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Portal 2



  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    I finished the first one weeks ago, in only 3 hours, and for me it was really simple and easy, very childish, i hated that stupid retarded voice of the robot. I wondered, this is supposed to be a full game? it's so short!!!. So i ended not buying Portal 2 thinking it would not give me enough hours of play.

    And now that i read Read to Odium, i won't buy the game until it becames very very cheap :), and just for the co-op. For 3 hours, i prefer to pay for a film or for a better game with more hours of gameplay.

    Where's half life 3? :S or the last episode?
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Finished it today in about 8 hours. Most of that was just looking at the water reflections and trying to colour coat rooms :P
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Blaizer wrote: »
    I finished the first one weeks ago, in only 3 hours, and for me it was really simple and easy, very childish, i hated that stupid retarded voice of the robot. I wondered, this is supposed to be a full game? it's so short!!!. So i ended not buying Portal 2 thinking it would not give me enough hours of play.

    And now that i read Read to Odium, i won't buy the game until it becames very very cheap :), and just for the co-op. For 3 hours, i prefer to pay for a film or for a better game with more hours of gameplay.

    Where's half life 3? :S or the last episode?

    Three hours is a lie, the steam time thing doesnt appear to be recording the time correctly and people arent able to tell the time.

    Its more like six hours minimum if you are rushing and skipping everything as fast as possible.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Yeah, I think I finished Portal 2 in 6 hours - but I realized I might have missed the [REDACTED] sub plot and didn't find the [REDACTED] either. I'm going to play it again, it's that damn good.
  • sicsided

    Game is much longer than 3 hours, especially if you explore all the areas. Great game, finished it today. Loved the gel puzzles, although the floating beam things really tripped me up.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I started my playthrough 10:05 last night, stopped playing at 12:30am, got to chapter 9, and then played for another hour nearly this morning to polish it off. I wasn't rushing, I was checking all sorts to see the engine changes, and I didn't use any guides.

    I can see how if people struggled it would be longer, but to me I found Portal 2 more easy than the first even, it was almost like there was zero room for error this time, things didn't really have multiple choice ways you could "maybe" do it, it was all very straight forward.

    I spent the rest of the morning playing the entire game AGAIN polishing up every SP achievement, and now I only have coop chevos to go (as I haven't even loaded coop still) but I'm currently clocked via the Steam thing at 7 hours... So I can see how people got much longer play times from the game. Just not sure why I beat it so fast, I certainly wasn't rushing :s

    EDIT: As for missing sub plots etc, yes, I know who Chells mother is, yes I know how long after Portal 1 its set, and yes, I caught all the Ratman puzzles and evne the HL2:Ep3 references :p
  • MattQ86
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    MattQ86 polycounter lvl 15
    Wow, well that was even better than I expected it to be.

    The ending is worth the $50 alone.
  • bounchfx
    Just finished the SP. holy SHIT that was good. I wish more companies would create this quality of an experience.

    edit: took me about 6 hours according to steam
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Blaizer wrote: »
    I finished the first one weeks ago, in only 3 hours, and for me it was really simple and easy, very childish, i hated that stupid retarded voice of the robot. I wondered, this is supposed to be a full game? it's so short!!!. So i ended not buying Portal 2 thinking it would not give me enough hours of play.

    And now that i read Read to Odium, i won't buy the game until it becames very very cheap :), and just for the co-op. For 3 hours, i prefer to pay for a film or for a better game with more hours of gameplay.

    Where's half life 3? :S or the last episode?

    This is retarded, I'm sorry (it's late). But not buying a game because of aesthetics added to a store that are 100% optional to purchase and have 0% impact on the gameplay, the visual quality and narrative is probably the lamest excuse I've read for not purchasing a game.

    Check this out: This game is worth its price tag and will give you more than 10 hours of play time when its all said and done. There. Go. Go buy it now and enjoy the hell out of it like everyone else who has bought it. Odium's Steam timer is incorrect as noted by Rock Paper Scissors (linked above).
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    adam wrote: »
    This is retarded, I'm sorry (it's late). But not buying a game because of aesthetics added to a store that are 100% optional to purchase and have 0% impact on the gameplay, the visual quality and narrative is probably the lamest excuse I've read for not purchasing a game.

