sry for my noobishness, but what the hell is the SKSE?
Skyrim script extender, the previous versions for all the modern bethesda titles added extended functionality in scripting beyond what was capable just out of the box, and quite some useful stuff too.
I got this on console but I think I will have to get it on PC just so I can play around with the editor. Not to mention all the mods.
The only thing that has bugged me so far are the dragons, the first battle rocked but after that its a bit anti climatic. I ran into one every time i left whiterun. And one time even ended up fighting 2 of them. Was an epic battle tho lol I just wish they where either harder to kill or spaced out more.
The Dark Brotherhood quest line is a HUGE disappointment. Biggest let-down ever. Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood quest design was lightyears beyond Skyrim.
The Dark Brotherhood quest line is a HUGE disappointment. Biggest let-down ever. Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood quest design was lightyears beyond Skyrim.
I slaughtered the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, which opened up a quest line to stop the Dark Brotherhood. We'll see how that goes, lol.
If you liked the Skyrim Dark Brotherhood quest line and haven't played the Oblivion one, from my experience, the Oblivion quest line will make you shart yourself.
Apparently the 1.2 patch is more broken than 1.1, so uh..
Avoid updating if you can. It's broken my gamepad. Sure, I can use escape to exit menus now..
but I can't use my gamepad to navigate them anymore even though i've got it set up to do so.
There are a slew of other issues i never got around to seeing, so if you can avoid the update, do so.
I'm having trouble trying to turn on AO through the Nvidia control panel, I've tried everything I could think to force it on and update the beta drivers >.> I have a 9800gt and just have skyrim on steam.
Apparently the 1.2 patch is more broken than 1.1, so uh..
Avoid updating if you can. It's broken my gamepad. Sure, I can use escape to exit menus now..
but I can't use my gamepad to navigate them anymore even though i've got it set up to do so.
There are a slew of other issues i never got around to seeing, so if you can avoid the update, do so.
I have it on Steam and it auto updated it. Hope it doesn't make my crashes even worse
Since 1.2 I'm not noticing any backwards dragons. Encountered a couple, they functioned fine. As a whole, not much has changed for me. I think I MIGHT have noticed that vertical mouse movement isn't tied to FPS anymore, but I was still getting some odd mouse stuttering in first person in certain interior spaces same as always and I've always been getting good enough performance so I didn't go through testing it much more.
I also didn't test out any resistances, so don't know if any of that got messed up for me. I never used them anyway except for the odd potion here and there for a dragon battle.
Real shame they didn't fix any of the several quest bugs, though. I've broken several so far, thankfully always was able to reload to a previous save and fix it, but I'm sure that'll come down the line.
I'm kinda holding off on Skyrim for now, though. I load it up to test some stuff and fiddle around, but I'm waiting for the Creation Kit before I start any serious characters. I need a fucking house...away from any of the cities. Personally I think it's stupid that the dragonborn, leader of various factions, etc, has some humdrum house in the middle of a random town rather than some option out in the mountains...
So waiting for the kit to resolve that for myself.
I might have to shelve this game until I get a better computer. I keep trying to play it but, woefully, my computer just isn't up to the task most days. It stutters and hangs on even low settings, which seems wrong. But I can't play it on low settings, just doesn't seem right/
By then, MODS TOO
I might have to shelve this game until I get a better computer. I keep trying to play it but, woefully, my computer just isn't up to the task most days. It stutters and hangs on even low settings, which seems wrong. But I can't play it on low settings, just doesn't seem right/
By then, MODS TOO
What are your specs?, people are having performance issues all across the board, so waiting for a patch might be the cheaper solution than waiting for a new computer.
Am I the only one who hates that chests, crates, boxes, etc. do NOT display categories?
In all the other TES/FO games containers displayed categories. That already was a problem with dozends of items but now there are no categories at all meaning that one got to scrool though hundrets of them.
Also the items are sorted alphabetically, meaning that under the Small healing potion you wont find the Medium one. I usualy do not realy remember the names of random ingredients but rather check the effect in the bottom right so I do not realy know how far I got to scroll till I can expect what I am looking for.
Not trying to rage about Skyrim here, it's one hell of a game and this single flaw did by no means destroy the experiance. After hoarding a lot of stuff it becomes quite anoying tough, especialy since the "put-item-into-container-button" is the same as the "take-all-the-stuff-from-the-container-button"... seriously.
How do you people think about it?
Is this a bigger concern that is beeign worked on, or am I the only one that hoards stuff?
What are your specs?, people are having performance issues all across the board, so waiting for a patch might be the cheaper solution than waiting for a new computer.
First of all, it's a laptop. That's rarely a promising start.
Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4500 @ 2.30GHz
4.0 GB ram
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 Series, 2GB vram.
I guess the only strange thing is that even with the settings at lower than low, it runs poorly. I've turned off all the crazy hack-job mods i've obtained, and still. It's frustrating.
I'm so happy that Bethesda understands.
Modding is SUCH a huge part of PC games, and for me, always has been one of the best parts. I'm still genuinely disappointed in EA/Bioware for never releasing DA2 modding tools, and EA/Dice for the lack of them with Battlefield 3.
Wow, installed the patch and the texture LOD bug is finally fixed. I feel like I'm playing this game with new eyes. Literally everything looks better. I can't believe how much of a difference it makes, I no longer cringe every time I walk up to a door or look at an item during the load screen.
My apologies for the harsh words earlier, this makes a huge difference in the overall visual quality
Has anyone experienced a Blood Dragon pretty much kill itself? One found me as I was adventuring, and after getting a nice blast to the face and not seeing any cover, I decided to book it for the time being. Seeing its health as I ran away, it started to drop quickly. I mean, super quickly. A third of it's health was gone in one hit. I immediately did an about-face and made it just in time to see it collapse. There were no enemies in the area. Free soul ftw? Sure... don't mind if I do! Lol.
