As someone who is trying to learn I really appreciate your paintings with the animations of progression beneath them. Those are really helpful, and they kind of bring these paintings down to earth in a good way! Everything looks great!
Someone's going ballistic! Nice stuff lately! The only thing to mention would be the gloves of the hacker, they look totally generic. I do not know what they are supposed to be for, they do not communicate any use.
Wow, It's awesome to see how you've progressed over the years. Wish I could get that level of perseverance! Also, love the character studies you've been doing recently.
You have exploded in skill in the last few months man. Loving your recent stuff, and had other art friends show it to me and say they're loving it too!
Making it hard for the rest of the would be concept artists still studying at AiP :P
More robbits.
I wanna see some colors soon!:D
1.5 hours
keep it up
Thanks Joseph and sandalwud! It means a lot
Nice material on blade number 3. Also like the recent shrouded girl!