    Check this out: This game is worth its price tag and will give you more than 10 hours of play time when its all said and done. There. Go. Go buy it now and enjoy the hell out of it like everyone else who has bought it. Odium's Steam timer is incorrect as noted by Rock Paper Scissors (linked above).

    QFT. I've heard a few people saying shit like this and this sums up my feelings perfectly. Every single review of Portal 2 so far has been extremely positive. To not buy such a great game because you didn't give the first one the attention it deserved and because you don't like that there are completely aesthetic items that you don't have to purchase in a store is just plain stupid. Also not buying it because you think it's only 3 hours long (Which it isn't. It's at least 6 hours long unless you're a fucking idiot and try to beat it as fast as you can) is annoying. Even if it was 3 hours long I would still buy it at $50 because it's just that good. Quality is more important than quantity to me.

    Also Blazier, no, Portal 1 was not supposed to be a full game. It was a test to see if people would like that kind of game and after the extremely positive response from it they started on Portal 2 as a full game.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    The only thing I miss is the challenges, and the harder levels, but co-op and more commentary makes that up for me.
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    I finished the single player more than satisfied. That was a work of art. An experience I will remember. The story was simple yet brilliant, and some of the best jokes and one liners I've ever heard.

    <rant class=shutup>
    I don't mean to sound like a douche, but to those who has decided to not purchase this game for whatever reasons other than they can't afford it now: Shut. Up.
    I can't tolerate such biased, ignorant comments about an experience that is so singularly unique and beautiful when you won't even give it a chance. I decidedly oped out of the Bulletstorm experience because I was unhappy with the demo, reviews, and blatantly degenerate content of the game (I liked the soundtrack, though). So unless you have something solid to base your opinion off of, then you have no opinion. Back to my original point: Shut. Up.

    So, anyone up for some co-op?
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Blaizer wrote: »
    i hated that stupid retarded voice of the robot.
    Just out of curiosity, did you play it in English? I heard Glados' voice in French the other day and it was horrible, would have enjoyed it much less without the great English voice actors! Maybe it's just as bad in Spanish, if that's what you tried (just wondering, cause I've never seen anyone complain about the voices otherwise, which too me are brilliant).

    Haven't quite finished the singleplayer yet, but I'm loving every second.
  • Emperors Teeth
    ...well the shop I just went to to pick up a copy didn't even have it in stock. I coulda sworn it was out today in the UK?
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    POFFINGTON polycounter lvl 11
    This game was such a success. Bought it on Steam. Beat it in hours. Loved every single minute of it
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    The game is just awesome, finished it yesterday and honestly I don't see how people could finish it in 3h without rushing it and skipping all the dialogue parts.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    Calling me an idiot because I beat it in just over three hours? Cheers for that.

    Do you ever think, hey maybe, maybe... Its a puzzle game? And holy shit balls I just maybe found it a tad easier than you did? I got stuck once, and that’s why I saved, quit and went to bed. I didn't even USE the Steam timer.

    Honestly, gotta love the elitists here. If you don't do it in X Y and Z style, you are WRONG!!!

    Lets not miss the ACTUAL facts here... The game is great looking, but sucks donkey cock in a few spots like they just forgot to do anything. It plays really well, but its overly short, even for a puzzle game. No matter how much you look at it, the DLC is a fucking JOKE. Don't give me that "YOU DONT HAVE TO BUY IT!" bullshit line, the point is, you shouldn’t HAVE to buy items that should be FREE anyway, AT ALL. Yes you don't need them to play, but that’s like saying going out with your friends on the weekend, you don’t NEED to buy drink, or you don’t NEED to dress in a cool way. Expression should be free, and a tiny res texture for £1.49 is NOT a good way of doing things.

    Don't get me wrong, I fucking LOVED the game, but then I only paid £30 for it. Its given me higher quality playtime than some recent purchases, that’s for granted, but its not without its faults. Same as the first game. Its just presented in such a slick package that, well, you overlook those faults.

    But don't kid yourself into thinking they aren’t there at all and that anybody who sees them is wrong. Portal 2 is sexy, amazingly fun, a good thinking mans game and stupidly well written. Its also short, ugly in places and made for consoles with its loading every 10 seconds. Just deal with that, and move on. No need to start flinging shit at me.

