I got the BG Image problem fixed... It must have been a bug in one of the older updates, because I just snagged the August 9 update, and installed it, and tried it, and it is once again working perfectly.. I know VW pretty good now including ref images, but for some reason it just wasn't working with the other version.. but anyways it is now, so no problems...
BTW: I love the way VW is running now! Tutorial is on today.. I have already gotten the ref planes setup, and ready to go, and recorded that part of tutorial..
btw: thank you for setting up the streamline tools to make it configurable for selections etc.. awesome!
I too noticed the mirror thing, but didn't consider it a bug since when I selected it, then clicked anywhere or clicked it off, the mirror'd part appeared.. soo..
I was thinking of trying the cosmetic changes they had above, anyone else tried them yet, to make sure, not to many of the hotkeys etc.. are changed, especially view navigation etc..??
I was wondering if there is any way to install this program with out using C-net. When ever I tell the install I don't want it's toolbar add-ons it won't let me continue the installation.
Summary of changes:
* A bug in edge extrusion tool is fixed. Which causes crash in subdivision mesh.
* Tool activations no longer automatically turn of Selection Mode. Except for Move/Rotation/Scale/Universal manipulator tools.
* If any mouse click trigers a command action, the app will not change the selection.
* The number of radial menu slots is increased by 10.
* View rotation pivot control is reorganized. View > View Rotation Pivot Style > ...
* Sudivistion undo redo stack is removed.
Hey IStonia,
That was a really quick update. Thanks on including the suggestion of subD-History. I hope other ppl here are fine with this, give it a go it's seamless now.
While were at the subD issue, I believe the default should be at '1', when needed we can change to '2'. 2 is too much for heavier meshes, in terms of wait time and also it's always prone to crashing more. Perfect solution would be to include the option in the preferences.
Now I'll have to make a vid for you to try and address some of the other thoughts I have that I believe could make the experience better.
memag | thanks on the pivot suggestion, unfortunatelly it didn't do the trick. I'll do a vid on it to try and expplain better what I mean.
iSTONIA said he is half way trough coding performance fix.
So far , at least here, working without subD is the only way to go without lag and display glitches.
I also noticed it loads animation section of the program?
Maybe it would start up faster if it didn't have to load all (future) features?
I am not a programmer however.
I love the way the program is working.. People need to understand that you are still working on improving performance and other issues, such as the Sub-D stuff. Feedback is good, about bugs and suggestions, but they need to try and understand that more people are using the program in different ways then they do, and they can add streamline tools and customize them if they want other hotkeys etc.. I just don't want to see the current manipulation key setup, and hotkeys, to change to drastically, as to confuse current users, who came from Silo, and were happy with the current key / tool setups.. Adding new tools is good, and fixing bugs is good, but when it comes to customizing / changing keys / manipulations that are already working, maybe a better solution would be to let them create another custom streamline tools / custom hotkeys config and leave the silo ones as they were.. Only reason, I'm mentioning this is because while working on a project / tutorial, it will be rather confusing to the users if the keys, tools etc.. totally change from those that I put in the tutorial..
Hmmm maybe I could just mention the tools by name, instead of telling them the key / mouse combo to use.. and let them find the tool based on their current config / setup of VW.. Any thoughts on how to handle this? I was going to mention that all the keys / tools used in the tutorial are based off of the Silo Hotkey Customization scheme..
Umm while we are at it, I noticed that the context help on some items like the vert/edge/poly/mesh/object visual tools bar items lose their context help, I reset all of the toolbars under view, and the context help works, so then I goto file -> close to exit, hoping it will save the config so the context help will work correctly for the toolbars etc.. when re-opened.. and it doesn't work, I have to again go to View -> toolbars and reset them again, to get the context help working again.. hmm.. This was with the August 9 update.. Not sure about the August 11 one, I Just snagged this, I will update, and reset all, and tell you if this update fixes this problem or not.. BTW: the BG Images were working perfectly once again, after an update..
On second thought, I'm going to do this update, ensure it all works, settings wise, and freeze with this update until the tutorial is done, this will stop me from having to endure other wierd bugs, changing keys etc.. during the tutorial stuff. I will continue to update another version for my normal modeling to test it out, features, bugs etc.. to keep helping to squash the bugs etc.. but for the tutorial I will stick to the same version..
@flat-D Glad to have you on board. Have u tried holding ` combined with 1 and 2? `1 sets subd level to 1 and `2 to level 2.
@3dnut I have to agree with you, It's starting to get slow since the new UI. The old UI was extremely fast, but the new UI allow better layout customization.
Did portable vs installed software affect the performance?
I would like to talk about the way VW currently handles the OBJ file format. I ran a few tests, and I'm finding a few undesirable results.
The first test I did was going from Silo to VW via obj. I made a basic cube, sphere, and cylinder, with different spot colors on each, named differently. The spot colors imported into VW just fine. But the mesh objects came in combined into one mesh object, and re-named to the name of the obj file.
The second test I did was going from Maya to VW. I basically got the same results.
The third test I did was make a new scene in VW, made similar objects, then saved it as an obj, and brought it into Maya. Same results.. one combined mesh.
Lastly, I took the same file created in VW, saved it as an OBJ, then opened it right back into VW, and the same result, all objects were combined and re-named the name of the file.
