From the list provided by Shan on Reddit, I'd say... Gandara, Desolation or Petrified Forest? Not entirely sure as can't see the available realm list yet XD
So, say I pre-order tonight or something, can I still get in the beta, or not?
From the Guild Wars 2 Facebook page:
We have sold out of keys for digital distribution in North America. GameStop and Best Buy still have stock available.
We limit sales to ensure we have enough capacity for our customers. We're likely to have capacity available after the initial crunch at the start of the weekend. Players who purchase when we're able to resume digital sales at will still be able to play for the remainder of the weekend. ~RB2
So go for it and you can probably get in this weekend sometime!
I was able to log on just fine with my gf's account.. who's code we got from PAX as well. I also got a 'confirmation' email saying my account was ready to play today. It just won't work
Logged in, created a character (which btw got resetted half way through for some reason), hit play and after the intro sequence it never realy let me in. Now I'm desperately trying to log in.
Anyone got something like that?
So the only way to get into beta is pre-purchase or get randomly selected?
I signed up a long time ago but never got in Wanted to try it out as I've never played GW1 but it looks pretty damn fun. And after playing the lackluster Diablo3 beta I think I'm lookin for a new game.
So what's the word, dudes? How did you like your weekend of playing? I just got back from Vancouver so I only played while I was at work friday morning.
So what's the word, dudes? How did you like your weekend of playing? I just got back from Vancouver so I only played while I was at work friday morning.
I'm loving it, it's the first MMO in a LONG time that doesn't feel like a wow clone in some way.
One suggestion: Have new characters start with both a ranged and melee weapon, I had multiple times during events where going in to melee range was death and I found myself just dying over and over.
I thought it was quite fun. A lot of really great decisions were made and I appreciated how different it felt from other games in the genre. Well done. The hair was awesome, too.
The above screenshot is why I will now be buying this game. I have been trying to avoid new multiplayer games but what the hell this does seem like something that can be more rewarding than just dinging and loot drops [visual stimulation].
The above screenshot is why I will now be buying this game. I have been trying to avoid new multiplayer games but what the hell this does seem like something that can be more rewarding than just dinging and loot drops [visual stimulation].
True I actually had mixed feelings about it (will probably get a few people shaking their heads but here goes). The art was awesome and had a lot of fun playing warrior and Engineer as well as Mesmer, but had a few gripes - kinda found the dynamic events a bit too much of a clusterf**k to see what was going on XD
Also more a fan of the 'Holy Trinity' type groups where some people have the responsibility of keeping others alive... and kinda sucked you were only able to join dungeons as low as level 30 Didn't get a chance to try the PvP but more of PvE fan anyways. All in all was pretty good though and races/profs were really diverse
EDIT: Give Engi ability to swap weapon kits during Combat, pwease
I've always been impressed by how well GW1 has aged. It's 7 years old now and still beautiful. I don't think there's enough I can say about the art in GW2. The direction is beautiful and there's a definite style and character to the whole thing that I enjoy. I'm pretty jaded on generic fantasy, and I love to see something fresh
The best part of the weekend though was when a friend led me through the Black Citadel (I played Norn, because Charr are my favorite and I want to save them for release). He had found an npc named after me :poly136:
I had a lot of fun playing the beta! The questing is pretty intuitive and its basically a really well thought out traditional mmo formula.
I would say the only thing that bothered me was the characters movement felt a little floaty, mainly when going from still to movement/changing direction. Other than that such a gorgeous game
If only I didn't have three deadlines and 5 exams coming up ;'S
At the end of may you'll have me.
A quick question, what will be the payment model? I'm not sure how it works and compares to other MMO's and i couldn't find anything concrete on the site so anyone like to fill me in before i find some nasty charges? I know there insnt a monthly fee, so DLC and unlocking new areas. Then pay to level up and buy weapons with cash... Anything like that?
Lazerus - You pay for the game. There's also an in-game shop that uses Gems. You can buy gems with real-world cash but you can also buy gems with in-game gold. The exchange rate of gems to gold fluctuates based on supply and demand, while the price of gems for real-world money will remain constant. In the gem store you can buy things like extra storage, character slots, costumes, temporary exp and crafting boosts along with one-time use fetch and carry golems for yourself or party members. You also use gems to transfer to a different home world.
During this last beta they gave us 2,000 free gems to use for whatever. I think the cost to transfer to a different home world is 1,800 gems, so it was also a way to switch servers during the weekend if you made a mistake.
I don't know if there's a way to transfer gems to cash (a'la D3's auction house), but I don't think so.
If you're looking for an EU server I recommend Petrified Forest, as I posted before... met a lot of pretty cool people on it when I played over the weekend
We tried to get on Yak's Bend and Darkhaven but they both ended up full my friends and I wound up on Eternal Grove. I decided to play a class I would never play otherwise, since I knew warrior would be perfect for me. I found the ranger to be fun as hell. Definitely the master of kiting enemies for days.
Thanks for the info about the game guys, I have been stoked for this for years, mostly because of the art direction. But the game just looks fun too. Can't wait.
