15 pigs about to kick the shit out of 1 person? Yeah never seen that before.
This thread = full of fuck.
If he is a looter I hope the "pigs" (how old are you...ffs) do kick shit out of him. I authorise it. I pay their wages. I hope they all lined up in single file and took turns at kicking him in the groin.
Bit like this, but with more brutality.
You idiot. Of course they are chasing a group.
I was disgusted watching the news last night like. Most of these looters are very young teens just out to cause havok and steal shit. I'll bet more than half of them haven't even heard of Mark Duggan.
I hope it all calms down soon for you guys/girls in the UK.
I feel really bad for the older generation who saw the Blitz first hand only to witness the youth they fought so hard to give a future do it to themselves...
Cool bunch of tweets from the football editor of the Times:
First off, I don’t know what’s best. But this is what I do know. Unlike most of you, I’ve fought with police, I’ve thrown missiles at them. I’ve kicked in shop windows and looted stuff. I was born into an area that people told me was full of ‘the dregs of society’. I’ve been young, poor and angry. I’ve felt there was no opportunity in life and all that stretched in front was a bleak, penniless future. And I know that most people with happy, fulfilled lives don’t go on rampages of violence. I also know that successive Governments have put the pursuit of wealth ahead of maintaining a sense of community. When you’ve been told there’s no society, why would you care about other people? When you see the bankers nearly destroy capitalism and still get their bonuses, what do you think of personal responsibility? The key is making people believe they have opportunities in life, not opportunities to loot. And maybe the money spent intervening in a civil war in Libya would be better spent on schools.
I could go on, but most of you have made up your minds. You get the society you create. Enjoy it
The guy might have been unable to see very well and mistook the police for his mates, shouting to them to help out with more looting. Should've gone to specsavers...
Poop, that's sadly often also the excuse of many criminals, the society is wrong, it's their personal fault, corrupt government, no one does anything for me.
Yet there are people who grow up in the same situations but do something with their lives, no opportunities, working hard to get somewhere and then when everything is finally right they have it all smashed to pieces by someone who was wronged by society.
Poop, that's sadly often also the excuse of many criminals, the society is wrong, it's their personal fault, corrupt government, no one does anything for me.
Yet there are people who grow up in the same situations but do something with their lives, no opportunities, working hard to get somewhere and then when everything is finally right they have it all smashed to pieces by someone who was wronged by society.
Poop, that's sadly often also the excuse of many criminals, the society is wrong, it's their personal fault, corrupt government, no one does anything for me.
Yet there are people who grow up in the same situations but do something with their lives, no opportunities, working hard to get somewhere and then when everything is finally right they have it all smashed to pieces by someone who was wronged by society.
I agree with this too, the riots are happening all over the country BUT the percentage of the population thats actually causing the riots is very small, this is no arab spring not even close. Theres too much devolvement of responsibility and too much self entitlement.
What of those that get on with thier lives and obey the rule of law? Have they not the right to do so peacefully without risk?
I think there's serious confusion between people explaining why desperate people do such senseless things (not justifying their actions) and the people seeing just the criminality of the culprits and not looking beyond that. I've seen it played out on this thread and also through the media.
What these people are doing is wrong. I think pretty much everyone can agree on that.
But why has this happened? I think Poop has made some good points.
Poop, that's sadly often also the excuse of many criminals, the society is wrong, it's their personal fault, corrupt government, no one does anything for me.
Yet there are people who grow up in the same situations but do something with their lives, no opportunities, working hard to get somewhere and then when everything is finally right they have it all smashed to pieces by someone who was wronged by society.
Not that anyone in this thread making your points would know what growing up underprivileged is like though.
I guess there's no point having a discussion since you closed out any room for disagreement then eh?
It's really easy to say, "Anyone can bootstraps their way out of any situation ever, no matter the obstacles" when you're born into the middle or upper class. Nothing makes privileged first world men more enraged than to suggest they were given an easier time in life because of things outside of their control.
Sorry if you don't like that it means your opinions on what the poor should do pretty much irrelevant unless you stand in solidarity. Maybe that makes you a twat? I dunno, soul searching time, or pass judgement on people you don't have a clue about, your choice.
