It's just starting to feel like black males, on this show, are equivalent to 'red shirts' on Star Trek.
I was thinking the same thing (edit: this). They can only have one black guy in the main group (core heros, not tag alongs like the preacher). T-Dog was gone as soon as they had Oscar, Oscar was gone as soon as they had Tyreese, Tyreese was gone as soon as they had Noah. Noah was probably taken out to clear the path for someone else to join the group the next episode.
Bob was the only exception. Maybe because the first few episodes he felt more like a liability. Once he started to feel useful though...
Side note, the survivors really need to find a polearm somewhere. A lot of their problems could probably be solved by one.
Another problem some have mentioned before is black men have all died in pretty lame ways too. At least that changed w Noah. Easily my favorite Death-by-zombie yet. With Glenn getting a front row seat? Fucking insane.
That season finale, was aah-mazing! It is going to be a long wait.. So happy Morgan and Rick are re-united. Also can't wait to see Morgan and Michone take out zombies together, will be cool to watch.
If he does go, I'm guessing it'll be at the hand of other survivors, because he's lasted on his own against hordes of zombies.
He also does well against people. That 2on1 fight scene was jedi-like
Not long, have you realize how much this show is in a way racist, everytime there's a new black guy in the main cast, the old one die. Except for michonne, THEY ALL DIE.
Not long, have you realize how much this show is in a way racist, everytime there's a new black guy in the main cast, the old one die. Except for michonne, THEY ALL DIE.
The preacher isn't exactly the strong heroic type though. Far from it. He's part of the cast sure, but he's not really with the main group in the same way the other deceased gentlemen were. Its like how Bob lasted a full season; the guy was a liability at first (risking lives and actually getting people killed in order to get his booze). As soon as he starts to turn around and become useful though, its lights out.
So if the preacher wants to stay alive, he needs to keep opening gates and trying to sell people out with his crazy talk.
The preacher isn't exactly the strong heroic type though. Far from it. He's part of the cast sure, but he's not really with the main group in the same way the other deceased gentlemen were. Its like how Bob lasted a full season; the guy was a liability at first (risking lives and actually getting people killed in order to get his booze). As soon as he starts to turn around and become useful though, its lights out.
So if the preacher wants to stay alive, he needs to keep opening gates and trying to sell people out with his crazy talk.
I want him to die so someone else from "The Wire" can take his place!
That's probably the biggest surprise here (and no, no I didn't read the comics) but by all logic that dude should have gotten himself killed a dozen times already. dumb luck or divine protection?
I thought it was a tad underwhelming, honestly. Didn't think it was bad, but was hoping to cover more ground in 90 minutes. The only guy to die was the one we all knew had to.
Yeah, I was thinking that last night... though I remember when the 'LOST' characters started getting into legal issues, and depending on their status, some continued their roles. I'm not sure his role is strong enough.
thoughts on Fear the Walking Dead pilot? Seems to have gotten sour reviews but I thought it was alright. going to be interesting seeing everything spiral downward
I liked it well enough, though it was a bit slow moving, especially with all the expository character stuff.
But the previews gave me a glimpse of what this show could be about, the slow dissolving of society as seen from the inside. I hope that's what it is, and not like the walking dead where the shit already hit the fan, and they're out in the woods dealing with it. It could carve out a niche for itself if it's about the former.
Warning: My comments are going to sound harsher than I mean them to. I really thought this pilot was mediocre.
They spent 1.5 hours to develop these characters, and I think it could have been done in 20 minutes.
I don't like any of the characters, so far. I spent most of the episode, hoping the kids would get bitten. The kids were all the cliche' angst teenagers, which I've grown SO tired of, in TV dramas that involve families.
I liked seeing the footage of the police encounter, and how they are evolving the infection. It's happening quickly, but slow enough to feel their confusion, and shock... though I thought their reactions, at the end of the show, were a little off (It seems like you'd be a bit more shocked).
At this point, I'm hoping for a few of them to die off, and for some more interesting characters to group up with them. I would have rather had the show involve a couple families/friends, who eventually become part of the same group. Then they could have spent more time on those lives too.
I thought it was a little slow too, and agree w Notman about being able to get the same character development in 20 minutes. could have been a 60 minute episode without losing anything of consequence. I didn't really dislike the characters but the kids do seem very cliche. having faith that some of the secondary characters shown will take over a bigger arc later and justify their time but I dunno.
there is something cool about watching these poor souls go through this when we all are basically zombie experts now. curious how they will shock us though, need to find some niche or we'll get bored. fast.
I enjoyed it, I didn't feel it was too slow at all it hit pretty much the right tone. Angsty kids bothered me a bit but the rest were fine. Looking forward to this I hope they keep things moving slowly and let the infection the simmer in the background.
I liked it, at times I thought it was a bit slow. Then again I can see why a different approach to the whole zombie thing is cool as well. On the Walking Dead Rick wakes up from a hospital bed, to the world gone to shit already. So it's nice to see it from this different perspective.
At this point I like Fear The Walking Dead more than The Walking Dead. Looks a little more serious. And it got lovely Mercedes Masöhn... for now at least.
I like the acting of Frank Dillane. I think he doesn't play. He is a real junkie.
Bob was the only exception. Maybe because the first few episodes he felt more like a liability. Once he started to feel useful though...
Side note, the survivors really need to find a polearm somewhere. A lot of their problems could probably be solved by one.
It's going to be a long wait to October.
"Fear : Walking dead" spin off seems promising.
If he does go, I'm guessing it'll be at the hand of other survivors, because he's lasted on his own against hordes of zombies.
He also does well against people. That 2on1 fight scene was jedi-like
I see him lasting til the end.
Not long, have you realize how much this show is in a way racist, everytime there's a new black guy in the main cast, the old one die. Except for michonne, THEY ALL DIE.
oh and...
lol @ squishy head prosthetic
The preacher is still alive.
(Contains spoilers for anyone who isn't caught up on the show)
So is Sasha.
So if the preacher wants to stay alive, he needs to keep opening gates and trying to sell people out with his crazy talk.
The race related deaths seem to only apply to males (Michonne has been fine the whole time).
I want him to die so someone else from "The Wire" can take his place!
I say he leaves to go solo again.
That's probably the biggest surprise here (and no, no I didn't read the comics) but by all logic that dude should have gotten himself killed a dozen times already. dumb luck or divine protection?
This fucking guy needs a spine! What a goob! If they keep him after leaving the gate open, I'm gonna break something electrical.
Oh yea, Zombie food for sure.
But the previews gave me a glimpse of what this show could be about, the slow dissolving of society as seen from the inside. I hope that's what it is, and not like the walking dead where the shit already hit the fan, and they're out in the woods dealing with it. It could carve out a niche for itself if it's about the former.
They spent 1.5 hours to develop these characters, and I think it could have been done in 20 minutes.
I don't like any of the characters, so far. I spent most of the episode, hoping the kids would get bitten. The kids were all the cliche' angst teenagers, which I've grown SO tired of, in TV dramas that involve families.
I liked seeing the footage of the police encounter, and how they are evolving the infection. It's happening quickly, but slow enough to feel their confusion, and shock... though I thought their reactions, at the end of the show, were a little off (It seems like you'd be a bit more shocked).
At this point, I'm hoping for a few of them to die off, and for some more interesting characters to group up with them. I would have rather had the show involve a couple families/friends, who eventually become part of the same group. Then they could have spent more time on those lives too.
there is something cool about watching these poor souls go through this when we all are basically zombie experts now. curious how they will shock us though, need to find some niche or we'll get bored. fast.
I like the acting of Frank Dillane. I think he doesn't play. He is a real junkie.