The "shit adjusts to your skills, yo!" confuses me a bit. It's written in such unclear way that it could mean anything, from Oblivion-like level scalling to procedurally generated quests like in Daggerfal.
The game looks damn nice! Shadows are welcome and the art direction looks much more interesting. Streamlining sounds a bit risky, but if it's done without compromising the game's complexity and writing then I'm all for it. It's about time we should get rid of some of the artifacts from pen and paper RPG's.
I'll wait for better scans and more info. In all honesty, that GI article was full of marketing bullshit speak and didn't tell me anything I really care about.
They called it "radiant story" which makes it sound like the way they called the ai "radiant ai"
Meaning, it could possibly be a new variation on the daggerfall style quest system, which could potentially be very interesting.
It wasn't scrapped, but the way PR spun it was that it was "toned down" due to conflicts in quests and NPC's stealing from the PC.
Going to start reading in a second, I just hope to God they decided to make the level-scaling less extreme (something more like Morrowind's) and didn't remove even more skills/spells this go round.
Since people are asking, wanted to briefly touch on level scaling. All our games have had some amount of randomness/levelling based on player level. Skyrim's is similar to Fallout 3's, not Oblivion's.
Hope that addresses some concerns, and we hope you're enjoying the GI cover story.
Okay as it's confirmed, I'm saving up money for new computer.
Also I've played Oblivion last night; drunk and I did way too much silly stuff, Killing whole Imperial City and Anvil with god mode, found my character to be naked, my bounty is huge.
Whilst you are drunk you can do a lot of stupid stuff in Oblivion.
It wasn't scrapped, but the way PR spun it was that it was "toned down" due to conflicts in quests and NPC's stealing from the PC.
Going to start reading in a second, I just hope to God they decided to make the level-scaling less extreme (something more like Morrowind's) and didn't remove even more skills/spells this go round.
I think there were a lot of plans with radiant AI, but in the end it wasn't completely finished for oblivion, it's still in there, but not in the way that was talked about, like with much other things that were cut to due to time (?)
But with skyrim they now have several games and experience behind them, including that on the gameplay, so hopefully they'll get this radiant story right.
Actually no. I still have to hear more about stealthy characters, handplaced loot and challenges for high level characters before I make a preorder.But I will buy it anyway :poly142:
In Fallout 3 you could die to higher level things even at the max level. The way it scaled was that you had less of a chance to encounter horribly high level stuff early in the game. But there were places where high level things roamed aplenty, and could easily kill you. It was nowhere near the terribleness of Oblivion, it was usable, you felt powerful against regular enemies and real tough enemies gave you a challenge.
In Fallout 3 you could die to higher level things even at the max level. The way it scaled was that you had less of a chance to encounter horribly high level stuff early in the game. But there were places where high level things roamed aplenty, and could easily kill you. It was nowhere near the terribleness of Oblivion, it was usable, you felt powerful against regular enemies and real tough enemies gave you a challenge.
Thanks for the summary, sounds like that'll be nice to experience in Skyrim. I wasn't terribly bothered by Oblivion's level scaling, but I won't argue with something better. :thumbup:
It's difficult to tell from these scans, but one thing I really hope is improved upon graphically (other than things mentioned like faces/shadows), is the water. God oh god the water was a disappointment in Oblivion. It was a beautiful game but when compared to things like Half-Life 2's water alongside
ugh. scanner fail. i got a new scanner recently and when i tried scanning a magazine i too got the grainy results. cant handle the dots on the page.
I'm rather glad that all of the scans I've seen of the magazine have been horrible. I think people will be more inclined to purchase the magazine, in order to fully appreciate the quality of the screenshots. Really, the scans do not do the content justice in the slightest bit.
I'm glad everyone is pleased. Makes me happy in the panties.
I think there were a lot of plans with radiant AI, but in the end it wasn't completely finished for oblivion, it's still in there, but not in the way that was talked about, like with much other things that were cut to due to time (?)
But with skyrim they now have several games and experience behind them, including that on the gameplay, so hopefully they'll get this radiant story right.
