The diffuse is made of a somewhat blue texture with dust on it. All I've really done is using the ComplexRefraction shader with 100% opacity (RGB 0,0,0)
I'm having an issue that's somewhat annoying. I'm getting strange shadow artifacts that change based on where the lighting it facing. I believe it has something to do with the alphas on the hood fur, but the artifacts only show up in marmoset. They also only show up when my camera is zoomed in as well. However, the more I zoom in, the more that appear.
EDIT: the artifacts are the spots all over the clothes.
the screenshot is a viewport ctrl+print screen because I cant seem to make my F12 screenshots visible. I have to bump up the intensity of the lights waaaaay high in order to see anything. And when I do that it blows out all the colors and what not. I don't know if the artifacts show up with F12 screenshots.
Aloha counters!
the screenshot is a viewport ctrl+print screen because I cant seem to make my F12 screenshots visible. I have to bump up the intensity of the lights waaaaay high in order to see anything. And when I do that it blows out all the colors and what not. I don't know if the artifacts show up with F12 screenshots.
Any help is appreciated
Did you check the "High Dynamic Range" box in the settings near the screenshot output? If you do that, the image will be gamma corrected to linear (1.0 gamma) instead of what you normally see, which is a screen gamma of 2.2.
Uncheck the box and try again, and also, does the lighting change or benefit from using any other light preset under the Light tab?
Did you check the "High Dynamic Range" box in the settings near the screenshot output? If you do that, the image will be gamma corrected to linear (1.0 gamma) instead of what you normally see, which is a screen gamma of 2.2.
Uncheck the box and try again, and also, does the lighting change or benefit from using any other light preset under the Light tab?
The I've tried all the lighting presets and they all have artifacts if I rotate the sky enough.
It seems that I did have HDR unchecked, and when I checked and tried F12 it worked (thanks Lightweight). However my alphas look terrible when that happens.
This isn't really a question, but a suggestion. It would be cool if marmoset could display a models quads, rather than triangulating the model. I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement, or even if it is at all possible, but I think people would really appreciate it.
I've been playing around with the trial, really awesome program
I've noticed that each files pathname is absolute rather than relative..Is there a way to change this? I'd like to be able to take scenes from one location to another and not have to relink every material and its channels to my models chunks.
I've been playing around with the trial, really awesome program
I've noticed that each files pathname is absolute rather than relative..Is there a way to change this? I'd like to be able to take scenes from one location to another and not have to relink every material and its channels to my models chunks.
Yeah, it would be very cool.
In my case I work on two computers with my dropbox, relative paths could be very helpful !
Hey I thought of something else that someone might be able to help me with.
Is it possible in Toolbag to make the floor recieve shadow, but the diffuse color of the floor is hidden/transparent? It would be cool to load up a lighting preset like Pisa or Pavement and have the object cast shadow onto the ground, without having to use an actual imported floor with diffuse and all, making it seem like the shadow is being cast on the actual HDR/photo instead.
hi everyone. could any help me pleeease. I have spent an absurd amount of time trying to start using this wonderful tool, but whenever i load a mesh it looks flat and the difuse colour is only visible in flat enviroment in the channel model in materials. maybe is the simplest thing in the world but im just starting in 3d. thx again.
hi everyone. could any help me pleeease. I have spent an absurd amount of time trying to start using this wonderful tool, but whenever i load a mesh it looks flat and the difuse colour is only visible in flat enviroment in the channel model in materials. maybe is the simplest thing in the world but im just starting in 3d. thx again.
Can you post a screenie that includes your Material settings please?
Hey guys,
So long story short, I lost my original model that I saved as a mesh file, but now I can't import it into 3Ds Max.
I can open the original model in marmoset, and I see it, but I have no idea how to get it back in max. Help?
To metalliandy:
Yes, because I use 3ds MAX, I always invert the Y in Marmoset. It doesn't work.
Ive also got this issue, I baked my normal maps in xnormal and they look good in the xnormal viewport but in marmoset they have these wierd shaped seams over x=0 where the model was mirrored. Which is a pity as marmoset was looking awesome up till I saw this
FIXED!!! I did as EQ suggested and moved the second half of the models uvs into uv space x=1 and that sorted it! awesome thanks guys!
You can change the scale of the models in the file tab> Mesh Import Scale
Yes, I know. If I put it at 0.01 %(?) it looks to be about the correct scale. It doesnt really matter how big the object is it is just so that I know if there is a specific guide. I have read through the manual but could not find anything about that.
Can you make/load transparent (glas) materials in the trail program and add them to specific areas of a mesh (different object)? If yes, how?
Sorry, I have forgotten to say that I've tried this method, but the problem is still there.
