I still want my money back. Easily goes down as being one of the most disappointing career ending games I have seen in a long time. The collectors edition i have sitting on my shelf is just sitting there...looking at me...mocking me...saying "haha neener neener, we gots your money".
On a more serious note, no seriously what the hell happened to deliver such a poorly made under developed game?
Was it disappointing? Sure. To a lot of people, it was. But pull the stick outta your butt and move on with your life if you dont like it. Why continue to watch the thread if you hate it? Such a waste of time.
If you've actually paid attention to anything since the start, you`d know that they`ve done nothing but improve the game, with some major changing stuff coming up. D2 wasnt all that great till LOD, either. Looks like its going to be the same thing here. Plus, d3 now has new designers in charge, and if you look at those notes about the new xpac, you`ll see they are doing a fantastic job fixing other peoples mistakes.
Also, they said all the game system changes will be a free patch for everyone. not just xpac owners.
i know they've done some things to improve the game.
they've done a lot of things since launch, not all of them are improvements (in my opinion). i stopped playing it a couple of months ago because... for all of its failings, Marvel Heroes is actually closer to the core "diablo" experience than diablo 3. even with all of the updates to D3.
the other thing i really, truly dislike. is that they've gone against one of their "core" beliefs. they said for the longest time that pc gamers were their core audience, that they would always come first. the itemization patch that they're "working on" has been ready for quite a while, it was up on the test realm for a week before they removed it and it hasn't been since. and why? because they want it to be a core experience for the console game. basically they stuck a big finger up to the pc community, and said "you can't have this now, you have to wait until the console game is launched".
and that really pisses me off. something that could have fixed some of the biggest problems in the game was delayed for what is, in my opinion, a complete bullshit reason.
I still want my money back. Easily goes down as being one of the most disappointing career ending games I have seen in a long time. The collectors edition i have sitting on my shelf is just sitting there...looking at me...mocking me...saying "haha neener neener, we gots your money".
On a more serious note, no seriously what the hell happened to deliver such a poorly made under developed game?
You know how Blizzard games are right? First they dont fly, people whine and all but in the end, we all come to peace with it. :B
I was counting on the black soul stone being stolen by another being that has a power of greater evil..Looking forward to this.
Was it disappointing? Sure. To a lot of people, it was. But pull the stick outta your butt and move on with your life if you dont like it. Why continue to watch the thread if you hate it? Such a waste of time.
"sure" is an understatement when you consider what was sold and what was given. Nearly two different games. D3 was one of the worst designed pieces of hyped up...expletive I have ever seen. Nearly unplayable at launch. Has it gotten better? Maybe, does it matter at this point? No not really. I doubt the core has changed, and its a bit too late. Alienation has kicked into full swing.
Loved the cinematics though, some of the best from Bliz.
I havent been following this thread much less watch it. Why make that assumption? Popping in to see whats up is hardly the excuse you need to over exaggerate about the so called "haters".
You are entitled to your opinions but be nice about it or dont say anything at all, especially if you find the post more of the "usual".
Knowing how late they ship their unfinished games, i'm disappointed. They have a huge team of incredible individuals, so i was expecting to see a release date such as november as too late. What a shame, seriously, i hope they don't need 2 years for such poor content.
And more shameful, is the promised patch to solve all the issues. Delayed, delayed, delayed... we don't care if it's free, because it SHOULD have been there since the beginning. I've been playing since the 1st day, and with all the patches they broke something, or nerfed a class to make it unplayable/useless in inferno mode.
Anyways, like i said, i'm gonna buy this expansion, i have sold several items in the RMAH without the paypal option, and i have enough cash to waste. If i were opted for the paypal option, i would not buy the expansion and i would say them what the TV spot says but slightly changed, "go to hell with your game Blizzard".
Haters gonna hate.
That's a cliche... and not very well used. This is an open forum and all people can write their opinions. They could say you: "don't read what i say and end of disscusion".
Too many people had great expectations of change with this expansion. that's the reason.
I hope a good price aswell, because i bought diablo 3 for 30€, and i would hate to see this little expansion for more than 20€. It will be a robbery for me.
I havent been following this thread much less watch it. Why make that assumption? Popping in to see whats up is hardly the excuse you need to over exaggerate about the so called "haters".
You are entitled to your opinions but be nice about it or dont say anything at all, especially if you find the post more of the "usual".
We are all entitled to have an opinion lad, you cant just take it personally and ask us to stop posting.
So I assume we are going to have flame wars all over the internets until May next year? lol.
EDIT: Sigh* Please continue on with your discussion.
