Obviously it isn't very reliable since it's a Most Wanted description for the public by MJ-12, and so it lies about the nature of his eyes. But it's clear that his eyes are the most obvious sign that he's augmented, so I always figured that the glasses are indeed to hide that. He's not making friends with Anna for wearing them, that's for sure.
You win, its those details that made the game awesome.
and to end this post:
"You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel."
Guy's name is Alexander Brandon. Currently credited for music on Both Deus Ex and Deus Ex 3 according to IMDB (which is admittedly not always accurate prior to the release of a title).
There's a public terminal in New York and one in Paris that states the following: "Feel free to disagree about this particular thing, but it's still odd that DX3 hammers on discrimination against augmentations, and yet, people get them for things as silly as being slick without spending two seconds to put on glasses. Not that it's going to make or break the game, but the original was actually remarkably plausible even in the little details.
In DE1, they were just that... Sun glasses.
But the vibe I get from the new trailer is that theres more to them, maybe even a HUD element. It makes sense that they would turn on/off when he wanted to use a HUD. In real life, I would love to know during combat what somebody is holding, their stats etc, but lets face it havign that on all the time would be a killer when you go shopping heh, so maybe the fact the sun glasses are more advanced in this regard is why they are more on show?
ah, yeah, looked it up, I knew there were a few guys behind the deus ex music, parts of that whole straylight productions, who did the unreal music, and I guess alexander brandon was the main guy on deus ex, along with michiel van den bos, and some other guys.
But lets put it this way: he scored invisible war, how many songs does anyone remember from that game?
edit: actually, I think one part of the problem is that there's some general idea that melodic themed music for games are bad for gameplay, and that ambient should be everywhere.
deus ex was themed almost all the way through the game.
edit: actually, I think one part of the problem is that there's some general idea that melodic themed music for games are bad for gameplay, and that ambient should be everywhere.
Well mentality will just have to change! Music in games is one of the most important facets for me to enjoy the experience. Halo and Final Fantasy are some examples of games that have no problem with a recurring background theme and allowing the players to fit into the world. I'm surprised movies don't do it more, the OST to the original animated Transformers is the only soundtrack that if I played a song then I could tell you exactly which moment in the film it was played.
I find melodic themes that recur through the game become part of the experience itself, like you mentioned with halo Snacuum that's an awesome example. When your in the middle of a large scale firefight and you've got the halo theme playing away it really helps drive the experience.
I wish more games would take advantage of the music, it adds so much to it. /offtopic
the GDC talk on the art direction of this game was pretty interesting. Lots of incredible art (though he said no pictures, and if he saw any cameras he would "point you out and get you removed"....pretty silly really).
I found it mind blowing that they spent two full years just trying to decide on the game's art style. It got a bit hard to listen to when he started talking about how they invented this new never before seen clothing style (which turned out to be industrial goth), but it definitely ended up looking good.
The in-game videos they showed were pretty impressive too overall (it was almost hard to believe some of the environments were real time), though the characters felt kind of robotic (uh..not in an augmented way though haha).
If anyone is interested I could post up the notes I took after I organize them.
I must be the only one who enjoyed Invisible War XD
I really liked the high level concepts too. No clear good or evil, thought provoking elements about society and technology,
Then the world and story changing player choices... quite ahead of their time, and nowadays most people think that Mass Effect was the first to do it well.
But the actual gameplay was a bit too simplified, and the target platform's constraints have severly limited the scope. It also looked kinda ugly compared to other games of that time. So it kinda failed... interested to see where DX3 ends up.
In case you guys are wondering this dude http://www.jimmurrayart.com/ is the lead concept artist. We lost him to them because of the titles they were going to work on. DX3 being one that fits him. Schucks....
Interviews with the leads explaining the cyber-renaissance theme were embarrassing, as is anything as obvious and tired as an Icarus reference for the teaser. Very skeptical.
We really bought a whole bunch of books on the technological curve and where things are going... we took some real stuff that's happening now and some real projections of the technological curve for the next 20 to 30 years, so we feel really confident about that.
I started looking around and buying books and reading and doing research in Google, and I searched for terms like "anatomy," "cybernetics," "biology," and "genetics." Doing all this research, I started seeing images of Leonardo da Vinci's anatomical studies and dissections and everything, and saw a very strong correlation with cybernetics and everything else.
