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Game of Thrones



  • zicoV
    more on Jeyne Westerling (from the books)
    Apparently Tywin had been in cahoots with Jeyne's mother in the books, and she'd been giving her herbs and drinks to stop pregnancy even occuring, and Jaime had given their (Jeyne and her mother) escort instructions to kill them should anybody try to rescue/capture them, and that in order to put any stories of an heir to rest, she was not to meet with other men for two full years.
    Just seems weird that they would end the speculations regarding this by having her killed on screen. Although i guess a knife in the belly is a lot less subtle :)
    Book spoiler:
    Anyway who here thinks they will have the royal wedding in the season finale as a sort of contrast to this weeks episode ?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i bloody hope so!

    i'm hoping the finale goes in this order:
    Castle black opening - Stannis arrives and saves the day - leads on to season 4 with Stannis securing his foothold in the north.

    Jofferys wedding mid

    Tywins bowel movement end
  • zicoV
    i bloody hope so!

    i'm hoping the finale goes in this order:
    Castle black opening - Stannis arrives and saves the day - leads on to season 4 with Stannis securing his foothold in the north.

    Jofferys wedding mid

    Tywins bowel movement end
    Book spoiler:
    I doubt Stannis will show up. He doesnt come into play before the seige from Mance outside the wall and thats after the wildlings who climbed the wall attack castle black. But maybe they will end with Ygritte dying in Jon's arm.

    Also think Daenerys will have some sort of part in this episode since its called "Mhysa" which is what they yunkai call her when she enters the city.

    As for the royal wedding i cant really remember how long after the stuff with Tywin goes down. Is it right after ?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    good point actually, i forgot the siege is a while afterward. okay, revised plan!

    Dany goes into Mereen and frees all the slaves, will send Ser Jorah away for being a traitor and will probably sleep with Dario.

    Jon makes it to Castle Black and holds the defence against the wildlings, although Ygritte died from a random arrow in the book i'm sure they will make her die in his arms in the show, because tv romance.

    Bran will make it to the other castle, Sam will run into the undead rider.
  • vargatom
    Probable time table for the events you're thinking about:
    Jon arrives in Castle Black and alerts people to the wildlings that crossed the Wall
    Davos reads the letter from the Watch, frees Gendry and tells Stannis to go north and help

    siege of Castle Black, girl dies as she actually did in the books, not sure about Tormund
    preparations for the royal wedding

    Joff's wedding
    siege of the Wall starts about here
    Jaime gets home

    4x09 - as usual, the BIG episode
    Tyrion flees from the capital
    Stannis arrives at the Wall

    setups for book 4 and 5 begin
    I also expect the Ironmen to feature heavily with the Kingsmoot and such, and Bran to meet the Children in the last episode or so
  • vargatom
    zicoV wrote: »
    As for the royal wedding i cant really remember how long after the stuff with Tywin goes down. Is it right after ?
    First they lock Tyrion up for a while, and Sansa gets away

    He has a trial, asks for a trial by combat instead

    Obery Martell fights the Mountain

    Then finally Jaime frees his brother and shit happens

    Most logical is at least 3-4 episodes, have the big thing in episode 9 and count back from there. They also have the preparations, the arrival of the dornish men, trouble with Shae and so on.

    Although they may compress these events a bit and get it done earlier as the rest of Book 3 is not enough to fill 9 episodes.
    Or, they may advance other plotlines into Book 4/5 and keep this going slow to have a bunch of big things in 4x09.
  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    I think vargatom's guess season 4 is probably pretty accurate. There's tons of stuff left in book 3--makes sense that it would take the entire next season.
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Please lay off any mention of the books, in fact shouldn't there already be a different thread for them? Comments like `well if you think this.... then....' spoils it even with a hint of what might happen. But still that was an interesting episode, already spoilt by a newspaper 'previewing' what the main jist of the series was going to be like.

