Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought Steven Merchant gave a brilliant performance. Really nothing I've ever experienced before in a game. Plenty of grin-inducing bits throughout, too. Loved it.
Loved the ending, but I didn't like the pre-rendered ending cutscene - Thought that would have been better in-engine.
How did the Chell from the first game end up back in stasis for the sequel? How wasn't she killed in the blast from the first game, that blew a hole in the ceiling of the facility, and threw her out into the carpark?
Really hope there isn't another one, now. I don't see how there could be.
How did the Chell from the first game end up back in stasis for the sequel? How wasn't she killed in the blast from the first game, that blew a hole in the ceiling of the facility, and threw her out into the carpark?
There was an ARG in early 2010 that explained how she was brought back into the facility with an extended ending the the original Portal and there was a small comic that came out a few weeks ago that explained how she was put into stasis. Here's the comic if you want to take a look at it.
There was an ARG in early 2010 that explained how she was brought back into the facility with an extended ending the the original Portal and there was a small comic that came out a few weeks ago that explained how she was put into stasis. Here's the comic if you want to take a look at it.
Man, throughly enjoyed it. I don't play a lot of games anymore, hard to find the time, but I spent maybe 6-7 hours on it today and couldn't stop! I liked stephen merchant, but I've always liked his stuff..
Also, you know you guys are arguing over opinions, not facts. It sounds a bit funny to me.
Also, you know you guys are arguing over opinions, not facts. It sounds a bit funny to me.
Opinions can be wrong too. for example an idiot who has no understanding of right or wrong would obviously have the wrong opinion on something. this is fact, not my opinion
btw i loved Portal 2 SP and Co-op. gameplay is definitely my priority over graphics and portals gameplay is more complicated than tetris, correct me if i am wrong. that being said portals graphics are awesome as long as you can appreciate the combination of beauty with simplicity. from an art direction stand point, portal and all other current valve games are in a caliber of its own.
Opinions can be wrong too. for example an idiot who has no understanding of right or wrong would obviously have the wrong opinion on something. this is fact, not my opinion
btw i loved Portal 2 SP and Co-op. gameplay is definitely my priority over graphics and portals gameplay is more complicated than tetris, correct me if i am wrong. that being said portals graphics are awesome as long as you can appreciate the combination of beauty with simplicity. from an art direction stand point, portal and all other current valve games are in a caliber of its own.
I totally agree. I could stare at all those dark grey tile materials all day.
Yeah I agree totally with you Blaizer. I mean you're so right. Its like this, to comparing arguing on the internet to the Taliban, but then you are a fucking Nazi.
Such good comparison.
Also, welcome to an internet forum, where 99% of activity consists of one user telling another his opinions are wrong.
Yeah I agree totally with you Blaizer. I mean you're so right. Its like this, to comparing arguing on the internet to the Taliban, but then you are a fucking Nazi.
Such good comparison.
Also, welcome to an internet forum, where 99% of activity consists of one user telling another his opinions are wrong.
EQ, your so f*cking wrong its not even funny... it's more like 99.999% PFFT..
The game is pretty as hell. They did a great job, especially with the lighting.
I do however want to give special props to the Audio team. There are SO many good decisions being made, and the amount of little flourishes installed throughout the game are so enjoyable. Super subtle stuff like the musical cues when using gels, and during this one puzzle where you need to activate 3 laser receivers, each activated a layer of a melody, that when you solved the puzzle there was the secondary reward of hearing the full melody together. There was just so much done right.
Incredible job Valve, this is the quality all games should strive to hit.
Regarding the whole opinion thing ive been trying to work stuff out about what is "good" - i'm all for tastes, i mean... it applys to food but whether or not you "like" something doesnt mean that the food itself is bad for you or not healthy.
Bad analogy for it, but still, I think that there are things in games that make them good and the same applies to art in general. There must be a list of things in game design at this point that equate to something being "good".
Like, what makes character design strong? Uniqueness? Readability? To use TF2 as an example, i think they explain their design process behind their characters incredibly well as well as the importance it has on the game - can this be applied to other class based shooters?
Good level design? I'm sure someone as awesome Vig could list qualities that make a level "good" or function well, be it singleplayer or multiplayer I think there will be similar elements repeating across all games with "good" level design.
What im trying to get at is i wish people, at the very least, would acknowledge something for its "factual" merits before saying they dislike something... hell, id have no beef if people worded things along the lines of "its well made, but not my cup of tea" - not ... portal is generic, shit voice acting.
If i were to give an example in art i'd say things along the line of;
A pleasing composition with bad rendering or the reverse, a photo real rendering that's dull to look at, hell.. in the Gnomon Master DVD's Craig mullins talks about the skills that abstract painters have, i'm sure his "opinion" is more weighted than mine on the matter. Eitherway, taste or not, there are elements of games/art/films that are good...
People on the internet like to get angry so they've blown up the fact that you can buy little cosmetic stuff for co-op into OMG THEY ARE MAKING ME PAY MORE TO GET THE COMPLETE EXPERIENCE.
funny i thought this was a portal thread? , only a few hours in, but really enjoying it so far, also think its looks pretty good, art direction is amazing, atmosphere, mood, love the voice work and progression so far. only complaint is my dumb mac mouse has that virtual scroll wheel crap and is zooming sometimes randomly but i think i can turn that off.