I'm expecting the file transition to work like it does going from Silo to Maya or Maya to Silo. It keeps the objects separate, scaled properly (I didn't test that) and named properly. Otherwise, I have to export each object separately, and name each file what I want the object named in Maya... which is a huge time-waster.
Please look into this when you have time.
I'll be testing Collada next (even though Silo doesn't support Collada).
I tested turning on the options you mentioned, and I am still getting bad results (at least for the import).
If I have both Regroup polys, and divide into meshes checked, when I import to VW from obj-Silo I get a "Failed to load file for unknown reason" error. I get the same error when I export from VW, and re-import to VW. If I open the VW exported obj in Silo, it opens as expected (separated objects, named appropriately).
So turning on "Divide into Meshes by polygon group" seems to have fixed the export problem. But I'm still having an import problem.
First off, I think I found a bug... My usual workflow is to create a box, hit Symmetry, and continue modeling. That includes cutting a line down the center axis. I tried this in VW, and it seemed to work just fine, until I turned on preview sub-division. Apparently, if you cut a line on the center axis AFTER defining symmetry, it created three cuts down the center axis (left, center, right), instead of one. The workaround is to make the cut, then activate symmetry, but I'd rather it work as intended.
Secondly, if I want to mirror something across an axis, like say a shoe for example, what's the best way of doing that? Symmetry cut doesn't work because there's nothing to delete. I don't see a mirroring option under duplicate. I also tried Resymmetry, but I couldn't get that to work either. I would like to see a simple mirror function (even a button or hotkey) if that's cool.
That being said, so far symmetry across single objects works great! You've done a fantastic job with it. Most programs either don't do it right forcing you to cut and duplicate, or not mirror at all, or it's really buggy. VW has been quite stable as far as symmetry is concerned.
IStonia, you know how you implemented an invisible selection radius for selecting components? I was wondering if you could put the same kind of selection radius around the object manipulator handles? I keep finding myself going to grab a manipulator handle, only to miss and drop my selection, having to hit undo to get it back, and trying again. If anyone else doesn't want this, feel free to chime in. I really like how you can select through the manipulator to grab a component on the other side (like Max, unlike Maya), so I don't want that to go away.
IStonia, you know how you implemented an invisible selection radius for selecting components? I was wondering if you could put the same kind of selection radius around the object manipulator handles? I keep finding myself going to grab a manipulator handle, only to miss and drop my selection, having to hit undo to get it back, and trying again. If anyone else doesn't want this, feel free to chime in. I really like how you can select through the manipulator to grab a component on the other side (like Max, unlike Maya), so I don't want that to go away.
i asked for the same thing, this is what passerby suggested. works well!
"to answer your question about the manipulator size, you don't need to click right on it.
hold down w and use lmb drag or rmb drag anywhere in the canvas it it will move the manipulator without haveing ot click right on it, lmb will move accross a plane and lmb with move across 1 axis defined by the direction the mouse first moved in.
@flat-D Wow, I don't know how I missed that. Being able to hide your manipulator is INCREDIBLY powerful! Wow! Thanks Passerby for that suggestion!
I just accidentally found out that VW auto-builds corners! (select a partial ring, then continue that ring in a neigboring direction, hit "C" and BLAM instant quad corner! Woohooo! Made my day! Like this but automatic.
It might be cool to figure out something similar with crease, and Circularise
Max also has a way to "make End", which is basically two edgeloops entering a polygon, and "make End" will finish it off in a u-turn fashion. Sort of like a corner, but with the loop turning back into the same poly.
I would call Crease, Circularise, and Make End, lower priorities. More of a dream list for later.
I would call Crease, Circularise, and Make End, lower priorities. More of a dream list for later.
I think chamfer edge will do something similar to what you suggested with crease (with added bonus of four types of chamfer, of course) ,there is circularize for polygons but not for edges and not with such control.Then there is Spherize,but it's hidden in modify menu.
Check out turn quad flow and user manual, plenty of things are there and useful.
Great to have more people interested in improving VW.
Istonnia is it possible to invoke last command from the menu by MMB clicking on menu button,like Softimage?
Maybe even do it for the hot box menu center, if you MMB on center it repeats last command you executed from the hot box? Just a thought.
ya try using the visual tool for chamfer, or try using the streamline tool, with the rmb button, and if you end the operation by hitting a number key it adds more segments and rounds things out amongst them.
and for Spherize it is in the right click marking menu under common tools.
i like the idea of having a repeat last commend function, but if it was in the middle of the marking menu it would make it hard to cancel the menu.
maybe put it on the first marking menu level where saver incremental is right now.
Nothing would change except if you click MMB in the center it would repeat the last command, releasing RMB behavior will not change and it will stay as it is now.
It would make little sense if it's put in the menu, since you still have to find it and click it.
I probably didn't understand you, passerby.
Basically it could be a "repeat last" command bound to RMB+MMB (or any custom shortcut),
and MMB for the top menus. Whatever is simpler, I am fine with it.
It could remember last tool for every menu in the hotbox AFAIC.
I just thought that nice center dot could be used for something practical.
Well, it's not yet made,it's still just in form of a few comments on the forum.
It doesn't have to be like that but I think it is the simplest way, for now.
I'm sure if it's considered for writing, Istonia will implement it properly.