It amazes me how much people hate on this game. They talk as though it was some sort of personal attack on them. It was a bit disappointing, especially considering I played Diablo 2 for nearly a decade, and got bored with D3 after about 100 hours. But still. 100 hours of enjoyment? I can't see that as a waste of money, especially when so many games are only about 7 hours long.
I'm hopeful that this expansion will bring new life into the game the same way LoD did for Diablo II, and make it a game that will last. Even if it doesn't fix the game as well as I'd like, I'm sure I'll enjoy just playing through the new content, even if it's only once.
Also, the new class is exactly what I was hoping for. The core game really lacked any knight type class, which is always my favorite to play as.
We are all entitled to have an opinion lad, you cant just take it personally and ask us to stop posting.
So I assume we are going to have flame wars all over the internets until May next year? lol.
EDIT: Sigh* Please continue on with your discussion.
Now I am confused. I just said every ones entitled to their opinion, but to be nice about it. I think think calling someone "lad" connotes a *lack of respect, it could be interpreted as talking down to someone. I think those who have self perceived "haterphobia" might be over reacting a bit. Anyone would be logically upset after following the D3 development and subsequent purchase only to be treated like crap from a studio you normally respect. You can agree to disagree.
My hope is that they did learn from the D3 fiasco and that certain people probably shouldnt be game directors for high profile franchises.
D3 was flawed at release, but it is improving, and I'm having much more fun playing it at the moment. They've fixed a lot of annoyances and improved drop rates and the late-game in gernal. The expansion promises to bring some great changes, so it'll be even more fun. As fun as D2 LOD? Well I doubt it, but that's a tough act to follow.
What they also need to do though is to balance the AH. It's a complete fuckup, and always has been. I understand it's here to stay, and that's not all bad because quite honestly without the AH I'd be shit out of luck in Inferno past Act 2, but it suffers from a few major problems.
1) Inflation, which has seen people shitposting nonstop, throwing out mediocre items for 50 mil. Meanwhile I'm sniping decent IK items for under 10k gold and ripping some poor dude off completely. There needs to be a stat based calculator to stop crap items for selling for ludicrous prices, and to cap them based on their stat combos. Certain stats, stat combos, or legendaries should be uncapped.
2) The flipside. Accidental deflation. People are putting out godly items practically for free, as I stated above. I've equipped my main barb for under 2 mil with great items that make him viable solo in A4 inferno. That's a pity because while nice, it also decreases the value of the loot you find. A legendary should sell in the AH, granted it has average stats or above. With low priced items in the AH you can't sell your lower legendaries, and more or less need to scrap them. There needs to be a calculated minimum cap for all legendaries based on stats (both on the item and meta-analysis of what players are using) so that even lower legendaries become viable buys. No il 63 legendary should sell for under a million, otherwise it completely loses value. Rares should also have a minimum price based on stats, but to a lesser degree.
Loot should be balanced in price so that there is variation based on market value, but also based on player usage stats so that the market can correct with new strategies, etc. When you want a super awesome legendary item, it should cost a shitload, not be free, and when you want an average rare, it should be cheap, not some unholy amount.
Console will get it right. No AH, more loot, more fun.
Played for a bit again while my brother was visiting. Had a lot more fun running around with Hardcore characters. Now that he is gone i have not touched the game.
So its fun with people, but people that i know no longer play it.
I might look at the console one, just so i can play this and have the regular solo experience that i wanted the PC to be.
Anyways... the expansion looks ok. nothing special.. although the art looks a lot more grim and gritty. Tyrael still looks ugly tho haha
I really don't understand the hate, it was a good game. If you're upset that it's good instead of great then I'd have no problem with that. But horribly broken and career ending?
General Discussion is a place for a healthy debate on a variety of topics. It's not General Agreements... everyone can have differing opinions. That's actually what helps grow this forum, in my opinion.
That being said, please refrain from personally attacking a fellow polycounter, simply because their opinion differs from yours. Let's keep the pros and cons of any topic healthy.
I really don't understand the hate, it was a good game. If you're upset that it's good instead of great then I'd have no problem with that. But horribly broken and career ending?
For many players the game wasnt even playable for a good month. Rubber banding even on single player, cinematics being loaded over the internet rather than installed clientside or on the disc. IN fact the disc they shipped was EMPTY. Why would you give anyone an empty dvd..? It forced players to DL the game and that created an even greater bottleneck. You could be playing the game, single player, and have it disconnected on you at any moment, causing you to start over upon re-connect.
Then there were times you couldnt even log in at all, items were missing, the fact they forced drops to be so bad that you would have to cheapen the experience by going out and looking around on the Auction House, where the best items were so dirt cheap it made no sense.
