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The Walking Dead


  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Rumour has it , that there's possibly an extra scene after next Sundays' credits. 

    Something from the comic... *shrug*
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    So, what did you guys think of the mid season finale? I thought it was kind of weak, personally. I was kind of glad Deanna died, since she added nothing to the show. I was hoping Morgan would knock Carol the fuck out, because she was going overboard (I feel like having a prisoner is better than killing the guy). And why the fuck did Maggie stop climbing, and start kicking zombies? She was already out of their reach, on the ladder, then sat there until it got ripped away. Of course, Judith starts crying, out of no where. And the fucking kid at the end, 'mom. mom. mom'. The whole episode felt like a filler, and not an ender.

    Side note: Someone should inform the producers how physics work. If you burn out the front of a structure, it will fall on that side, because it was weaker there. It doesn't fall to the opposite side.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Very weak closer, just about everything I dislike about the show. Wanted to strangle that kid.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    yeah I wasn't a fan of it either. And yes, apparently Maggie is SHIT with ladders :/ 
  • JamesArk
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    JamesArk polycounter lvl 10
    I'm a pretty big defender of the show but that finale was super weak.
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    too many commercials :(

    the episode felt like it was only 35 minutes of actual content. Glen & girl only made it up a tree, Morgan is a moron, that kid-who-wants-to-kil-Carl is a fucking moron, mommy-boy is an idiot... don't think i can continue to watch this show.
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    well, I may sound like a monster for what I'm about to say... but here's a few things I would have liked to see happen in the mid-season finale

    The first being Carl. He should have been taken out.
    That conflict between him and the other kid from now on will be anti-climatic. He basically covered for him after their scuffle?
    They built it up with the Kid stalking Carl, pulling his gun just as the tower fell.  And then nothing. Which is one reason I thought that scene was super  weak

    Glad they turfed the mayor.  She wasn't going anywhere
    BUT.. she should have eaten the baby. You just don't leave someone who's been bit by a walker just 2 doors down from a baby. Come ooooonnnnn
    Nurf both. Let the guilt eat up Rick as he has to make his way through a horde of zombies. Maybe he loses it and something unpredictable happens as they're among the walkers.

    Wolf guy should have wrecked everyone in that room. At the very least, Morgan.

    Should anyone else have been axed that episode?

  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Yeah, super weak, like they had something planned but had to scrap it in a hurry or something, like a musical episode?

    That buildup with Carl was pretty bad, I've seen enough from reddit to think that it was purely to screw with the comic readers. The zombie guts thing seems like a convenient easy out to me.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    it's getting so hard not to hate this show lol

    zomebie guts... I thought they covered their faces and hair before too? just some on a poncho seems pretty careless

    too many people I feel add nothing to the show and need to die, especially the baby! honestly what has she contributed to the show? the bad timing crying which was only dealt with in the lamest way instead of being used as a prime opportunity for some good shit to develop.

    Carl... forgot he was still a part of this show, wish they hadn't reminded me

    the nerd guy who can't kill anyone, he served his purpose time to off him! also why was he wasted lighter fluid to read a book in a garage with windows in the middle of the DAY! and where was the ginger? I can't remember what happened last episode to know where he was during the finale.

    and what kind of finale only has one person die (when you have so many people that need to go)..... weak sauce all around
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah. For being in a zombie apocalypse, that's the quietest most placid baby ever.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    oh don't worry. Last scene sets up a catalyst of mayhem directly from the comic

    going to assume the realitively casualty-free first half of the season doesn't bode well for our survivors in the 2nd. 

  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    Polygoblin said:
    oh don't worry. Last scene sets up a catalyst of mayhem directly from the comic

    going to assume the realitively casualty-free first half of the season doesn't bode well for our survivors in the 2nd. 

    A bunch of redshirts from the town died during the Wolves attack. I still think Glenn is still dead, he's just a hallucination from that girl.
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    omg they did it. they actually did it. One of the best episodes ever. that's how you do a premier, right there.  
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Most painful part of being a cable cutter, I have to wait to watch the Walking Dead!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Most painful part of being a cable cutter, I have to wait to watch the Walking Dead!
    haha, then I would suggest not coming into this thread, until you've watched it. Only comic book spoilers get blocked out, usually. 

