Portal 2 releasing any day now, possibly in hours
For those of you not in the loop there's some weird viral thing going on where portal fans get to decode secret messages and stuff. Well if this website is any indication there will be one final puzzle and if the fans figure it out before the actual launch time, portal 2 will release early, as early as... today.
This is definitely one of those games you want to play on launch day so you don't have any
@sshats at work or online ruin the experience for you by talking about how awesome it is. So get it preloaded cuz it could be out any time!
Some of this stuff is pretty interesting. You know that potato pack bundle on steam...

Would just die on the spot if they actually set an release date on HL3.. But yeah, portal 2 is gonna be a blast.. Looks fucking good to!
I hope to see more hours and more difficulty, because the puzzles were like aimed to childs.
Release date was april 19th by the way.
need 20 more, probably wont happen :P
You should check out Portal prelude (Fan made mod add on thingy). It's nails.
Hope to see more like this for Portal 2.
I'm not sure i'll be buying straight away. Too many games bought that I haven't played yet. Plus I remember portal selling for about £9 not long after release. So i'll bide my time.
I'm not taking part in the ARG but following it from afar, and I always find that incredible how twisted one has to be to hide stuff like that and how even more twisted you have to be to actually find them, and this is fantastic, IMO, especially given the HUGE quantity of clues and stuff scattered in there, and the HL3 thing crazyfingers posted is by far one of the less stretched ones.
Seems very likely the game will come out today, one of the Glados-hacked accounts posted a coded message an hour ago that translates to :
Since the original planned release date was next tuesday, the game will probably be out in an hour instead, if that's the case, this weekend is gonna be FUCKING AWESOME!
08:58 - Activating emergency distributed computing grid...
09:00 - GLaDOS@home starting...
09:01 - Recruiting cpus to force faster boot sequence...
09:00 Hello again.
09:00 Ive been waiting a long time for this.
09:00 I know its arriving later than expected.
09:00 But I have a message for you:
09:00 April Fools.
09:01 Im joking.
09:01 Seriously, though:
09:01 Youve been surprisingly competent at
09:01 generating electro-chemical energy to jumpstart the system.
09:01 But now we need raw computational power
09:02 to speed up the reboot process.
Very clever.
Haha, some kind of distributed CPU boot, seems that the more people are playing the potato games the faster Portal 2 will launch?
It is too late for April fool jokes you know?
Sadly it worked like a charm. I am certain there were like millions of people who didnt want to pre-order portal 2 have done so.
I'm guessing almost everyone have some game in that bundle already bought, like super meat boy!
But yeah, if one was one of the lucky guys to have ones game in that bundle, super lucky day.
Single and coop campaigns are supposed to be around 8 hours long, a piece. Cross platform play between PS3 and PC users is confirmed, with Steam coming to PS3 for updates/friends/dlc.
Doesn't look like collecting potatoes does anything to count towards getting Portal 2 released faster.
I've run my Super Meatboy. Probably not worth installing Killing Floor, for the single point it'd add :P
HAHAHAHA +1 to this! you nailed it Esprite haha
Now that we have the pleasantries behind us...
Less potatoes have been found for those games I'm guessing. The bar is a representation of how many hours have been played in that game. One CPU is added for every 48 hours of playtime. Every potato found for that game MULTIPLIES the number.
The cake you will be enjoying will probably be PIE
(By the way : CAN'T WAIT!!!)
Kudos to Valve, and I hope that this gives some of the indie games exposure that they might not have gotten otherwise.
I'll play 1... 2... 3... KICK IT! (Drop That Beat Like an Ugly Baby) to help boost the CPU thing there, then move on :P
This should all be fun, doubt we'll see the game till monday though, it calculates how many players are needed based on how many own the product, so... Audiosurf, Amnesia and Killing Floor will need a fuckton of people playing B|
... Are you serious? Giving away the first game that they've released in a while, which all this promotion is for, years of work, just because people participated in the ARG?
That'd be like giving away the game to everyone who's shown a remote interest in the game, hoping those who didn't will buy it?
Tss, french economics