Then you have Jay Wilson, someone who managed to become one of the more hated individuals in gaming history. Pretty amazing feat in and of itself. It didnt help he called one of Blizzard North's co-founders and franchise creator a 'F**king loser' (exact words were F*ck that loser) over the internet. In fact he managed to come across as an elitist snob with a childlike mentality. Maybe he's not like that in person, but thats kind of how he sold himself.
For many, and this view is shared widely, it was both a lesson in bad game design and false marketing. I dont think you will see people bash the artist or the cinematics team (because they did a great job), but between the design and the marketing/PR, it was one of thee worst.
I agree that not everyone will have to share this point of view, but the negative reaction to the game is widely spread and much of it legitimate.
Excited!!!! Please let it be Q1 2014 and not Q4 2014
this screenshot has me particularly excited (except for that reset points button):
manual stat allocation! rejoice! Account wide Paragon is also great. I love playing all my characters but want to keep leveling my Plevel. Its too early to judge any thing about the loot - of course everything they show right now will be amazing and the max-potential dropscore, since there are extra ilvls
has my interest:
what are those stars!!? Leveling items too? If they add more bars to fill I'll be happy Much prefer bar-filling games to shopping simulators.
Cinematic is fucking rad. Awesome job dudes, love the look of the new zone in the gameplay trailer.
Moose, ya, i was wondering about the stars as well!!! Maybe they are different tiers of legendaries? you could find the same one with 1 star, or 3. quality of item? Who knows, but i cant wait to find out!!!!
As for the paragon. yES!!!! The stat allocation... one of the things most people complain about with d3 is that there is no stat allocation. now there will be, AND there is no limit to it! No level cap for paragon!!!!
Also, if you have 2 lvl 100 paragons, its suppose to add it all up and level your account wide paragon. I doubt, or at least hope it wont be 1 for 1.. so, you wont get bumped to 200plvl. I hope its more they take the combined experience and go from there. and i hope every level slowly increases how much xp you need, so that you could potentially get to lvl 1000, but it would take FOREVER.
I wonder if they're going to release the expansion on all platforms simultaneously?
The cinematic was beautiful of course, dialogue was pretty cheesy, though. "OMG brother WHY" "CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP ME LOL"
Diablo will just slip into the casual section of my brain for couch fun times. I think it's changed too much to consider it a "serious" title for me anymore.
I think all the hate stems from it not being a very good game.
If you're looking to just hack and slash your way in and collect mad loot, then I guess this is your game.
I'm not saying it was never like that to begin with, because it was. But to me Diablo 3 never reached that awesome pinnacle that Diablo 1 had me at.
I was literally scared to go deeper into the Catacombs and I had no idea what it would be like fighting Diablo at the end.
Diablo 2 continued to be great, although I wasn't as frightened, but the fear was still there. I wanted to try and get better weapons before venturing around a corner into the unexpected.
With Diablo 3, it just wasn't as "dark" as it should have been. Wasn't afraid, the story was kind of cliche and with Deckard Cain's grand daughter becoming Diablo...meh...it reminded me too much of Sarah Kerrigan.
I love the cinematics and all the great work people did...but the franchise is dull and boring.
I think all the hate stems from it not being a very good game.
If you're looking to just hack and slash your way in and collect mad loot, then I guess this is your game.
I'm not saying it was never like that to begin with, because it was. But to me Diablo 3 never reached that awesome pinnacle that Diablo 1 had me at.
I was literally scared to go deeper into the Catacombs and I had no idea what it would be like fighting Diablo at the end.
Diablo 2 continued to be great, although I wasn't as frightened, but the fear was still there. I wanted to try and get better weapons before venturing around a corner into the unexpected.
With Diablo 3, it just wasn't as "dark" as it should have been. Wasn't afraid, the story was kind of cliche and with Deckard Cain's grand daughter becoming Diablo...meh...it reminded me too much of Sarah Kerrigan.
I love the cinematics and all the great work people did...but the franchise is dull and boring.
When you talk about the fear the game gave you, I have to wonder at what age you played the game. I don't mean that to come out negatively, but I wonder if the fear you had while playing was because of your age or the freshness of the game type itself. I remember Diablo 1 being terrifying when I played it. At the time I would have been maybe 15. Now? Not so much.
D3 has had its share of missteps, but the changes they've made in the past year have been pretty good. Don't get me wrong, the people who criticize have some fair points but I've gotten about 80 hours of enjoyment out of the game and still play it from time to time ( just two nights ago in fact.)
I just wonder how much of the criticism is from design choices vs looking at previous games through rose tinted glasses. I enjoyed the initial game, so I'm sure I'll be picking this one up as well.
I'm still playing, but just casually, when someone wants to play for keys and nothing more. I have played more than 900 hours in more than a year lol.