    I'd appreciate this too, would be nice if people wrote if the spoiler was about book or the series.
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, go have a separate book-thread or whatever ^^
  • vargatom
    All of the above are book spoilers!
  • Snefer
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    Snefer polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah thats why they shouldnt be here ^^ people are not very good with marking spoilers from the book, and then making the thread kinda useless for people who havent read the books ^^ And considering this thread is about the series originally, I'd prefer if the bookspoilers were superclearly marked, or preferably not here at all :P
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Eh, I look at this thread as a minefield. I come in at my own risk.

    Obviously, we want people to put a spoiler tag on anything book related, but some people are more liberal about that than others.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Been waiting to see the Red Wedding all season. God that was fantastic! But more in that I'm looking forward too it but I really am not because I knew how horrible it would be. As will be what comes next :O
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Snefer wrote: »
    Yeah thats why they shouldnt be here ^^ people are not very good with marking spoilers from the book, and then making the thread kinda useless for people who havent read the books ^^ And considering this thread is about the series originally, I'd prefer if the bookspoilers were superclearly marked, or preferably not here at all :P

    i dunno man, it seemed to have been started by someone who was a fan of the books and was excited it was coming to TV.

    also, i don't give a shit, you're lucky i put spoiler tags around it at all. i raised almost the same argument in the walking dead thread (people discussing current episode without spoiler tags even though EU/UK got the episode almost a week later), and the response i got was "just find somewhere to download it, if you don't like it don't come in this thread".

    so my response to you is: go buy the books, if you don't like it, don't come into this thread.
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    so my response to you is: go buy the books, if you don't like it, don't come into this thread.

    I understand that, but is it really so hard to make a books only thread? Everybody wins that way.
  • zicoV
    I would prefer keeping it all in one thread but then again ive read the books and i do realize how much you can spoil the show for someone who hasnt.
    I will try to make it very clear when i'm posting books spoilers from now on. I advise others to do the same :)
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    So for those who have read the books and are watching through the show now, do you think having read the books hurts or helps your experience watching the show? It seems like the show is doing a good enough point capturing enough of the story that readers aren't horribly disappointed (unlike say, the Walking Dead).

    I'm pretty tempted to read through all of them before next season starts. Seems like it'd make the show flow a lot more easily and explain a great deal more about each person's character.
  • vargatom
    It's a mixed thing...

    Some of the surprises are certainly spoiled, and some of the characterization is different enough to offend some purists, also several characters are merged together into someone else or omitted completely. Several of them are great losses indeed but there's just not enough screen time for them.
    The books also have the opportunity to be a lot richer, the number of characters and plot threads and the wealth of information is amazing (like there's an entire website dedicated to cook all the food Martin describes casually).

    On the other hand the TV show is a bit different in its plotting so there are new things and new surprises even if you've read the books. A lot of the tiny details have extra meaning for those who read the books and the dramatization can make things exciting even if you know what's going to happen.

    I've also found out that some people actually hate the writing and can't even get through the first book, so it's certainly not for everyone. However I personally couldn't stop and lost considerable amounts of sleep until I read the first four books - and then the waiting for A Dance with Dragons began. With the show, you will at least know when to expect your next dose.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    ebagg wrote: »
    So for those who have read the books and are watching through the show now, do you think having read the books hurts or helps your experience watching the show? It seems like the show is doing a good enough point capturing enough of the story that readers aren't horribly disappointed (unlike say, the Walking Dead).

    I'm pretty tempted to read through all of them before next season starts. Seems like it'd make the show flow a lot more easily and explain a great deal more about each person's character.

    Hey ebagg, I LOOOVEEEE the books. I consider the show just "alright." I'm not upset with the things happening in it like I am when shows butcher the source material because it's all pretty accurate. I just think it's not nearly as good.

