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London Riots



  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Riots: young voters question. I have never seen a more deluded, scapegoating, social segregation and elitism packed show. They might aswell pull out a rubber stamp of idiocy to whoever belives it. The pannel seated people with jobs above 50k and they all talked out there arse.

    In every sense and i hate to say this, but family guy sumed up what they were doing.

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    i agree with the majority of your post. BUT!!!!!!!!!!!

    it needs to be made clear that it was our PREVIOUS government that has put us so far into debt that our current government has had to bear the brunt of it.
    Labour even sold off our gold reserves at a time when the price of gold was at an all time low... and now we can't afford to buy it back, so our currency is going to go to the dogs if/when the world economy collapses.

    i think it's entirely unfair to blame the current government for the state we're in. they've taken some very difficult measures in order to lower our defecit, but they aren't the ones who created that defecit.

    i would say, however, that they should have looked into raising the taxes on banks and some of the other higher earners. except that britains industry is already failing due to the lack of tax breaks on big businesses.

    oh, and try to bear in mind that fuel prices are usually dictated by import prices we can't control. we're on an island with little to no actual fuel resources of our own, in regard to oil.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Yea sorry I was gonna put that in aswell but didnt want to rant too much haha, i think camerons an idiot and they have made alot of shit decisions recently that are tearing this country apart. Love how hes taking alot of the praise for counteracting the riots when he had very little input and the police called almost all the shots. Could be worse though, could have the BNP in power and then everyone's fucked!!!!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i don't disagree with some of the BNP stuff... to be honest i think we SHOULD be limiting benefit payouts to british nationals only.

    actually, that's about the extent of my agreement with them :P
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    According to sky news, the scumbag who mugged the injured Malaysian kid was caught, is being charged, and unsurprisingly, had 21 previous convictions without being sent to jail.

    Also they are evicting convicted rioters who live in social housing. I fucking love David Cameron.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Can't see how that will help.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    They're moochin' off the government. They also gave the government a huge bill over the last few days. Now they aren't moochin' so much, cause they are getting evicted, and the money saved will go towards the bill. As simple a concept as concepts get really.

    And now families that arent scum that have been on waiting lists for housing will get it.
  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    Since local authorites have to rehome tenants who are evicted its not going to change anything.
    They will proably be rehoused in some cushy B&B. Anyway, they should at least wait until they have been convicted first.

    kaptainkernals - that robben island comment was really uncalled for I hate that some people are airing their petty little predjudices on this board.

    The riot had lots of different races participating, so trying to make out that it was all black people, is just BS.

    Riots were happening in London long before mass immigration.

    Anyway we still drove to bournemouth and drove near to tottenham(A406) and through walthamstow, but saw nothing. We were a bit worried about getting back, in case things escalated, but it was fine and we had a nice little holiday.
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    The BNP can fuck right off :)
    People like them forget that the Nazi's would have won the (pre-American war) with ease if it wasn't for our multicultural Empire of India, Africa, Asia, Canada and Australia. They died in the same fields as us.

    I don't have a problem with people wanting to come to our country in search of a better life, because if I were in the same situation, then I would hope to go somewhere where the climate wasn't so oppressive or dangerous.

    People forget that most asylum seekers are not allowed to work, as they don't have a work permits, so they rely on state handouts to survive. I doubt that many of them know that they are entitled to any sort of state help because its not something that would get in their country of origin and where would they get the information from?

    Papers like the Daily Mail make it sound like our county is being overrun by benefit scrounging pedophiles, where it couldn't be further from the truth. We only hold around 2% of the world asylum seekers/refugees, with the majority of them (80%) residing in places like Africa and Asia. Europe only holds a total of 14%, which only around 2 million extra people from a total European population of 833 million (around 0.25%)

    As for the benefits payments to others...We have to pay these benefits to EU/EEC nationals by EU law and they have to do the same for us, so its not a one way street. Any UK national could move to any other EU/EEC country while looking for work and claim the same.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    13 pages before Godwin's Law came into effect!
  • metalliandy
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    metalliandy interpolator
    moose wrote: »
    13 pages before Godwin's Law came into effect!
    Yea :P
    We had to get them in somewhere
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    Better Godwin's Law than Rule 34 :P
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    glynnsmith wrote: »
    Better Godwin's Law than Rule 34 :P

    :D how do london riots meet rule 34?

    dragons having sex with burning double decker buses?

  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    That would explain why the bus is on fire!

    This could also be the reason why we need to import a supercop from the US to sort everything out.

  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    r_fletch_r wrote: »
    :D how do london riots meet rule 34?