The problem is you're basically shutting out any opinion different than yours under the banner of assuming no one here has been around or experienced poverty.
It's as though you want to give your input and opinion on the discussion then throw your hands up and say nothing else is valid because you assume no one here could have a clue what they're talking about.
"Sorry if you don't like that it means your opinions on what the poor should do pretty much irrelevant unless you stand in solidarity. Maybe that makes you a twat? I dunno, soul searching time, or pass judgement on people you don't have a clue about, your choice."
This is thin ice. There is no need for you, or anyone in this thread to be rude. People here might have that experience, or they do share the feelings or have experienced poverty.
"Nothing makes privileged first world men more enraged than to suggest they were given an easier time in life because of things outside of their control."
I think this will always come down to education. People that overcome this "obstacles" and succeed in life is because they have education; and this education i am talking is not only academic, but they are aware of the values of a family, ethics that were engraved into them through people that showed them that it is important to be humble, hard working and honest.
I don't think this is a standard anymore. I see younger generations and i am sorry to say they are brats. Kids that think that they can change the world with their free spirits and "radical" thinking. But in the end they are selfish. So this doesn't change things, the only thing that happens are things like this where they let the steam out within their own communities.
About the govertment? I understand that there is corruption. People that have way too much money and that they influence the direction of the gov to profit their own interest. Does it make it right? absolutely not. Can we make a difference? Of course we can, we can teach good values and live to give examples and good values to our communities. What we learn we have to pass on and make a difference working within. I believe that awareness and education is what paves a road to success and revolution. KKNOWING! and LEARNING! history can teach us so much, and some people are just not aware, because they are drinking beers and causing mayhem, or a corrupt politician or cop trying to figure out what to spend money that is not theirs.
BUT people do make a difference! That guy Khan that has his own teaching website, that makes a difference in children and how they learn is HUUUUUUUGE! people that go around the world giving perspective to people that are neglected or forgotten. In the video game industry we try to mold peoples experience and awareness. Specially if your focus in games is in education for kids. We can make a difference if we keep all of this in mind and always emphasize education.
Now... education is not always granted to everyone, or people say they can't get what they want because they are not financially stable. To this they need to be motivated, and believe me (and i am sure most people here can vouch) thata motivated person will overcome anything. We do research, we train, we practice, we write tutorials. Information in this time is available. People that want to become better have the tools, but it won't and it never will be handed in a silver platter just like that. Unless you are a brat whose parents are ignorant apes that neglect their duties as parents. If we reach a dead end, we backtrack, reassess and learn from what just happened and move forward.
There will always be the minority, and their opinions. But why not focus on education as a whole, instead of blaming and causing destruction like this.
Not that anyone in this thread making your points would know what growing up underprivileged is like though.
Just saying.
I wouldn't really count on that. Some of us fought tooth and nail to get out of the situations we are in by getting good jobs and working hard for a living rather than kicking in a shop window and looting.
Not that anyone in this thread making your points would know what growing up underprivileged is like though.
Just saying.
wow... just fucking wow.
Ben, i've got to say that's the most ignorant thing i've ever read from you.
i completely agree with Eld. though, i grew up in a family that lived on the dole, had to skip birthdays/christmasses due to poverty, my step father lost his business due to thatchers government which caused him to go bankrupt, which had further financial stress for my family.
i grew up with quite literally nothing. it was when i hit 13 years old and got my own paper round, and then started stacking fridges at a local pub before they opened to earn some money for myself so i could get the nice things all my school friends just "had".
don't think for a single second that just because someone might agree with a particular point of view, that they've never known poverty or hardship.
The problem is you're basically shutting out any opinion different than yours under the banner of assuming no one here has been around or experienced poverty.
It's as though you want to give your input and opinion on the discussion then throw your hands up and say nothing else is valid because you assume no one here could have a clue what they're talking about.
Honestly I think Ben gets excited anytime something like this happens, as it gives him an excuse to get on his soap box and rant. I'm sure he's loving this.