BTW, the new beta battle.net launcher is great, i don't need to log in, nor use my mobile to get the authenticator code.
All the hate is pretty justified, they promised something they didn't deliver. Actually, they should remove the RMAH because the game is totally broken. I don't know anyone with high dps damage that didn't pay for items. The worst thing about the game right now, is that we can't speculate with the AH as months back. It was pretty easy to earn hundreds of millions of gold just reselling items. Too many people have bought gold to the chinese farmers, so we have now 50m for less than 1€ .
The cinematics may be great, but this game lacks content (expansion). Ubisoft/Activision gives us more content with AC games and CoD games in less than a year of production.
When you talk about the fear the game gave you, I have to wonder at what age you played the game. I don't mean that to come out negatively, but I wonder if the fear you had while playing was because of your age or the freshness of the game type itself. I remember Diablo 1 being terrifying when I played it. At the time I would have been maybe 15. Now? Not so much.
I was actually thinking about that when I typed up that comment. I was around 15 at the time too.
I'm pretty sure that had something to do with it, that and it being a completely fresh game with really nothing to compare it to.
When you get older you lose that shock and awe and resort to a more, "Seen it before" scenario.
I haven't played D3 since the huge patch they did with the Paragon system, but seeing the new expansion does make me want to play it for the Cinematics alone.
My gaming/game creation co-workers have all said the same thing, "Looks great, but story is so cliche". They are around the same age range.
I'm going to call it now, the end of this expansion will have the Angel of Death / Malthael open up a portal and he'll walk through.
Upon entering he'll transform into the Warrior from the first game and shove the Dark Crystal into his face. Thus creating some sort of time paradox.
Either way, I'm predicting some sort of time travel in order to bring back Cain's granddaughter.
Holy shit. That's 37.5 days of play time. I don't even think I broke that on all my characters combined in my 4+ years of playing WoW. That's a huge chunk of time to spend in a single year.
That's nothing compared to all those gamers with 2000+ hours and characters with paragon lvl 100. And well, it's more than a year, and 1-2 hours as much per day, quite normal.
Worst is what i'm seeing from some friends with payday 2, 60+ hours within 6 days. That's sick.
Holy shit. That's 37.5 days of play time. I don't even think I broke that on all my characters combined in my 4+ years of playing WoW. That's a huge chunk of time to spend in a single year.
I can't say I was a huge fan of the game, but still I got like 30 hours off of it. Compared to pretty much everything else, yeah, I'd say I definitely got my money's worth.
Sometimes I think that the people who played and loved it when they were 15, and now put tens or hundreds of hours into it and "hate" it, really don't want the original Diablo2 again, they want to be 15 again.
We all do. But until the Doc shows up with the DeLorean, we're screwed.
I'm just a casual gamer, i usually play as much 1-2 hours per day in laboral days, and in weekends i can play 4 hours as much. And considering that diablo 3 was launched more than a year ago... it's nothing if you think it well.
What i don't understand it's why you spent less time playing a game with a fee... it's like you were gifting them your money man. All the people i know that pays a monthly fee play more than 4 hours per day minimum, if not, is to waste money. They arrive home from work, and they connect to play. Seriously, you have gifted blizzard 450+ € without playing. With that money i buy all the new games i want in a whole year.
In my case, I can say i enjoyed the game a lot, like l4d. The best is that with the game i earnt a lot of money (i bought a gtx 680, thanks to selling items in the first months).
Too many people spend more time playing COD, CS, LOL, Starcradft2, etc.
I'm just a casual gamer, i usually play as much 1-2 hours per day in laboral days, and in weekends i can play 4 hours as much. And considering that diablo 3 was launched more than a year ago... it's nothing if you think it well.
I wish I could find the time to be your level of casual.
Where do you guys get the time anymore!?
(note: I don't find your playtime to be excessive.)
I wish I could find the time to be your level of casual.
Where do you guys get the time anymore!?
(note: I don't find your playtime to be excessive.)
I wonder how it's possible not to have at least 2 free hours per day. All what you do is work, eat and sleep? i can't believe that. You must spend your free time on something else.
I get up at 7:30 AM, and i start working at 8, and i stop working at 5:30pm. I have 6 free hours for me until i go to sleep. Maybe you are of those kind of people that don't know how to manage their time, watching a lot the TV, or who knows...
The day have too many hours: 8 hours for sleeping, 8 hours for working, and 8 hours for the rest.
As a freelance i learnt how to have a proper schedule, so i have time for all what i want. Right now i'm on vacations, and i have all the day for me, so beach, sun, games, family, sports, and nothing related to work like 3D. And the most important thing, i'm sleeping more than 10 hours. I feel sometimes bored .