    My personal opinion, is that if this show existed exactly as it does, and there were no books for it to be based on and legions of book fans, then the show would have been cancelled already.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    J0NNYquid wrote: »
    I understand that, but is it really so hard to make a books only thread? Everybody wins that way.

    here's the thing though,

    i absolutely 100% guarantee that we could get to the end of the final season, and you'd have a shit-ton of tv only guys scratching their heads and asking the book readers about x,y, or z.

    hell, they already do that, because the show doesn't explain things well enough.

    so i think it should all stay under 1 roof.
  • ysalex
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    ysalex interpolator
    Book Spoilers

    I think I've read that book 3 will cover season 3 and only part of season 4.

    If that's the case, my guess is that Jeoff and Tywin will die sometime early/mid season 4, episodes 3-4, is my guess.

    I'm also guessing that the castle black fight original, where Jon gets back in time to warn about the wildlings and they defend CB, will be in th the middle of 3X10, then the major threat where giants riding mammoths and wildlings amass underneath the wall ready to attack will be the final shot, just scores of people marching on from afar, and the Nights Watch knowing that they're coming.

  • almighty_gir
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    If the thread is for the Game of Thrones tv series, wouldn't it make sense that book spoilers belong in the spoiler tags and not in a separate thread? If it has already aired then don't hide it, if it hasn't then use the tags. If you don't want the future revealed, don't highlight the black text.

    They have the preview for the next episode up, so I think its safer to say which events will definitely happen in the next episode
    Such as Sam and Bran meeting up
    , and which they probably don't have time to include (like any more weddings that the show has already announced).
  • ErichWK
  • almighty_gir
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    This is why we can't have nice things. Why do people who read the books feel so damn entitled to give us who haven't a hard time for not reading them. They are two different art forms interpenetrating the same thing, and are both at different chronological points in their storytelling. So there should be two threads.

    Stop being lazy and make two threads, one for the tv show, and one for the books. Look at it this way. If you post up something that's happened in the books, but not the show yet you spoil the show for us, but if you post up what happened in the show, we're all on the same page and enjoying it equally and noone is spoiled on anything as the book readers already knew about it. Why there is such an aggressive divide between the book readers and tv show watchers I'll honestly never know.

    for the record, this thread was created upon the release of the tv show...not the books.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    wester wrote: »
    Why do people who read the books feel so damn entitled to give us who haven't a hard time for not reading them.

    Because watching a show that is being released over the course of several years is not generally seen as being challenging or noteworthy. Reading a series of books that accounts for several thousand pages of material IS considered to be something of an achievement by the standards of modern society.

    Of course, this is more a commentary on the nature of modern literacy than anything relating directly to the Song of Ice and Fire series.

    It's probably a good idea not to use the term "lazy" however. You are, after all, asking someone else to do something for you, that you could easily accomplish yourself. And you are complaining about people who have gone to the troulbe of injesting an enormous amount of literature, while you are just watching along with a passive medium that requires much less imagination.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    So you only read books like game of thrones for the challenge of reading and not the enjoyment of the story, drama and characters? Sounds to me like you do it JUST so you can have merit over people who watch the tv shows. I'm not debating the culture of book readers, or that one requires more imagination than the other. I'm saying to leave book spoilers out of a thread about the tv show. Keep the condescending bantering in your own thread for the books.

    Tv shows are just as legitimate of a source of entertainment and drama as books are. You're comparing apples to oranges here. They're both incredibly dissimilar and in a league of their own. One is a visual medium, and one is an imaginative medium. But to discredit tv shows, the writers, the stories, plots and visual effects and call them lazy, is naive. Yes it is a great achievement to have read the books and you should be proud...but not arrogant about it.

    I'm not going to get into a dick measuring contest about which is more valid.

    anyways. YAY GOT! I love the show! Can't wait to see the next episode!
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    somehow the Walking Dead thread has avoided this issue and the people who have read the comics use spoiler tags and also happily answer the tv series people's questions - all hassle free

    people need to chill out and stop arguing, don't like the possibility of someone not using a spoiler tag then use common sense and don't roam this thread. I have not read the books but I'm able to tell when a sentence is starting to look like a spoiler and that's my cue to stop reading. If I don't catch it well I only have myself to blame.