Despite the fact that multiple people in this thread have shared stories of how they grew up in similar situations, but think the actions of the rioters are inexcusable. No, he will ignore that entirely, as it doesn't further his cause, choosing to instead glorify and martyrize these people.
haven't been following the news about the riots in london, but I was listening to one of the national danish radio and in one of the news reports they have through the day, they presented an interview with 2 young rioters from London to hear their side of the story, and I gotta say, I nearly burst out laughing. The things they said only showed they had no interrest at all in the political reason behind the riot and only show up because they believe it makes them important and because they want to loot.. This is just like people going to the pub and clubs just to fight.. Fuck them and may they burn in hell.
keep in mind that the news is going to show you a very polarised view. They probably found the scummiest most worthless little violent shits to present their view.
keep in mind that the news is going to show you a very polarised view. They probably found the scummiest most worthless little violent shits to present their view.
Yeah I know, but I do believe that people like them can easily make up for a majority of the people involved in riots like these. Reminds me of one the violent youth riots we had in Copenhagen some years ago where around 80% of the people arrested didn't even come from Denmark.
My personal opinion is, and this is comming from a okay priviliged mind: Don't fucking destroy other peoples things... I couldn't give two shits about your political reasoning as soon as you start torching, looting and destroying other peoples property. It's not their fault you're in the situation you are.
Honestly Ben, you've worked in enough studios to know this isn't an industry full of privileged kids.
Apparently he didn't.
I was born and raise among a poor family, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, simply because even tho nearly everyone on my family may be underpaid, they make a honest living, they're good people, and never did any harm to anyone.
They say you have to taste the sour to appreciate the sweet; and without going into details, fortunately or unfortunately I know very well how the sour tastes like, very sour, but I fought trhought it all.
When I was younger I lived with the motto that when your life sucks from the beginning, there's no where to go but up, and I'll only stop when I reach the sky and the thought that every penny I earn was fought for with my strengths only, even reinforces my will; so please...
UK Police must be a lot different than ours in the US.
UK police are soft.. scared shitless of being sued. Ive seen first hand what police are like in some other countries.. and if whats going on here happened over there the riots and lootings woulda lasted 12 hours if that..
How dare you assume that everyone who has an opinion that differs from your own is from a middle class family or was born into privilege? I have worked my ass of getting the basics to survive over the years. I worked in a factories for over 10yrs doing 6am starts and 48hr+ weeks, so i could make enough money to start buying a house.
When i lived near Birmingham, I was in a block of flats that contained 8 dwellings and 5 were occupied with heroin addicts. I lived there for 3 years. Yea, privileged life ftw!
No matter what the upbringing of the people who are rioting, there is no excuse for what they are doing. Just sticking a tag on them because it makes the situation more easily digestible to the media is ridiculous.
They are punishing the people who work hard within their own communities because they don't have a Playstation? Give me a break.
The UK is not a 3rd world country and no one goes without. We have one of the most comprehensive and generous welfare systems in the world, where everyone is entitled to a basic sum of money whilst looking for work, free healthcare for those who dont pay N.I, money if you are too sick to work, up to £20k per year rent payments if you don't or cant work and Council tax payments get made.
These entitlements are on an indefinite basis, or until your circumstances change. (get a job or become well enough to work)
No matter how poor or disadvantaged these people are, it doesn't give them the right to ruin other peoples livelihoods.
These people don't have nothing, but they feel entitled to everything.
@ PoopinYOURmouth . Why would you ever say that? Its Insulting and uncalled for. I am a teenager scrubbing toilets and picking up trash so I can pay for my college fees, and so does my Mom....Mr.Bigshot.
"No matter how poor or disadvantaged these people are, it doesn't give them the right to ruin other peoples livelihoods.
These people don't have nothing, but they feel entitled to everything."
Andy nailed it. Even if these people are rich, middle-classed, or poor doesn't give them a right at all to beat people up, steal and cause stress and havoc. I gotta get off this... its really getting me mad lol.
UK Police must be a lot different than ours in the US.
Off topic I guess:
/\ that, oh yea I know about that, how about walking down the street with a black friend going to visit another friend one block away and because I had my hands in my POCKETS I had 5 guns drawn on me and about 10-15 cops stopping us, with two vans on either side of us, on the side walk MID DAY (where people walk) making their presence known I immediately stopped because well w.t.f guns pointed at my head (me looking down one of the barrels, thinking what if this asshole slips with his finger...) for no reason, so I can honestly say I understand these "kids/teens/young adults & maybe even some older guys" when they are rioting but only if they've been harassed.