I wonder how it's possible not to have at least 2 free hours per day. All what you do is work, eat and sleep? i can't believe that. You must spend your free time on something else.
I get up at 7:30 AM, and i start working at 8, and i stop working at 5:30pm. I have 6 free hours for me until i go to sleep. Maybe you are of those kind of people that don't know how to manage their time, watching a lot the TV, or who knows...
The day have too many hours: 8 hours for sleeping, 8 hours for working, and 8 hours for the rest.
As a freelance i learnt how to have a proper schedule, so i have time for all what i want. Right now i'm on vacations, and i have all the day for me, so beach, sun, games, family, sports, and nothing related to work like 3D. And the most important thing, i'm sleeping more than 10 hours. I feel sometimes bored .
Wife + kids + dinner + exercise + dogs = 1 hour of free time per night, if that (I don't have kids, but my schedule is similar).
Back on topic, how many of you will purchase the expansion? and if yes, will you play with the templar the first day?. I'm curious.
Personally, i will keep playing with my barb and DH until i get the best gear for the new class. I did very bad wasting too much gold in the other classes, and i suck compared to other friends that only wasted their effort in one character.
Blaizer, I'll buy it. I'm not crazy about D3, but it gives me stretches of fun every few months, and the expansion will give me a bit more, and might even greatly improve the game.
I like this new direction. I think they are focusing on making the game more versatile and more focused on being fun. It's too bad about the story not being interesting and intricate. But i hope maybe they inject some new darker and gruesome tones with this new expansion. New mechanics and better loot, just the first step in making this game be what we all want to see from the the game.
Diablo 3 was really the only game I played in 2012 and most of 2013 so far. My only major gripe was the randomized layouts not being so random at all - so seeing this being fixed in the expansion is pretty exciting to me.
Nephalem Trials and the Loot Run Dungeons both look like great additions to the game. Big step in the right direction for what I was looking for from the start.
I don't like the insanely linear design of the story, but these two modes sound really fun and rewarding.
I'm not even sure I remember the story from 2 - just that reveal trailer that came with the Brood Wars CD.
I used to skip past all the quest dialogues or even the quests since for the most part it would auto-fill them as you ran by the bosses / items and complete them for you when you killed them.
I imagine they wanted people to experience the lore or some dumb thang in D3, so I'm hoping they make the new Act in the expansion have a much more passive story experience.
Holy crap. check out the loot. looks like it might make the game pretty good!
Also, paragon change!! Account wide, no cap, stat allocation!?!?!? HELL YES
On a more serious note, no seriously what the hell happened to deliver such a poorly made under developed game?
Was it disappointing? Sure. To a lot of people, it was. But pull the stick outta your butt and move on with your life if you dont like it. Why continue to watch the thread if you hate it? Such a waste of time.
If you've actually paid attention to anything since the start, you`d know that they`ve done nothing but improve the game, with some major changing stuff coming up. D2 wasnt all that great till LOD, either. Looks like its going to be the same thing here. Plus, d3 now has new designers in charge, and if you look at those notes about the new xpac, you`ll see they are doing a fantastic job fixing other peoples mistakes.
Also, they said all the game system changes will be a free patch for everyone. not just xpac owners.
they've done a lot of things since launch, not all of them are improvements (in my opinion). i stopped playing it a couple of months ago because... for all of its failings, Marvel Heroes is actually closer to the core "diablo" experience than diablo 3. even with all of the updates to D3.
the other thing i really, truly dislike. is that they've gone against one of their "core" beliefs. they said for the longest time that pc gamers were their core audience, that they would always come first. the itemization patch that they're "working on" has been ready for quite a while, it was up on the test realm for a week before they removed it and it hasn't been since. and why? because they want it to be a core experience for the console game. basically they stuck a big finger up to the pc community, and said "you can't have this now, you have to wait until the console game is launched".
and that really pisses me off. something that could have fixed some of the biggest problems in the game was delayed for what is, in my opinion, a complete bullshit reason.
You know how Blizzard games are right? First they dont fly, people whine and all but in the end, we all come to peace with it. :B
I was counting on the black soul stone being stolen by another being that has a power of greater evil..Looking forward to this.
"sure" is an understatement when you consider what was sold and what was given. Nearly two different games. D3 was one of the worst designed pieces of hyped up...expletive I have ever seen. Nearly unplayable at launch. Has it gotten better? Maybe, does it matter at this point? No not really. I doubt the core has changed, and its a bit too late. Alienation has kicked into full swing.
Loved the cinematics though, some of the best from Bliz.
I havent been following this thread much less watch it. Why make that assumption? Popping in to see whats up is hardly the excuse you need to over exaggerate about the so called "haters".