Woah watch out! Don't tire out that giant brain of yours, buying all those books and making obvious google searches! I bet they google searched up a storm. So much research. They may have skimmed some of the paragraphs of the books they bought. Are you guys sure we're not already living in a cyber-renaissance right now, with these kind of cyber-adept geniuses in our midst?
edit - whoops. should have read through the entire thread first. of course this was already posted. it should say "Every time you mention it, SOMEONE will reinstall it and at least two people will post this."
Last time I reinstalled DE, it had all sorts of renderer issues with the later Geforce cards... Have they got a decent driver for it now then?
Yes, they have - I don't have the links on hand but there are revamped OpenGL drivers, and DirectX9 (even DirectX10!) drivers that are community-built, and even support some improved graphics options (better filtering, upsampling, improved reflections, etc). Google should show you the way. If you can't find them, message me and I'll dig them out of my install to see if we can get you running.
Interviews with the leads explaining the cyber-renaissance theme were embarrassing, as is anything as obvious and tired as an Icarus reference for the teaser. Very skeptical.
Woah watch out! Don't tire out that giant brain of yours, buying all those books and making obvious google searches! I bet they google searched up a storm. So much research. They may have skimmed some of the paragraphs of the books they bought. Are you guys sure we're not already living in a cyber-renaissance right now, with these kind of cyber-adept geniuses in our midst?
Spector is working at Junction Point on Epic Mickey for Disney.
I bought the first Deus Ex recently. Turning off my second core with "set affinity" and switching off detail textures so eveything didin't turn green at a certain distance was all it took to get the game run perfectly.
Man, Deus Ex sits proudly (and apparently immovable) atop my list of best games ever made. It'd take 4 hands to count the amount of times I've played through it.
I'm trying not to expect a lot from Deus Ex 3 after the calamity that was Deus Ex 2. That was a crushing disappointment I'd rather not repeat.
Man, Deus Ex sits proudly (and apparently immovable) atop my list of best games ever made. It'd take 4 hands to count the amount of times I've played through it.
I'm trying not to expect a lot from Deus Ex 3 after the calamity that was Deus Ex 2. That was a crushing disappointment I'd rather not repeat.
Trying... but not succeeding very well
I think there is a load of people who says the same thing, I know I'm the same. On my list of top games of the past is System Shock 1+2 (Bioshock, beat it you wannabe), Deus Ex 1 and Thief 1+2. There is more, but these are my favourite firstperson games. They were awesome, and I played them more then any other games. I was hoping for a sequel for System Shock, but Bioshock was a disappointment, and fear the same with XCom (firstperson, wtf?).
I think there is a load of people who says the same thing, I know I'm the same. On my list of top games of the past is System Shock 1+2 (Bioshock, beat it you wannabe), Deus Ex 1 and Thief 1+2. There is more, but these are my favourite firstperson games. They were awesome, and I played them more then any other games. I was hoping for a sequel for System Shock, but Bioshock was a disappointment, and fear the same with XCom (firstperson, wtf?).
Did you ever play Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines?
Very much the same FPS/RPG approach of Deus Ex and System Shock 2, but in a very well fleshed out and realised modern fantasy world. Some of the best voice acting and script/writing I've seen in a game and a great storyline to boot. It's a little buggy (less so with the community patch applied) but if you like those sorts of games, you should love it. It's probably tied for 2nd place in my list of favourites with SS2.
Yeah, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines was fantastic. Probably in my 10 ten as well. Its the buggiest game I ever played, but even that didnt stop it from shining. I went back and played it again recently with all the unofficial patches too and its a much more stable game. Its great.
As for Deus Ex, I think the second one, while a disappointment, was actually still a pretty good game. The gameplay was alright, though worsened a lot by the tiny level sizes and frequent loading. But the atmosphere and setting was fantastic. The story was pretty good as well, though nowhere near the same level as the first.
I hate CG trailers like this, because all you can do is speculate what the gameplay is going to be like. Generally they try to represent to some extent the main features of the game in a short slice format..
Given that, it looks like this game is going very high-action combat-oriented "john woo".. Didn't the devs say they were looking at the first game very closely?