I beat the SP last night and loved all of it. I really enjoyed the new mechanics such as the light bridges, gels, and lasers. I've heard critiques that it was bad that there were less places to place portals in this one, but that did not bother me since to me the challenge is not figuring out where to place the portals, but rather in what sequence to place them.
Visually I think the game looked great, I was particularly impressed with the industrial designs. Falling down into the depths to reveal the old Aperture complex was very compelling to me, as well as going through the vintage logos during the load screens. There is so much fictional depth in the artistic design of this game, I really did love it. The writing and voice work is top notch once again, as well as the rest of the audio. The ending also made me lol.
I love that too bunchFX, valve integrates the music into their games so well. HL2 laso had a number of bits like that. I don't know why people are saying the game's graphics don't look good. I thimk they look really nice. I liek how itts much more subtle and not in your face with effects and fancy(silly) csi lighting.
Also did anyone eles get Venture Bros. vibes from the deeper levels?
Also did anyone eles get Venture Bros. vibes from the deeper levels?
Yes, although I think that was mainly from the combination of "retro" aesthetics with the delightful humor. I could easily imagine Jonas Venture's voice coming over the loudspeakers. The design of those sequences actually gave me more of a Bioshock 1930's vibe, although I think they are supposed to be around the 60's.
That's actually the sequence I stopped at last night. So far I am enjoying the game just as much as the original. The mechanics and puzzles are as delightful as ever. The voice acting and writing are consistently hilarious. I can understand some people's complaints over the technicals of the aging engine. The shaders and textures being used are not as impressive as some other modern shooters or engines. But the art direction, level design, and composition are so strong that I hardly feel the shortcomings of the Source engine matter. And some of the shaders in the Source engine continue to impress. I've always found that somehow that engine always did glass better than anyone else. The animations are fairly utilitarian, almost all of them involve robots after all. But I was impressed how well Valve was able to imbue some of the robotic characters with personality, despite their mechanical nature.
EQ, i think you didn't get the meaning of "taliban" very well .
Not all the people will think like you, or less... will have the same tastes, and more in games. If someone says as example, "i don't like the game", you SHOULD NOT be enraged, it is not your religion. You MUST respect their opinions because we are very old to flame as a kid. Being a fanatic = being a taliban, do you understand that?
I ended the first one, and what happens, i can't say i disliked it?
And this is a forum man... don't make a mountain from a grain of salt.
And EQ, you should not call me nazi, too bad. All the blood went up to your head or what?
I already said this is matter of tastes... you can't argue anything.
Anyone listen to the green adventure orb up to about 5 seconds before the timer runs out? It's hilarious what happens after you plug all of them in after that. Try it.
Blaizer go away. its funny you posted as soon as the thread started but because everyone ignored your first post you felt some need to make the exact same post 5 pages later... this is what we call a troll, its not an opinion, please learn how to use the internet. k thnx
Just got it a while back, really enjoying it. Haven't got that far in (Chapter 4 ) and I'm still waiting for my freinds to get it so I can play co-op. But what I've seen so far really does justify the hype. Can't wait to finish it.
BTW the guys over at TF2M managed to create a rough version of the sdk if anyones into that kind of thing.
Anyone enjoy the way they started tying in the story to that of half-life? I really enjoyed the somewhat abstract, tongue in cheek way portal is presented but I was curious how it all tied to the more serious story of half-life. I thought it was pretty cool.
Y'know it shows how good valve are when they can make a limbless ball have more personality and be more likebable than most humans in other games.
Played through co-op yesterday with my brother. Awesome, awesome fun! Just so polished. I think its a testament to the game that nothing feels out of place or draws your eye, I'm sure valve worked very hard to make the details that you don't notice, just so you wouldn't notice them... If you know what I'm saying...
just finished the game and the wheatley character had me cracking up throughout most of the game. Also, the ending sequence and the space part were brilliant!
I finished it late last night. Full of surprises, worth every penny.
And you know, if you stopped at the space part it's only half finished. I think we should all friend each other on the Steam network and play co-op to see the final ending.
Just beat the single player, can't wait to start the MP once a buddy of mine finishes SP.
Single player was so well done I felt like I was playing Half Life 2 all over again in many ways. Truly one the best gaming experiences around, Valve really knows what they are doing.
black mesa and aperture were the 2 top competing scientific engineering firms according to the mythos, there are a few other tie-ins as well, check out the timeline wiki. i hope there is a portal gun in episode 3.
Loved the ending, but I didn't like the pre-rendered ending cutscene - Thought that would have been better in-engine.
Really hope there isn't another one, now. I don't see how there could be.
There was an ARG in early 2010 that explained how she was brought back into the facility with an extended ending the the original Portal and there was a small comic that came out a few weeks ago that explained how she was put into stasis. Here's the comic if you want to take a look at it.
Man. I missed all this! Thanks for that
Also, they updated the ending in Portal 1.
I think you just won the thread
Also, you know you guys are arguing over opinions, not facts. It sounds a bit funny to me.