You are entitled to your opinions but be nice about it or dont say anything at all, especially if you find the post more of the "usual".
Knowing how late they ship their unfinished games, i'm disappointed. They have a huge team of incredible individuals, so i was expecting to see a release date such as november as too late. What a shame, seriously, i hope they don't need 2 years for such poor content.
And more shameful, is the promised patch to solve all the issues. Delayed, delayed, delayed... we don't care if it's free, because it SHOULD have been there since the beginning. I've been playing since the 1st day, and with all the patches they broke something, or nerfed a class to make it unplayable/useless in inferno mode.
Anyways, like i said, i'm gonna buy this expansion, i have sold several items in the RMAH without the paypal option, and i have enough cash to waste. If i were opted for the paypal option, i would not buy the expansion and i would say them what the TV spot says but slightly changed, "go to hell with your game Blizzard".
That's a cliche... and not very well used. This is an open forum and all people can write their opinions. They could say you: "don't read what i say and end of disscusion".
Too many people had great expectations of change with this expansion. that's the reason.
I hope a good price aswell, because i bought diablo 3 for 30€, and i would hate to see this little expansion for more than 20€. It will be a robbery for me.
We are all entitled to have an opinion lad, you cant just take it personally and ask us to stop posting.
So I assume we are going to have flame wars all over the internets until May next year? lol.
EDIT: Sigh* Please continue on with your discussion.
I'm hopeful that this expansion will bring new life into the game the same way LoD did for Diablo II, and make it a game that will last. Even if it doesn't fix the game as well as I'd like, I'm sure I'll enjoy just playing through the new content, even if it's only once.
Also, the new class is exactly what I was hoping for. The core game really lacked any knight type class, which is always my favorite to play as.
Now I am confused. I just said every ones entitled to their opinion, but to be nice about it. I think think calling someone "lad" connotes a *lack of respect, it could be interpreted as talking down to someone. I think those who have self perceived "haterphobia" might be over reacting a bit. Anyone would be logically upset after following the D3 development and subsequent purchase only to be treated like crap from a studio you normally respect. You can agree to disagree.
My hope is that they did learn from the D3 fiasco and that certain people probably shouldnt be game directors for high profile franchises.
D3 was flawed at release, but it is improving, and I'm having much more fun playing it at the moment. They've fixed a lot of annoyances and improved drop rates and the late-game in gernal. The expansion promises to bring some great changes, so it'll be even more fun. As fun as D2 LOD? Well I doubt it, but that's a tough act to follow.
If they fix loot, then the game will improve, and they're aiming to do that as seen by the posted changes which are almost 1 to 1 with a great community post on the topic that outlined how to improve loot: http://www.diablofans.com/topic/99370-loot-20-discovering-its-true-potential/
Rant time:
What they also need to do though is to balance the AH. It's a complete fuckup, and always has been. I understand it's here to stay, and that's not all bad because quite honestly without the AH I'd be shit out of luck in Inferno past Act 2, but it suffers from a few major problems.
1) Inflation, which has seen people shitposting nonstop, throwing out mediocre items for 50 mil. Meanwhile I'm sniping decent IK items for under 10k gold and ripping some poor dude off completely. There needs to be a stat based calculator to stop crap items for selling for ludicrous prices, and to cap them based on their stat combos. Certain stats, stat combos, or legendaries should be uncapped.
2) The flipside. Accidental deflation. People are putting out godly items practically for free, as I stated above. I've equipped my main barb for under 2 mil with great items that make him viable solo in A4 inferno. That's a pity because while nice, it also decreases the value of the loot you find. A legendary should sell in the AH, granted it has average stats or above. With low priced items in the AH you can't sell your lower legendaries, and more or less need to scrap them. There needs to be a calculated minimum cap for all legendaries based on stats (both on the item and meta-analysis of what players are using) so that even lower legendaries become viable buys. No il 63 legendary should sell for under a million, otherwise it completely loses value. Rares should also have a minimum price based on stats, but to a lesser degree.
Loot should be balanced in price so that there is variation based on market value, but also based on player usage stats so that the market can correct with new strategies, etc. When you want a super awesome legendary item, it should cost a shitload, not be free, and when you want an average rare, it should be cheap, not some unholy amount.
Played for a bit again while my brother was visiting. Had a lot more fun running around with Hardcore characters. Now that he is gone i have not touched the game.
So its fun with people, but people that i know no longer play it.
I might look at the console one, just so i can play this and have the regular solo experience that i wanted the PC to be.
Anyways... the expansion looks ok. nothing special.. although the art looks a lot more grim and gritty. Tyrael still looks ugly tho haha
Yeah, you got your money's worth.