It might be cool to figure out something similar with crease, and Circularise
These two things are already possible.
Crease try Chamfer Streamline tool RMB. (sorry passerby already mentioned this) Doesn't automatically move the centre crease down.
Circularise have a look at the Streamline option Subobject Tools >> Circularize_Selection. (I would actually quite like to see the 'pick centre' and 'pick plane' options as seen in Wings though)
This stuff has been discussed throughout the course of this thread but I understand that it's getting pretty mammoth. 52 pages is quite a lot of content to get through especially with some extremely lengthy posts; storm3
Summary of changes:
* Edit > Preference > Startup subdivision level.
* Radial menu can be activated by hotkeys. Edit > Customize Tools > Radial Menu group > ....Release key or mouse click to execute. Right click to cancel if not activated by RMB.
* Edit > Options > Using Shoulder Style Edge Extrusion. It applys to visual edge Extrude tool and streamline edge A+MMB/RMB tool.
* Object naming in .obj import improved.
3dnut: VW does import groupings. If not, please let me know how do you know that.
storm3: Thanks for the effort!
elte: portable and installed will be the same.
3dtoons: Thanks for the new suggestions!
When export to obj, there is option to regroup polygons by meshes. When import, there is create meshes by groupings. The object Split tool can seperate meshes into objects.
You can use the symmetry cut operation to do mirroring.
1. Create an object.
2. View > Show symmetry plane.
3. In any subobject mode, select all the subobjects and move them to one side of the plane. Alternatively, goto Hierarchy mode and move the mesh pivot to move the symmetry plane.
4. Perform symmetry cut.
Also you can create an instance of the object with mirror option.
So there are three ways to do mirroring including the one you have found.
Can you send me those obj files that you failed to import so I can fix the bugs? Also please tell me the options you used when they failed.
memag & passerby: I don't think it is a good idea the use mouse click at radial menu center to do a command action. It is hidden so ppl may not know and may do by accident. Also, now radial menu can be set to use hotkey and mouse buttons to activate.
Kun, have you checked out alembic format? It's open source and recently have been supported by autodesk and luxology (more coming). Production tested and might get you interested.
*Coz I've been seeing the obj issues from some members here lately.
Lucasfilm and Sony Pictures Imageworks have announced the release of Alembic 1.0 after just under a year of successful testing, fine tuning and more testing. The Alembic open source initiative was announced at SIGGRAPH last year and the development team and contributors have been hard at work to bring this 1.0 release to fruition. The Foundry, Audodesk, Luxology and Side Effects were unhand to show some results of using this open source code.
Rob Bredow, CTO of Sony Imageworks and Tommy Burnette the Head of Global pipeline launched the almost totally rewritten Alembic 1.0, with full support for a list of major software package actively involved in movie production. This includes Maya, Houdini, renderMan, Arnold and Katana. "The library is ready," says Bredow,"as we are running the new 'Men in Black', and Tommy is using it in the new 'Avengers movie," he said.
As an example, in production of the 'Smurk' film, to render a full shot in an obj format weighing 87Gb takes 97 mins, while using the Alembic format brings that same frame to 173Mb, rendered in 3.5 minutes. This is an insane amount of disk space spared.
In Rango, an uncompressed obj format full character is 8Gb, while in Alembic it is 73Mb
Tommy Burnette also felt he'd hit a record in the testing figures, and said he have some pretty exciting news to share. "Just a taste; for the data de-duplication feature, we've been able to reduce shot caches on the Transformer character asset tests by 98%!" Also, as a real time playback engine of fully rendered frames, being a RAM playback, Alembic can run of ten frames per second, using real data in Maya.
ILM and Sony Imageworks both govern the project. Alembic support will be included in Maya. Katana support will be available in the Alembic format.
Hi IStonia,
VW does not import obj files with groups when I try I get an error message:-
However VW does import its own format vws complete with groups.
This is what I did
1 I created a Box and a Sphere
2 I saved the scene as a .vws and an .obj
Trying to load the .obj caused the error shown in the image.
The .vws loaded just fine including groups.
VW will load .obj files with just a single object in the scene ok.
found a little glitch in one of the last few updates.
i have my edge cut/slide streamline tool rebound to shift+x, and since 2 updates ago when i use it, it will still show the preview of the edge loop but it wont place my loop when i hit lmb or mmb.
at first i was thinking it was a conflict with the shift key but i also got shift+f bound the bridge/cap hole stream line tool which still works as expected.
i also have been noticing some settings that cant be saved or have there defaults changed and keep getting reset every time i restart VW, such as the opacity setting for the grid floor and workplan.
did a bit more messing about, and it dosnt matter what key combo i use for edge loops if it has shift in it, it messes up.
I like the radial menu option, but I don't like the fact that I have to keep the RMB held down while I navigate the options to fins what I am after. I know that I can customize the menus to my liking when I am at that stage.
My question is:
I have checked then help file, and drilled down the menus to see if this option is here.
Is there an option that, once I have clicked the RMB, which brings up the Radial Menu, it stays up until I find and click on the option I want, or RMB again on the bulls eye to close it down?
Summary of changes:
* The problem that occurs when messing up streamline tool keys with selection boolean keys is fixed. passerby, can you test it whith your Shift+X tool.