    EDIT: For the record, you can't SKIP the dialogue, its just a sound file, not a conversation. I just didn't really get stuck other than that one time, and kinda just walked the entire game without stopping, it was OVERLY easy to me, thats all. I found the first game harder in fact. Thats just how it is.
  • Olli.
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    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    lol @ saying its short..

    its really not.
  • Jonathan
    This game is awesome, really, really awesome.

    Well done Valve, well done! :)

    (playing it on PC via Steam, with my laptop hooked up to our HDTV, playing it w/ a controller)
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Who called you and idiot, odium?

    PS: It loads often because that's how Source works. Small un-streamable levels. It's not done so for consoles. Lots of games stream levels via airlocks so that comment is just silly :)
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    loving it so far :) was gonna wait but then I watched the reviews and saw/heard stephen merchant..........purchased!!!! loving the humour so far, not sure why theres reviewers moaning on the visuals, its lovely :)
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18

    I think the point they were making was in order to play at that speed you may just be missing part of the fun.

    3 hours you say...sure, I can see that being possible, the puzzles are easier overall but I think your not getting the point of what Valve were attempting with the game.
    I personally think Valve chose not to make an outright rinse and repeat sequel and instead they evolved the franchise.

    There's a richer atmosphere in the game now instead of a straight out puzzle title as it was before. It's a more balanced experience, I don't even notice the transitions from story to challenge in Portal 2, everything just flows with the atmosphere, mood and challenge ramp up or down based on what emotion the narrative is trying to evoke from you.

    As awesome as Portal 1 was I really noticed the switch of game modes, story bit..puzzle now..oh story again. That doesn't mean Portal 2 is perfect, it has had to alter the complexity to allow it to do these things but for me its an acceptable trade off.

    Ultimately its the game they wanted to make, not the one you wanted them to make.

    It's also not console-ified, as Adam stated it loads how every Valve game loads, that's the source engine, take it or leave it.

    In any case, why argue over it, people will mod it, as they did with the first, you twitchy puzzle peeps will have your day. :P
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I honestly say everything they wanted me to see, as far as I could tell. I caught all the hidden rooms, like taking the radio into one (Although I did read that beforehand so tried it while playing) and of course got the whole GLADoS revelation. I also stopped to check each and every piece of art at the kids science show and came to the conclusion that chell was the daughter of Caroline and Cave (Check the names on the boards), I mean, just listen to what GLADoS says when you find the picture of them all hidden away in the office.

    I did honestly catch everything Valve likely wanted me to see, including the HL2:Ep3 nods like the ship that SHOULD be in Ep3...

    I just did the quite fast compared to what some of you guys have spent on the SP. But I know a few guys who have matched my speed of about 3 and a half hours, and I know one guy who said he did it in just over 2 but he didn't pick up on anywhere near as much as I did.

    Why is it so hard to believe I got a decent experience out of it just because I did the SP (Something which is being flamed to hell and back for being short anyway) in less time than you? Bare in mindI play games in LARGE doses like this, I'm on holiday still until Tuesday so damn right I'll take advantage of it. I beat Bulletstorm recently in ONE sitting in about 5 hours, if not less, if I recall. Did I enjoy that any less or miss what it was on about? Hell no, I freaking LOVED it. But I also found it quite easy...

    I REALLLLY hate to say this, but... *big gulps*

    ...Maybe I was just better at the game than some of you so didn't spend as long sitting around scratching my head...?

    EDIT: In relation to the loading thing, it wasn't the way it loaded the levels, it was more the fact that the puzzles took like, a minute, 2 tops, and then you had to load another level... Sometimes, I walked for 30 seconds and THEN loaded again. It was just like... Wut?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Were the loads really that bad? Mine felt like 15 seconds at most.
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    They sure loaded fast, thats true, but there were just waaay too many of them. One point was pretty much load, walk down a metal walkway, turn a corner, drop into a box and... Load again. I'm talking 30secs tops gameplay time... Madness.
  • TrevorJ
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    TrevorJ polycounter lvl 14
    odium wrote: »
    Honestly, gotta love the elitists here. If you don't do it in X Y and Z style, you are WRONG!!!
    odium wrote: »
    Maybe I was just better at the game than some of you so didn't spend as long sitting around scratching my head...?