While I'm excited (anything cyberpunk can do that to me), I'm cautiously optimistic.. That trailer doesn't inspire much confidence that the gameplay is anything but modern mainstream killfest.
Hrm. Judging from those screens, I'd say it needs more blue and green tones, all that amber seems too warm and friendly considering the atmosphere I would expect them to go for. Maybe having the interiors use cooler tones while the exteriors stay amber to imply pollution and help the player's sense of zoning and progression. If the whole game has this much amber post to it that could lead to it feeling pretty samey across the campaign, which would be unfortunate.
Other than that it's looking pretty nice, the volumetric light/fog effects do a lot for the mood.
edit: Missed the CG trailer before. I'm not usually one for CG trailers, but this definitely establishes a good cross-section of the game's setting. Great stuff. Seems something of a blend of GITS and Bladerunner, moreso the former. I'm still not feeling the 24/7 amber post process though. That's just not the way you want to go if one of your goals is standing out from games like Killzone 2. That shot Slum posted could be hidden in a gallery of Killzone 2 screens quite easily, just add glowing red eyes. Something more along the lines of the cold PP of the Matrix or the first MGS would seem much more appropriate, but I guess that might not follow the current art direction of "Rembrandt! Rembrandt! Rembrannnnndddddt!"
ack....hope they go a different route than using the 'Christian Bale knock-off'
flat voiceover narration...hearing that through the whole game could get old fast. :poly127:
I think the art for the original Deus Ex was so old/rushed/poor that I'm not sure it had a cohesive art style. More so, is it something that could be leaned on now, in a new, contemporary title, without looking a bit silly.
I'm really loving the new style these guys have pushed into the franchise. I love that it's leaning on anime. I just want to see gameplay to back it up.
And the voice? Don't you remember JC's gravelly, smokes-30-packs-a-day voice acting? Dude wishes he was Bale.
ack....hope they go a different route than using the 'Christian Bale knock-off'
flat voiceover narration...hearing that through the whole game could get old fast. :poly127:
That looks great. I didn't finish the first one, and never played the second, but hopefully this one will be good. I did not like the first one at all, it just felt way too clunky control wise, so it was really hard to get into.
But I like the look, and music, and feel of this trailer. Hopefully that'll come across in the game play as well.
I think the art for the original Deus Ex was so old/rushed/poor that I'm not sure it had a cohesive art style. More so, is it something that could be leaned on now, in a new, contemporary title, without looking a bit silly.
I'm really loving the new style these guys have pushed into the franchise. I love that it's leaning on anime. I just want to see gameplay to back it up.
And the voice? Don't you remember JC's gravelly, smokes-30-packs-a-day voice acting? Dude wishes he was Bale.
I thought the trailer looked awesome. love the style of some of the clothing, the throwback to the renaissance with the big collars and Victorian influences. I thought the music was great and the scifi gadgetry was pretty neat.
some of the vista shots looked really cool. not having played the 1st too really at all I dont have the nostalgia of the past, which for me Im kind of glad. I hope the gameplay/gunplay is solid if its going to be a rpg shooter, i hate floaty shooting where you miss a ton till you level it up.
@slum: depending on ur tactic in the game, DX had moments that looked precisely like that sshot. the fact that they choose to show hot weapons in most shots is something else tho... might just be a PR thing
@glynnsmith: DX had the awesome art of nghia lam, which is pretty big shoes to fill (altho considering the tech is entirely different, and the style is ambiguous, that's irrelevant)
i think the trailer looks awesome. def better than x100 of the trailers u see out there. in fact, it looks insane for a mere trailer, and i think it does so with little pretence. they didnt actually reveal anything coherent that might suggest what u'r gonna go against or what gimmick they're trying to sell. it's just a bunch of really cool stuff that r very well done (imo). the face shaders look a little plastic but ok. for a first trailer from eidos montreal (even tho square-enix made it, i hope EM directed it) and of a sequel to what is arguably the best game ever (not imo), i'll take it. it shows they can deliver, and that's encouraging since they r also working on thief 4. now, please, release some media for that!
anyhow, they said the graphics wont try to go photoreal. i hope they dont go cellshading. somne games just rnt made for that.
Things may have changed now though. Going to keep the info about this game to an absolute minimum, don't wan't anything spoiled :P
which one of them?