* A bug in .obj file import is fixed. Also a new .obj import options 'Divide into objects by polygon groups'.
* Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Right click To Stay. Philem, you can check this option. LMB Action, RMB Cancel or click the pull's eye.
* A bug in custominzing setting saving is fixed.
I just found an oddity. When I'm at work, VW runs just fine, even with decent sized files with textures. But when I'm on my home machine, navigating around the screen lags when I have both wireframe and sub-d preview turned on. If I turn either of them off (wireframe or sub-ds) it runs smoothly again. The only difference I can think of between the two systems is the video card. I'm running an Nvidia at work, and an ATI Radeon 5800 series here at home. Has anyone else experienced this? It's not a large file either, and yes, I have updated drivers.
Same results, but worse. Each additional processor thread makes it react slightly smoother.
I suppose that is another difference between the two machines, my machine at work has dual quad core processors, whereas my local system has a single multi-threaded quad core (each having 8 threads avail).
I wouldn't think that would make that big of a difference since everything else runs just as fast or faster on this machine including a 30million+ poly character in Zbrush.
It's odd to me that one or the other (shaded-wireframe, or sub-Ds), doesn't tax the system independently, but together, they make it chug. I've tested this with more than one file just to make sure it wasn't just the one file. Even two basic 60poly x 60poly spheres will make it chug (with both shaded-wirefram and subDs turned on). Strange indeed.
The Vert / Edge / Face / Mesh / Object Cube icons on top of the visual tools bar, will not keep the settings for showing the context flyover help you know telling what the cubes are, and the numbers... I know not a big deal but, kind of annoying to have to hit view, toolbars reset each time I start up, its more of an annoying thing.. hehehe... I have them memorized now, but to new people.. I only know cuz of the tutorial work, and getting them to work, closing out, and re-opening to see if they work still and no go..
Cheers though, everything else is turning out slick as snot..
BTW: what's taking so long, is getting time with the computer alone, without the wife in here, so I can talk on the video too.. eheheh funny, I used to not care, when I did my comedy radio show, but on something where I have to be serious and correct on, it messes with me.. hehehe
strom3: Take your time. No hurries.
Are you talking about the tool tips(name and shortcut keys) for those mode buttons? They should always be there when you hover mouse over. Please provide two pics. One is working and the other not working.
BTW: Is there any way you can get your wife grounded? I guess you will get grounded yourself if you dare to do that. hehe.
Yes, I have been able to model using image reference planes also in the 3D Perspective view, using plane objects, and using the create with image option, then locking them in the mesh mode panel to freeze them.. Works really well, this is the method I am documenting in the tutorial in progress..
Yes, I will go ahead and grab those two images for ya..
Here it is, I found out it won't work right in the last 3 updates, had to go back to August 9 update and reset windows under view menu to get them working again! as you can see...
She is going away tomorrow, so I better take advantage of it.. I think.. We will see, if so, I will get camstudio running hardcore, I already have the script and the teleprompter software setup for the first 2 parts.. The Reference planes and the head.. this will make it easy to just go through the motions, while reading what I'm doing on the mic / mixing board..
I'll let you see the first part tomorrow when done..
I feel this tool still needs a bit of work to make it the perfect Pivot align tool.
'Rotation Snap Selection' - Could you auto turn on Manual for Orientation & Pivot Position similar to the SetManipulator tool. Also revert back to previous settings once tool is dropped. The two tools should work in the same manner I feel.
I've noticed a fundamental flaw in the method for selecting axes and the plane they need to be aligned to. Here's an image to help explain:
Currently you have to pick an axis but this makes it impossible to choose which particular plane to rotate. If we want to snapAlign the red(x)axis to the orange vertex how is it possible to alternatively choose the blue vertex. Istonia - if you have a look at my original proposal it might be more versatile if you implement it like this. Using the rotation planes instead of axes.
One final thing on this tool. The RMB is currently unused. Would it be possible to have a look at and implement something similar to the 'DrawGuide' tool from Bonzai3D.
On these tools; 'Set Manipulator' 'Object/Mesh Pivot' & 'Object Pivot' - MMB should ONLY snap orientation. At the moment it does the exact same thing as RMB - snap position/orientation.
'Set Manipulator' - MMB in empty space used to orient the manipulator to the world; it no longer does.
Why are none of the settings for these tools exposed to the user like all the other Streamline Tools?
'Set Manipulator', 'Object/Mesh Pivot', 'Object Pivot', 'Snap Selection', 'Rotation Snap Selection'
We can no longer select multiple snapping filters? This was a really useful feature before; in fact I actually preferred having all the different snap options exposed. (I can understand why some people would want them hidden though to save on screen real estate.
Summary of changes:
* Outset and Transformation Options are added to polygon Inset tool. For detail, see Help > Contents > Modeling > Polygon Section > Inset Polygon.
* A new streamline tool, 'Polygon_Outset'. By default, it is mapped to polygon S+MMB.
* Misc Tools > Repeat Last Command. Also available in main radial menu.
* View > Show Last Repeatable Command. It will be displayed bottom-left.
* Stripping extrusion is added to Retopo tool. It allows to extrude a series of polygons along the cursor path. To enable it, before extruding out the first edge, press down 'A' key.
storm3: The tool tips works fine in my machine for all the updates. I don't know why it has problem in yours. I can't see a way to control it.