I was kind of excited about this game before, but after this beta weekend I keep passing out because all the blood will periodically rush to my dick.
Shanthosa, thanks for this, you made me wake my gf up from a deep slumber with copious amounts of high pitched laughter. I probably would have spit milk all over my dog too, if I had been drinking milk and if I had a dog.
I only got to play for a few hours during the beta event, but I had a very enjoyable time while I was at it. Having never played MMOs (aside from a few hours of the first GW and less than an hour of WoW), it was an interesting experience.
Funny enough, I actually had the must fun when I was simply exploring and finding all the different waypoints and points of interest. I absolutely loved exploring Lion's Arch; climbing up the cliffs to the diving board and jumping off felt like I was finding something nobody else knew about, though that's probably because Lion's Arch wasn't very highly populated at the time I was playing.
I actually leveled two or three times just from exploring alone.
I've been wondering. In the release version, will PvP be auto-levelled to 80 all the time? Will everyone have the same gear and same setups as everyone else? I'm assuming it was for the beta only, but if it's like that for release, that shit will drive me bonkers.
SWTOR had people auto-levelled to max level as well (albeit only stat upgrades, not gear) and it sucked. Royally.
I'm hoping that PvP will be bracketed. Anyone have any info on that regard?
I think I read that people would level to 80, but not their gear (and you can get gear from PvP). So people who work on their characters more will still have the upper hand over people who have been buffed up. Basically so everyone can be involved and still actually do something.
PvP has two formats, structured PvP, meaning even teams on specific maps, and then WvW. Both buff your stats to 80, but in structured pvp you also automatically have access to top-end armor and all the skills and traits.
PvP has two formats, structured PvP, meaning even teams on specific maps, and then WvW. Both buff your stats to 80, but in structured pvp you also automatically have access to top-end armor and all the skills and traits.
As I understand it, even PvE zones scale your character level. In other words, returning to an area that is meant for level 10 folk at lvl 40 will downscale your character to the appropriate level/rank. I remember hearing about it in some gameplay video, though someone feel free to correct me if I'm off my rocker.
It's what most competitive PVPers want because providing everyone with all their top quality gear levels the playing field so that people who simply got better drops or grinded longer don't have an advantage over those who didn't.
Blizzard did the same thing for all of their tournaments by creating the arena server where everyone could make max level characters and get every gem/enchant/item from the vendors.
It may not perfectly fit into the character building dynamic of the typical MMO but it's good for gameplay.
At the same time, sucks for the people that got better drops and grinded longer Out of curiosity, what profs did you guys play the most? I was running with Engineer/Warrior mostly, guardian was fun too. Good thing about Engi is you can keep attacking while on the move, making it a pretty agile class to play... would be good to see how they do in PvP when the next beta weekend arrives.
It's what most competitive PVPers want because providing everyone with all their top quality gear levels the playing field so that people who simply got better drops or grinded longer don't have an advantage over those who didn't.
Blizzard did the same thing for all of their tournaments by creating the arena server where everyone could make max level characters and get every gem/enchant/item from the vendors.
It may not perfectly fit into the character building dynamic of the typical MMO but it's good for gameplay.
when a game is focused around pvp, you need to remember that it's pvp. player vs player, not player vs gear, or player vs time, or player vs luck.
with that in mind it makes perfect sense that in a pvp focused game they try to level the playing field as much as possible. it's why games like Rift, and SWTOR bombed (!!!in the pvp department!!!), because they're pve based games that felt compelled to introduce vertical progression into pvp, and even introduce "pvp stats" which don't even provide the intended function. the outcry against it was and is huge.
pvp stats in particular are flawed by design: only endgame gear (although rift recently changed this) has pvp stats, the stat is there to ensure that "pvp players" aren't at a disadvantage to hardcore raiders who's gear has superior stats.
in reality what happened, was that anyone who just hit max level, is then dealing far less damage to people who've been there a while, while taking far more damage in return.
the stats therefor don't perform their intended function, and instead act as a barrier for entry for new players. it makes it an unfair and uneven challenge for people who just enjoy pvp. essentially turning the game into haves vs have nots.
so when a game comes along that gets rid of it all together, or as much as possible, that's a pretty huge deal. if you want to grind for shiny shinys, GW2 might not be the game for you, and that's cool. you still have WoW, Rift, SWTOR... hell, just about any game based on the old system.
but don't bitch and moan when a pvp game comes out that encourages fair and even fights all the time, where the only reason you're going to lose is because the other guy is better than you. sure, it might be hard to stomach that you're not the best... but for me that just encourages me to go out and kick some more ass and get better.
From the list provided by Shan on Reddit, I'd say... Gandara, Desolation or Petrified Forest? Not entirely sure as can't see the available realm list yet XD
EDIT: Decided to go on Petrified Forest, low pop
Note to all you nerds: you should log in now. It's open.
From the Guild Wars 2 Facebook page:
So go for it and you can probably get in this weekend sometime!
what the hell joe
I'm dying to play, been waiting to long, why does it lie to me
Anyone got something like that?