EDIT: Problem solved, other than remove the driver from panel control I've used Driver Sweeper 3.2, then installed Ati 11.10 v2 Preview Driver.
I have a mobility version ATI4830 and experienced crash when using mutiple materials/chunks. The solution was to follow the above posters recommendations, although I have updated to a newer preview driver - 11.11. For laptop users check out this thread:
This will allow you to install AMD's latest ATI Mobility drivers, so no more waiting for reference drivers.
Also, I will never never ever ever buy a laptop or PC with an ATI in it...
Had a bit of a problem with Marmoset and figured I'd ask. When rendering out screenshots through Marmoset, sometimes it just won't render an alpha channel for the screenshot. It appears to be direction based, as taking multiple screenshots doesn't fix it. They all come out the same, but if I rotate to a different angle (a significantly different angle at times), it comes out fine with alphas. Not a huge issue, since I can just mask out the background color, but still would be nice to fix.
Where can I find materials? Or they are not in the trial version?
I am really thinking of buying it, it looks and feels amazing!
They are in the trial, AFAIK. To get them you just load a model> go to the Materials tab (next to the File tab)> Click the " Channel Model" box and select "Complex Refraction"
They are in the trial, AFAIK. To get them you just load a model> go to the Materials tab (next to the File tab)> Click the " Channel Model" box and select "Complex Refraction"
Awesome, thanks! And then you can add the transparency via a map of some kind?
What is the difference between trial and full version? Only the time limit or any other functions?
I'm not 100% sure tbh.
You can add a transparency texture in the alpha of the diffuse, iirc
Ok, thanks. But I get this problem:
Both the alpha and the color of the map are the same - gray.
The object is unwrapped as flatten mapping.
It looks as if the normal map from the ladder is somehow showing on the glas.
The normal map from the ladder:
It looks as if the normal map of the plane is at the inside of the glas:
Did I do something wrong in the export? I simply selected all the objects in the scene and took export selected and then .obj, no special settings after that.
2) Can you add objects into an already created scene?
3) What is the best file format to use when exporting to Marmoset?
Is there a file format that keeps the mesh in quads?
I'm asking because when I click the "Show wireframe" in marmoset it is in tris (exported as .obj).
1) hmm thats odd. Try using a flat normal texture (128,128,255) in the normal slot of the glass...that should overwrite it, or load the normal for the actual glass itself
2)Not that I know of. AFAIK, you must reimport the whole scene (or just overwrite the mesh that is loaded, which will automatically reload it for you)
3)Im not sure tbh. Maybe fbx?
There is no way to get larger "renders"? The Enlargement does not make it any good quality at all.
Yeah, as tigg pointed out, higher resolution is not equal to "better rendering". What are you looking to improve by increasing the resolution? If it's aliasing you're concerned about, bump up the "Supersampling" for smooth(er), sexy edges.
I tend to get dark edges on the model when enlarging screenshots. Any ideas?
The picture below shows a 4x enlargement with 4xAA and no AA
Also, I'm still getting the Alpha screenshot issue when using Alpha to Coverage.
Im running 1.04 with Windows 7 64bit SP1 and a Nvidia GTX 460 (285.62)
Yeah, as tigg pointed out, higher resolution is not equal to "better rendering". What are you looking to improve by increasing the resolution? If it's aliasing you're concerned about, bump up the "Supersampling" for smooth(er), sexy edges.
Yeh, I always put it at 25x, but if I choose 4x and look at the image at 100% it looks really bad. Maybe supposed to be because the image is simply scaled up?
Yeh, I always put it at 25x, but if I choose 4x and look at the image at 100% it looks really bad. Maybe supposed to be because the image is simply scaled up?
Aha! That is an artifact of the "sharpen" effect. Turn the sharpen off in the post effects and I think you'll be happier with your results.
Aha! That is an artifact of the "sharpen" effect. Turn the sharpen off in the post effects and I think you'll be happier with your results.
Test two showed me something, don't work with your computer while rendering ...
I can throw another question your way when I'm at it, is there any smart way to do a render with the wireframe without it being in tris/triangles? As far as I know exporting it as an .obj makes the mesh into triangles but is there another way?
This is how I did it now, I simply added the unwrap to the texture, but it does not look very good ^^
I just bought it to day and I am very happy with the product!
I bought this app a few weeks ago and am really happy with it! But i get this weird looking thing, and i'm not too sure why. Maybe somebody has come across this already?
Not too sure why its grainy, the spec and normal map have no noise.
And the unwrap is clean too, i didn't just model half of the shell and clone the other side.
Hi guys, can anybody tell me how to plug in and set up a parallax map?
Ive had a bash but it just looks warped no matter what setting I use. I'll try and upload some screens later.