    And I was just as stunned Polygoblin. Just like Rick getting his hand cut off, I thought they were going to avoid this event. I was glad to see they nutted up, and did it, though I'm sure people are going to bitch about how believable it is.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    Quite the house cleaning in this episode, lol... Daryl part was the best.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    I was so happy when Carl went down.... then oh so disappointed to find out he refuses to die.

    also Glenn needs a nickname, like Glenn "The Cat" Rhee, buddy has a billion lives
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    the dummy double they used for the shots are nothing shot of remarkable. the artistry behind makeup and practical effects are fascinating to me. this show is a pioneer in those fields. 
  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    [spoiler]Rick and Michonne....no,no,....no.......[/spoiler]
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I guess they aren't keeping Rick's relationship the same as the comics (not that Andrea was an option anymore)
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I have no problem with that hookup, if the whole series followed the comic closer I'm sure people would be whining about Rick + Andrea.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    What exactly prompted Carol's recent meltdowns? The standoff with Morgan?
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    I think so. Noticed in the episode prior she seemed to be noting all the people she's killed in her journal. 
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I think Morgan may have gotten through to her, and she's started re-evaluating things. I also feel like they are setting her up to meet her demise soon. I honestly thought she was going to go, in this last episode, maybe in a way to save Maggie. Obviously, that did not happen
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    This second half of season 6 has been way better than the first half. Show actually feels like it has some momentum for a change.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    when they first were told their world was going to get a lot bigger because they weren't the only survivors I had this image of either a bunch of smaller communities or a larger safe haven one, this kind of feels like a repeat, meet new smaller group, merge or kill, move on 

    Kind of missed it when they had a purpose, like when they were going to the research lab at the end of season ...one? and learned so much interesting shit like everyone is currently infected etc. Wish they would go back to trying to find a cure or just learning more about it. I get they have probably given up on that and survival is all that is on their minds but it's season whatever now, time for something fresh imo
  • Mark Dygert
    It took a while but Rick is pretty much Shane. I think we're going to see his pragmatic (and darker) approach cause more problems and not just with Morgan? I wonder if Morgan is building a cage, for Rick so he can make him understand? 
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    It took a while but Rick is pretty much Shane. I think we're going to see his pragmatic (and darker) approach cause more problems and not just with Morgan?
    it's cool that they're exploring what you said. examining how perspectives have changed so much with all these crazy experiences. Morgan keeps talking about "people can change", what he's failing to realize is they can also change for the worse! 


  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    There was a massive hole with Morgan's logic. If he had killed the wolf guy, he wouldn't have kidnapped Denise, and thus wouldn't have put her in harms way to 'save' her. I know the overall point was, he turned good, but Morgan also made it sound like Denise would have been dead (sooner), had Morgan not saved the wolf guy.
  • swann
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    swann polycounter lvl 4
    There are multiple very stupid decisions made by veterans. They are asking to be killed. Starting from Carol.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    they need to stop having long deep discussions while they're out on runs, that seems to always get them ambushed.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    nodeway said:
    There are multiple very stupid decisions made by veterans. They are asking to be killed. Starting from Carol.
    She's changed and has done the solo thing before so her bailing I get, Morgan going solo after her = same deal. Daryl you would expect him to bring the notion of revenge to the group or at least Rick (unless I missed it and he did) then if they voted him down he would go off solo as well. As for everyone else taking off after them without communicating with the rest of the group, well that felt a bit stupid.

    I wouldn't mind if we lose focus on Morgan and Carol for a few eps then they get their own reunited ep on how their characters developed or how they met new INTERESTING people. Then later on come back to the group.  
  • swann
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    swann polycounter lvl 4
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Kinda pissed about that finale. Most of the episode was pretty boring, just watching them drive up to places, realize they can't pass, then backing away. Then, to end it with SOMEONE getting bashed to death, but not revealing that character, was a major cop out. According to everything stated, on the Talking Dead, the actual person has not been filmed, no one knows the intended victim. I feel like they did this, to decide based on fan reactions. That, or they feared people would stop watching the show, if their favorite character dies, and there's no show, the following week, to rehook those viewers. 

    I know shows use cliffhangers all the time, but that's not the walking dead's style. They usually end it with an amazing moment. I guess they think they did both.

    Anyway, I think it was Glenn, or Daryl. I almost feel like that's why Norman Reedus was on the Talking Dead, but the positioning definitely looked like Glenn. [spoiler](Plus he's the victim in the comics[/spoiler]

    I wish they Negan had done his political correctness debate, before bashing in the head. In the comics, when he's choosing, he keeps talking about how people would view his choice... Can't do Carl, because he's a kid, can't do Michonne, because she's black, etc...
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    What a ripoff.
  • ArtisticTiger
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    ArtisticTiger polycounter lvl 5
    What a crazy ride, darn lol now i can't wait for october!!..But yeah i think it was someone near the left of negan because of the guy behind him etc. But ya never know.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    Doesn't Daryl have his own show coming out now? I still don't believe they have the balls to kill him off. The viewers they'll lose if they do would definitively make a noticeable impact on their ratings. I also don't think Glenn because he already put himself out there and got shoved back in line, I think that was their attempt at making us think a big name was going to get it. I'm guessing it'll be either Sasha, Abraham, Christian or Eugene. One of the more secondary "main" characters. Got to give Rick acting props, he can do the crying eye emotions to a tee now haha 