Not that I condone It but I understand, especially if they've been abused by police for NO FUCKING REASON as I have been, another physical incident, coming from school trying to better myself using a LEGIT transportation pass given to me by my school only to get abused as soon as I used It to get home, to be assaulted by a male and FEMALE cop (his nail dented in my face, leaving a mark lasting for days) to have my bus pass taken from me and to have me kicked out of the turn style and I had no money to get back on. To have to beg people (like a bum) to pay for my way to let me back on to get home, an old 60-70 y/o black lady paid out of her pocket & helped me, the asshole ticket clerk saw the whole shit and did nothing, video cameras and all.)
So fuck that shit to think that this shit wasn't coming, I bet It's only going to get worse EVERYWHERE It will be f-cking chaos in New York if It happens here, 1,000 people to every 1 cop yea, It will (they already lost).
On topic:
If you watch this link for a bit you get a video of kids/people coming around and setting up a clean up date after the bullshit going down: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14449675
Which was cool to see, so out of the negative comes the positive.
That's a picture of the LA riots. Of course the robbers have guns...
I had no idea on the context of the shot.
So fuck that shit to think that this shit wasn't coming, I bet It's only going to get worse EVERYWHERE It will be f-cking chaos in New York if It happens here, 1,000 people to every 1 cop yea, It will (they already lost).
I really really hope not. 1000's of folks against armed police will just mean 1000s of dead folks.
Not that anyone in this thread making your points would know what growing up underprivileged is like though.
Just saying.
I was born here but was brought up in Lagos, Nigeria. Single parent, had to move back here when I was 15, alone, hold down 3 jobs to put myself through college and university. I lived in a hostel in Kings Cross and I remember coming home from college one day to find I had been burgled. They even ate the food in my fridge. It was hard, however I'm sure there are people on this forum who have had even harder lives so for you to drop that comment above is, putting it mildly, ridiculous.
"These are shopping riots, characterised by their consumer choices: that's the bit we've never seen before. A violent act by the authorities, triggering a howl of protest that bit is as old as time. But crowds moving from shopping centre to shopping centre? Actively trying to avoid a confrontation with police, trying to get in and out of JD Sports before the "feds" arrive? That bit is new."
"Consumer society relies on your ability to participate in it. So what we recognise as a consumer now was born out of shorter hours, higher wages and the availability of credit. If you're dealing with a lot of people who don't have the last two, that contract doesn't work. They seem to be targeting the stores selling goods they would normally consume. So perhaps they're rebelling against the system that denies its bounty to them because they can't afford it."
here is a question. how many of you who are saying they grew up poor or are under privileged have ever been racially profiled by the police, or discriminated against based on any criteria ?
i think it is safe to say that at the core of this riot is the issue of social discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity etc. the killing of Mark Duggan was the final straw that started it all.
i am not justifying the riots, but simply stating a possible cause which seems very likely to be the case. this social inequality leads to poverty mostly among people who come from a different social profile other than white-christian-heterosexual type.
What was England like for a 16 year old black kid in the 90's... hmmm let me see.... Nope too shitty to go into detail. I won't go as far as calling them pigs but I had some bad thoughts in my head let me tell you.
As far as the riots go, I believe it's just people being opportunistic and robbing and looting under the guise of a cause. You've had black kids, white kids even grown men robbing and looting, the links are all there on the BBC.
i think it is safe to say that at the core of this riot is the issue of social discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity etc. the killing of Mark Duggan was the final straw that started it all.
I completely disagree. The initial uproar may have been because of this. Looters quickly saw an opportunity to overpower the police and take what they like. The riots now have nothing to do with the original uproar, race, gender or ethnicity. Its scum of all ages and backgrounds trying to get a freeby. Its just mass ram raiding, mugging and arson.
EDIT: and if it carries on you can probably add murder and man slaughter to the list.
If he is a looter I hope the "pigs" (how old are you...ffs) do kick shit out of him. I authorise it. I pay their wages. I hope they all lined up in single file and took turns at kicking him in the groin.
Bit like this, but with more brutality.
You idiot. Of course they are chasing a group.