You win, its those details that made the game awesome.
and to end this post:
"You mechs may have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain, but I've got nerves of steel."
Oh alright, I'll go back and find out.
Guy's name is Alexander Brandon. Currently credited for music on Both Deus Ex and Deus Ex 3 according to IMDB (which is admittedly not always accurate prior to the release of a title).
In DE1, they were just that... Sun glasses.
But the vibe I get from the new trailer is that theres more to them, maybe even a HUD element. It makes sense that they would turn on/off when he wanted to use a HUD. In real life, I would love to know during combat what somebody is holding, their stats etc, but lets face it havign that on all the time would be a killer when you go shopping heh, so maybe the fact the sun glasses are more advanced in this regard is why they are more on show?
I dunno, just throwing it out there.
But lets put it this way: he scored invisible war, how many songs does anyone remember from that game?
edit: actually, I think one part of the problem is that there's some general idea that melodic themed music for games are bad for gameplay, and that ambient should be everywhere.
deus ex was themed almost all the way through the game.
Well mentality will just have to change! Music in games is one of the most important facets for me to enjoy the experience. Halo and Final Fantasy are some examples of games that have no problem with a recurring background theme and allowing the players to fit into the world. I'm surprised movies don't do it more, the OST to the original animated Transformers is the only soundtrack that if I played a song then I could tell you exactly which moment in the film it was played.
I wish more games would take advantage of the music, it adds so much to it. /offtopic
I found it mind blowing that they spent two full years just trying to decide on the game's art style. It got a bit hard to listen to when he started talking about how they invented this new never before seen clothing style (which turned out to be industrial goth), but it definitely ended up looking good.
The in-game videos they showed were pretty impressive too overall (it was almost hard to believe some of the environments were real time), though the characters felt kind of robotic (uh..not in an augmented way though haha).
If anyone is interested I could post up the notes I took after I organize them.
Various discussions about Thi4f and DX3 over here. It's frequented by Rene, who is a representative for Eidos Montreal.
I really liked the high level concepts too. No clear good or evil, thought provoking elements about society and technology,
Then the world and story changing player choices... quite ahead of their time, and nowadays most people think that Mass Effect was the first to do it well.
But the actual gameplay was a bit too simplified, and the target platform's constraints have severly limited the scope. It also looked kinda ugly compared to other games of that time. So it kinda failed... interested to see where DX3 ends up.
The Deus Ex collection (so both games) are on sale for 5 dollars (!) on Steam.
from these:
Woah watch out! Don't tire out that giant brain of yours, buying all those books and making obvious google searches! I bet they google searched up a storm. So much research. They may have skimmed some of the paragraphs of the books they bought. Are you guys sure we're not already living in a cyber-renaissance right now, with these kind of cyber-adept geniuses in our midst?
edit - whoops. should have read through the entire thread first. of course this was already posted. it should say "Every time you mention it, SOMEONE will reinstall it and at least two people will post this."
Yes, they have - I don't have the links on hand but there are revamped OpenGL drivers, and DirectX9 (even DirectX10!) drivers that are community-built, and even support some improved graphics options (better filtering, upsampling, improved reflections, etc). Google should show you the way. If you can't find them, message me and I'll dig them out of my install to see if we can get you running.
lol. strike-out!
Carefull buying DE in that steam sale. both titles have major problems running on newer multicore computers.
so far as the rendering issues go someone wrote a new renderer for running DE on newer systems
you may also have to affinity mask the executable with imagecfg
I bought the first Deus Ex recently. Turning off my second core with "set affinity" and switching off detail textures so eveything didin't turn green at a certain distance was all it took to get the game run perfectly.
This game looks promising. Seems to have a cut from a different jib. See if it lives up to deus ex 1 though. That game is still super damn good today.
I'm trying not to expect a lot from Deus Ex 3 after the calamity that was Deus Ex 2. That was a crushing disappointment I'd rather not repeat.
Trying... but not succeeding very well
I think there is a load of people who says the same thing, I know I'm the same. On my list of top games of the past is System Shock 1+2 (Bioshock, beat it you wannabe), Deus Ex 1 and Thief 1+2. There is more, but these are my favourite firstperson games. They were awesome, and I played them more then any other games. I was hoping for a sequel for System Shock, but Bioshock was a disappointment, and fear the same with XCom (firstperson, wtf?).