Not sure wheter you have noticed that in Retopo tool you can extrude a series of polygons by drag + '1 key' + drag + '3 key' + drag... without releasing the mouse button. It is slower than stripping but more control over the shape.
ghib: I will look into your issues.
Can you suggest the default hotkeys for 'Set Manipulator', 'Object/Mesh Pivot', 'Object Pivot', 'Snap Selection', 'Rotation Snap Selection' ?
It is possible to turn on multi snapping option if you use mouse right button to click them. Is this good enough?
ghib: I will look into your issues.
Can you suggest the default hotkeys for 'Set Manipulator', 'Object/Mesh Pivot', 'Object Pivot', 'Snap Selection', 'Rotation Snap Selection' ?
cheers man,
I'm not too sure what the defaults for these should be as I think users will be massively divided over this. I have a temporary set of hotkeys bound to \ z x as these are closest to Alt (navigation key) but I can imagine it getting really crowded down that end of the keyboard for Right Handed people. For me, at the moment, I have;
It is possible to turn on multi snapping option if you use mouse right button to click them. Is this good enough?
Sorry I did not know about this. Works great thanks.
The more you work on this app the more awesome tools we are going to need to cram on the keyboard. So I'm wondering if things like 'Object Pivot' & 'Object/Mesh Pivot' can be consolidated into 1 tool somehow. Maybe Component context sensitive? I dunno..
Thanks IStonia I have it sorted now ,forgive my lack of observation.
I got the BG Image problem fixed... It must have been a bug in one of the older updates, because I just snagged the August 9 update, and installed it, and tried it, and it is once again working perfectly.. I know VW pretty good now including ref images, but for some reason it just wasn't working with the other version.. but anyways it is now, so no problems...
BTW: I love the way VW is running now! Tutorial is on today.. I have already gotten the ref planes setup, and ready to go, and recorded that part of tutorial..
btw: thank you for setting up the streamline tools to make it configurable for selections etc.. awesome!
I too noticed the mirror thing, but didn't consider it a bug since when I selected it, then clicked anywhere or clicked it off, the mirror'd part appeared.. soo..
I was thinking of trying the cosmetic changes they had above, anyone else tried them yet, to make sure, not to many of the hotkeys etc.. are changed, especially view navigation etc..??
I'd really like to try this out
latest update,aug.9.11
Summary of changes:
* A bug in edge extrusion tool is fixed. Which causes crash in subdivision mesh.
* Tool activations no longer automatically turn of Selection Mode. Except for Move/Rotation/Scale/Universal manipulator tools.
* If any mouse click trigers a command action, the app will not change the selection.
* The number of radial menu slots is increased by 10.
* View rotation pivot control is reorganized. View > View Rotation Pivot Style > ...
* Sudivistion undo redo stack is removed.
That was a really quick update. Thanks on including the suggestion of subD-History. I hope other ppl here are fine with this, give it a go it's seamless now.
While were at the subD issue, I believe the default should be at '1', when needed we can change to '2'. 2 is too much for heavier meshes, in terms of wait time and also it's always prone to crashing more. Perfect solution would be to include the option in the preferences.
Now I'll have to make a vid for you to try and address some of the other thoughts I have that I believe could make the experience better.
memag | thanks on the pivot suggestion, unfortunatelly it didn't do the trick. I'll do a vid on it to try and expplain better what I mean.
1 Voidworld is slow starting (UI graphics)
2 Voidworld does not import groups (obj)
3 Voidworld crawls when importing higher density meshes (around 80K)
My specs not the best by anymeans but adequate.
Intel Core 2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
Windows 7 64bit Home premium
Geforce GTX 260 896MB
3GB DDR2 ram
So far , at least here, working without subD is the only way to go without lag and display glitches.
I also noticed it loads animation section of the program?
Maybe it would start up faster if it didn't have to load all (future) features?
I am not a programmer however.
Oh,thanks for the update Kun!
I love the way the program is working.. People need to understand that you are still working on improving performance and other issues, such as the Sub-D stuff. Feedback is good, about bugs and suggestions, but they need to try and understand that more people are using the program in different ways then they do, and they can add streamline tools and customize them if they want other hotkeys etc.. I just don't want to see the current manipulation key setup, and hotkeys, to change to drastically, as to confuse current users, who came from Silo, and were happy with the current key / tool setups.. Adding new tools is good, and fixing bugs is good, but when it comes to customizing / changing keys / manipulations that are already working, maybe a better solution would be to let them create another custom streamline tools / custom hotkeys config and leave the silo ones as they were.. Only reason, I'm mentioning this is because while working on a project / tutorial, it will be rather confusing to the users if the keys, tools etc.. totally change from those that I put in the tutorial..
Hmmm maybe I could just mention the tools by name, instead of telling them the key / mouse combo to use.. and let them find the tool based on their current config / setup of VW.. Any thoughts on how to handle this? I was going to mention that all the keys / tools used in the tutorial are based off of the Silo Hotkey Customization scheme..