I was disgusted watching the news last night like. Most of these looters are very young teens just out to cause havok and steal shit. I'll bet more than half of them haven't even heard of Mark Duggan.
Good to see everyone coming together to help and clean all the mess.
EDIT: oh that's the live stream link, here's what I wanted to link to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14472567
How stupid can you get? I mean really???
Err...a little bit stupider. By Including yourself in the picture with your loot and then posting it on facebook.
I hope he enjoys time with men...because they are sure going to enjoy him in jail.
I feel really bad for the older generation who saw the Blitz first hand only to witness the youth they fought so hard to give a future do it to themselves...
For some reason, im just shocked by high contact lens prices....
First off, I don’t know what’s best. But this is what I do know. Unlike most of you, I’ve fought with police, I’ve thrown missiles at them. I’ve kicked in shop windows and looted stuff. I was born into an area that people told me was full of ‘the dregs of society’. I’ve been young, poor and angry. I’ve felt there was no opportunity in life and all that stretched in front was a bleak, penniless future. And I know that most people with happy, fulfilled lives don’t go on rampages of violence. I also know that successive Governments have put the pursuit of wealth ahead of maintaining a sense of community. When you’ve been told there’s no society, why would you care about other people? When you see the bankers nearly destroy capitalism and still get their bonuses, what do you think of personal responsibility? The key is making people believe they have opportunities in life, not opportunities to loot. And maybe the money spent intervening in a civil war in Libya would be better spent on schools.
I could go on, but most of you have made up your minds. You get the society you create. Enjoy it
The guy might have been unable to see very well and mistook the police for his mates, shouting to them to help out with more looting. Should've gone to specsavers...
Derp Derp :poly142:
Yet there are people who grow up in the same situations but do something with their lives, no opportunities, working hard to get somewhere and then when everything is finally right they have it all smashed to pieces by someone who was wronged by society.
Well said.
I agree with this too, the riots are happening all over the country BUT the percentage of the population thats actually causing the riots is very small, this is no arab spring not even close. Theres too much devolvement of responsibility and too much self entitlement.
What of those that get on with thier lives and obey the rule of law? Have they not the right to do so peacefully without risk?
What these people are doing is wrong. I think pretty much everyone can agree on that.
But why has this happened? I think Poop has made some good points.
Something worth a read:
UK Police must be a lot different than ours in the US.
For fuck sakes...
Not that anyone in this thread making your points would know what growing up underprivileged is like though.
Just saying.
I guess there's no point having a discussion since you closed out any room for disagreement then eh?
It's really easy to say, "Anyone can bootstraps their way out of any situation ever, no matter the obstacles" when you're born into the middle or upper class. Nothing makes privileged first world men more enraged than to suggest they were given an easier time in life because of things outside of their control.
Sorry if you don't like that it means your opinions on what the poor should do pretty much irrelevant unless you stand in solidarity. Maybe that makes you a twat? I dunno, soul searching time, or pass judgement on people you don't have a clue about, your choice.
It's as though you want to give your input and opinion on the discussion then throw your hands up and say nothing else is valid because you assume no one here could have a clue what they're talking about.
and then in your next post.
yourself judging people in this thread. How do you know people backgrounds just because they belong to this community?
Your name is certainly very apt. Coz you're talking shite.
This is thin ice. There is no need for you, or anyone in this thread to be rude. People here might have that experience, or they do share the feelings or have experienced poverty.
"Nothing makes privileged first world men more enraged than to suggest they were given an easier time in life because of things outside of their control."
I think this will always come down to education. People that overcome this "obstacles" and succeed in life is because they have education; and this education i am talking is not only academic, but they are aware of the values of a family, ethics that were engraved into them through people that showed them that it is important to be humble, hard working and honest.
I don't think this is a standard anymore. I see younger generations and i am sorry to say they are brats. Kids that think that they can change the world with their free spirits and "radical" thinking. But in the end they are selfish. So this doesn't change things, the only thing that happens are things like this where they let the steam out within their own communities.
About the govertment? I understand that there is corruption. People that have way too much money and that they influence the direction of the gov to profit their own interest. Does it make it right? absolutely not. Can we make a difference? Of course we can, we can teach good values and live to give examples and good values to our communities. What we learn we have to pass on and make a difference working within. I believe that awareness and education is what paves a road to success and revolution. KKNOWING! and LEARNING! history can teach us so much, and some people are just not aware, because they are drinking beers and causing mayhem, or a corrupt politician or cop trying to figure out what to spend money that is not theirs.