Pack the height map into the alpha channel of the normal map then adjust the Parallax scale to something that looks good.
You will probably want a really low value, like 0.03, because the nature of the effect makes things look warped if you push it too far and you get a ripple effect on the surface of the model.
Pack the height map into the alpha channel of the normal map then adjust the Parallax scale to something that looks good.
You will probably want a really low value, like 0.03, because the nature of the effect makes things look warped if you push it too far and you get a ripple effect on the surface of the model.
Thanks Metalliandy. You've been a great help throughout this process.
Might sound like a noobie question. But how do you pack a map into another maps alpha channel.
I have to do this for the gloss map atm. (Into the spec alpha).
I've done it. But im not too sure I've gona about it right...or the gloss maps working in the alpha channel of the spec. If that makes sense.
Heres a shot in Marmoset. Height map applied.
Thanks again man!
Tried it with the normal & heigh maps and it doesn't work in Marmoset.
Its picking the normals up but not the Height map in the alpha.
That should work fine. It's probably pink because you have the Alpha channel visible in the channels tab.
Are you saving it as a 32bit tga, when you get the "Targa Options" pop up? you need to select 32bit for the alpha channel to be saved.
If you still cant get it to work, PM me with the texture files and the LP .obj and I would be happy to take a look for you
360 Shots output a series of image files capturing a full rotation of your model
Greatly improved OBJ file loading now much faster and less error prone
Bug Fixes:
Major rendering glitch fixed for ATI/AMD users
TGA file loader now accepts a wider variety of TGA files
Setting sky brightness to zero no longer makes the sky permanently black
Improved Ruler legibility
Hell yeah, and it's free !
We are happy to announce that the next Toolbag update has arrived. 105 is available now,FREE to all users, trial and registered.
Your trial already expired? No worries. Version 105 will reset your trial periods to a fresh 30 days of fun. Download and install the new 105 build from the Toolbag page and you'll be ready to rock:
The diffuse is made of a somewhat blue texture with dust on it. All I've really done is using the ComplexRefraction shader with 100% opacity (RGB 0,0,0)
I'm having an issue that's somewhat annoying. I'm getting strange shadow artifacts that change based on where the lighting it facing. I believe it has something to do with the alphas on the hood fur, but the artifacts only show up in marmoset. They also only show up when my camera is zoomed in as well. However, the more I zoom in, the more that appear.
EDIT: the artifacts are the spots all over the clothes.
the screenshot is a viewport ctrl+print screen because I cant seem to make my F12 screenshots visible. I have to bump up the intensity of the lights waaaaay high in order to see anything. And when I do that it blows out all the colors and what not. I don't know if the artifacts show up with F12 screenshots.
Any help is appreciated
Did you check the "High Dynamic Range" box in the settings near the screenshot output? If you do that, the image will be gamma corrected to linear (1.0 gamma) instead of what you normally see, which is a screen gamma of 2.2.
Uncheck the box and try again, and also, does the lighting change or benefit from using any other light preset under the Light tab?
The I've tried all the lighting presets and they all have artifacts if I rotate the sky enough.
It seems that I did have HDR unchecked, and when I checked and tried F12 it worked (thanks Lightweight). However my alphas look terrible when that happens.
I don't ever remember any game-based viewer out there using quads for anything...
I've noticed that each files pathname is absolute rather than relative..Is there a way to change this? I'd like to be able to take scenes from one location to another and not have to relink every material and its channels to my models chunks.
In my case I work on two computers with my dropbox, relative paths could be very helpful !
Is it possible in Toolbag to make the floor recieve shadow, but the diffuse color of the floor is hidden/transparent? It would be cool to load up a lighting preset like Pisa or Pavement and have the object cast shadow onto the ground, without having to use an actual imported floor with diffuse and all, making it seem like the shadow is being cast on the actual HDR/photo instead.
Working on building a reel for games and I've used Marmoset for showing off my models, but I'd love to get it working with my animation.
I've been using Digital Tutor's characters, but running into issues when I attempt to export from Maya and open them in Toolbag.
So no warnings when I export from Maya...although when I export Animation it does seem to stop before the end of the timeline.
Then when I open the mesh in Toolbag it's got these flickering shadows
And then when I try to load the Skeleton I get this wonderful message and it crashes.
Any help would be greatly appreciated folks.
Can you post a screenie that includes your Material settings please?
That is all.
So long story short, I lost my original model that I saved as a mesh file, but now I can't import it into 3Ds Max.
I can open the original model in marmoset, and I see it, but I have no idea how to get it back in max. Help?
Ive also got this issue, I baked my normal maps in xnormal and they look good in the xnormal viewport but in marmoset they have these wierd shaped seams over x=0 where the model was mirrored. Which is a pity as marmoset was looking awesome up till I saw this
FIXED!!! I did as EQ suggested and moved the second half of the models uvs into uv space x=1 and that sorted it! awesome thanks guys!
