update coming soon!
Took my last screenshot and did some redline - made it a lot easier to see what I should fix as I was working today. Thanks again AyalaN3D
So here's what I have right now:
Still got a buttload of work to do! Need to add rocks and pebbles, wheat/canola, long grass, some bushes. Worked on lighting a bit today, but it still needs a lot more love, and the bg needs to fade back some more so I think I need more fog or something. Among other things. Cows.
Critique and comments welcome!
Was looking for something like this yesterday, Win!
Jessica this is fantastic love the composition you have going on now.
Might just be me but I think the water's color doesn't really fit with the foggy background, I see the water and I think of a very vibrant skybox.
Can't wait to see the Cows, heh.
The waves normal map is drawing in a lot of hard contrasting colors which is making it very hard on the eyes. I'd probably go with a subdivided plane and cut the edge flow in a way that when it's animated it'll look like it's flowing in certain directions. I'll see if I can post up an example later.
Basic Map and Package file that should help you with your water. It takes a little vert wrangling to get it nice and smooth. I found averaging or relaxing the verts helps speed up the process. You can blend in foam by adding in a second UV set as well.
I think the water still needs a lot of work. I have to admit though I have no idea what you can do with it (I've never worked with effects) but if you can try to re-create the painterly style of your concept it'll stop looking so jarring.
Also, I think some overhang on the small cliffs in front of the house (bordering the river) would be very nice. It's like that in your concept, remember the rising and falling river will under cut the bank.
A few crits/ideas:
Are the whites and greys on the flowers and leaves what you're going for? It makes them look very washed out and papery... Kindof a storybook vibe, but I'd go for much more saturated palettes to imply translucency.
Is the water going to stay this barren? I feel like the whole riverbank/water feature is dragging the scene down quite a bit, some free-floating rock assets and maybe some signs of an old bridge could help quite a bit.
Get some kind of a grass or trim that can hide the transitions between the building and the ground!
JFletcher - I'm going to make a better skybox for my scene, right now it's this really dull and cloudy UDK one and I definitely agree it's not working haha.
Gannon - Wow, thanks a lot for the file :] I will play around with it and see what I can learn. The water reflections are really bothering me tooo
Tigerfeet - Glad my landscape is not looking like smushed blanket anymore! :poly122: And yes, I will work more on the front cliffs to make them look more affected by the water. I'm gonna add crumbling rock and stuff too. Workin' on that now actually! ROCKS 8D
Nerf Bat Ninja - Ah, if there's anyone on these forums that can make me LOL, it's you . . . but anyway, thank you for the crit! Still playing with atmosphere and lighting, and also I am not joking about the cows.
SupRore - You are absolutely right about the grasses and leaves - I was definitely not planning on leaving them like that. When I painted them I was not referencing the other pieces, I just kinda went at it and it turned out dull haha. The water now has a makeshift free-floating rock bridge as in the concept, and yes, I still need to add more grass in places, especially like at the bases of things like building and trees. Thank you
Will update soon! Invaluable crits so far, everyone, thank you much.
And a chaotic wireframe shot. It's bad, I know xD I plan to have another sheet where I pick some props to show with their wires next to them:
Textures - there's a big gaping 256 that I don't know what to do with yet, but I'm sure I'll find a use for it before the end:
These rocks will be rearranged into a 512, not sure why I thought I needed a 1024 for them haha:
Here's the scene again, with some minor changes. Basically I added some rocks and dirt stairs, the second villa, and some subtle point lighting for coloring certain areas like the underside of the stream cliffs. With finals ending on Saturday, I can go full blast on this scene and bring it to a finish within the next month
I think maybe the sunflowers could be a bit brighter/saturated and have less dark edges, but that's just me.
The orange hue in the middle of the hay seems a little extreme, maybe tone that down a bit? Either way, cool stuff. This is coming along very nicely.
The red around the straps on the hay is a bit to much I think one other think that bothers me a bit is that the barrels seams to have much greater contrast than other parts, makes them seem a bit out of place in my opinion.
The scene is really coming together
your crate, for example, is very monotonous. every board is the same color, has the same values. in the scene, this makes it very uninteresting. and that, along with the barrels, is what i see immediately and draws my eye.
the barrels have a bit more color going on, but it doesn't look painted, deliberate. it looks like you added an overlay layer with some green and orange on it. that's a fine way to start, but i think you always need to collapse that and go in and paint them into the canvas.
not sure what the orange gradient is supposed to be on the hay bale, but it is coming off like a strange shading.
personally, i'd love to see the sunflowers pop a bit more. they're an awesome opportunity for some bright bright color, but they're the same hue and value as the tall grasses and the hay bale.
i think your grass looks good, but i would like to see it pushed a bit further. it also suffers from a bit of the boring value range. everything is the same greyish green - the highlights and shadows are just lighter/darker versions. get some color in there!
tall grass looks good! i like that you're trying to get color into the shadows. unfortunately, when you mix purple and yellow you get a really unattractive brown color, which in the scene ends up making the bottom look dead. more importantly, why isn't this shadow anywhere else in the scene?! colored shadows ftw!
same basic complaints with the rocks. if you removed the fine detail overlay, what would it look like?
For your larger scene when you get back into it, Try tossing in more saturation into the shadows. Nice rich purples and some nice warm orange into the light.
Vertex blending with a texture in udk:
Editing vertex normals
You should edit your first post and put a latest image up there, I almost missed this!
i love your texturing style; can't wait to see the final product!
Sectaurs, thank you very much for your insight on color variation. It is my personal challenge to learn colors so that I can take my textures to the next level. I may not get around to revisiting the textures in this particular scene, but I definitely take your crit to heart for whatever I work on next.
All crits welcome in case I finish my cows early xD, if not, I'd still like to hear for future reference!
Since the last update:
Concept again, for your convenience:
So now it is time to work on my cow!! I am really excited for this xD I did some research on creature topology before I started, but I am probably still doing it kinda wrong haha. Some people use triangles and some people say quads only, so I will look into that a bit more. Also, this is not to be rigged; I am modeling it in-position:
Crits or advice on this greatly appreciated as I continue to work.