CTRL + Shift + H
Most of them are those of dueling/sieges/warzones which two factions go head to head, I would like to see some good partying in a normal PVE.
Awesome, thanks.
I signed up a long time ago but never got in
I'm loving it, it's the first MMO in a LONG time that doesn't feel like a wow clone in some way.
One suggestion: Have new characters start with both a ranged and melee weapon, I had multiple times during events where going in to melee range was death and I found myself just dying over and over.
Favorite classes so far are guardian and mesmer.
Also the art is amazing
Anything in particular you liked about the art?
go check the rest of them out.
log on
go to the mists
faceroll baddies all day
log off
True I actually had mixed feelings about it (will probably get a few people shaking their heads but here goes). The art was awesome and had a lot of fun playing warrior and Engineer as well as Mesmer, but had a few gripes - kinda found the dynamic events a bit too much of a clusterf**k to see what was going on XD
Also more a fan of the 'Holy Trinity' type groups where some people have the responsibility of keeping others alive... and kinda sucked you were only able to join dungeons as low as level 30
EDIT: Give Engi ability to swap weapon kits during Combat, pwease
The best part of the weekend though was when a friend led me through the Black Citadel (I played Norn, because Charr are my favorite and I want to save them for release). He had found an npc named after me :poly136:
I would say the only thing that bothered me was the characters movement felt a little floaty, mainly when going from still to movement/changing direction. Other than that such a gorgeous game
If only I didn't have three deadlines and 5 exams coming up ;'S
At the end of may you'll have me.
A quick question, what will be the payment model? I'm not sure how it works and compares to other MMO's and i couldn't find anything concrete on the site so anyone like to fill me in before i find some nasty charges? I know there insnt a monthly fee, so DLC and unlocking new areas. Then pay to level up and buy weapons with cash... Anything like that?
During this last beta they gave us 2,000 free gems to use for whatever. I think the cost to transfer to a different home world is 1,800 gems, so it was also a way to switch servers during the weekend if you made a mistake.
I don't know if there's a way to transfer gems to cash (a'la D3's auction house), but I don't think so.
Some info i found on world transfers if anyone else is interested;
Le world list
We should claim a server in the name of Lord Greentooth.
Shanthosa, thanks for this, you made me wake my gf up from a deep slumber with copious amounts of high pitched laughter. I probably would have spit milk all over my dog too, if I had been drinking milk and if I had a dog.
Funny enough, I actually had the must fun when I was simply exploring and finding all the different waypoints and points of interest. I absolutely loved exploring Lion's Arch; climbing up the cliffs to the diving board and jumping off felt like I was finding something nobody else knew about, though that's probably because Lion's Arch wasn't very highly populated at the time I was playing.
I actually leveled two or three times just from exploring alone.
just let us know when the next beta weekend is, i'm craving some more WvWvW :P
SWTOR had people auto-levelled to max level as well (albeit only stat upgrades, not gear) and it sucked. Royally.
I'm hoping that PvP will be bracketed. Anyone have any info on that regard?
So yeah, I honestly would be surprised if something like that happened.
That... that fucking sucks balls.
As I understand it, even PvE zones scale your character level. In other words, returning to an area that is meant for level 10 folk at lvl 40 will downscale your character to the appropriate level/rank. I remember hearing about it in some gameplay video, though someone feel free to correct me if I'm off my rocker.
Blizzard did the same thing for all of their tournaments by creating the arena server where everyone could make max level characters and get every gem/enchant/item from the vendors.
It may not perfectly fit into the character building dynamic of the typical MMO but it's good for gameplay.
when a game is focused around pvp, you need to remember that it's pvp. player vs player, not player vs gear, or player vs time, or player vs luck.
with that in mind it makes perfect sense that in a pvp focused game they try to level the playing field as much as possible. it's why games like Rift, and SWTOR bombed (!!!in the pvp department!!!), because they're pve based games that felt compelled to introduce vertical progression into pvp, and even introduce "pvp stats" which don't even provide the intended function. the outcry against it was and is huge.
pvp stats in particular are flawed by design: only endgame gear (although rift recently changed this) has pvp stats, the stat is there to ensure that "pvp players" aren't at a disadvantage to hardcore raiders who's gear has superior stats.
in reality what happened, was that anyone who just hit max level, is then dealing far less damage to people who've been there a while, while taking far more damage in return.
the stats therefor don't perform their intended function, and instead act as a barrier for entry for new players. it makes it an unfair and uneven challenge for people who just enjoy pvp. essentially turning the game into haves vs have nots.
so when a game comes along that gets rid of it all together, or as much as possible, that's a pretty huge deal. if you want to grind for shiny shinys, GW2 might not be the game for you, and that's cool. you still have WoW, Rift, SWTOR... hell, just about any game based on the old system.
but don't bitch and moan when a pvp game comes out that encourages fair and even fights all the time, where the only reason you're going to lose is because the other guy is better than you. sure, it might be hard to stomach that you're not the best... but for me that just encourages me to go out and kick some more ass and get better.