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Marmoset Toolbag 1.10 Official support thread


  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
  • Hoshi
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    Hoshi polycounter lvl 6
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Hi, first off thanks for the suggestions. Luckily most of these features are already in or are planed for Toolbag 2.0.

    Cubemap support is already in Toolbag 1 however, the default image based lighting uses cubemaps for diffuse lighting, and cubemaps for specular lighting. If you want more reflective materials, turn up the specular sharpness setting, this will use a sharper cubemap for specular reflections (you can also control this with the gloss map in your Spec map's alpha channel. More here: http://www.marmoset.co/toolbag/learn/materials

    Thank you for your answer :) About cubemaps, I was thinking about a direct support in an appropriate channel in the shader. I think this would be awesome since it's pretty easy to compute a cubemap from a 3D scene. For the reflections I had to create, I used the double environment shader with a transparent texture in diffuse 2 and duplicated some geometry under the ground. It did the trick. I already knew your tutorials on materials, many thanks for it, it's really great !
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Are Marmoset normal maps synced with any normal map generator?
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Afaik no, but Maya is supposedly close..
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    My apologies if this has already been asked.

    Is there anyway to render out selection sets from Marmoset for post production work in photoshop?

    I recently completed a piece and had to make my own selection sets manually which was a bit of a pain as I'm sure you can imagine.
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Well if you're not outputting as HDR, you'll have a mask in the alpha channel of your output. If you wanted all your different objects to have different colours for selection though then you'd have to manually assign different materials I imagine.
  • EarthQuake
    ZacD wrote: »
    Are Marmoset normal maps synced with any normal map generator?

    Toolbag 2 will have support for multiple tangent spaces from an easy to use tangent drop down per mesh.
  • EarthQuake
    brandoom wrote: »
    My apologies if this has already been asked.

    Is there anyway to render out selection sets from Marmoset for post production work in photoshop?

    I recently completed a piece and had to make my own selection sets manually which was a bit of a pain as I'm sure you can imagine.

    As bek says, with standard TGA files an alpha channel is saved for quick selections. Can you be more specific on what you'd like to see?
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    As bek says, with standard TGA files an alpha channel is saved for quick selections. Can you be more specific on what you'd like to see?


    this idea comes from an option within 3dmax.

    Under Render Elements you can add a render pass which will render out the Material IDs. This can then be used for selection sets within Photoshop.

    It would be great to have something similar in Marmoset based on applied materials within the scene.

    Here's an image that hopefully helps explain. If you need any more clarity let me know, would be glad to help! :)

  • Setes

    I'm showing a project tomorrow on a computer where the toolbag trial has expired. Now, everyone would just say "buy toolbag already", and i do intend to.

    But i'm in the situation where the computer i'm showing the project on isnt my own, so spending money on a license that gets node-locked to a computer which isnt my own doesnt seem like the best idea to me :)

    Is it possible to get a 48 hour extra trial somehow, or remove toolbag from the windows registry so i can show off my project without having to buy a license for a computer which i will only have access to for the next 36-ish hours.

    Thanks for an excellent product :)
  • EarthQuake
    brandoom wrote: »

    this idea comes from an option within 3dmax.

    Under Render Elements you can add a render pass which will render out the Material IDs. This can then be used for selection sets within Photoshop.

    It would be great to have something similar in Marmoset based on applied materials within the scene.

    Here's an image that hopefully helps explain. If you need any more clarity let me know, would be glad to help! :)


    Thanks, that makes more sense.
    Setes wrote: »

    I'm showing a project tomorrow on a computer where the toolbag trial has expired. Now, everyone would just say "buy toolbag already", and i do intend to.

    But i'm in the situation where the computer i'm showing the project on isnt my own, so spending money on a license that gets node-locked to a computer which isnt my own doesnt seem like the best idea to me :)

    Is it possible to get a 48 hour extra trial somehow, or remove toolbag from the windows registry so i can show off my project without having to buy a license for a computer which i will only have access to for the next 36-ish hours.

    Thanks for an excellent product :)

    The license is not locked to any one computer, you simply need to contact us when you install it on a new computer and we'll get you a new fingerprint.
  • Setes
    Excellent!, i'll go buy a license then.
  • mospheric
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    mospheric polycounter lvl 11
    Hopefully this is the right thread to post this. I've been having some issues where mirrored normals are inverted. They appear fine in Max and UDK, just marmoset is giving me problems.

    I made the grip and used the symmetry modifier in Max to flip it over. I then stacked and offset the UVs for one part. Bake came out fine and I had no indication of issues until I loaded it up in Marmoset. It seems all of my geometry that has mirrored normals are appearing inverted. Checking the normals in Max, they look fine and are facing the right direction. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • EarthQuake
    mospheric wrote: »
    Hopefully this is the right thread to post this. I've been having some issues where mirrored normals are inverted. They appear fine in Max and UDK, just marmoset is giving me problems.

    I made the grip and used the symmetry modifier in Max to flip it over. I then stacked and offset the UVs for one part. Bake came out fine and I had no indication of issues until I loaded it up in Marmoset. It seems all of my geometry that has mirrored normals are appearing inverted. Checking the normals in Max, they look fine and are facing the right direction. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    First off, have you tried inverting the green channel of your normal map? Marmoset Toolbag expects Maya type normal maps.

    If that doesn't help, can you show a larger image of your model?

    It may be an issue with your max export settings, make sure "export normals" is enabled.

    You also may need to reset xforms in max.
  • mospheric
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    mospheric polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for your time Earthquake.

    I invert the Y in Marmoset under the View tab since the normal map looks fine in Max/UDK.

    In Max, I export an .fbx with smoothing, binormals and tangents, triangulate, and preserve edge orientation on.

    In Max I've tried resetting xforms, flipping UVs, mirroring the geometry, using the symmetry modifier on the geometry, resetting normals, and even re-uving those parts that are inverted.

    Here is a larger image of the sides showing the grip inverted. There are a few other locations near the trigger that are also using mirrored normals that are inverted. Not so obvious unless they are sharing an edge.

  • EarthQuake
    Interesting, just for fun try an OBJ instead of FBX. If that doesn't take care of it, please send your files to earthqke@marmoset.co and I will take a look at it. FBX/OBJ and normal map.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    I've had to export without tangents/binormals recently to get mirroring to work in Marmoset. Can't remember having to do so before, maybe something with the FBX importer has changed in the newer versions?
  • mospheric
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    mospheric polycounter lvl 11
    cptSwing wrote: »
    I've had to export without tangents/binormals recently to get mirroring to work in Marmoset. Can't remember having to do so before, maybe something with the FBX importer has changed in the newer versions?

    Yup this hit the nail on the head. I've never had to do that before, but now those normals are showing correctly. I'm assuming it also has something to do with the new fbx version.

    Thanks CptSwing!
  • nabeelaejaz
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    nabeelaejaz polycounter lvl 9
    Hi, My Kaspersky is also deleting toolbag.exe , very annoying ... hello devs kindly look into this issue and offer a solution. As now I know I am not the only one with this issue. :poly118:
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Any idea why I'm getting these soft facets on my low poly model with just a diffuse?


    They show through the normal map and specular a tiny bit.
  • EarthQuake
    Zac: looks like your vertex normals are coming in a bit weird, what app are you exporting from and what format?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Softimage, obj. It just seams odd the vertex normals are somehow messed up, but the normal map is still working well even with the specular.
  • EarthQuake
    How does it look when you load a flat 127,127,255 normal map?

    Don't know much about XSI, what sort of export options do you have for OBJ?
    Can you try FBX?
    Can you try importing in to max or maya and exporting from there?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Looks like it's just an issue with obj's and softimage, I tried all the settings, but FBX work flawlessly.

    I still think this is odd,


  • EarthQuake
    Well two things:
    A. A normal map is required, if you clear that slot its going to load something random from vmem, so weird things are bound to happen.
    B. Specular reflection is going to show smoothing errors to a much more extreme level than flat diffuse lighting.

    In toolbag 2 we will have a variety of tangent space options to help minimize smoothing errors.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    hey Guys, also having the kaspersky issue, I have tried setting marmoset to trusted before, but its still wiped it....this time i added it to the excluded list too....lets see how that goes :D
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Why keep Kaspersky, then? I use Microsoft Security Essentials (Free and works a charm), and I've never had any issues.
  • Voxel
    Getting a lighting error(see image below). All my normals are good and that is a single piece that the artifact is appearing on.

  • ZacD
    Online / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    Try messing with the scale, shadow quality is directly affected by the scale of the object.
  • Voxel
    Tried scaling it up and down using the mesh scale in marmoset, the issue still persists.

    One thing I did notice is that at certain camera angles it does not appear, and on others it gets as bad as shown in my previous post.

    I also tried loading up some dummy objects in a blank scene and the same thing happens on them. So I think it is probably a technical issue.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    Hey guys, I've tried bringing the low poly mesh of my tiger tank into marmoset and it hates it..


    This is modelled and exported from modo as an obj. Exporting from modo as an fbx doesn't work because marmoset won't open the fbx at all. I've tried to export the tank from blender to make sure it wasn't modo's obj exporter.

    Has anybody seen a problem like this in marmoset before? :S
  • EarthQuake
    Voxel wrote: »
    Tried scaling it up and down using the mesh scale in marmoset, the issue still persists.

    One thing I did notice is that at certain camera angles it does not appear, and on others it gets as bad as shown in my previous post.

    I also tried loading up some dummy objects in a blank scene and the same thing happens on them. So I think it is probably a technical issue.

    This is a shadowmap quality issue, unfortunately there isn't anything you can do to improve it.
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    What version of modo are you using? Obj and fbx from 501 has worked fine for me. Checked what settings you're exporting with under system > preferences?

    Actually this error does look kind of familiar, if you've got junk UV layers delete them and export only the one. If you haven't UV'd yet just run a quick atlas projection on the model.

    Alternatively get the fantastic pipelineIO script from Ariel Chai and see if that works.
  • MrNinjutsu
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    MrNinjutsu greentooth
    I get that glitch tanka if i export too many objects as obj. Usually does it when i export 3 chunks or more.
  • tanka
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    tanka polycounter lvl 12
    Deleting the extra UV sets seemed to work.. with the FBX atleast. Thanks guys!
  • MeshModeler
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    MeshModeler polycounter lvl 11
    is there anyway to enable shadows other then turning the floor on?

    i wanna have shadows just over my background color.. is that possible?

  • EarthQuake
    is there anyway to enable shadows other then turning the floor on?

    i wanna have shadows just over my background color.. is that possible?


    Shadows are enabled by default, though shadows need something to cast on to be shadows.

    You can try using the floor with a diffuse color that matches your background color.
  • MeshModeler
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    MeshModeler polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Shadows are enabled by default, though shadows need something to cast on to be shadows.

    You can try using the floor with a diffuse color that matches your background color.

    i tried that but the sky lighting presets change the color of the floor drastically.

    i tried doing the opposite and choosing a color that matches the floor, but its so dawn hard without a color picker
  • EarthQuake
    i tried that but the sky lighting presets change the color of the floor drastically.

    i tried doing the opposite and choosing a color that matches the floor, but its so dawn hard without a color picker

    Hmm yeah, you could try making the BG color white, and the floor color white, and make sure your lighting is bright enough so the floor gets to 100% white, and then try composting in a difference background color.

    Maybe save a shot with alpha with both the floor on and off, might make composting a little easier. What you would want to do is have a fill layer set to multiply, with a layer mask masking your character, then you could set the color manually.
  • MeshModeler
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    MeshModeler polycounter lvl 11
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Hmm yeah, you could try making the BG color white, and the floor color white, and make sure your lighting is bright enough so the floor gets to 100% white, and then try composting in a difference background color.

    Maybe save a shot with alpha with both the floor on and off, might make composting a little easier. What you would want to do is have a fill layer set to multiply, with a layer mask masking your character, then you could set the color manually.

    Ill try that workaround, Thanks
  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    Earlier today I installed marmoset on my new laptop, and it was working fine but once I maximize the window it began to start flickering. This issue only seems to occur if I expand the window beyond the default when you load marmoset. I did some research but did not have much luck. Has anyone else ran into this issue? I don't have this issue on my desktop though thats windows 7 and my laptop is windows 8 though im not sure if that makes a difference. Also my graphics card drivers are up to date. Thank you for your time!
  • Coontang
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    Coontang polycounter lvl 5
    I decided to try Marmoset again but for some reason it's almost maxing the cpu and making the whole computer lag, anyone know why?
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 13
    Does Marmoset support bump maps? Not normal maps, just grey scale bump maps.
  • EarthQuake
    Earlier today I installed marmoset on my new laptop, and it was working fine but once I maximize the window it began to start flickering. This issue only seems to occur if I expand the window beyond the default when you load marmoset. I did some research but did not have much luck. Has anyone else ran into this issue? I don't have this issue on my desktop though thats windows 7 and my laptop is windows 8 though im not sure if that makes a difference. Also my graphics card drivers are up to date. Thank you for your time!

    Can you give me some more info on your system specs? CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.
    Coontang wrote: »
    I decided to try Marmoset again but for some reason it's almost maxing the cpu and making the whole computer lag, anyone know why?

    Ditto on system specs
    Does Marmoset support bump maps? Not normal maps, just grey scale bump maps.

    Toolbag does not support bump maps.

    In reality, no game engine supports bump maps, if a game engine/shader accepts a bump map, what it really does is import a bump map and convert it to a normal map, usually with a pretty bad conversion. So you're much better off using the Nvidia normal map filter, xnormal normal map filter, or better yet Crazybump or nDo for bump -> normal conversion as you will have a lot more control over the quality.
  • El Scorcho
    When ever I save and close a file then open it later one of my materials gets removed. Namely my eye gloss material, I save the scene,mesh, materials and post effects everything till get no save warnings. Also if I try to light with dynamic lights only I get black demon eyes no matter how strong the lights are. Oh and are there plans to upgrade the shadows and ao, maybe more material options/control?

    My System specs are decent Intel i5 3.3GHz, Nvidia Geforce GTX 550 Ti and 8 gb ram.

  • homrighausen3d
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    homrighausen3d polycounter lvl 5
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    Can you give me some more info on your system specs? CPU, GPU, RAM, etc.

    Sorry for the late response! It actually stopped happening after the first day so I am not exactly sure what the deal was that day.


    Processor:3rd Generation Intel Core i7-3630QM Processor( 2.40GHz 1600MHz 6MB)
    Operating System:Windows 8 64
    Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce GT750M GDDR5 2GB
    Memory:16.0GB PC3-12800 DDR3 SDRAM 1600 MHz
    Display:15.6" FHD LED Glossy Wedge 1920x1080
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    El Scorcho wrote: »
    When ever I save and close a file then open it later one of my materials gets removed. Namely my eye gloss material, I save the scene,mesh, materials and post effects everything till get no save warnings.

    My System specs are decent Intel i5 3.3GHz, Nvidia Geforce GTX 550 Ti and 8 gb ram.

    I get the same issue sometimes. I'd love to know why! I have the same specs as you, too, actually....
  • EarthQuake
    El Scorcho wrote: »
    When ever I save and close a file then open it later one of my materials gets removed. Namely my eye gloss material, I save the scene,mesh, materials and post effects everything till get no save warnings. Also if I try to light with dynamic lights only I get black demon eyes no matter how strong the lights are. Oh and are there plans to upgrade the shadows and ao, maybe more material options/control?

    My System specs are decent Intel i5 3.3GHz, Nvidia Geforce GTX 550 Ti and 8 gb ram.


    The material you're having trouble with, is it saved in a different directory than the others?
    Do you have non-English characters in the file path or file name?

    The alpha sorting issue, alpha sorting sort of sucks in Toolbag currently, however the turning black thing does seem strange. If you want me to have a look at your files, please send them to earthqke@marmoset.co
  • Dantert
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    Dantert polycounter lvl 10
    Hi! I have a strange problem with marmoset.
    I made a retopo of my character in topogun and baked the maps in xnormals, when I tried the model in t-pose in marmoset all was ok, so I posed the lowpoly in 3dsMax with the CAT system and the skin modifier, collapsed the modifier and exported the model in fbx format and now when I load it in marmoset and apply the normal map all the model looks like in the image below
    I really don't know what to do to fix it since I'm new to max, I tried to import the model in xsi but all seems ok, then I exported it from xsi and there's still the same problem in marmoset...
    Someone can help me?
  • GetAwesome
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    GetAwesome polycounter lvl 14
    Dantert wrote: »

    Does your model have a lot of ngons? We've seen some similar issues with models that suffer from having many-sided polygons. Any auto-triangulation Toolbag's model loader performs can then be very inefficient and cause some less than desirable topology.

    This could also be an issue with your UV coordinates and vertex normals. Check to be sure your UVs are on a single, primary UV channel before exporting, and do not have any split vertices on export - split vertices can screw up UV assignments.

    You can also send your .fbx file to support@marmoset.co if you need some further input. We can then take a look firsthand.
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