BUT people do make a difference! That guy Khan that has his own teaching website, that makes a difference in children and how they learn is HUUUUUUUGE! people that go around the world giving perspective to people that are neglected or forgotten. In the video game industry we try to mold peoples experience and awareness. Specially if your focus in games is in education for kids. We can make a difference if we keep all of this in mind and always emphasize education.
Now... education is not always granted to everyone, or people say they can't get what they want because they are not financially stable. To this they need to be motivated, and believe me (and i am sure most people here can vouch) thata motivated person will overcome anything. We do research, we train, we practice, we write tutorials. Information in this time is available. People that want to become better have the tools, but it won't and it never will be handed in a silver platter just like that. Unless you are a brat whose parents are ignorant apes that neglect their duties as parents. If we reach a dead end, we backtrack, reassess and learn from what just happened and move forward.
There will always be the minority, and their opinions. But why not focus on education as a whole, instead of blaming and causing destruction like this.
I wouldn't really count on that. Some of us fought tooth and nail to get out of the situations we are in by getting good jobs and working hard for a living rather than kicking in a shop window and looting.
wow... just fucking wow.
Ben, i've got to say that's the most ignorant thing i've ever read from you.
i completely agree with Eld. though, i grew up in a family that lived on the dole, had to skip birthdays/christmasses due to poverty, my step father lost his business due to thatchers government which caused him to go bankrupt, which had further financial stress for my family.
i grew up with quite literally nothing. it was when i hit 13 years old and got my own paper round, and then started stacking fridges at a local pub before they opened to earn some money for myself so i could get the nice things all my school friends just "had".
don't think for a single second that just because someone might agree with a particular point of view, that they've never known poverty or hardship.
Honestly I think Ben gets excited anytime something like this happens, as it gives him an excuse to get on his soap box and rant. I'm sure he's loving this.
Despite the fact that multiple people in this thread have shared stories of how they grew up in similar situations, but think the actions of the rioters are inexcusable. No, he will ignore that entirely, as it doesn't further his cause, choosing to instead glorify and martyrize these people.
Ignorant, insulting and incorrect. Now we all have license to ignore you and your tripe.
Just saying.
if this keeps going its going to turn really really nasty
on the flip side those riot police held it together very well all things considered.
Yeah I know, but I do believe that people like them can easily make up for a majority of the people involved in riots like these. Reminds me of one the violent youth riots we had in Copenhagen some years ago where around 80% of the people arrested didn't even come from Denmark.
My personal opinion is, and this is comming from a okay priviliged mind: Don't fucking destroy other peoples things... I couldn't give two shits about your political reasoning as soon as you start torching, looting and destroying other peoples property. It's not their fault you're in the situation you are.
Apparently he didn't.
I was born and raise among a poor family, and I'm not ashamed to admit it, simply because even tho nearly everyone on my family may be underpaid, they make a honest living, they're good people, and never did any harm to anyone.
They say you have to taste the sour to appreciate the sweet; and without going into details, fortunately or unfortunately I know very well how the sour tastes like, very sour, but I fought trhought it all.
When I was younger I lived with the motto that when your life sucks from the beginning, there's no where to go but up, and I'll only stop when I reach the sky and the thought that every penny I earn was fought for with my strengths only, even reinforces my will; so please...
Alexis Bailey, 31yr old. Works in a primary school (not for long). Earns £1000 p/m (not anymore).
more info:
UK police are soft.. scared shitless of being sued. Ive seen first hand what police are like in some other countries.. and if whats going on here happened over there the riots and lootings woulda lasted 12 hours if that..
How dare you assume that everyone who has an opinion that differs from your own is from a middle class family or was born into privilege? I have worked my ass of getting the basics to survive over the years. I worked in a factories for over 10yrs doing 6am starts and 48hr+ weeks, so i could make enough money to start buying a house.
When i lived near Birmingham, I was in a block of flats that contained 8 dwellings and 5 were occupied with heroin addicts. I lived there for 3 years. Yea, privileged life ftw!