    KCCO people : )
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    that's just it, for the most part all spoilers have been tagged, it's very rare that they haven't been. but now using tags isn't enough.

    seriously, read the books, or stfu. it's not about any kind of supremacy thing, far from it. but you cannot expect ANY kind of discussion about this show/series to be completely spoiler free.

    the show is largely faithful, largely. but there are still a LOT of gaps that are missing even within the context of the stuff that's been shown already relative to the books. it's stuff you're missing out on, but if we told you it you'd cry spoilers. and that's WRONG.

    what's more, just because i've read the book you'd probably consider anything i say a spoiler, even if all the evidence i present has only come from the show.

    so if i tell you right now, to go and re-watch the show, and tell me who's next to die (because there are more deaths coming... DUH), i wonder if you'd be able to figure it out.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13

    seriously, read the books, or stfu. it's not about any kind of supremacy thing, far from it. but you cannot expect ANY kind of discussion about this show/series to be completely spoiler free.

    So false gir. I actually do expect a thread created for the SHOW, to be spoiler free. You just feel that because you took the time to read the books, that we as watchers of the show have no say in these sorts of things. I wouldn't have an issue with this if the first post on this thread was something about the books, but it's not, it's about the show. You're just feeling entitled, thinking that reading the books gives you some sort of right to be a dick to those who havent.

    I'm pretty fed up with this kind of behavior. I do appreciate that people blackout their spoilers...but there should be absolutely no fucking spoilers on a tv show JUST because the book readers feel compelled to dance around the spoilers. If you want to have a discussion on the game of thrones book, make a new thread called "GOT books".

    The nature of this thread, in its creation was set up for the tv show. I don't want to be scrolling around in this thread because I want to discuss a show that me and many of my fellow polycounters, peers and friends share a love for....to have it spoiled by some jackass who "read the books".
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Love the books, love the show.

    But when it comes to movies/tv series based on those mediums already out there you have to come into every discussion about the material with the potential of spoilers. There is no way around it. The content already is out there and has been for a long time.

    You can just as easily have the show spoiled for you by seeing a "on the next episode of..." before you saw the previous episode. Thats life, if your so concerned about spoilers for something you like, you have to avoid social media, forum discussions and be on the cutting edge of the content. Which in this case is the books.

    Avoid threads like these if your super against spoilers because sadly one or two will slip by even though most people are good about spoiler tagging things.

    Edit: The title of the thread is "Game of Thrones" not "Game of Thrones the TV show" so its not exclusivity about the show at all, its about all of Game of Thrones.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    edit: what he said.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    The first post in the thread is jon snow and how excited they were about the creation of the books into a show. The thread was created for the show in hopes that the book readers wouldnt spoil anything.

    This is an open forum for discussion and there should be some etiquette to what people talk about and common courtesy. If i went to a game of thrones site and bitched about spoilers that would make sense as to why I was out of line.

    It's hillarious to me that all of the people that are saying "quit bitching and read the books" are people who have read the books. You guys are just being dicks, and flaunting the accomplishment of reading the books there is no two ways about it.

    Look it comes down to this simply. What do the book readers have to lose in this thread? Nothing, absolutely nothing. What do the tv fans lose in this thread? They lose the reward of getting to see, feel and hear everything that leads up to the events and robs people of that first hand experience, all because they want to gush to their polycount friends about it. Having this "if you didnt read the books then gtfo and stfu" attitude is just aggressive, straight up fucking mean, and inconsiderate.
  • CandyStripes05
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    CandyStripes05 polycounter lvl 9
    wester wrote: »
    If you want to have a discussion on the game of thrones book, make a new thread called "GOT books".