    But agreed, the episode was pretty uneventful till the very end. Love how the guy who voices Trevor from GTA V is getting more noticeable acting gigs now, before this he was in Better Call Saul.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I forgot to mention Trevor... glad to see the actor is getting more roles though. He plays that 'type' really well
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 11
    I stopped watching a while, the show feels like survivor reality tv now
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah that was a pretty "meh" episode.  Honestly felt like the story build up kinda episode before a finale, and the least they could have done to really tie up the season was to reveal whoever Neegan picked and then end it with some other cliffhanger or moment (like whoever he picked, IMO its going to be Glenn, and them have one last breath as the screen goes black or something).  

    Glenn has cheated death too many times, that being said, Eugene had that big long moment of everyone saying goodbye, etc.  It would kinda make all that have some purpose if he was chosen, since they also kinda put him in the spotlight towards the end as well after he was captured with the RV.  IDK, overall, the episode could have SO much more impact after such an intense season.  Overall, still one of my favorites of the show yet, definitely showing how its matured over its time on screen.  
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    Add3r said:
    Glenn has cheated death too many times, that being said, Eugene had that big long moment of everyone saying goodbye, etc.  It would kinda make all that have some purpose if he was chosen, since they also kinda put him in the spotlight towards the end as well after he was captured with the RV. 
    Yea I kind of had the feeling it was going to be him, all the talk that he can step up now etc, feels like his story has ended and he is just another common foot solider. With that said, if it's him that gets killed while I don't like his character I would still call that a total cop out for "main" character section. 
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    what's the deal with "finales" not being "final"? any more. This one raises more questions than it answer. Actually is there any sort of closure here other than the last few episodes being a setup for yet another giant cliffhanger? meh. Fucking marketing - "we gotta hook people!". / rant
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    Expected  Negans' finale to overtake the trough scene as the most brutal scene in any season.
    -That one still twists my stomach just thinking about it

    If we're taking guesses for who met lucille up close and personal, my votes for Abraham 

  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    yeah that trough scene was far more brutal. it's a shame. Lucille's introduction is supposed to set the dark tone for the coming All Out War story arc yet instead fans are left more focused on a tired guessing game. "Who died? Well tune in next season to find out!" Half expect the creators to use this moment as negotiating leverage for higher pay. Not to mention it was just poorly done with the red layer oozing down the screen as if it were a fucking Bond intro from decades ago. I really thought last week w the "he'll be alright" line after shooting Daryl proved the creators were past this type of cliche cliffhanger stuff. So unbelievably lame. It's condescending to think anyone needs to be tricked into watching the opener for next season. I refuse to speculate about who died on principal.  

    tldr: I'm mad
  • StephenVyas
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    StephenVyas polycounter lvl 18
    I don't blame ya
    It's a lot like going to watch the fireworks on July 1st or 4th
    Only to find out, at the very end, that they're saving the finally rally to open the show up with next year

  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    It makes me feel like I shouldn't watch the season... instead, I should wait until the next season, so I can watch the marathon that they ALWAYS play, leading up to the new season... then just watch the first episode of the new season, and take another break.

    As it was tweeted out, when you're the number one show, there is no need to do rating gimmicks, to get viewers to return
  • another caveman
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    another caveman greentooth
    that neagan guy's been way too kind why is he keeping them alive?? they all shall die for what they did to this group
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    that neagan guy's been way too kind why is he keeping them alive?? they all shall die for what they did to this group
    agreed, I get he needs people to work for him but I get the feeling no other group they have encountered have put up the fight Rick's group has which would make you think why risk it, and just off them all or at least all the ones that look like trouble. 

    On another note, just watched the movie Heist and Jeffrey Morgan (Negan) did an amazing job especially considering he had to act along side Bautista and still keep you interested lol 
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    that neagan guy's been way too kind why is he keeping them alive?? they all shall die for what they did to this group
    He rules and profits by fear and large numbers, can't do that if he kills everyone who crosses him. He even says that he can't kill them in order to take half the belongings of the group, which will be a for-life contract.

    What gets me is that despite the show Neagan's group puts on, Hilltop didn't seemed overly concerned about Rick & Co. stirring the hornets nest as if they wouldn't get any backlash for egging them on to taking out that first group of Saviors.

    edit: and fuck that cliffhanger. It wasn't even necessary.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    that cliffhanger is the reason why people piss on this show, the sense that the writers don't really respect the audience. Too bad since this was one of the better seasons, imo.
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