No matter what the upbringing of the people who are rioting, there is no excuse for what they are doing. Just sticking a tag on them because it makes the situation more easily digestible to the media is ridiculous.
They are punishing the people who work hard within their own communities because they don't have a Playstation? Give me a break.
The UK is not a 3rd world country and no one goes without. We have one of the most comprehensive and generous welfare systems in the world, where everyone is entitled to a basic sum of money whilst looking for work, free healthcare for those who dont pay N.I, money if you are too sick to work, up to £20k per year rent payments if you don't or cant work and Council tax payments get made.
These entitlements are on an indefinite basis, or until your circumstances change. (get a job or become well enough to work)
No matter how poor or disadvantaged these people are, it doesn't give them the right to ruin other peoples livelihoods.
These people don't have nothing, but they feel entitled to everything.
"No matter how poor or disadvantaged these people are, it doesn't give them the right to ruin other peoples livelihoods.
These people don't have nothing, but they feel entitled to everything."
Andy nailed it. Even if these people are rich, middle-classed, or poor doesn't give them a right at all to beat people up, steal and cause stress and havoc. I gotta get off this... its really getting me mad lol.
the robbers would start bringing guns.
Not that I condone It but I understand, especially if they've been abused by police for NO FUCKING REASON as I have been, another physical incident, coming from school trying to better myself using a LEGIT transportation pass given to me by my school only to get abused as soon as I used It to get home, to be assaulted by a male and FEMALE cop (his nail dented in my face, leaving a mark lasting for days) to have my bus pass taken from me and to have me kicked out of the turn style and I had no money to get back on. To have to beg people (like a bum) to pay for my way to let me back on to get home, an old 60-70 y/o black lady paid out of her pocket & helped me, the asshole ticket clerk saw the whole shit and did nothing, video cameras and all.)
So fuck that shit to think that this shit wasn't coming, I bet It's only going to get worse EVERYWHERE It will be f-cking chaos in New York if It happens here, 1,000 people to every 1 cop yea, It will (they already lost).
On topic:
If you watch this link for a bit you get a video of kids/people coming around and setting up a clean up date after the bullshit going down:
Which was cool to see, so out of the negative comes the positive.
I really really hope not. 1000's of folks against armed police will just mean 1000s of dead folks.
I was born here but was brought up in Lagos, Nigeria. Single parent, had to move back here when I was 15, alone, hold down 3 jobs to put myself through college and university. I lived in a hostel in Kings Cross and I remember coming home from college one day to find I had been burgled. They even ate the food in my fridge. It was hard, however I'm sure there are people on this forum who have had even harder lives so for you to drop that comment above is, putting it mildly, ridiculous.
A couple of good quotes:
"These are shopping riots, characterised by their consumer choices: that's the bit we've never seen before. A violent act by the authorities, triggering a howl of protest that bit is as old as time. But crowds moving from shopping centre to shopping centre? Actively trying to avoid a confrontation with police, trying to get in and out of JD Sports before the "feds" arrive? That bit is new."
"Consumer society relies on your ability to participate in it. So what we recognise as a consumer now was born out of shorter hours, higher wages and the availability of credit. If you're dealing with a lot of people who don't have the last two, that contract doesn't work. They seem to be targeting the stores selling goods they would normally consume. So perhaps they're rebelling against the system that denies its bounty to them because they can't afford it."
i think it is safe to say that at the core of this riot is the issue of social discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity etc. the killing of Mark Duggan was the final straw that started it all.
i am not justifying the riots, but simply stating a possible cause which seems very likely to be the case. this social inequality leads to poverty mostly among people who come from a different social profile other than white-christian-heterosexual type.
As far as the riots go, I believe it's just people being opportunistic and robbing and looting under the guise of a cause. You've had black kids, white kids even grown men robbing and looting, the links are all there on the BBC.
I completely disagree. The initial uproar may have been because of this. Looters quickly saw an opportunity to overpower the police and take what they like. The riots now have nothing to do with the original uproar, race, gender or ethnicity. Its scum of all ages and backgrounds trying to get a freeby. Its just mass ram raiding, mugging and arson.
EDIT: and if it carries on you can probably add murder and man slaughter to the list.