In other news, the patch they released seems to have delayed the effects of the framerate problems. I started a new game and I've already reached 8mb and the effects are slowly making themselves known.
It's good to know that the Bethesda forums are trying to at least track down the nasty little leak. Regardless I'm enjoying it more now but I'd call this game of the year if all the leaks and glitches were fixed. Heck I don't care about NPC's going nuts or dragons flying in spirals, I just want a game where I dont have to tip toe to avoid knocking over props or have to close doors behind me to keep the memory down.
P.S. In oblivion the Mage and Dark Brotherhood guilds were my favourite but they were disappointing in Skyrim. However the thieves guild makes up for it in so many levels. If only the secret bat lair wasn't so friggen laggy with all the smoke particles.
I was kind of disappointed by the lack of an Arena, and the shortness of The Dark Brotherhood, Mages guild and The Companions questline, but then again, everything else has massive polish and not all your choices are obvious. Rather than be completely linear in quest progression you seem to have a little leeway in how you go about progressing in each guild, which is rather welcome. Just hoping for an Arena of sorts :P Would be pretty awesome, especially if the arena itself was interactive, and you had to do certain skill-kills to win the crowds favor and earn more.. gold or some other currency that was actually hard to get <.<
Skyrim script extender, the previous versions for all the modern bethesda titles added extended functionality in scripting beyond what was capable just out of the box, and quite some useful stuff too.
You could always tell them to stay put. I forget sometimes that you can give them orders while they are with you.
The only thing that has bugged me so far are the dragons, the first battle rocked but after that its a bit anti climatic. I ran into one every time i left whiterun. And one time even ended up fighting 2 of them. Was an epic battle tho lol I just wish they where either harder to kill or spaced out more.
However, on a more serious note, what about a fresh start of the game? Does the problem persist? Maybe it's a save-game issue?
I slaughtered the leader of the Dark Brotherhood, which opened up a quest line to stop the Dark Brotherhood. We'll see how that goes, lol.
The armor makes my guy look like a giant douche though.
Avoid updating if you can. It's broken my gamepad. Sure, I can use escape to exit menus now..
but I can't use my gamepad to navigate them anymore even though i've got it set up to do so.
There are a slew of other issues i never got around to seeing, so if you can avoid the update, do so.
I have it on Steam and it auto updated it. Hope it doesn't make my crashes even worse
I also didn't test out any resistances, so don't know if any of that got messed up for me. I never used them anyway except for the odd potion here and there for a dragon battle.
Real shame they didn't fix any of the several quest bugs, though. I've broken several so far, thankfully always was able to reload to a previous save and fix it, but I'm sure that'll come down the line.
I'm kinda holding off on Skyrim for now, though. I load it up to test some stuff and fiddle around, but I'm waiting for the Creation Kit before I start any serious characters. I need a fucking house...away from any of the cities. Personally I think it's stupid that the dragonborn, leader of various factions, etc, has some humdrum house in the middle of a random town rather than some option out in the mountains...
So waiting for the kit to resolve that for myself.
I killed him.
Then you killed Mario.
By then, MODS TOO
What are your specs?, people are having performance issues all across the board, so waiting for a patch might be the cheaper solution than waiting for a new computer.
Did I just get laid?
I think so. That was pure sex!
^^^uses her song as the intro music
In all the other TES/FO games containers displayed categories. That already was a problem with dozends of items but now there are no categories at all meaning that one got to scrool though hundrets of them.
Also the items are sorted alphabetically, meaning that under the Small healing potion you wont find the Medium one. I usualy do not realy remember the names of random ingredients but rather check the effect in the bottom right so I do not realy know how far I got to scroll till I can expect what I am looking for.
Not trying to rage about Skyrim here, it's one hell of a game and this single flaw did by no means destroy the experiance. After hoarding a lot of stuff it becomes quite anoying tough, especialy since the "put-item-into-container-button" is the same as the "take-all-the-stuff-from-the-container-button"... seriously.
How do you people think about it?
Is this a bigger concern that is beeign worked on, or am I the only one that hoards stuff?
maybe this helps (didn't expect such mods yet)
works ace
Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4500 @ 2.30GHz
4.0 GB ram
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 Series, 2GB vram.
I guess the only strange thing is that even with the settings at lower than low, it runs poorly. I've turned off all the crazy hack-job mods i've obtained, and still. It's frustrating.
Looks like they'll be fixing everything the last patch broke.
Modding is SUCH a huge part of PC games, and for me, always has been one of the best parts. I'm still genuinely disappointed in EA/Bioware for never releasing DA2 modding tools, and EA/Dice for the lack of them with Battlefield 3.
My apologies for the harsh words earlier, this makes a huge difference in the overall visual quality
In other news, the patch they released seems to have delayed the effects of the framerate problems. I started a new game and I've already reached 8mb and the effects are slowly making themselves known.
It's good to know that the Bethesda forums are trying to at least track down the nasty little leak. Regardless I'm enjoying it more now but I'd call this game of the year if all the leaks and glitches were fixed. Heck I don't care about NPC's going nuts or dragons flying in spirals, I just want a game where I dont have to tip toe to avoid knocking over props or have to close doors behind me to keep the memory down.
P.S. In oblivion the Mage and Dark Brotherhood guilds were my favourite but they were disappointing in Skyrim. However the thieves guild makes up for it in so many levels. If only the secret bat lair wasn't so friggen laggy with all the smoke particles.