You're much more optimistic than myself. Seeing that there was really no improvement in AI from Oblivion to Fallout 3, I'm leaving myself wondering if they'll "pimp" the new AI system only to "scale it back" at a later date. I don't think any of that system was ever in place and was more of a preview of what they thought they could pull off but ultimately could not.
One thing that concerns me a bit is it looks like they're going after celebrity voices again. As was said in that 15 Things We Want article posted earlier, I'd rather they hire some voice actors that can do a wide range of voices and give more diversity rather than spending money on celebrity voices that won't even enhance the game much.
One thing that concerns me a bit is it looks like they're going after celebrity voices again. As was said in that 15 Things We Want article posted earlier, I'd rather they hire some voice actors that can do a wide range of voices and give more diversity rather than spending money on celebrity voices that won't even enhance the game much.
More like won't enhance the game at all; Sean Bean and Patrick Stewart were terrible in Oblivion, so I would much rather they hire some professional voice-actors who might actually try to do a decent job instead of celebrities that phone it in to collect a pay-check.
More like won't enhance the game at all; Sean Bean and Patrick Stewart were terrible in Oblivion, so I would much rather they hire some professional voice-actors who might actually try to do a decent job instead of celebrities that phone it in to collect a pay-check.
I thought they did quite a good job with Oblivion, very good for a 2006 release.
One thing that concerns me a bit is it looks like they're going after celebrity voices again. As was said in that 15 Things We Want article posted earlier, I'd rather they hire some voice actors that can do a wide range of voices and give more diversity rather than spending money on celebrity voices that won't even enhance the game much.
Didn't it say something in the article that they're using more voiceactors this time around?
You're much more optimistic than myself. Seeing that there was really no improvement in AI from Oblivion to Fallout 3, I'm leaving myself wondering if they'll "pimp" the new AI system only to "scale it back" at a later date. I don't think any of that system was ever in place and was more of a preview of what they thought they could pull off but ultimately could not.
They surprised us quite alot with writing a new rendering engine, doing some really good looking character art this time around, and having full shadows, hopefully good things have happened to the AI considering how much they say their new dynamic questing system plays into it.
Didn't it say something in the article that they're using more voiceactors this time around?
Maybe. I didn't read every page. Waiting until I get a copy of the magazine or some better scans to do that. Of the few pages I did read though, I saw that the voice of one of the main people is an actor that was in Minority Report and Shutter Island.
Hey! Leave that guy alone, he's a legend Anyway it looks like I can't dump my loot behind a brick wall like I used to. Otherwise some kid will steal it :<
Maybe. I didn't read every page. Waiting until I get a copy of the magazine or some better scans to do that. Of the few pages I did read though, I saw that the voice of one of the main people is an actor that was in Minority Report and Shutter Island.
Sounds like they talk about max von sydow, the voice in the trailer, he was in both those movies, his voice is perfect for this game :P,
And as a mentioned way earlier, he plays one of the best roles ever in conan the barbarian.
While scouting some forums a guy ranted about what he called were idiots. Reason being was that he claimed they weren't using Gamebryo and linked like 6 articles as proof. I never read them because his first link was dun dun dun Wikipedia.
All I care about is stability. They could sell the game with Morrowind visuals so long as it didn't lag.
I'm sure after the Massive success of Oblivion and Fallout 3 they have learned from their mistakes. They've hired a good amount of new talent and it shows (visually only cause thats all we got).
Have to wait for the reveal I guess, Just hope they don't get a Assassins Creed Glitch type thing, ahaha lol.
Can't wait, looks like a big upgrade across the board, the gameplay details are all on the money, Bethesda clearly know how to listen to the worthwhile feedback internally and externally.
I wish it were xmas already, my anticipation is at a full 10 for this one.
You call yourself an artist? The visual style and the orange comment box all match up with the other shots. Also there's a bit of another picture below it that looks like the one with the skeletons in the cave picture.
My point was mainly that it was quite an empty pic with only a few trees (Unlike Oblivions complete forests) but now I've seen the other pics... Weeeeeeeeeeee
Thanks for that, it was an awesome video. I said out loud "Damnit" when they quickly blurred out the level design screen. Nice environment to work in actually.
What date does it come out again?