Very much the same FPS/RPG approach of Deus Ex and System Shock 2, but in a very well fleshed out and realised modern fantasy world. Some of the best voice acting and script/writing I've seen in a game and a great storyline to boot. It's a little buggy (less so with the community patch applied) but if you like those sorts of games, you should love it. It's probably tied for 2nd place in my list of favourites with SS2.
As for Deus Ex, I think the second one, while a disappointment, was actually still a pretty good game. The gameplay was alright, though worsened a lot by the tiny level sizes and frequent loading. But the atmosphere and setting was fantastic. The story was pretty good as well, though nowhere near the same level as the first.
Given that, it looks like this game is going very high-action combat-oriented "john woo".. Didn't the devs say they were looking at the first game very closely?
While I'm excited (anything cyberpunk can do that to me), I'm cautiously optimistic.. That trailer doesn't inspire much confidence that the gameplay is anything but modern mainstream killfest.
so rather than this:
it will most likely end up like this:
I'll still wait for the game to be released before I judge the sountrack, since the trailer looks awesome.
Other than that it's looking pretty nice, the volumetric light/fog effects do a lot for the mood.
edit: Missed the CG trailer before. I'm not usually one for CG trailers, but this definitely establishes a good cross-section of the game's setting. Great stuff. Seems something of a blend of GITS and Bladerunner, moreso the former. I'm still not feeling the 24/7 amber post process though. That's just not the way you want to go if one of your goals is standing out from games like Killzone 2. That shot Slum posted could be hidden in a gallery of Killzone 2 screens quite easily, just add glowing red eyes. Something more along the lines of the cold PP of the Matrix or the first MGS would seem much more appropriate, but I guess that might not follow the current art direction of "Rembrandt! Rembrandt! Rembrannnnndddddt!"
Bullshot anyone? Somebody is claiming that shot is *in the game*?
I still don't see Deus Ex in any of these shots. More "Splinter Cell 2120" Confidence is swiftly dissipating...
flat voiceover narration...hearing that through the whole game could get old fast. :poly127:
The new trailer is much better than the first, but still no real gameplay yet.
Maybe their source material is showing a bit too much, though. It starts to look like a "future aesthetic" collage instead of its own universe.
I think the art for the original Deus Ex was so old/rushed/poor that I'm not sure it had a cohesive art style. More so, is it something that could be leaned on now, in a new, contemporary title, without looking a bit silly.
I'm really loving the new style these guys have pushed into the franchise. I love that it's leaning on anime. I just want to see gameplay to back it up.
And the voice? Don't you remember JC's gravelly, smokes-30-packs-a-day voice acting? Dude wishes he was Bale.
Yeah, like deus ex 1. :P
regarding voiceover talent and AAA quality releases.
(but who knows...maybe that's what Square thinks is 'kewl' now for their target
But I like the look, and music, and feel of this trailer. Hopefully that'll come across in the game play as well.
You're right, but those standards aren't relevant anymore.
Deus Ex was always notorious for bad voice acting, but that doesn't give them a free pass. It's still too early to tell, I know, I know.
some of the vista shots looked really cool. not having played the 1st too really at all I dont have the nostalgia of the past, which for me Im kind of glad. I hope the gameplay/gunplay is solid if its going to be a rpg shooter, i hate floaty shooting where you miss a ton till you level it up.
@glynnsmith: DX had the awesome art of nghia lam, which is pretty big shoes to fill (altho considering the tech is entirely different, and the style is ambiguous, that's irrelevant)
i think the trailer looks awesome. def better than x100 of the trailers u see out there. in fact, it looks insane for a mere trailer, and i think it does so with little pretence. they didnt actually reveal anything coherent that might suggest what u'r gonna go against or what gimmick they're trying to sell. it's just a bunch of really cool stuff that r very well done (imo). the face shaders look a little plastic but ok. for a first trailer from eidos montreal (even tho square-enix made it, i hope EM directed it) and of a sequel to what is arguably the best game ever (not imo), i'll take it. it shows they can deliver, and that's encouraging since they r also working on thief 4. now, please, release some media for that!