    Elitists! Derp!
  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    Now I don't really care how magnificent is your leet gamer skills....but could you at least stop spoiling the game for people who didn't play or finish the game yet....
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    lol, fair enough Odium...your wicked special at puzzles and you make me want to be a better man.

    That better?

    Now excuse me while I try to tie my shoes... o_0
  • odium
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    odium polycounter lvl 18
    I never said I was better, I simply said maybe I just finished it faster than you but still had the same experience in the end. People need to get off the bandwagon that just because somebody beat a game quicker than you it doesn't mean they had a worse off experience. Life doesn't work that way.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    This game is %100 AMAZING. thats all anyone needs to know.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    good game...I10-12 hour game..going to let it settle a bit then go back and play it again..only thing I wanted was more HL3 teaser..
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    What's this, valve fanboyism?

    I don't understand why the heck some of you are replying in a taliban way. For me, the first one was a generic game, with a terrible voice acting, very short and nothing as great as i thought.

    All this is very subjetive (Yeah, for tastes... colors.), and you SHOULD understand that Portal 2 is not a religion, and less.. the best game ever because graphics are like outdated for me. With the first one i had the feeling of a non finished product. I felt heavily dissapointed with the experience with portal 1 and i blame those who said me "it's great man", fuuuuuuck. More, Beating a game in one afternoon is something i dislike a lot, because when i pay, i want at least 3 afternoons or more hours of gameplay.

    Now i read they introduced a "cash shop"... wtf. 35+ euros is not enough for a short game?

    You should play more puzzle games guys... and of course, understand that there are people that may not like what you like, or simplily that don't share your opinions. And you know, this is the internet, there is no point discussing about opinions.

    You like the game, just enjoy it.
  • sicsided
    The "cash shop" is purely cosmetic stuff for the co-op bots. Nothing else, don't need anything from the store to make the game a great experience.

    Just realized that there weren't any 'suction tube' tests like they originally showed. Would really like to try those out :(
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    started playing last night and am digging it so far. the lighting is gorgeous, nice texture work for not being overly normal/specish although some more material definition might be nice. some of the areas look a little too BSP like but then again some of the setpieces are fuckin awesome. cant wait to play more :D
  • bbob
    Just finished the SP and was thoroughly entertained, gonna have another run through it just in case I missed anything.. :D
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    Blaizer wrote: »
    What's this, valve fanboyism?

    There's no fanboyism here, just a general concensus that this game is excellent.

    You dont play it for the graphics, and if it's what you play a game for I'm really sad for you.:poly121:
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Had a blast playing the game, I sorta wished they'd done some more open ended type puzzles with the new mechanics, large open rooms where you just go crazy throwing paint all over the place for funs, but it delivered on all the levels i felt it had to.

    I wont be buying anything from the store partly I'm broke and and partly because i just don't want that stuff, but it doesn't offend me. It's just the nature of the gaming industry these days. You offer cool superfluous stuff because some people enjoy buying that jun. We live in the iphone era and steam is on mac now. To each their own. I'd rather valve make a little cash on the side doing this while supporting indie games and Steam than some of the other online services. If they didn't explore these additional revenue ventures, someone else would and steam would no longer be the dominant online distribution service.

    To be fair this recent release did seem a little more money hungry than previous valve releases, but they're still the best around and I've still got respect for 'em.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Just finished. Endind amazing. BTW trailer for Super 8 as a gameplay? Really cool stuff. If you missed it go into extras and check it out.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    ParoXum wrote: »
    There's no fanboyism here, just a general concensus that this game is excellent.

    You dont play it for the graphics, and if it's what you play a game for I'm really sad for you.:poly121:

    I don't think so.

    Graphics are the FIRST thing i'm looking for in a game, then gameplay. If you play just for a good "gameplay"... go and play tetris, that would be more sad man :poly121:. We don't need to be hipocrite ehh

    And with this, i'm not saying i don't play it for the graphics, i just pointed: "graphics are like outdated for me". They may look outdated for me, but they are still ok. Is something wrong with that?. There isn't fanboyism, right?. If a game will not offer me the hours of gameplay i expect, i don't buy it, just that.