Yeah, I "only" put in about 30 hours.
I mean you try to get Belial in MP5+
I will be looking forward to having this expansion. :B
i've done everything on MP10.
it wasn't hard.
...but i played a monk lol.
That being said, please refrain from personally attacking a fellow polycounter, simply because their opinion differs from yours. Let's keep the pros and cons of any topic healthy.
For many players the game wasnt even playable for a good month. Rubber banding even on single player, cinematics being loaded over the internet rather than installed clientside or on the disc. IN fact the disc they shipped was EMPTY. Why would you give anyone an empty dvd..? It forced players to DL the game and that created an even greater bottleneck. You could be playing the game, single player, and have it disconnected on you at any moment, causing you to start over upon re-connect.
Then there were times you couldnt even log in at all, items were missing, the fact they forced drops to be so bad that you would have to cheapen the experience by going out and looking around on the Auction House, where the best items were so dirt cheap it made no sense.
Then you have Jay Wilson, someone who managed to become one of the more hated individuals in gaming history. Pretty amazing feat in and of itself. It didnt help he called one of Blizzard North's co-founders and franchise creator a 'F**king loser' (exact words were F*ck that loser) over the internet. In fact he managed to come across as an elitist snob with a childlike mentality. Maybe he's not like that in person, but thats kind of how he sold himself.
For many, and this view is shared widely, it was both a lesson in bad game design and false marketing. I dont think you will see people bash the artist or the cinematics team (because they did a great job), but between the design and the marketing/PR, it was one of thee worst.
I agree that not everyone will have to share this point of view, but the negative reaction to the game is widely spread and much of it legitimate.
this screenshot has me particularly excited (except for that reset points button):
manual stat allocation! rejoice! Account wide Paragon is also great. I love playing all my characters but want to keep leveling my Plevel. Its too early to judge any thing about the loot - of course everything they show right now will be amazing and the max-potential dropscore, since there are extra ilvls
has my interest:
what are those stars!!? Leveling items too? If they add more bars to fill I'll be happy
Cinematic is fucking rad. Awesome job dudes, love the look of the new zone in the gameplay trailer.
As for the paragon. yES!!!! The stat allocation... one of the things most people complain about with d3 is that there is no stat allocation. now there will be, AND there is no limit to it! No level cap for paragon!!!!
Also, if you have 2 lvl 100 paragons, its suppose to add it all up and level your account wide paragon. I doubt, or at least hope it wont be 1 for 1.. so, you wont get bumped to 200plvl. I hope its more they take the combined experience and go from there. and i hope every level slowly increases how much xp you need, so that you could potentially get to lvl 1000, but it would take FOREVER.
ahhh, so excited!
The cinematic was beautiful of course, dialogue was pretty cheesy, though. "OMG brother WHY" "CUZ NO ONE CAN STOP ME LOL"
Diablo will just slip into the casual section of my brain for couch fun times. I think it's changed too much to consider it a "serious" title for me anymore.
If you're looking to just hack and slash your way in and collect mad loot, then I guess this is your game.
I'm not saying it was never like that to begin with, because it was. But to me Diablo 3 never reached that awesome pinnacle that Diablo 1 had me at.
I was literally scared to go deeper into the Catacombs and I had no idea what it would be like fighting Diablo at the end.
Diablo 2 continued to be great, although I wasn't as frightened, but the fear was still there. I wanted to try and get better weapons before venturing around a corner into the unexpected.
With Diablo 3, it just wasn't as "dark" as it should have been. Wasn't afraid, the story was kind of cliche and with Deckard Cain's grand daughter becoming Diablo...meh...it reminded me too much of Sarah Kerrigan.
I love the cinematics and all the great work people did...but the franchise is dull and boring.
When you talk about the fear the game gave you, I have to wonder at what age you played the game. I don't mean that to come out negatively, but I wonder if the fear you had while playing was because of your age or the freshness of the game type itself. I remember Diablo 1 being terrifying when I played it. At the time I would have been maybe 15. Now? Not so much.
D3 has had its share of missteps, but the changes they've made in the past year have been pretty good. Don't get me wrong, the people who criticize have some fair points but I've gotten about 80 hours of enjoyment out of the game and still play it from time to time ( just two nights ago in fact.)
I just wonder how much of the criticism is from design choices vs looking at previous games through rose tinted glasses. I enjoyed the initial game, so I'm sure I'll be picking this one up as well.
I'm still playing, but just casually, when someone wants to play for keys and nothing more. I have played more than 900 hours in more than a year lol.
BTW, the new beta battle.net launcher is great, i don't need to log in, nor use my mobile to get the authenticator code.