You can change the scale of the models in the file tab> Mesh Import Scale
Can you make/load transparent (glas) materials in the trail program and add them to specific areas of a mesh (different object)? If yes, how?
I have a mobility version ATI4830 and experienced crash when using mutiple materials/chunks. The solution was to follow the above posters recommendations, although I have updated to a newer preview driver - 11.11. For laptop users check out this thread:
This will allow you to install AMD's latest ATI Mobility drivers, so no more waiting for reference drivers.
Also, I will never never ever ever buy a laptop or PC with an ATI in it...
Where can I find materials? Or they are not in the trial version?
I am really thinking of buying it, it looks and feels amazing!
They are in the trial, AFAIK. To get them you just load a model> go to the Materials tab (next to the File tab)> Click the " Channel Model" box and select "Complex Refraction"
What is the difference between trial and full version? Only the time limit or any other functions?
You can add a transparency texture in the alpha of the diffuse, iirc
Both the alpha and the color of the map are the same - gray.
The object is unwrapped as flatten mapping.
It looks as if the normal map from the ladder is somehow showing on the glas.
The normal map from the ladder:
It looks as if the normal map of the plane is at the inside of the glas:
Did I do something wrong in the export? I simply selected all the objects in the scene and took export selected and then .obj, no special settings after that.
2) Can you add objects into an already created scene?
3) What is the best file format to use when exporting to Marmoset?
Is there a file format that keeps the mesh in quads?
I'm asking because when I click the "Show wireframe" in marmoset it is in tris (exported as .obj).
Thanks a lot!
2)Not that I know of. AFAIK, you must reimport the whole scene (or just overwrite the mesh that is loaded, which will automatically reload it for you)
3)Im not sure tbh. Maybe fbx?
There is no way to get larger "renders"? The Enlargement does not make it any good quality at all.
Yeah, as tigg pointed out, higher resolution is not equal to "better rendering". What are you looking to improve by increasing the resolution? If it's aliasing you're concerned about, bump up the "Supersampling" for smooth(er), sexy edges.
I tend to get dark edges on the model when enlarging screenshots. Any ideas?
The picture below shows a 4x enlargement with 4xAA and no AA
Also, I'm still getting the Alpha screenshot issue when using Alpha to Coverage.
Im running 1.04 with Windows 7 64bit SP1 and a Nvidia GTX 460 (285.62)
An comparison image:
Aha! That is an artifact of the "sharpen" effect. Turn the sharpen off in the post effects and I think you'll be happier with your results.
I can throw another question your way when I'm at it, is there any smart way to do a render with the wireframe without it being in tris/triangles? As far as I know exporting it as an .obj makes the mesh into triangles but is there another way?
This is how I did it now, I simply added the unwrap to the texture, but it does not look very good ^^
I just bought it to day and I am very happy with the product!
No dice. Doesn't work for me. I was on the 11.9 drivers but just updated to 11.11 and I still have this issue. :poly127:
[edit]Wheee, it took a day but I found some old dlls from July that work![/edit]
Not too sure why its grainy, the spec and normal map have no noise.
And the unwrap is clean too, i didn't just model half of the shell and clone the other side.
Ive had a bash but it just looks warped no matter what setting I use. I'll try and upload some screens later.
What graphics card you running?
I've never had any errors like that.
I know the unlit faces is due to uv welding, but I have no idea how to fix it :P
Pack the height map into the alpha channel of the normal map then adjust the Parallax scale to something that looks good.
You will probably want a really low value, like 0.03, because the nature of the effect makes things look warped if you push it too far and you get a ripple effect on the surface of the model.
Thanks Metalliandy. You've been a great help throughout this process.
Might sound like a noobie question. But how do you pack a map into another maps alpha channel.
I have to do this for the gloss map atm. (Into the spec alpha).
I've done it. But im not too sure I've gona about it right...or the gloss maps working in the alpha channel of the spec. If that makes sense.
Heres a shot in Marmoset. Height map applied.
Thanks again man!
Tried it with the normal & heigh maps and it doesn't work in Marmoset.
Its picking the normals up but not the Height map in the alpha.
What I did was:
Open the normal map up
Go into channels
Create a new channel (Called Alpha)
Paste the height map in
Map now looks a little pink.
Is this the correct way to go about this?
That should work fine. It's probably pink because you have the Alpha channel visible in the channels tab.
Are you saving it as a 32bit tga, when you get the "Targa Options" pop up? you need to select 32bit for the alpha channel to be saved.
If you still cant get it to work, PM me with the texture files and the LP .obj and I would be happy to take a look for you