    Yeah, i also think this release is more money hungry than other valve releases. I bought l4d2 in the first day knowing it was more of the same... but of course, knowing it would give me hundreds of hours.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    Portal 1 was about 2.5 hours for me back when it came out, since then I can do 45 minutes speedruns of it. Portal 2 singleplayer was 5.5 hours. Haven't played the co-op campaign yet.

    Not playing the game due to the OPTIONAL COSMETIC shop is like refusing to see a movie because popcorn costs too much.

    Also Portal 2 is a puzzle game with a strong narrative and a good sense of humour, the graphics aren't important nor the main focus of a puzzle game. It's all about the gameplay.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    @Odium, I didn't mean to imply you were an idiot for beating it in 3 hours (Which I still don't believe). I was talking about those people who just speed through the game as fast as they can and don't even listen to the wonderful conversations. It sounds like you played the game exactly like I did. I went at a steady pace and stopped to look at things closely and found the secrets like the vitrified doors and the portrait. I got stuck on a few puzzles but for no longer than 5 or 10 minutes. It still took me 6 hours. That's twice as long as it apparently took you and you say you found all of the secrets and stopped to look at things closely and listened to all of the conversations just like I did. I just can't believe that.

    @Blazier, I guess there's just a huge difference in opinion on the graphics. I thought it was beautiful. The moving panels were so dynamic for the most part and really made it feel like the facility was being reconstructed. The only things that really seemed like old 2005 Source to me were some of the cave areas and parts of the retro chambers. Wait, didn't you not even buy the game? You can't really get a good feel for it just by looking at the screenshots.
  • System
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    System admin
    Thing is, Blaizer... games are things that are played so I think that how enjoyable that aspect is should be what people go to first, its rather hollow to exclude a game because graphics are "outdated". Likewise, people who hold up games on their backstory (i.e. deadspace 2/halo) annoy me equally as thats even more irrelevent D:

    Ah well, to each their own I guess... i'm curious to know what your recent purchases are as theres a multitude of great sub 8hour games floating around these days. Must be hard being a miserable cunt :P

    Also, regarding your purchase of the original portal... im going to guess you didn't get it as part of the Orange box - £25 for all that content... shit man, you got downright cheated out of your money there.
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    The graphics may look a bit dated sometimes, but the designs to me are a lot more mature and original than most of what you see in these kind of AAA games, and the animation and atmosphere make up for the aging Source engine imho.
    To me this is the perfect game, I love puzzle games, I love exploring 3D worlds from the first person perspective, and I love robots, science fiction, and general sillyness.
    Yeah I wish they kept the challenge maps... :( They will come later hopefully.

    Having said that, I plead guilty to the Valve fanboyism accusations, I've loved all the games they've made in the last 10 years.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    Jackwhat, my most recent purchase was the Potato Sack, a pack with a lot of indie games. Some of the titles offers me more gameplay hours and fun than portal 1, that is a game you finish and uninstall. And talking about graphics, their graphics are not precisely better.

    Graphics are quite importat, but don't misunderstand my words, because gameplay is also very very important. Each part compensates the other.

    Take as example battlefield 3, they already sold their game...
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    yeah... it's really showing it's age.. Although the portal universe is quite a sterile simple place so it does a serviceable job. I love the panel animations.. Very atmospheric :)
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Blazier, you do realize the Potato Sack was created for an ARG/clever marketing campaign revolving around Portal 2?
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    Bought it and compelted it today in 5 hours :)

    Worth every peeny and hype
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    hehe, yep and what? :poly124:
  • Poribo
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    Poribo polycounter lvl 14
    I finished Portal 2 with a friend last night. It took around 6-8 hours. It was a enjoyable game, but the plot was a bit guessable. I accidentally found the secret talking doors thinking that's the way to go lol.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    The nerdrage over the DLC is hilarious really: "It shouldn't cost money! IT SHOULD BE FREE!"

    What dictates the worth of something? The time spent on making it? The value allotted by the creator? or the subjective opinion of the lowly end-users?

    I'm surprised the people shitting themselves in rage over the cosmetic dlc store even bought the game to begin with, I mean, the game isn't even a tangible object! How can it have any worth?

    Anyway, game was pretty great, co-op was pretty great, haven't found all the secrets yet or gotten all the achievements so, still got that.

    Oh and throwing my vote into the "Not buying a game because it comes with optional dlc is ridiculously retarded" box.
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