black mesa and aperture were the 2 top competing scientific engineering firms according to the mythos, there are a few other tie-ins as well, check out the timeline wiki. i hope there is a portal gun in episode 3.
I hope we get a chell + gordon freeman teamup!
edit: I take it back I don't want that. They don't belong in the same game. They each have their own struggle and it would cheapen it to put them together. Small call-outs would be good though.
edit: I take it back I don't want that. They don't belong in the same game. They each have their own struggle and it would cheapen it to put them together. Small call-outs would be good though.
It wouldn't work anyway since Chell was in stasis during all of the events of the Half-Life 2 story most likely.
Also I doubt that the headcrab in the tube was more than a small easter egg. Portal 2 is supposedly a thousand or so years after Portal 1. One of the main reasons for them doing this was so that it wouldn't interfere with Half-Life 2's story at all.
It wouldn't work anyway since Chell was in stasis during all of the events of the Half-Life 2 story most likely.
Also I doubt that the headcrab in the tube was more than a small easter egg. Portal 2 is supposedly a thousand or so years after Portal 1. One of the main reasons for them doing this was so that it wouldn't interfere with Half-Life 2's story at all.
the bit where you hear how long you've been in stasis could be interpreted as a computer glitch though I reckon
the bit where you hear how long you've been in stasis could be interpreted as a computer glitch though I reckon
I wasn't basing that off of the computer voice at the beginning of the game. I'm basing it off of what Chet Faliszek said in an interview around E3 of 2010. If anyone is interested I can probably dig it up.
Don't know about the interview, but there is no way that it's thousands of years after. Apeture would have completely decayed by then. I think it's only been a dozen years or so.
[Edit].... the timeline according to the interwebs claims that portal 2 takes place a few decades after 1 ...
Ive heard between 27 or so years up too 300 years.
I've also heard that if the announcer was right about the 99999days thing than that would put it at 273.78 years. I've also heard Portal 1 takes place after the 7 hour war so that would put it between Hl1 and Hl2. Although that was off SPUF so i don't know what their source was
Very fun game! I enjoyed the SP and Coop. Nice env work, It felt more like an halflife experience then the first one( not that the first one was awsome or anything).. voice acting was great!
Did anyone see another human entering a door at one point? I dont remember exactly where, it was toward the end, i think, during one of the orange/white/bluee goo test, *outside* the facility on the metal platform?
the bit where you hear how long you've been in stasis could be interpreted as a computer glitch though I reckon
Or Gordon gets captured and put in stasis and wakes up in the future.
But I really don't think they'll cross over like that, I think they'll keep them separate, although it would be awesome if Gordon gets some awesome assistance from the portal universe not necessarily from Chell herself...
actually its only 27 years into the future, its not 9999 years its 9999 days. check the timeline wiki, first takes place at the same time as half life 2, 2nd takes place roughly 30 years after that. you are just in stasis, not cryogenically frozen, after 1000 years you would be a pile of dust.
going by the 9s really won't tell you how long it's been.. I counted 9999999.. 5in a bunch and then 2 afterwords... and that would make it 27,397 years in stasis which obviously doesn't make much sense. 27 seems reasonable though.
and yeah I love that cave speech, especially when the glados potato starts getting all worked up
Or Gordon gets captured and put in stasis and wakes up in the future.
But I really don't think they'll cross over like that, I think they'll keep them separate, although it would be awesome if Gordon gets some awesome assistance from the portal universe not necessarily from Chell herself...
I think the hook will be the Borealis, although "way back when" Valve said Chell was going to have a impact on the HL plot.
She's been shot 200 odd years into the future now so who knows.
Also whats with all the ambiguous suggestions that chell is somehow Carolines/Glados's daughter? especially in the turret opera
One of the 'Bring your daughter to work day' experiments is signed by a girl named Chell.
Valve sure love setting off the Internet speculation machine
I think the hook will be the Borealis, although "way back when" Valve said Chell was going to have a impact on the HL plot.
She's been shot 200 odd years into the future now so who knows.
Also whats with all the ambiguous suggestions that chell is somehow Carolines/Glados's daughter? especially in the turret opera
One of the 'Bring your daughter to work day' experiments is signed by a girl named Chell.
Valve sure love setting off the Internet speculation machine
That's really interesting! As soon as I saw the portrait with Cave and Caroline my first thought was "I bet Wheately is Cave's intelligence, GlaDOS is Caroline's intelligence, and Chell is their daughter". I dropped that theory when I finished it because it didn't seem like they inferred anything about the Cave/Wheatley part... but if there are really clues about Chell being the daughter, maybe I was right to begin with?
