hi jeff, i'm just about to purchase it in the website, did the 20%off discount just end, i thought it be until the end of today. the price is back up to 49usd
I had a question:
I know you can turn up the 'sharpen' - but what about turning off the anti-aliasing, like in 3dsMax (viewpoint settings/preferences).
I had a question:
I know you can turn up the 'sharpen' - but what about turning off the anti-aliasing, like in 3dsMax (viewpoint settings/preferences).
We don't have a way to control this in the viewport right now, but you can take screenshots without antialiasing. Just set supersampling to "none" in the screenshot settings.
First I just want to say I love Marmoset! Thanks a ton for making such a great and easy to use renderer!
Now, my problem is when I try to make an Alpha on a separate chunk in my scene.
The other chunks dont have any alpha at all, but when I turn up the alpha on the separate chunk the whole model get´s all these black spots from the lightning.
I´ve done a similar thing before and it went fine, and my graphics driver is up to date. What am I missing?
Did you select "Alpha" as blend mode in the Mat tab?
You may also need to tick the box for "Use Alpha Testing" and "Use Alpha-To-Coverage"
and set the Alpha Threshold to 0.01
Works fine for me so far. Will upload a screen in a sec.
Yep loaded a whole scene in marmoset xD
Runs pretty stable with a bit stuttering, about 200MB of textures.
Looks like my procrastinating wound up paying off
I picked Marmoset up this weekend during the sale and it's great. I'd even say fun.
Works fine on my computer, using alphas etc.
As an FYI - I did have one bug where when I turned an environments brightness to "0", and then turn up the intensity again, the lighting would stay black, stuck at 0. It was only on one environment, and not the others. Unfortunately I can't remember which one
Restarting the program was all I had to do to remedy the situation though so it wasn't a problem.
I'm looking forward to what you guys come up with next, as well as any more tutorials or tips on using this fine application.
Im experiencing something very weird, models looks completely black, no matter what i do, If i add a light, the model looks like if it was using Vertex normal colours or something like that.
Im using 11.08 OpenGL 4.2 preview drivers from AMD.
Looks like alpha to coverage doesn't work with screenshots anymore? 1.03 it worked perfectly, now it's not showing up at all(objects that have alpha to coverage are screenshot solid).
Anyone else have this issue? I'll try downloading latest drivers and seeing if that fixes it.
*edit* Latest drivers for 9800gt fix it.
*edit again* Actually, it breaks when you turn DOF off. When DOF is on, it screenshots fine.
Oh my god, thanks. I was freaking out b/c the alpha on screenshots wasn't working like it was. DOF on does seem to fix it.
I did have one bug where when I turned an environments brightness to "0", and then turn up the intensity again, the lighting would stay black, stuck at 0.
I bet I know what this is. Added to our bug list, thanks for calling it out
Did you select "Alpha" as blend mode in the Mat tab?
You may also need to tick the box for "Use Alpha Testing" and "Use Alpha-To-Coverage"
and set the Alpha Threshold to 0.01
Works fine for me so far. Will upload a screen in a sec.
Yup, did all those things. As I wrote, this has worked for me before in previous versions, so I´m a bit confused.
I seem to have run into z ordering bugs on my current model.. as soon as i zoom out a little, toolbag has massive display bugs, mashing overlying parts of the mesh together.
Is it possible to use the diffuse's alpha channel as a specularity mask? I have many many models that are made like that (because of engine restrictions) and would be a pain having to extract them manually.
Hey guys I just downloaded the the trial to give it a try before I buy it, but when I try and start up the program, a blank white screen comes up and it freezes, I have updated my drivers for my computer, anything else I can do to fix this? Thanks
I finally purchased Toolbag a week or two ago. Great little app guys!
I was curious about the tessellation...It doesnt appear to do any smoothing it just adds geo. I take it you guys only modify the mesh if there is a displacement map? Couldn't that be a toggle? It'd be nice if it were...in this way it'd function more like a turbosmooth modifier + displace if you have a map.
Pac_187: playing with the scale finally fixed it, though i had to scale it down to 1/20th of it's original size to eliminate most of the flickering.. cheers!
I was curious about the tessellation...It doesnt appear to do any smoothing it just adds geo. I take it you guys only modify the mesh if there is a displacement map? Couldn't that be a toggle? It'd be nice if it were...in this way it'd function more like a turbosmooth modifier + displace if you have a map.
Smoothing is hard Usually you need a non triangular topology to do it well, and since toolbag takes triangle meshes... that poses pipeline problems. I think it would give sort of unpredictable results. So we didn't try it (yet).
There's also the question of interaction with displacement; many baked meshes with displacement maps depend on offsets from the low poly geometry. Smoothing would break that, so it'd have to be optional.
Err... tried out the new Toolbag today and to my surprise it didn't include any .mll file for stoogeExporter for maya2009 upwards ? What am I missing? o.O
I'm trying the new version of the Marmoset Toolbag, but unlike the old version I can't find any configuration file (like toolUser.cfg) to force the software to go in fullscreen and 1920x1080 res for videos recording, is it normal?