    When I read this, I knew the following was bound to happen.
    Autocon wrote: »
    The title of the thread is "Game of Thrones" not "Game of Thrones the TV show" so its not exclusivity about the show at all, its about all of Game of Thrones.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    wester wrote: »
    The first post in the thread is jon snow and how excited they were about the creation of the books into a show. The thread was created for the show in hopes that the book readers wouldnt spoil anything.

    This is an open forum for discussion and there should be some etiquette to what people talk about and common courtesy. If i went to a game of thrones site and bitched about spoilers that would make sense as to why I was out of line.

    It's hillarious to me that all of the people that are saying "quit bitching and read the books" are people who have read the books. You guys are just being dicks, and flaunting the accomplishment of reading the books there is no two ways about it.

    Look it comes down to this simply. What do the book readers have to lose in this thread? Nothing, absolutely nothing. What do the tv fans lose in this thread? They lose the reward of getting to see, feel and hear everything that leads up to the events and robs people of that first hand experience, all because they want to gush to their polycount friends about it. Having this "if you didnt read the books then gtfo and stfu" attitude is just aggressive, straight up fucking mean, and inconsiderate.

    sorry, what are we flaunting?

    would you like me to buy you the books?
    would you like me to record myself reading the books for you?
    would you like me to find some other audio tapes of them so you don't have to read?

    the only thing we're "flaunting" is the ability to read, i guess? but since you're here on a text based communications medium, you already know how to read, you're just choosing not to. we're not flaunting anything special, we're not making out we're better than you. you're victimizing yourself and claiming we're the bad guys.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    You're using the fact that you read the books to validate riddling this thread with spoilers. In no universe is posting spoilers ok.

    The main point I'm trying to get you guys to realize is that you have NOTHING to lose by not posting spoilers in this thread, or starting a book thread only...but we "tv watchers" have EVERYTHING to lose with you guys posting spoilers (SPOILER TAGS OR NOT).

    You can paint it in any light that you want, spoilers are dick.... period.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    This thread is not exclusivity about the show, never has been, never will. The birth of this thread was sparked by the start of the show. That is all, it is a thread to discuss, as the title says Game of Thrones.

    Every book spoiler posted in this thread is under a "Spoiler Tag" A spoiler tag means there might be a spoiler there, you read at your own risk. Things happening in the show are not being spoiler tagged for the most part. Seriously, no one cares that you didnt read the books, but if you read a post that is covered by a spoiler tag and something is spoiled for you, too fucking bad. Your the one who read it.

    If you are reading posts that are tagged as spoilers you are making the conscious decision to read something that might be spoiler filled. I will never feel sorry for anyone who dose that. Its your own fault.

    There is no point in segregating the community on a discussion about the same topic, which is Game of Thrones. The people who have read the books have been covering them up with spoiler tags, if you watch the show it should be easy enough to not to hover your mouse over the blacked out text and read whats written.

    Missing out on the ability to discuss the show just because some people dont grasp the concept of a spoiler tag is not our fault its yours. People who read the books are not posting spoilers, they are not spoilers if you cant read them, they are only spoilers if you actively go out of your way to read them.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    About the upcoming season 4.
    House Martell of Dorne is going to begin having a much more visible role in the series. (just as House Tyrell had a much larger role in season 3) I'm looking forward to seeing who they cast as Oberyn Martell. His presence and actions are pivotal to major events, so he will need a really solid actor. Also, the royal wedding is going to be a hoot! More Tyrion, always more Tyrion!
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Season 4 (book 3) Spoilers.
    Nghhhhhhh!! The Red Viper of Dorne is sooo siiiiick. I can't wait to see him fight Gregor. I am also curious how violent they are gonna show Jof's death in Season 4.
  • wester
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    wester polycounter lvl 13
    I havent clicked on a spoiler tag, but some johnny sonovabitch is going to post a spoiler and not put it in tags because he see's everyone else doing it, and doesnt know how to put them in tags.

    The community is already segregated anthony between tv show watchers and book readers of the show. WE are the ones who are missing out on the discussion out of fear of it being spoiled. You bet your ass I'm not coming to this thread anymore, and having to miss out on talking about a show I love because the book fans refuse to just not post up spoilers that I'm scared of somehow accidentally seeing.