That's really interesting! As soon as I saw the portrait with Cave and Caroline my first thought was "I bet Wheately is Cave's intelligence, GlaDOS is Caroline's intelligence, and Chell is their daughter". I dropped that theory when I finished it because it didn't seem like they inferred anything about the Cave/Wheatley part... but if there are really clues about Chell being the daughter, maybe I was right to begin with?
Im thinking chell is adopted to Caroline. I dont think wheatley could be cave though his character is so different.
Good game. Really enjoyed it. Although it was too easy. Clocked in 5 hours including secret searching.
few things though.
1. Where did the rocket launcher eye ball things go from portal 1. They were a good puzzle element and not used enough imo.
2. I expected the fat sentries to be rocket launchers or something. But they don't even do anything. boring!
3. I was expecting the game to be much bigger. Especially when you see the map of spheres saying "you are here", I was thinking we'd get to play through all (25 to 30..ish) of the spheres but its only 2 or 3 that get played.
Cave Johnson is pretty annoying. He's like American Dad or something. Kinda makes the whole thing feel cartoony, especially with all the talk of praying mantis men, etc.
Also 60% of the time when joining co-op mode. All people seem to want to do is grief noobs, which gets old very quick.
Anyhoo. Cant wait for the DLC coming and I really hope we get a portal 2 prelude MOD type thing as well.
Wow, just wow. Typical news over dramatization. And the one reporter at the end, 'just passing the blame'... no fucktard, Sony has nothing to do with this game. Why not ask Microsoft, since you can get it on the XBox? Or Intel, because I can play it on my PC.
That dad is WAY over sensitive to this. He's SO sure she's trying to bury this idea of being adopted. God forbid he believe her when she said she didn't notice/hear it. No, you have to stop the game and draw attention to it. So, I guess he's fine with the fat jokes, but just not the adoption one.
Oh, and did the reporter remind anyone else of Kenan?:
also that one reporter was too funny "we contacted sony,...., they told us to contact valve..., they seem to be passing the buck." because Valve made the game genius!
they also quote the bible, I hope that didn't offend too many people, or the fact that it called you a horrible person, that would really hurt a horrible persons feelings, lol
FFS, what an over sensitive pussy. Of all the things to throw a fit, and call the news over... I really want to rant over this, but I'm just about speechless over the total stupidity of it all. I absolutely agree with the other comments posted about this be-shitted news segment.
Yeah "dad" shelter your kids from all the harm the world MIGHT do to them. That'll get them prepped for when they have to face life on their own...
I finally got my copy of portal2 which, for some reason, took 3-4 weeks to arrive here and played right through it. Absolutely loved it, it's just incredibly well-made.
And those idiot parents had better not try to give cave johnson, glados or valve any lemons :P
They were waiting until 'she' was ready ... my eyes hurt from rolling back in my head.
btw, just for full disclosure, I adopted my oldest daughter. Slightly different, because she's biologically my wife's daughter, and I adopted her when we got married. But this part of the game didn't phase anyone in the room, and honestly, I didn't even think of it at the time.
This guy needs to grow some sacks
Edit: Ok, I just watched the follow-up email... I love how she reads the email asking what they were trying to accomplish with the report, and she doesn't answer with anything. Why point out the damn email, if you aren't going to respond to it?
Overall, I don't think this guy was ever going to feel 'ready' to explain adoption to his daughter. He's more upset that HE felt the need to explain things now. Again, she wasn't even phased by this part of the game. He's the one that drew attention to it. She's 10 years old. She should be able to piece shit together by herself by now. Does he he think she doesn't notice that she's asian, and her parents are caucasian?
omg. its a freaking video game!! like really?!?! This dude acts like he heard it from the president or something, its a make believe talking robot sphere(to my understanding, haven't played it yet). hop off and chill outtttttt.... I hope valve is laughing at every voice mail.
Edit: and I hope his daughter is like, "yo dad, chill out man"
Sorry for the buh-bump. But I'm having problems finding people to play the Co-Op campaign with (and not online, where 4 consecutive times, I get a pre-pubescent kid asking me if I have cheats, then leave the game)..
If there's anyone who hasn't ever played the co-op campaign, let me know if you wanna rip it with me next week!
I hope we get a chell + gordon freeman teamup!
edit: I take it back I don't want that. They don't belong in the same game. They each have their own struggle and it would cheapen it to put them together. Small call-outs would be good though.
It wouldn't work anyway since Chell was in stasis during all of the events of the Half-Life 2 story most likely.
Also I doubt that the headcrab in the tube was more than a small easter egg. Portal 2 is supposedly a thousand or so years after Portal 1. One of the main reasons for them doing this was so that it wouldn't interfere with Half-Life 2's story at all.
the bit where you hear how long you've been in stasis could be interpreted as a computer glitch though I reckon
I wasn't basing that off of the computer voice at the beginning of the game. I'm basing it off of what Chet Faliszek said in an interview around E3 of 2010. If anyone is interested I can probably dig it up.