I'm trying the new version of the Marmoset Toolbag, but unlike the old version I can't find any configuration file (like toolUser.cfg) to force the software to go in fullscreen and 1920x1080 res for videos recording, is it normal?
The config file still exists if you would like to edit it by hand, it has just moved with v1.04. It's in your windows user folder in Documents/toolbag.
The config file still exists if you would like to edit it by hand, it has just moved with v1.04. It's in your windows user folder in Documents/toolbag.
But I am having a small prob and been reading on the posts here and still no solution,
So my prob is that when i try to import my models into the marmoset toobag everyting is ok except of the back of 1 of the models (see pic 1) i did import all the objects as 1 obj and even tried it alone. Now when I select the Object space normals in the materials screen the whole model does shade normal but without shadows and AO (see pic 2). I know its somthing i did in max or maybe somthing i did during importing/exporting.
Sorry if this has been covered before, but when I take a screenshot, the alpha channel contains my gloss map. Is there a way to just have it contain a black and white mask to make compositing easier?
No image sequence out of marmoset. Several of us already asked that to 8monkey labs, but from what I remember they didn't see why it was needed.
With the 1.04 release I seem to be able to export smoother turntables out of marmoset ( and you can change your own background.) But no to the without background either.
Yeah, the image sequence would kind of negate real time and showing that your models work well within a realtime environment but it'd be nice to be able to edit moving stuff into the background of the turntable.....
Sorry if this has been covered before, but when I take a screenshot, the alpha channel contains my gloss map. Is there a way to just have it contain a black and white mask to make compositing easier?
Oooooo really? That shouldn't be. Can you post screenshots to illustrate? I'll mark that for investigation for future patches...
I can't reproduce this with 1.04. Are you running the latest version? If my memory serves, some old version like 1.01 or 1.02 had this bug, but it has since been fixed...
No image sequence out of marmoset. Several of us already asked that to 8monkey labs, but from what I remember they didn't see why it was needed.
With the 1.04 release I seem to be able to export smoother turntables out of marmoset ( and you can change your own background.) But no to the without background either.
They asked why it was needed and then confirmed its awesomeness
I'm still hoping for its implementation
Alpha in video is a great point, didn't think of that.
Fixed time-step recording would indeed be awesome. It'd be simple for turn-tables, just rotate by speed/30 every frame for 30hz. Arbitrary movement and mouse input would be trickier, the app would get laggy and unresponsive when recording but maybe that's ok?
Maybe 8ML should set up a "most wanted feature" thread, where we can all suggest awesome features and have them in one place for easy reference?
I am having some trouble modeling some modular pieces for a scene im working on.
It is still quite obvious where the pieces are connecting. In udk i have no problem but I would prefer to keep using marmoset.
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone has encountered this issue. I'm getting a nasty seam in my mesh but it wasn't like this before and its a symmetrical model. The seam just doesn't make sense.
Does anyone know what causes this to happen?
My symmetrical model also has this problem, but no visible seams in UDK.
Are your swizzle settings correct? If you baked the map for UDK then the green channel would need to be inverted to work correctly in Marmoset, unless you manually invert the Y in the view tab.
If that doesn't work, can you post your UVs and Normal map please?
Are you baking the mesh with only 50% of the mesh (split vertically)?
It you only with baked 50% of your model, it will cause a seam. Really you need to bake slightly over 50% of the mesh to stop the seam because you are breaking the normals if you split a mesh straight down the middle, bake using that mesh and then combine 2 halves to make the full head. (This cause normals down the center baked mesh to be different to the full head)
Hope that makes sense
Are you baking the mesh with only 50% of the mesh (split vertically)?
It you only with baked 50% of your model, it will cause a seam. Really you need to bake slightly over 50% of the mesh to stop the seam because you are breaking the normals if you split a mesh straight down the middle, bake using that mesh and then combine 2 halves to make the full head. (This cause normals down the center baked mesh to be different to the full head)
Hope that makes sense
Dont bother with any of that, just offset the mirrored side of the uvs 1 unit out of the 0-1 uv space, it will bake perfect and display perfect, with no need to worry about multiple copies of the mesh etc.
However, this looks different than that, as it isn't a simple seam down the middle. I would guess something messed up with the vertex normals.
My new hardware arrives next week,
so I will drop you guys an E-Mail after I have setup everything, to get my license updated to it.
Go grab it already, if you don´t already own it!
i have a question for you, could need som understanding on how to work with normal mapps.
for this i have uploaded 3 simple stones sculpted in zbrush.
created low polys, baked it using xnormals, and textured it .
and the final image is a renderd image using marmoset toolbags newest version 1.04
to my eyes it looks like the stones have losted alot of normal mapp details
so have i forgot to do something ? or what.?
here is the flats .
What normal map swizzle did you use in xNormal?
Did you do a crazybump pass?
Anyone knows what's up with that?