    What you guys are doing is taking a guy who is allergic to peanuts, handing him a bowl of grapes and peanuts and saying "hey kid fuck you i'm not alergic to peanuts, just filter through the grapes and hope you dont accidentally eat a peanut". It's not a risk I'm willing to take no matter how well you guys hide the spoilers.

    Wouldnt it be great to have one thread on the books where you guys just gush about the entire series until your hearts content, and then hop over to the tv thread when new episodes come out where you can gush about the translation into tv. This way we have no fear of accidentally hovering our mouse over a spoiler tag, having some new guy post a spoiler and not know how to tag it, and just overall avoiding any of this bullshit.

    Tha'ts all i'm saying on this topic. I've made my point abundantly clear but everyone seems to just not give a fuck and immediately reverts back to the "just read the books then" safety net instead of taking some considerate responsibility.

    *edit: for the record "little johnny sonovabitcH" is a family guy reference and not at all referencing anyone on this thread."
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Season 4 (book 3) Spoilers.
    Nghhhhhhh!! The Red Viper of Dorne is sooo siiiiick. I can't wait to see him fight Gregor. I am also curious how violent they are gonna show Jof's death in Season 4.
    i'd love to see someone like Cliff Simon (Ba'al from SG1) as Oberyn Martel. also, DAT FUCKING DUEL MAN. i hope they dedicate half an episode to the pain inflicted on Clegane
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I wonder if they are gonna cave in Oberyn's face ala Pan's Labrynth.
  • Oniram
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    Oniram polycounter lvl 17
    wester wrote: »
    It's hillarious to me that all of the people that are saying "quit bitching and read the books" are people who have read the books. You guys are just being dicks, and flaunting the accomplishment of reading the books there is no two ways about it.

    being someone who hasnt read the books... quit bitching and read the books. or just dont hover over spoiler tags.
    i told you not to
    i did start reading book 1 last week though. :D
  • joeriv
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    Martin is a sadistic sumbitch lol. He makes me hate, truly hate, some of these characters, but he still manages to humanize them. Cersei/Jaime are perfect examples. Season finale coming up, can't wait.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Autocon wrote: »
    Edit: The title of the thread is "Game of Thrones" not "Game of Thrones the TV show" so its not exclusivity about the show at all, its about all of Game of Thrones.

    Except they're called "a song of ice and fire", when someone talks about game of thrones they talk about either the first book or the tv-series.
  • ikken
    wester wrote: »
    You're using the fact that you read the books to validate riddling this thread with spoilers. In no universe is posting spoilers ok.

    Except that first book is over 13 years old already and Martin is not some 3l1t3 highbrow reading.
    There's no real excuse to be that mad at spoilers if you couldn't handle respective book material between TV series. They seriously give anyone enough time between seasons to read & appreciate the way superior book narrative & much deeper (as if it existed in TV series at all) character development.
    ErichWK wrote: »

    bowing 2 this perfection
  • Brendan
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    Brendan polycounter lvl 8
    ErichWK wrote: »
    Season 4 (book 3) Spoilers.
    I am also curious how violent they are gonna show Jof's death in Season 4.
    As violently, painfully, agonizingly deliciously as possible, hopefully
    . Then that episode will go down in history as being the best most-liked TV show episode ever, perfectly countering S03E09 as the most-hated TV episode ever.

    Hopefully they'll do a better job of finishing this season (3) than last season (2). Season 1 had one of the best endings I've seen; Dany with her dragons in the middle of nowhere and everyone knew the plan was always to take them home with fire and blood - it was a massive game-changer to the story and a fantastic conclusion.
  • zicoV
    Found this yesterday if any books reader would be interested:

    It's a chapter from the winds of winter(book 6) that follows
    and obviously contains spoilers for anyone that hasnt read book 5.
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