All the hate is pretty justified, they promised something they didn't deliver. Actually, they should remove the RMAH because the game is totally broken. I don't know anyone with high dps damage that didn't pay for items. The worst thing about the game right now, is that we can't speculate with the AH as months back. It was pretty easy to earn hundreds of millions of gold just reselling items. Too many people have bought gold to the chinese farmers, so we have now 50m for less than 1€
The cinematics may be great, but this game lacks content (expansion). Ubisoft/Activision gives us more content with AC games and CoD games in less than a year of production.
I was actually thinking about that when I typed up that comment. I was around 15 at the time too.
I'm pretty sure that had something to do with it, that and it being a completely fresh game with really nothing to compare it to.
When you get older you lose that shock and awe and resort to a more, "Seen it before" scenario.
I haven't played D3 since the huge patch they did with the Paragon system, but seeing the new expansion does make me want to play it for the Cinematics alone.
My gaming/game creation co-workers have all said the same thing, "Looks great, but story is so cliche". They are around the same age range.
I'm going to call it now, the end of this expansion will have the Angel of Death / Malthael open up a portal and he'll walk through.
Upon entering he'll transform into the Warrior from the first game and shove the Dark Crystal into his face. Thus creating some sort of time paradox.
Either way, I'm predicting some sort of time travel in order to bring back Cain's granddaughter.
That's nothing compared to all those gamers with 2000+ hours and characters with paragon lvl 100. And well, it's more than a year, and 1-2 hours as much per day, quite normal.
Worst is what i'm seeing from some friends with payday 2, 60+ hours within 6 days. That's sick.
that's less than 1 day, per weekend, for a year.
i don't see the problem?
Sometimes I think that the people who played and loved it when they were 15, and now put tens or hundreds of hours into it and "hate" it, really don't want the original Diablo2 again, they want to be 15 again.
We all do. But until the Doc shows up with the DeLorean, we're screwed.
I'm just a casual gamer, i usually play as much 1-2 hours per day in laboral days, and in weekends i can play 4 hours as much. And considering that diablo 3 was launched more than a year ago... it's nothing if you think it well.
What i don't understand it's why you spent less time playing a game with a fee... it's like you were gifting them your money man. All the people i know that pays a monthly fee play more than 4 hours per day minimum, if not, is to waste money. They arrive home from work, and they connect to play. Seriously, you have gifted blizzard 450+ € without playing. With that money i buy all the new games i want in a whole year.
In my case, I can say i enjoyed the game a lot, like l4d. The best is that with the game i earnt a lot of money (i bought a gtx 680, thanks to selling items in the first months).
Too many people spend more time playing COD, CS, LOL, Starcradft2, etc.
I wish I could find the time to be your level of casual.
Where do you guys get the time anymore!?
(note: I don't find your playtime to be excessive.)
I wonder how it's possible not to have at least 2 free hours per day. All what you do is work, eat and sleep? i can't believe that. You must spend your free time on something else.
I get up at 7:30 AM, and i start working at 8, and i stop working at 5:30pm. I have 6 free hours for me until i go to sleep. Maybe you are of those kind of people that don't know how to manage their time, watching a lot the TV, or who knows...
The day have too many hours: 8 hours for sleeping, 8 hours for working, and 8 hours for the rest.
As a freelance i learnt how to have a proper schedule, so i have time for all what i want. Right now i'm on vacations, and i have all the day for me, so beach, sun, games, family, sports, and nothing related to work like 3D. And the most important thing, i'm sleeping more than 10 hours. I feel sometimes bored
Wife + kids + dinner + exercise + dogs = 1 hour of free time per night, if that (I don't have kids, but my schedule is similar).
What do you mean by that? Diablo3 didn't have a monthly fee
yeah this. except i have kids and one of them is a 1 year old infant.
I believe he is talking about World of Warcraft.
yep, exactly
Back on topic, how many of you will purchase the expansion? and if yes, will you play with the templar the first day?. I'm curious.
Personally, i will keep playing with my barb and DH until i get the best gear for the new class. I did very bad wasting too much gold in the other classes, and i suck compared to other friends that only wasted their effort in one character.
This. I hate growing old.
Interesting thing is none of this is a byproduct of growing old. It is an accumulation of your choices made as you grow old.
There are lots of middle-aged bachelors that have all the free time in the world!
I don't like the insanely linear design of the story, but these two modes sound really fun and rewarding.
I like it!
I used to skip past all the quest dialogues or even the quests since for the most part it would auto-fill them as you ran by the bosses / items and complete them for you when you killed them.
I imagine they wanted people to experience the lore or some dumb thang in D3, so I'm hoping they make the new Act in the expansion have a much more passive story experience.
Also no dumb footprints >:|