  • kaze369
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
  • Ben Apuna
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12

    ‎"Highest estimated cost of riots: £100m

    Tax avoidance by Vodafone: £6 billion
    Tax spent on Libyan intervention: £1 billion
    Tax avoidance in 2010 by richest people in the UK: £7 billion
    Tax payers bill for banking crisis: £131 billion
    Tax money spent in Iraqi conflict: £4.5 billion
    Tax money spent on Afghan conflict (up until 2007): £7 billion

    Cost of perspective: Priceless."
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    well, looks like wars are pretty cheap, we should wade into a few more
  • Mark Dygert
    Rick_D wrote: »
    well, looks like wars are pretty cheap, we should wade into a few more
    Next one's on you guys...

    That Russell Brand blog post was a great read!
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    Ganemi wrote: »
    I don't view most of the people on Stormfront as racist

    i have some terrible news for you
  • dempolys
    Ganemi wrote: »
    <<< Also black.

    I don't view most of the people on Stormfront as racist


    Okay i'm going to click on a RANDOM post from that site and quote it:
    CelticGirl wrote:

    Last night I saw a TV movie in which a white woman was having a half-breed bastard with a disgusting negroid, when they could have just as easily cast a white man in the same damn role!!

    Someone please, organize something before every white child in this world is brainwashed and demoralized by Steinberg and his little black minions.

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yep you're right. They're definitely not biased or racist.
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    you know i agree with your sentiment, if not the small tangents.
    it's incredibly easy to end up totally fucked in this society, we are all at the mercy of the very rich, the poorest are even more fucked.

    that kind of hopelessness breeds contempt and anger for the system that allowed it to happen that way.

    at the same time, from personal experience, i can say that a lot of poverty in 1st world countries IS down to the individuals. I went to school with a huge cross section of people. my friends were from all backgrounds; rich, poor, middle class, white, black, etc. We all got the same education and we all got the same chances. Some of them went from being rich as fuck to living on council estates because they made terrible life choices (drugs, having kids with sluts), and some went from living on council estates to earning huge wages and living a comfortable life.

    it's never as black and white as class, wealth, race, especially not in england. people are given opportunity. there's a lot of fucked up things going on, and rightly so. but it's not as simple as saying "the middle class can solve the problems, the lower class are poor helpless sheep, the rich are all evil".
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    I've noticed that too with free education and wellfare, and I went to a school with people from every class of society, and the results had the same mix of failures and succeesses.

    which is why I would hope that the underclass would set a better example, but in reality we're all the same material. The same psychopath that ends up a CEO over a big company is the same guy that could've been failing in school, throwing away every chance at a job and ending up at the criminal path and then further adding to the problem.

    unemployment hits everywhere, but I guess the middleclass always have family to fall back on.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Oh WOW I think its time Ganemi got the banhammer. Racism (disguised or no) is SO not welcome on Polycount.
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14

    Anywho, I'm kind of sick of all the debating on TV. It always seems to go down two paths, "I think we should tackle the causes and the rioters can't be blamed for what they did." or, "They're madmen, doing it for the sake of criminality and should be punished!".

    Why can't we just do both things? Address why these people have done such things and punish those that still do it?

    Also, read this morning about these two guys:

    One seems okay to me... he was found at the "meet-up" ready to go rioting. The other guy was just being an idiot and said sorry in the morning.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Ganemi wrote: »
    Yeah. When America, France, and UK overthrow Gadaffi, and install an exponentially more rutheless dictator, I'm sure 50 years down the line when the new leader's no more use as a butt-boy for our righteously indignant government you'll be telling someone else that it's a pretty good idea that we're invading Libya again.

    It's not like America's tax funded intelligence/terrorist organization does this on a regular basis, or, say, assists Al-Qaeda, the guys we didn't just spend 10 years at war with, in invading Libya. Oh? That's the exact opposite of true, you say? Who could have seen it coming?

    Tell me though, who were we at war with, again? Eurasia, or East? Nevermind. Minor issue, because all of the problems in Africa, and many impoverished countries around the world have nothing to do with economic imperialism and intentional destabilization.

    [/exceptionally obnoxious diatribe]

    okay, now explain how any of that is relevent in any way to my statement, which was clearly taken out of context as my statement was aimed at claims over the "poorer" african nations and inhabitants.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    almighty, lets not feed the King of the Troll twits anymore. He deliberately bumped a pretty much dead thread with 'Hurr, also your black, Dreamer.' The fucking nerve.

    Let him rant on about how he enjoys browsing stormfront to see how much more intelligent than people on the interwebs he is. He's clearly just that kind of egotistical troll.

    Stormfront should never have been linked to on this forum. Hell I'd never even heard of it before. He is clearly just inciting now. The looting is essentially over, back to regularly scheduled programming.

    Let him rant on his own if he wishes, he's on my ignore list anyhow.
  • Rick_D
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    Rick_D polycounter lvl 17
    i don't think he ever said "hurr also your black, dreamer", he just said that he too was black and had a different view on things.

    not sure why you are so angry about it?
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