Umm while we are at it, I noticed that the context help on some items like the vert/edge/poly/mesh/object visual tools bar items lose their context help, I reset all of the toolbars under view, and the context help works, so then I goto file -> close to exit, hoping it will save the config so the context help will work correctly for the toolbars etc.. when re-opened.. and it doesn't work, I have to again go to View -> toolbars and reset them again, to get the context help working again.. hmm.. This was with the August 9 update.. Not sure about the August 11 one, I Just snagged this, I will update, and reset all, and tell you if this update fixes this problem or not.. BTW: the BG Images were working perfectly once again, after an update..
On second thought, I'm going to do this update, ensure it all works, settings wise, and freeze with this update until the tutorial is done, this will stop me from having to endure other wierd bugs, changing keys etc.. during the tutorial stuff. I will continue to update another version for my normal modeling to test it out, features, bugs etc.. to keep helping to squash the bugs etc.. but for the tutorial I will stick to the same version..
Again, thanks for everything Istonia..
Ken aka StOrM3
@3dnut I have to agree with you, It's starting to get slow since the new UI. The old UI was extremely fast, but the new UI allow better layout customization.
Did portable vs installed software affect the performance?
I would like to talk about the way VW currently handles the OBJ file format. I ran a few tests, and I'm finding a few undesirable results.
The first test I did was going from Silo to VW via obj. I made a basic cube, sphere, and cylinder, with different spot colors on each, named differently. The spot colors imported into VW just fine. But the mesh objects came in combined into one mesh object, and re-named to the name of the obj file.
The second test I did was going from Maya to VW. I basically got the same results.
The third test I did was make a new scene in VW, made similar objects, then saved it as an obj, and brought it into Maya. Same results.. one combined mesh.
Lastly, I took the same file created in VW, saved it as an OBJ, then opened it right back into VW, and the same result, all objects were combined and re-named the name of the file.
I'm expecting the file transition to work like it does going from Silo to Maya or Maya to Silo. It keeps the objects separate, scaled properly (I didn't test that) and named properly. Otherwise, I have to export each object separately, and name each file what I want the object named in Maya... which is a huge time-waster.
Please look into this when you have time.
I'll be testing Collada next (even though Silo doesn't support Collada).
Thank you in advance!
select obj and check off regroup polygons by meshes in export and divide into meshes by polygon groups in the import section.
that should get you what you want.
I tested turning on the options you mentioned, and I am still getting bad results (at least for the import).
If I have both Regroup polys, and divide into meshes checked, when I import to VW from obj-Silo I get a "Failed to load file for unknown reason" error. I get the same error when I export from VW, and re-import to VW. If I open the VW exported obj in Silo, it opens as expected (separated objects, named appropriately).
So turning on "Divide into Meshes by polygon group" seems to have fixed the export problem. But I'm still having an import problem.
Thanks again for your help!
First off, I think I found a bug... My usual workflow is to create a box, hit Symmetry, and continue modeling. That includes cutting a line down the center axis. I tried this in VW, and it seemed to work just fine, until I turned on preview sub-division. Apparently, if you cut a line on the center axis AFTER defining symmetry, it created three cuts down the center axis (left, center, right), instead of one. The workaround is to make the cut, then activate symmetry, but I'd rather it work as intended.
Secondly, if I want to mirror something across an axis, like say a shoe for example, what's the best way of doing that? Symmetry cut doesn't work because there's nothing to delete. I don't see a mirroring option under duplicate. I also tried Resymmetry, but I couldn't get that to work either. I would like to see a simple mirror function (even a button or hotkey) if that's cool.
That being said, so far symmetry across single objects works great! You've done a fantastic job with it. Most programs either don't do it right forcing you to cut and duplicate, or not mirror at all, or it's really buggy. VW has been quite stable as far as symmetry is concerned.
Thank you!
"to answer your question about the manipulator size, you don't need to click right on it.
hold down w and use lmb drag or rmb drag anywhere in the canvas it it will move the manipulator without haveing ot click right on it, lmb will move accross a plane and lmb with move across 1 axis defined by the direction the mouse first moved in.
Hey Istonia,
Sent you a PM.
I just accidentally found out that VW auto-builds corners! (select a partial ring, then continue that ring in a neigboring direction, hit "C" and BLAM instant quad corner! Woohooo! Made my day! Like this but automatic.
It might be cool to figure out something similar with crease, and Circularise
Max also has a way to "make End", which is basically two edgeloops entering a polygon, and "make End" will finish it off in a u-turn fashion. Sort of like a corner, but with the loop turning back into the same poly.
I would call Crease, Circularise, and Make End, lower priorities. More of a dream list for later.
I think chamfer edge will do something similar to what you suggested with crease (with added bonus of four types of chamfer, of course) ,there is circularize for polygons but not for edges and not with such control.Then there is Spherize,but it's hidden in modify menu.
Check out turn quad flow and user manual, plenty of things are there and useful.
Great to have more people interested in improving VW.
Istonnia is it possible to invoke last command from the menu by MMB clicking on menu button,like Softimage?
Maybe even do it for the hot box menu center, if you MMB on center it repeats last command you executed from the hot box? Just a thought.
and for Spherize it is in the right click marking menu under common tools.
i like the idea of having a repeat last commend function, but if it was in the middle of the marking menu it would make it hard to cancel the menu.
maybe put it on the first marking menu level where saver incremental is right now.
ya but if you release while not in hte center it runs the command the mouse angle is closets too
It would make little sense if it's put in the menu, since you still have to find it and click it.
