Screenshots updated on the first page . I've changed the lighting a little ,postprocess effect and some emmisive materials . Gloomy atmosphere from ut3 version is back ,less bloom .
Your video seems to have it's colors more saturated than in the screenshots. Much better IMO. Some screenshots seem hard to look at, probably because of the awesome amount of detail. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing. It looks great!
Looks excellent. The quality of the texturing and modeling is great and they hold together well.
To make this scene really great I'd put in some small scenes of human habitation. To tell a story of what the inhabitants did before you got there.
for example:
You could put in a small scene with some boxes or a shack, a mattress, with a fire in front, and something cooking on the fire.
I think this would make it better in a way that takes it to the next level. Because then, you're not just making architecture, you're creating a scene. I know a lot of games just don't do this sort of thing so obviously some people must disagree with it.
Everything started from nazi bunny model . When i was watching it another day with some lustmord dark ambient (this music genre is the best for daydreaming :]) in the background ,concept for first building was born :] . It was a factory (baby factory :P). I've got somewhere the whole indoor model without textures . The nazi bunnys were just a simple working drones i(and they still are :P).
After that more smaller ideas for for outdoor stuff came up. Modeled and imported them to UT3 , to see if there's any sense to create something bigger . I liked the results . Factory size was reduced to minimum and i've started to concentrate all my work on outdoors .
There was no preprocess . Only a mix of different ideas merging in time into one.
BTW. sorry for my grammar :] . Still learning :> .
Just out curiosity, how long did this take you?! I see stuff like this, and it makes my head spin, lol. I look at this project and wonder how one person can fit so many things into a scene and not devote their life to it. I honestly think this would take me years to do. Amazing stuff, no doubt.
Little update on first page :] . Trying to make this map less noisy / heavy ,added some new assets ,changed a little lighting and some of the materials .
I'm jealous, this is stupid good, an all around great package made by one dude, very impressive. I think the swastikas and baby heads bring the scene down though. It's so unique in its own right, it doesn't feel like it needs to rely on cultural icons, i kinda feel like the environment deserves its own symbols and such. Just my opinion, keep rocking.
I've got nothing to offer, this is a stunning masterpiece you've created. There was a shot about half way where you paused; it had such perfect lighting and composition it looked like a detailed painting.
You're my hero!
5K the main model ,Balconies about 1300triangles per balcony :] . Its not a big problems for todays PC's (Even on my laptop with just gf 8800m gtx with a performance of a desktop 9600gt/8800gt card) ;] but just in case LOD meshes are also created :} .
This is awesome, so inspirational! One of the best UDK environments I've ever seen. Hell, one of the best I've ever seen overall! Definitely save it for future reference.
You know what I checked this thread out a while ago and I dont know if I ever said this but you sir our bad ass. Really the amount of work, size of the environment and overall quality is insane and by one person only...what else can be said.
Awsome Environment is Awsome; And that fine touch with Nazi Bunny made it Epic...<.< Keep up the good work!. I am still waiting for the time when you will post the video of the game play.
very nice hydzior. i'd like to know is it pretty much 100% is there any bsp at all? many assets do u just apply materials to or is everything individuall unwrapped and textured... thanks man
its just fantastic. sort of almost reminds me of ff7 midgar with less neon lights
No bsp . Biggest assets of buildings in background and smaller one except the towers are using general use materials . Towers (except the roof element) and smaller assets are using individuall uvwrapped materials .
How long has all of this taken you, hydzior? And what is your workflow like? I can't possibly believe you're hand-authoring hi poly source for all of these objects and baking, that's beyond human. Are you generating normals for some / all of this from grayscale heightmaps?
Screens with less bloom and other fixes soon . Need to finish two assets that i want to put on this scene before uploading anything .
keep going, this is very inspiring.
Also agree that the video was a litlle bit creepy but really cool! Gives you a nice feel about the whole setting
To make this scene really great I'd put in some small scenes of human habitation. To tell a story of what the inhabitants did before you got there.
for example:
You could put in a small scene with some boxes or a shack, a mattress, with a fire in front, and something cooking on the fire.
I think this would make it better in a way that takes it to the next level. Because then, you're not just making architecture, you're creating a scene. I know a lot of games just don't do this sort of thing so obviously some people must disagree with it.
1740 tris ,1 day of work .
I would love to see your thought process and the way you went through with it as this is highly inspiring.
After that more smaller ideas for for outdoor stuff came up. Modeled and imported them to UT3 , to see if there's any sense to create something bigger . I liked the results . Factory size was reduced to minimum and i've started to concentrate all my work on outdoors .
There was no preprocess . Only a mix of different ideas merging in time into one.
BTW. sorry for my grammar :] . Still learning :> .
New you tube video test now on UDK .
A question though: are you planning on populating the environment with mobs and characters and video shoot the game play? That would be amazing.
nice idea, been enjoying this thread
You're my hero!
Promoted to Husarz
Heres' the new prototype :]
Keep up the good work!!
its just fantastic. sort of almost reminds me of ff7 midgar with less neon lights
How long has all of this taken you, hydzior? And what is your workflow like? I can't possibly believe you're hand-authoring hi poly source for all of these objects and baking, that's beyond human. Are you generating normals for some / all of this from grayscale heightmaps?