Yes, more shots. When it comes to images for games I'm interested in I'm the man who seeks them out.
The game looks damn nice! Shadows are welcome and the art direction looks much more interesting. Streamlining sounds a bit risky, but if it's done without compromising the game's complexity and writing then I'm all for it. It's about time we should get rid of some of the artifacts from pen and paper RPG's.
I'll wait for better scans and more info. In all honesty, that GI article was full of marketing bullshit speak and didn't tell me anything I really care about.
Meaning, it could possibly be a new variation on the daggerfall style quest system, which could potentially be very interesting.
I'm only pissed off that GI has exclusivity for the time being. Can't wait for some European mags to get a hold of it.
It's interesting to note that you'll unlock dragon calling abilities that add to the already varied ways to fight.
Going to start reading in a second, I just hope to God they decided to make the level-scaling less extreme (something more like Morrowind's) and didn't remove even more skills/spells this go round.
/Rant, in Napoleon Dynamites voice
Are those volumetric clouds in that one mountain pic (A new land)? My balls will beg me for mercy if they are.
Also I've played Oblivion last night; drunk and I did way too much silly stuff, Killing whole Imperial City and Anvil with god mode, found my character to be naked, my bounty is huge.
Whilst you are drunk you can do a lot of stupid stuff in Oblivion.
I think there were a lot of plans with radiant AI, but in the end it wasn't completely finished for oblivion, it's still in there, but not in the way that was talked about, like with much other things that were cut to due to time (?)
But with skyrim they now have several games and experience behind them, including that on the gameplay, so hopefully they'll get this radiant story right.
Preorder. All I wanted to hear.
Actually no. I still have to hear more about stealthy characters, handplaced loot and challenges for high level characters before I make a preorder.But I will buy it anyway :poly142:
My first quest will be breaking into a tower of a cult and steal jewels, after that the king of the region will take me in to steal back his daughter.
Thanks for the summary, sounds like that'll be nice to experience in Skyrim. I wasn't terribly bothered by Oblivion's level scaling, but I won't argue with something better. :thumbup:
It's difficult to tell from these scans, but one thing I really hope is improved upon graphically (other than things mentioned like faces/shadows), is the water. God oh god the water was a disappointment in Oblivion. It was a beautiful game but when compared to things like Half-Life 2's water alongside
I'm rather glad that all of the scans I've seen of the magazine have been horrible. I think people will be more inclined to purchase the magazine, in order to fully appreciate the quality of the screenshots. Really, the scans do not do the content justice in the slightest bit.
I'm glad everyone is pleased. Makes me happy in the panties.
I thought they did quite a good job with Oblivion, very good for a 2006 release.
Didn't it say something in the article that they're using more voiceactors this time around?
They surprised us quite alot with writing a new rendering engine, doing some really good looking character art this time around, and having full shadows, hopefully good things have happened to the AI considering how much they say their new dynamic questing system plays into it.
Maybe. I didn't read every page. Waiting until I get a copy of the magazine or some better scans to do that. Of the few pages I did read though, I saw that the voice of one of the main people is an actor that was in Minority Report and Shutter Island.
Hey! Leave that guy alone, he's a legend
Sounds like they talk about max von sydow, the voice in the trailer, he was in both those movies, his voice is perfect for this game :P,
And as a mentioned way earlier, he plays one of the best roles ever in conan the barbarian.
WHEN the hell we will be able to see some PIXELS?
All I care about is stability. They could sell the game with Morrowind visuals so long as it didn't lag.
Have to wait for the reveal I guess, Just hope they don't get a Assassins Creed Glitch type thing, ahaha lol.
I wish it were xmas already, my anticipation is at a full 10 for this one.
Love that sword!
lol wut.
I know its common courtesy to not read previous pages in any forum on the internet, but I suggest you do, for you'll find quite some screenshots :P
My point was mainly that it was quite an empty pic with only a few trees (Unlike Oblivions complete forests) but now I've seen the other pics... Weeeeeeeeeeee
videos like this make me so impatient for breaking in to the industry someday...
Thanks for that, it was an awesome video. I said out loud "Damnit" when they quickly blurred out the level design screen. Nice environment to work in actually.