I probably didn't understand you, passerby.
Basically it could be a "repeat last" command bound to RMB+MMB (or any custom shortcut),
and MMB for the top menus. Whatever is simpler, I am fine with it.
It could remember last tool for every menu in the hotbox AFAIC.
I just thought that nice center dot could be used for something practical.
It doesn't have to be like that but I think it is the simplest way, for now.
I'm sure if it's considered for writing, Istonia will implement it properly.
These two things are already possible.
Crease try Chamfer Streamline tool RMB. (sorry passerby already mentioned this) Doesn't automatically move the centre crease down.
Circularise have a look at the Streamline option Subobject Tools >> Circularize_Selection. (I would actually quite like to see the 'pick centre' and 'pick plane' options as seen in Wings though)
This stuff has been discussed throughout the course of this thread but I understand that it's getting pretty mammoth. 52 pages is quite a lot of content to get through especially with some extremely lengthy posts; storm3
Summary of changes:
* Edit > Preference > Startup subdivision level.
* Radial menu can be activated by hotkeys. Edit > Customize Tools > Radial Menu group > ....Release key or mouse click to execute. Right click to cancel if not activated by RMB.
* Edit > Options > Using Shoulder Style Edge Extrusion. It applys to visual edge Extrude tool and streamline edge A+MMB/RMB tool.
* Object naming in .obj import improved.
3dnut: VW does import groupings. If not, please let me know how do you know that.
storm3: Thanks for the effort!
elte: portable and installed will be the same.
3dtoons: Thanks for the new suggestions!
When export to obj, there is option to regroup polygons by meshes. When import, there is create meshes by groupings. The object Split tool can seperate meshes into objects.
You can use the symmetry cut operation to do mirroring.
1. Create an object.
2. View > Show symmetry plane.
3. In any subobject mode, select all the subobjects and move them to one side of the plane. Alternatively, goto Hierarchy mode and move the mesh pivot to move the symmetry plane.
4. Perform symmetry cut.
Also you can create an instance of the object with mirror option.
So there are three ways to do mirroring including the one you have found.
Can you send me those obj files that you failed to import so I can fix the bugs? Also please tell me the options you used when they failed.
memag & passerby: I don't think it is a good idea the use mouse click at radial menu center to do a command action. It is hidden so ppl may not know and may do by accident. Also, now radial menu can be set to use hotkey and mouse buttons to activate.
ghib: thanks for helping!
That is exactly what meant by this (first example).
*Coz I've been seeing the obj issues from some members here lately.
Lucasfilm and Sony Pictures Imageworks have announced the release of Alembic 1.0 after just under a year of successful testing, fine tuning and more testing. The Alembic open source initiative was announced at SIGGRAPH last year and the development team and contributors have been hard at work to bring this 1.0 release to fruition. The Foundry, Audodesk, Luxology and Side Effects were unhand to show some results of using this open source code.
Rob Bredow, CTO of Sony Imageworks and Tommy Burnette the Head of Global pipeline launched the almost totally rewritten Alembic 1.0, with full support for a list of major software package actively involved in movie production. This includes Maya, Houdini, renderMan, Arnold and Katana. "The library is ready," says Bredow,"as we are running the new 'Men in Black', and Tommy is using it in the new 'Avengers movie," he said.
As an example, in production of the 'Smurk' film, to render a full shot in an obj format weighing 87Gb takes 97 mins, while using the Alembic format brings that same frame to 173Mb, rendered in 3.5 minutes. This is an insane amount of disk space spared.
In Rango, an uncompressed obj format full character is 8Gb, while in Alembic it is 73Mb
Tommy Burnette also felt he'd hit a record in the testing figures, and said he have some pretty exciting news to share. "Just a taste; for the data de-duplication feature, we've been able to reduce shot caches on the Transformer character asset tests by 98%!" Also, as a real time playback engine of fully rendered frames, being a RAM playback, Alembic can run of ten frames per second, using real data in Maya.
ILM and Sony Imageworks both govern the project. Alembic support will be included in Maya. Katana support will be available in the Alembic format.
VW does not import obj files with groups when I try I get an error message:-
However VW does import its own format vws complete with groups.
This is what I did
1 I created a Box and a Sphere
2 I saved the scene as a .vws and an .obj
Trying to load the .obj caused the error shown in the image.
The .vws loaded just fine including groups.
VW will load .obj files with just a single object in the scene ok.
i have my edge cut/slide streamline tool rebound to shift+x, and since 2 updates ago when i use it, it will still show the preview of the edge loop but it wont place my loop when i hit lmb or mmb.
at first i was thinking it was a conflict with the shift key but i also got shift+f bound the bridge/cap hole stream line tool which still works as expected.
i also have been noticing some settings that cant be saved or have there defaults changed and keep getting reset every time i restart VW, such as the opacity setting for the grid floor and workplan.
did a bit more messing about, and it dosnt matter what key combo i use for edge loops if it has shift in it, it messes up.
Sorry, another noob question,
I like the radial menu option, but I don't like the fact that I have to keep the RMB held down while I navigate the options to fins what I am after. I know that I can customize the menus to my liking when I am at that stage.
My question is:
I have checked then help file, and drilled down the menus to see if this option is here.