[Edit].... the timeline according to the interwebs claims that portal 2 takes place a few decades after 1 ...
I've also heard that if the announcer was right about the 99999days thing than that would put it at 273.78 years. I've also heard Portal 1 takes place after the 7 hour war so that would put it between Hl1 and Hl2. Although that was off SPUF so i don't know what their source was
Did anyone see another human entering a door at one point? I dont remember exactly where, it was toward the end, i think, during one of the orange/white/bluee goo test, *outside* the facility on the metal platform?
Unless it was one of the coop robot?
But I really don't think they'll cross over like that, I think they'll keep them separate, although it would be awesome if Gordon gets some awesome assistance from the portal universe not necessarily from Chell herself...
then something happened
you've been warned
OMG GLITCH or shortcut or...dunno
I think the hook will be the Borealis, although "way back when" Valve said Chell was going to have a impact on the HL plot.
Also whats with all the ambiguous suggestions that chell is somehow Carolines/Glados's daughter? especially in the turret opera
One of the 'Bring your daughter to work day' experiments is signed by a girl named Chell.
Valve sure love setting off the Internet speculation machine
They went one further with this, making a ball have more character than most AAA films.
Then they went even further and made the bloody walls have amazing character!
I give up.
looks more like a statue. its wearing a toga.
Should see a lot of interesting user created content soon! :thumbup:
"I'm Different."
few things though.
1. Where did the rocket launcher eye ball things go from portal 1. They were a good puzzle element and not used enough imo.
2. I expected the fat sentries to be rocket launchers or something. But they don't even do anything. boring!
3. I was expecting the game to be much bigger. Especially when you see the map of spheres saying "you are here", I was thinking we'd get to play through all (25 to 30..ish) of the spheres but its only 2 or 3 that get played.
Cave Johnson is pretty annoying. He's like American Dad or something. Kinda makes the whole thing feel cartoony, especially with all the talk of praying mantis men, etc.
Also 60% of the time when joining co-op mode. All people seem to want to do is grief noobs, which gets old very quick.
Anyhoo. Cant wait for the DLC coming and I really hope we get a portal 2 prelude MOD type thing as well.
I think my IQ was just cut in half.
That dad is WAY over sensitive to this. He's SO sure she's trying to bury this idea of being adopted. God forbid he believe her when she said she didn't notice/hear it. No, you have to stop the game and draw attention to it. So, I guess he's fine with the fat jokes, but just not the adoption one.
Oh, and did the reporter remind anyone else of Kenan?:
also that one reporter was too funny "we contacted sony,...., they told us to contact valve..., they seem to be passing the buck." because Valve made the game genius!
they also quote the bible, I hope that didn't offend too many people, or the fact that it called you a horrible person, that would really hurt a horrible persons feelings, lol
FFS, what an over sensitive pussy. Of all the things to throw a fit, and call the news over... I really want to rant over this, but I'm just about speechless over the total stupidity of it all. I absolutely agree with the other comments posted about this be-shitted news segment.
Yeah "dad" shelter your kids from all the harm the world MIGHT do to them. That'll get them prepped for when they have to face life on their own...
And those idiot parents had better not try to give cave johnson, glados or valve any lemons :P
Think of an E game like a Disney movie, they can be pretty harsh and still make kids cry, it doesn't mean you should get offended by it.
And you can't blame a video for forcing you to be a parent and TALK TO YOUR KID.
btw, just for full disclosure, I adopted my oldest daughter. Slightly different, because she's biologically my wife's daughter, and I adopted her when we got married. But this part of the game didn't phase anyone in the room, and honestly, I didn't even think of it at the time.
This guy needs to grow some sacks
Edit: Ok, I just watched the follow-up email... I love how she reads the email asking what they were trying to accomplish with the report, and she doesn't answer with anything. Why point out the damn email, if you aren't going to respond to it?
Overall, I don't think this guy was ever going to feel 'ready' to explain adoption to his daughter. He's more upset that HE felt the need to explain things now. Again, she wasn't even phased by this part of the game. He's the one that drew attention to it. She's 10 years old. She should be able to piece shit together by herself by now. Does he he think she doesn't notice that she's asian, and her parents are caucasian?
Edit: and I hope his daughter is like, "yo dad, chill out man"
If there's anyone who hasn't ever played the co-op campaign, let me know if you wanna rip it with me next week!
add me on steam (I'm in the polycount group):
Though, i have to admit, it may make me fire portal 2 back up.