Opinions can be wrong too. for example an idiot who has no understanding of right or wrong would obviously have the wrong opinion on something. this is fact, not my opinion
btw i loved Portal 2 SP and Co-op. gameplay is definitely my priority over graphics and portals gameplay is more complicated than tetris, correct me if i am wrong. that being said portals graphics are awesome as long as you can appreciate the combination of beauty with simplicity. from an art direction stand point, portal and all other current valve games are in a caliber of its own.
I totally agree. I could stare at all those dark grey tile materials all day.
We can dislike something, and if you argue with someone for that reason... pardon me, but you are then a fucking taliban.
For tastes, colors.
Such good comparison.
Also, welcome to an internet forum, where 99% of activity consists of one user telling another his opinions are wrong.
Do not infringing on my internet rights! I will contact the UN about disgraces!
I do however want to give special props to the Audio team. There are SO many good decisions being made, and the amount of little flourishes installed throughout the game are so enjoyable. Super subtle stuff like the musical cues when using gels, and during this one puzzle where you need to activate 3 laser receivers, each activated a layer of a melody, that when you solved the puzzle there was the secondary reward of hearing the full melody together. There was just so much done right.
Incredible job Valve, this is the quality all games should strive to hit.
Bad analogy for it, but still, I think that there are things in games that make them good and the same applies to art in general. There must be a list of things in game design at this point that equate to something being "good".
Like, what makes character design strong? Uniqueness? Readability? To use TF2 as an example, i think they explain their design process behind their characters incredibly well as well as the importance it has on the game - can this be applied to other class based shooters?
Good level design? I'm sure someone as awesome Vig could list qualities that make a level "good" or function well, be it singleplayer or multiplayer I think there will be similar elements repeating across all games with "good" level design.
What im trying to get at is i wish people, at the very least, would acknowledge something for its "factual" merits before saying they dislike something... hell, id have no beef if people worded things along the lines of "its well made, but not my cup of tea" - not ... portal is generic, shit voice acting.
If i were to give an example in art i'd say things along the line of;
A pleasing composition with bad rendering or the reverse, a photo real rendering that's dull to look at, hell.. in the Gnomon Master DVD's Craig mullins talks about the skills that abstract painters have, i'm sure his "opinion" is more weighted than mine on the matter. Eitherway, taste or not, there are elements of games/art/films that are good...
I wish i was more eloquent. fuck.
Visually I think the game looked great, I was particularly impressed with the industrial designs. Falling down into the depths to reveal the old Aperture complex was very compelling to me, as well as going through the vintage logos during the load screens. There is so much fictional depth in the artistic design of this game, I really did love it. The writing and voice work is top notch once again, as well as the rest of the audio. The ending also made me lol.
Also did anyone eles get Venture Bros. vibes from the deeper levels?
Yes, although I think that was mainly from the combination of "retro" aesthetics with the delightful humor. I could easily imagine Jonas Venture's voice coming over the loudspeakers. The design of those sequences actually gave me more of a Bioshock 1930's vibe, although I think they are supposed to be around the 60's.
That's actually the sequence I stopped at last night. So far I am enjoying the game just as much as the original. The mechanics and puzzles are as delightful as ever. The voice acting and writing are consistently hilarious. I can understand some people's complaints over the technicals of the aging engine. The shaders and textures being used are not as impressive as some other modern shooters or engines. But the art direction, level design, and composition are so strong that I hardly feel the shortcomings of the Source engine matter. And some of the shaders in the Source engine continue to impress. I've always found that somehow that engine always did glass better than anyone else. The animations are fairly utilitarian, almost all of them involve robots after all. But I was impressed how well Valve was able to imbue some of the robotic characters with personality, despite their mechanical nature.
Not all the people will think like you, or less... will have the same tastes, and more in games. If someone says as example, "i don't like the game", you SHOULD NOT be enraged, it is not your religion. You MUST respect their opinions because we are very old to flame as a kid. Being a fanatic = being a taliban, do you understand that?
I ended the first one, and what happens, i can't say i disliked it?
And this is a forum man... don't make a mountain from a grain of salt.
And EQ, you should not call me nazi, too bad. All the blood went up to your head or what?
I already said this is matter of tastes... you can't argue anything.
Sounds like new coop stuff coming out later tonight. Including the suction tubes that were originally shown, possibly.
Here's the countdown.
It met the internet :poly127:
The guy calling others "Taliban" complaining when he's called a Nazi, classic stuff. Clearly you didn't understand the meaning of "Nazi". =P
how in the hell did Taliban get the internet access?
BTW the guys over at TF2M managed to create a rough version of the sdk if anyones into that kind of thing.
Y'know it shows how good valve are when they can make a limbless ball have more personality and be more likebable than most humans in other games.
And you know, if you stopped at the space part it's only half finished. I think we should all friend each other on the Steam network and play co-op to see the final ending.
Single player was so well done I felt like I was playing Half Life 2 all over again in many ways. Truly one the best gaming experiences around, Valve really knows what they are doing.
Anyone seen this during play?
I hope its more than an easter egg
Lamar? He went to spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaceeeeeeee