Does your model have a lot of ngons? We've seen some similar issues with models that suffer from having many-sided polygons. Any auto-triangulation Toolbag's model loader performs can then be very inefficient and cause some less than desirable topology.
This could also be an issue with your UV coordinates and vertex normals. Check to be sure your UVs are on a single, primary UV channel before exporting, and do not have any split vertices on export - split vertices can screw up UV assignments.
You can also send your .fbx file to if you need some further input. We can then take a look firsthand.
Thanks for the reply! In this model I have only three or four sided poligons, I checked the uv's and are ok, however I exported the obj and it works well..seems to be something with the fbx exportation.
I sended the fbx to the mail you told me.
The material you're having trouble with, is it saved in a different directory than the others?
Do you have non-English characters in the file path or file name?
The alpha sorting issue, alpha sorting sort of sucks in Toolbag currently, however the turning black thing does seem strange. If you want me to have a look at your files, please send them to
Everything is one folder in English characters.
This is contract work I'm allowed to show, but I don't think the client would be to happy me giving it out. Let me see if I can reproduce these issues with personal art and send you those files.
This is contract work I'm allowed to show, but I don't think the client would be to happy me giving it out. Let me see if I can reproduce these issues with personal art and send you those files.
Thanks for getting back to me.
No problem, if you can get me a scene that reproduces either problem (the sorting thing, or the file not saving) I will be happy to take a look.
The demo of Skyshop shaders look fantastic. With cubed reflections it looks like you can really represent shaders like Chrome really well.
Is there a way to get this reflective look with actual Marmoset? I have some chrome in my asset and I just cant get it to look like real chrome without a cube map too it. Just looks like really shinny metal.
I went over your previous material tutorial but that also doesn't look like proper chrome as there is no reflection.
The demo of Skyshop shaders look fantastic. With cubed reflections it looks like you can really represent shaders like Chrome really well.
Is there a way to get this reflective look with actual Marmoset? I have some chrome in my asset and I just cant get it to look like real chrome without a cube map too it. Just looks like really shinny metal.
I went over your previous material tutorial but that also doesn't look like proper chrome as there is no reflection.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean, Skyshop uses basically the same image based lighting system that Toolbag uses. Both use cubemaps for specular reflections, so you should be able to get very similar results in either.
The main difference is the range of blurry vs sharp reflections that you can achieve, with Skyshop, white in the gloss map (and max gloss setting in the shader) will give you full on mirror reflection, however with Toolbag there are some technical limitations that prevent the specular sharpness from getting that high. This will be solved in Toolbag 2.0 however where the range for specular reflection sharpness is a bit better.
^ From the material tutorial, this should give you a good idea of how the specular reflection cubemap works.
That said, chrome should be pretty easy to make in Toolbag 1.0, all you really need is a very dark diffuse, and very bright specular and gloss values. Make sure your specular sharpness (gloss) setting is set to max in the shader as well.
Is the latest Marmoset Toolbag able to save entire scenes now without having to redo everything? I read a post somewhere that they are working on that? Do we have to wait for version 2.0?
Is the latest Marmoset Toolbag able to save entire scenes now without having to redo everything? I read a post somewhere that they are working on that? Do we have to wait for version 2.0?
Hi, can you be more specific?
Marmoset Toolbag 1.0 is fully capable of saving scenes, however you need to make sure to save your mesh and materials, as well as your scene file, so its a bit of a convoluted process. Please let me know if you are having specific problems with that and I will try to help.
Marmoset Toolbag 2.0 will feature a completely revamped scene system however, with all meshes, materials, cameras, etc saved in the scene file, and better relative file path handling for loading textures as well. We've also improved the asset loading system, loading a model no longer resets your scene, which is really great, and we have a few more improvements planned in regards to scene management.
Marmoset Toolbag 1.0 is fully capable of saving scenes, however you need to make sure to save your mesh and materials, as well as your scene file, so its a bit of a convoluted process. Please let me know if you are having specific problems with that and I will try to help.
Marmoset Toolbag 2.0 will feature a completely revamped scene system however, with all meshes, materials, cameras, etc saved in the scene file, and better relative file path handling for loading textures as well. We've also improved the asset loading system, loading a model no longer resets your scene, which is really great, and we have a few more improvements planned in regards to scene management.
A while back I tried to render out a character in Marmoset by putting in basic the basic normal, AO, and diffuse maps in the right slots along with the mesh. I had everything set up and decided to save it then closed the program. I thought that by saving I would get all the stuff the way I had it before I closed the program. I saved it under File>Scene>Save Scene.
When I opened Marmoset the next time around to load the scene I had saved, I had to reload the mesh and materials again which was kind of a bummer. I didn't know about that. I didn't read the pop up tip. So does the save scene format only saves lights and camera positions? It's kind of tedious having to reload your meshes and materials all over again after doing so the first time around. What is the estimated ETA on when Marmoset 2.0 will be released?
A while back I tried to render out a character in Marmoset by putting in basic the basic normal, AO, and diffuse maps in the right slots along with the mesh. I had everything set up and decided to save it then closed the program. I thought that by saving I would get all the stuff the way I had it before I closed the program. I saved it under File>Scene>Save Scene.
When I opened Marmoset the next time around to load the scene I had saved, I had to reload the mesh and materials again which was kind of a bummer. I didn't know about that. I didn't read the pop up tip. So does the save scene format only saves lights and camera positions?
Yes, the save scene only saves camera, lights, post effects, render settings, etc. You have to hit the "save mesh and materials" button on the right hand side under the mesh chunks and materials list.
It's kind of tedious having to reload your meshes and materials all over again after doing so the first time around. What is the estimated ETA on when Marmoset 2.0 will be released?
Yeah, its not a great system, and the two separate places to save files is really confusing at first, which is why we rewrote the scene/save system for TB 2.0. Unfortunately I can't give any information on a release date yet, other than to say we plan on releasing it in 2013.
Yeah, its not a great system, and the two separate places to save files is really confusing at first, which is why we rewrote the scene/save system for TB 2.0. Unfortunately I can't give any information on a release date yet, other than to say we plan on releasing it in 2013.
Thanks EarthQuake. I'm looking forward for its release sometime this year .
I created a set of skies using the sky tool, with a shadow image.
When saved it created 8 files, which I can open fine.
Then I copied theses skies over to an other computer. Did not touched anything. But can't laod them. When I load the .env file, the skydome does not change. Am I missig something here? Is there some extra files that need to be copied over to export the skies to an other machine?
Thank you for your help.
Attachment : screenshot of the content of my saved sky (I know I forgot an underscore, I fixed that already )
Ok so I see now that the .env save the obsolute path of the textures, which does not work when you copy them over to an other machine. I had to manually edit all the path in the .env, which is a pain.
Is there any way or plan to use relative path? Make more sense to me
EDIT : the relative path works if you keep the files in the sky directory of Marmoset : C:\Program Files (x86)\MarmosetToolbag\base\sky
You can also edit the name of the sky on the first line to see it in the dropdown preset list.
But it is still a pain to find and copy these files in the Marmoset directory. Should be much easier if the files path where relative to where the .env file is.
That said, chrome should be pretty easy to make in Toolbag 1.0, all you really need is a very dark diffuse, and very bright specular and gloss values. Make sure your specular sharpness (gloss) setting is set to max in the shader as well.
Ahhh thats what I messed up on, my specular sharpness was not set to max so the reflective look of things was coming out super dull and I wasnt getting the reflection of the cube map to show as crisp as I wanted.
Mesh loose materials.
Did you notice that if you open an .obj mesh and apply materials to it and then save as .mesh, it loose the material when you close and re-open?
It works fine when you use an .fxb first.
I though that saving as .mesh was a new format, but obviously there is someting remaingg that make a diference if the original mesh is saved as .obj or .mesh.
It happended on 2 different machine with the trial version 110.
Any advice?
Mesh loose materials.
Did you notice that if you open an .obj mesh and apply materials to it and then save as .mesh, it loose the material when you close and re-open?
It works fine when you use an .fxb first.
I though that saving as .mesh was a new format, but obviously there is someting remaingg that make a diference if the original mesh is saved as .obj or .mesh.
It happended on 2 different machine with the trial version 110.
Any advice?
You need to open the .mesh file after saving. If you open the source .obj again you will need to re-apply your materials.
Make sure that you are clicking "save mesh and materials" not "save scene" (Save scene will save your camera, lights, etc but will not save your mesh and material settings).
Hey guys I'm getting a really weird bug that I can only see in marmoset. I baked this map out of xnormal. I've attached an image. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Hey guys I'm getting a really weird bug that I can only see in marmoset. I baked this map out of xnormal. I've attached an image. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Does the seam show when the normal map is applied as a normal map in the material?
The seams you are seeing is information encoded into the normal map so that it lights correctly in Marmoset when applied as a normal map, rather than a diffuse map as you show in your screenshot. Viewing a normal map as a diffuse will never give you good results and will always give you seams, but they are correct.
What you are seeing in my previous post is the normal map applied as both the color and normal. Here is an image of them separated.
Hmm, IIRC, Marmoset doesn't like offset UV's and when they are offset it causes something like the issue above. If your UVs are offset place them back in 1:1 space and see if that helps.
I also tried a different piece of geo and got the same result. I then tried baking the normal map out of zbrush and got the same result. I guess the world doesn't want me to use marmoset.
It doesn't look like the seam is an issue with the normal map, try applying the texture to a uv mapped cube or plane. Also what does the geometry look like with a blank normal map applied? (just create a flat texture with the background normal map purple color.)
This looks like an issue with you vertex normals or something, if you can, check to make sure vertex normals and tangents are being exported with your exporter. If using FBX, try OBJ. If using OBJ, try FBX.
You need to open the .mesh file after saving. If you open the source .obj again you will need to re-apply your materials.
Make sure that you are clicking "save mesh and materials" not "save scene" (Save scene will save your camera, lights, etc but will not save your mesh and material settings).
Hi, when ever I import a model into marmoset toolbag it shows the uv seams on the model. I tested with different obj exported from different programs and they all show uv seems after I import. This is without even applying any normal maps or anything. Any solution to this? Thanks!
Hmm, IIRC, Marmoset doesn't like offset UV's and when they are offset it causes something like the issue above. If your UVs are offset place them back in 1:1 space and see if that helps.
This is a great piece of info. I'm working on baking a piece atm and I'm curious to see if this resolves a few subtle issues.
New model new problems ...
I'm working on a model with a lot of surfaces with the alpha map applied and I noticed a problem in marmoset from a certain distance.
Some of the surfaces of the leaves of this dress I'm making are showing the borders with thin black lines, even if all the uv space outside the leaves is masked with an alpha map.
You can see the problem in the attachments
how can I solve this? I tried the alpha testing, alpha to coverage and the blend mode alpha but the problem is still the same...
You can see the bigger leaves that don't have the same problem even if they are the same uvs and textures
New model new problems ...
I'm working on a model with a lot of surfaces with the alpha map applied and I noticed a problem in marmoset from a certain distance.
Some of the surfaces of the leaves of this dress I'm making are showing the borders with thin black lines, even if all the uv space outside the leaves is masked with an alpha map.
You can see the problem in the attachments
how can I solve this? I tried the alpha testing, alpha to coverage and the blend mode alpha but the problem is still the same...
You can see the bigger leaves that don't have the same problem even if they are the same uvs and textures
Does this happen in the viewport or only in exported screenshots?
In viewport and in the exported screenshots too.
However in the meantime I've managed to fix the problem moving the uv's of the leaf to the center of the uv space, even if the uv of the leaf wan't too close to the border...I don't know why now works well but it works XD
In viewport and in the exported screenshots too.
However in the meantime I've managed to fix the problem moving the uv's of the leaf to the center of the uv space, even if the uv of the leaf wan't too close to the border...I don't know why now works well but it works XD
Perhaps something to do with mipping?
Did you ever at any point size the texture down in photoshop? Certain resize methods can leave faint edges around the border of your texture, so if there was a faint line around the diffuse or alpha border that might cause this.
If you want to send your model, mat and tgas to I will take a look at and see if I can help.
I got an issue with bumpmapping.
I've created a greyscale 24bit uncompressed TGA which I want to use as a heightmap and obviously I'm doing something wrong (see below):
I get some kind of artifacts and the bumpmap effect is just not there!
I got an issue with bumpmapping.
I've created a greyscale 24bit uncompressed TGA which I want to use as a heightmap and obviously I'm doing something wrong (see below):
I get some kind of artifacts and the bumpmap effect is just not there!
You need to convert your height map to a normal map, Marmoset Toolbag does not support greyscale bump maps. You can use the nvidia normal map filter, normal normal map filter, crazybump, nDo2, knald, etc.
A height map can be loaded into the alpha channel of your normal map for parallax mapping.
You need to convert your height map to a normal map, Marmoset Toolbag does not support greyscale bump maps. You can use the nvidia normal map filter, normal normal map filter, crazybump, nDo2, knald, etc.
A height map can be loaded into the alpha channel of your normal map for parallax mapping.
Wasn't aware of that limitation. Thanks for the info.
Have you tried flipping the normals? Only time I've encountered this is when I've got the normals facing the wrong way.
And now, for a problem of my own. Wanted to try out displacement mapping to get a little more familiar with 'Next-geny" techniques.
Working on this duder, and here's how it is with displacement turned off, looking regular and all.
And here it is wigging out with displacement set to .12, bias at .50 and tesselation at 1
Even if I turn displacement to just .01, it kinda just puffs out a bit.
I've tried displacement maps from both xnormal and knald, both produce similar results. I guess I'm looking for a mild effect of some extra folds and whatnot I wasn't able to get in the lowpoly, but perhaps I'm misapplying displacement techniques?
Have you tried flipping the normals? Only time I've encountered this is when I've got the normals facing the wrong way.
And now, for a problem of my own. Wanted to try out displacement mapping to get a little more familiar with 'Next-geny" techniques.
Working on this duder, and here's how it is with displacement turned off, looking regular and all.
And here it is wigging out with displacement set to .12, bias at .50 and tesselation at 1
Even if I turn displacement to just .01, it kinda just puffs out a bit.
I've tried displacement maps from both xnormal and knald, both produce similar results. I guess I'm looking for a mild effect of some extra folds and whatnot I wasn't able to get in the lowpoly, but perhaps I'm misapplying displacement techniques?
If you're still having issues post a screenshot of your settings and displacement map, or send your mesh + textures to and I'll have a look.
hi all!
i have a problem in previewing my meshes... exported as .obj with standard settings from max 2013 except materials.
normals are ok too. a long time ago i already had the same problem, but forgot how i did solved it.
thanks for the help.
hi all!
i have a problem in previewing my meshes... exported as .obj with standard settings from max 2013 except materials.
normals are ok too. a long time ago i already had the same problem, but forgot how i did solved it.
thanks for the help.
Hey all. I am pulling my hair out trying to get an animation into marmoset. Whenever I pull in a stooge export and apply vertex skinning, I get a variety of explosions. But it looks totally fine in maya. Anyone have any idea what's going on here and how to fix it?
I am having an issue with clipping. No matter how much I scale the model or adjust the feild of view the clipping will not go away, however if there are no placed light in the scene the clipping goes away. Has anyone else run in to this? Its has become really frustrating.... Here is a screen.
Hey, posting here because I'm troubleshooting an issue I'm seeing on my model in marmoset. The issue manifests when I load in my normal map.
I've checked my that area of the normals and I can't find anything that would cause this type of sharp cut.
I can't see the issue when I load my normals in 3DS Max.
I sended the fbx to the mail you told me.
Everything is one folder in English characters.
This is contract work I'm allowed to show, but I don't think the client would be to happy me giving it out. Let me see if I can reproduce these issues with personal art and send you those files.
Thanks for getting back to me.
No problem, if you can get me a scene that reproduces either problem (the sorting thing, or the file not saving) I will be happy to take a look.
Is there a way to get this reflective look with actual Marmoset? I have some chrome in my asset and I just cant get it to look like real chrome without a cube map too it. Just looks like really shinny metal.
I went over your previous material tutorial but that also doesn't look like proper chrome as there is no reflection.
I'm not sure I understand what you mean, Skyshop uses basically the same image based lighting system that Toolbag uses. Both use cubemaps for specular reflections, so you should be able to get very similar results in either.
The main difference is the range of blurry vs sharp reflections that you can achieve, with Skyshop, white in the gloss map (and max gloss setting in the shader) will give you full on mirror reflection, however with Toolbag there are some technical limitations that prevent the specular sharpness from getting that high. This will be solved in Toolbag 2.0 however where the range for specular reflection sharpness is a bit better.
^ From the material tutorial, this should give you a good idea of how the specular reflection cubemap works.
That said, chrome should be pretty easy to make in Toolbag 1.0, all you really need is a very dark diffuse, and very bright specular and gloss values. Make sure your specular sharpness (gloss) setting is set to max in the shader as well.
Hi, please contact for questions regarding licensing.
Hi, can you be more specific?
Marmoset Toolbag 1.0 is fully capable of saving scenes, however you need to make sure to save your mesh and materials, as well as your scene file, so its a bit of a convoluted process. Please let me know if you are having specific problems with that and I will try to help.
Marmoset Toolbag 2.0 will feature a completely revamped scene system however, with all meshes, materials, cameras, etc saved in the scene file, and better relative file path handling for loading textures as well. We've also improved the asset loading system, loading a model no longer resets your scene, which is really great, and we have a few more improvements planned in regards to scene management.
A while back I tried to render out a character in Marmoset by putting in basic the basic normal, AO, and diffuse maps in the right slots along with the mesh. I had everything set up and decided to save it then closed the program. I thought that by saving I would get all the stuff the way I had it before I closed the program. I saved it under File>Scene>Save Scene.
When I opened Marmoset the next time around to load the scene I had saved, I had to reload the mesh and materials again which was kind of a bummer. I didn't know about that. I didn't read the pop up tip. So does the save scene format only saves lights and camera positions? It's kind of tedious having to reload your meshes and materials all over again after doing so the first time around. What is the estimated ETA on when Marmoset 2.0 will be released?
Yes, the save scene only saves camera, lights, post effects, render settings, etc. You have to hit the "save mesh and materials" button on the right hand side under the mesh chunks and materials list.
Yeah, its not a great system, and the two separate places to save files is really confusing at first, which is why we rewrote the scene/save system for TB 2.0. Unfortunately I can't give any information on a release date yet, other than to say we plan on releasing it in 2013.
Thanks EarthQuake. I'm looking forward for its release sometime this year
I created a set of skies using the sky tool, with a shadow image.
When saved it created 8 files, which I can open fine.
Then I copied theses skies over to an other computer. Did not touched anything. But can't laod them. When I load the .env file, the skydome does not change. Am I missig something here? Is there some extra files that need to be copied over to export the skies to an other machine?
Thank you for your help.
Attachment : screenshot of the content of my saved sky (I know I forgot an underscore, I fixed that already
Is there any way or plan to use relative path? Make more sense to me
EDIT : the relative path works if you keep the files in the sky directory of Marmoset : C:\Program Files (x86)\MarmosetToolbag\base\sky
You can also edit the name of the sky on the first line to see it in the dropdown preset list.
But it is still a pain to find and copy these files in the Marmoset directory. Should be much easier if the files path where relative to where the .env file is.
Ahhh thats what I messed up on, my specular sharpness was not set to max so the reflective look of things was coming out super dull and I wasnt getting the reflection of the cube map to show as crisp as I wanted.
Did you notice that if you open an .obj mesh and apply materials to it and then save as .mesh, it loose the material when you close and re-open?
It works fine when you use an .fxb first.
I though that saving as .mesh was a new format, but obviously there is someting remaingg that make a diference if the original mesh is saved as .obj or .mesh.
It happended on 2 different machine with the trial version 110.
Any advice?
You need to open the .mesh file after saving. If you open the source .obj again you will need to re-apply your materials.
Make sure that you are clicking "save mesh and materials" not "save scene" (Save scene will save your camera, lights, etc but will not save your mesh and material settings).
Does the seam show when the normal map is applied as a normal map in the material?
The seams you are seeing is information encoded into the normal map so that it lights correctly in Marmoset when applied as a normal map, rather than a diffuse map as you show in your screenshot. Viewing a normal map as a diffuse will never give you good results and will always give you seams, but they are correct.
Hmm, IIRC, Marmoset doesn't like offset UV's and when they are offset it causes something like the issue above. If your UVs are offset place them back in 1:1 space and see if that helps.
Also make sure you don't have any unwelded uvs.
Yep did all that, that's why I am surprised.
Do you have any non English characters in your file paths?
Are your .mat files and .mesh files in different directories?
If you like, send your .mesh, .mat, and texture files to and I'll see if I can spot the issue.
Thanks for sharing that.
I'm working on a model with a lot of surfaces with the alpha map applied and I noticed a problem in marmoset from a certain distance.
Some of the surfaces of the leaves of this dress I'm making are showing the borders with thin black lines, even if all the uv space outside the leaves is masked with an alpha map.
You can see the problem in the attachments
how can I solve this? I tried the alpha testing, alpha to coverage and the blend mode alpha but the problem is still the same...
You can see the bigger leaves that don't have the same problem even if they are the same uvs and textures
Does this happen in the viewport or only in exported screenshots?
However in the meantime I've managed to fix the problem moving the uv's of the leaf to the center of the uv space, even if the uv of the leaf wan't too close to the border...I don't know why now works well but it works XD
Perhaps something to do with mipping?
Did you ever at any point size the texture down in photoshop? Certain resize methods can leave faint edges around the border of your texture, so if there was a faint line around the diffuse or alpha border that might cause this.
If you want to send your model, mat and tgas to I will take a look at and see if I can help.
I've created a greyscale 24bit uncompressed TGA which I want to use as a heightmap and obviously I'm doing something wrong (see below):
I get some kind of artifacts and the bumpmap effect is just not there!
You need to convert your height map to a normal map, Marmoset Toolbag does not support greyscale bump maps. You can use the nvidia normal map filter, normal normal map filter, crazybump, nDo2, knald, etc.
A height map can be loaded into the alpha channel of your normal map for parallax mapping.
Its a predator mask, only shows the inside of the eyes, turned on wire to reveal its actually there just obviously not rendering the backface.
tried exporting it the other way, nothing, Normals are all correct?
Attachment not found.
And now, for a problem of my own. Wanted to try out displacement mapping to get a little more familiar with 'Next-geny" techniques.
Working on this duder, and here's how it is with displacement turned off, looking regular and all.
And here it is wigging out with displacement set to .12, bias at .50 and tesselation at 1
Even if I turn displacement to just .01, it kinda just puffs out a bit.
I've tried displacement maps from both xnormal and knald, both produce similar results. I guess I'm looking for a mild effect of some extra folds and whatnot I wasn't able to get in the lowpoly, but perhaps I'm misapplying displacement techniques?
Check out this tutorial:
If you're still having issues post a screenshot of your settings and displacement map, or send your mesh + textures to and I'll have a look.
i have a problem in previewing my meshes... exported as .obj with standard settings from max 2013 except materials.
normals are ok too. a long time ago i already had the same problem, but forgot how i did solved it.
thanks for the help.
I've checked my that area of the normals and I can't find anything that would cause this type of sharp cut.
I can't see the issue when I load my normals in 3DS Max.