Is there an option that, once I have clicked the RMB, which brings up the Radial Menu, it stays up until I find and click on the option I want, or RMB again on the bulls eye to close it down?
Summary of changes:
* The problem that occurs when messing up streamline tool keys with selection boolean keys is fixed. passerby, can you test it whith your Shift+X tool.
* A bug in .obj file import is fixed. Also a new .obj import options 'Divide into objects by polygon groups'.
* Edit > Options > Radial Menu Options > Right click To Stay. Philem, you can check this option. LMB Action, RMB Cancel or click the pull's eye.
* A bug in custominzing setting saving is fixed.
I suppose that is another difference between the two machines, my machine at work has dual quad core processors, whereas my local system has a single multi-threaded quad core (each having 8 threads avail).
I wouldn't think that would make that big of a difference since everything else runs just as fast or faster on this machine including a 30million+ poly character in Zbrush.
It's odd to me that one or the other (shaded-wireframe, or sub-Ds), doesn't tax the system independently, but together, they make it chug. I've tested this with more than one file just to make sure it wasn't just the one file. Even two basic 60poly x 60poly spheres will make it chug (with both shaded-wirefram and subDs turned on). Strange indeed.
The Vert / Edge / Face / Mesh / Object Cube icons on top of the visual tools bar, will not keep the settings for showing the context flyover help you know telling what the cubes are, and the numbers... I know not a big deal but, kind of annoying to have to hit view, toolbars reset each time I start up, its more of an annoying thing.. hehehe... I have them memorized now, but to new people.. I only know cuz of the tutorial work, and getting them to work, closing out, and re-opening to see if they work still and no go..
Cheers though, everything else is turning out slick as snot..
BTW: what's taking so long, is getting time with the computer alone, without the wife in here, so I can talk on the video too.. eheheh funny, I used to not care, when I did my comedy radio show, but on something where I have to be serious and correct on, it messes with me.. hehehe
Are you talking about the tool tips(name and shortcut keys) for those mode buttons? They should always be there when you hover mouse over. Please provide two pics. One is working and the other not working.
BTW: Is there any way you can get your wife grounded? I guess you will get grounded yourself if you dare to do that. hehe.
Tried looking for this in the forums and may have missed it. Can you set up image planes yet? Thanks.
You can also setup image planes in the orthographic views by pressing 'b' and choosing an image.
Yes, I have been able to model using image reference planes also in the 3D Perspective view, using plane objects, and using the create with image option, then locking them in the mesh mode panel to freeze them.. Works really well, this is the method I am documenting in the tutorial in progress..
Yes, I will go ahead and grab those two images for ya..
Brb with those..
Here it is, I found out it won't work right in the last 3 updates, had to go back to August 9 update and reset windows under view menu to get them working again! as you can see...
She is going away tomorrow, so I better take advantage of it.. I think.. We will see, if so, I will get camstudio running hardcore, I already have the script and the teleprompter software setup for the first 2 parts.. The Reference planes and the head.. this will make it easy to just go through the motions, while reading what I'm doing on the mic / mixing board..
I'll let you see the first part tomorrow when done..
Ciao' Mano'
Currently you have to pick an axis but this makes it impossible to choose which particular plane to rotate. If we want to snapAlign the red(x)axis to the orange vertex how is it possible to alternatively choose the blue vertex.
Istonia - if you have a look at my original proposal it might be more versatile if you implement it like this. Using the rotation planes instead of axes.
'Set Manipulator', 'Object/Mesh Pivot', 'Object Pivot', 'Snap Selection', 'Rotation Snap Selection'
Summary of changes:
* Outset and Transformation Options are added to polygon Inset tool. For detail, see Help > Contents > Modeling > Polygon Section > Inset Polygon.
* A new streamline tool, 'Polygon_Outset'. By default, it is mapped to polygon S+MMB.
* Misc Tools > Repeat Last Command. Also available in main radial menu.
* View > Show Last Repeatable Command. It will be displayed bottom-left.
* Stripping extrusion is added to Retopo tool. It allows to extrude a series of polygons along the cursor path. To enable it, before extruding out the first edge, press down 'A' key.
storm3: The tool tips works fine in my machine for all the updates. I don't know why it has problem in yours. I can't see a way to control it.
Not sure wheter you have noticed that in Retopo tool you can extrude a series of polygons by drag + '1 key' + drag + '3 key' + drag... without releasing the mouse button. It is slower than stripping but more control over the shape.
ghib: I will look into your issues.
Can you suggest the default hotkeys for 'Set Manipulator', 'Object/Mesh Pivot', 'Object Pivot', 'Snap Selection', 'Rotation Snap Selection' ?
It is possible to turn on multi snapping option if you use mouse right button to click them. Is this good enough?
I'm not too sure what the defaults for these should be as I think users will be massively divided over this. I have a temporary set of hotkeys bound to \ z x as these are closest to Alt (navigation key) but I can imagine it getting really crowded down that end of the keyboard for Right Handed people. For me, at the moment, I have;
The more you work on this app the more awesome tools we are going to need to cram on the keyboard. So I'm wondering if things like 'Object Pivot' & 'Object/Mesh Pivot' can be consolidated into 1 tool somehow. Maybe Component context sensitive? I dunno..