I want my 900% more awesomeness!
hi jeff, i'm just about to purchase it in the website, did the 20%off discount just end, i thought it be until the end of today. the price is back up to 49usd
I know you can turn up the 'sharpen' - but what about turning off the anti-aliasing, like in 3dsMax (viewpoint settings/preferences).
We don't have a way to control this in the viewport right now, but you can take screenshots without antialiasing. Just set supersampling to "none" in the screenshot settings.
Now, my problem is when I try to make an Alpha on a separate chunk in my scene.
The other chunks dont have any alpha at all, but when I turn up the alpha on the separate chunk the whole model get´s all these black spots from the lightning.
I´ve done a similar thing before and it went fine, and my graphics driver is up to date. What am I missing?
You may also need to tick the box for "Use Alpha Testing" and "Use Alpha-To-Coverage"
and set the Alpha Threshold to 0.01
Works fine for me so far. Will upload a screen in a sec.
Yep loaded a whole scene in marmoset xD
Runs pretty stable with a bit stuttering, about 200MB of textures.
I picked Marmoset up this weekend during the sale and it's great. I'd even say fun.
Works fine on my computer, using alphas etc.
As an FYI - I did have one bug where when I turned an environments brightness to "0", and then turn up the intensity again, the lighting would stay black, stuck at 0. It was only on one environment, and not the others. Unfortunately I can't remember which one
Restarting the program was all I had to do to remedy the situation though so it wasn't a problem.
I'm looking forward to what you guys come up with next, as well as any more tutorials or tips on using this fine application.
Im using 11.08 OpenGL 4.2 preview drivers from AMD.
Oh my god, thanks. I was freaking out b/c the alpha on screenshots wasn't working like it was. DOF on does seem to fix it.
I bet I know what this is. Added to our bug list, thanks for calling it out
Yup, did all those things. As I wrote, this has worked for me before in previous versions, so I´m a bit confused.
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
it's an FBX file, scale around 4x6 meters (in max).
@cptSwing: Try changing the FOV, did work for me the last time or scale up the model in marmoset using the multiplier.
I was curious about the tessellation...It doesnt appear to do any smoothing it just adds geo. I take it you guys only modify the mesh if there is a displacement map? Couldn't that be a toggle? It'd be nice if it were...in this way it'd function more like a turbosmooth modifier + displace if you have a map.
Smoothing is hard
There's also the question of interaction with displacement; many baked meshes with displacement maps depend on offsets from the low poly geometry. Smoothing would break that, so it'd have to be optional.
The config file still exists if you would like to edit it by hand, it has just moved with v1.04. It's in your windows user folder in Documents/toolbag.
EDIT: Nevermind, turns out there was a naughty alpha channel in my diffuse messing something up.
Thanks for the info Jeff.
But I am having a small prob and been reading on the posts here and still no solution,
So my prob is that when i try to import my models into the marmoset toobag everyting is ok except of the back of 1 of the models (see pic 1) i did import all the objects as 1 obj and even tried it alone. Now when I select the Object space normals in the materials screen the whole model does shade normal but without shadows and AO (see pic 2). I know its somthing i did in max or maybe somthing i did during importing/exporting.
Any help would be appreitiated very much.
Pic 1
Pic 2
And sorry for my bad english
Basically I was wondering whether I can export a video or image sequence from marmoset without a background?
No image sequence out of marmoset. Several of us already asked that to 8monkey labs, but from what I remember they didn't see why it was needed.
With the 1.04 release I seem to be able to export smoother turntables out of marmoset ( and you can change your own background.) But no to the without background either.
Oooooo really? That shouldn't be. Can you post screenshots to illustrate? I'll mark that for investigation for future patches...
I can't reproduce this with 1.04. Are you running the latest version? If my memory serves, some old version like 1.01 or 1.02 had this bug, but it has since been fixed...
I'm still hoping for its implementation
Maybe 8ML should set up a "most wanted feature" thread, where we can all suggest awesome features and have them in one place for easy reference?
It is still quite obvious where the pieces are connecting. In udk i have no problem but I would prefer to keep using marmoset.
My symmetrical model also has this problem, but no visible seams in UDK.
If that doesn't work, can you post your UVs and Normal map please?
Yes, because I use 3ds MAX, I always invert the Y in Marmoset. It doesn't work.
It you only with baked 50% of your model, it will cause a seam. Really you need to bake slightly over 50% of the mesh to stop the seam because you are breaking the normals if you split a mesh straight down the middle, bake using that mesh and then combine 2 halves to make the full head. (This cause normals down the center baked mesh to be different to the full head)
Hope that makes sense
Dont bother with any of that, just offset the mirrored side of the uvs 1 unit out of the 0-1 uv space, it will bake perfect and display perfect, with no need to worry about multiple copies of the mesh etc.
However, this looks different than that, as it isn't a simple seam down the middle. I would guess something messed up with the vertex normals.
I baked the texture with a typical workflow written in Polycount wiki
When you mirrored the mesh and welded all the seams, were all normals unified and facing outward?