I loved the hell out of GW and I'm planning to sell my worldly possessions, stock up on cheap ramen, lock myself indoors and do nothing but play GW2 until the servers die.
Always thought the art was incredible but wasn't a big guild wars fan, this video changed my mind for the sequel. Definitely looking forward to this one now.
Ahhh that video is awesome. I didn't get a chance to play Guild Wars 1 too much but I'm a huge fan of the art style and the design of it all both esthetically and technically.
No monthly fees? This means I can actually work AND play a game sparingly in an online community without feeling like I'm wasting 15 bucks a month, or need to plan out my time-panel for the Time-Cards for a raid?
yea this game looks sick. guild wars was really the 1st mmo experience I had back in the day and I was hooked on the world of the 1st one right off the bat. super awesome.
Wonder how long the queue's to get onto a server will be when this game launches, for Aion when that was released queue's were sometimes three hours if not more.
Looks like there's some serious anticipation surrounding this game. Not surprised! Looks amazing. I will be picking it up. just hope the release doesn't get significantly delayed....
I just want them to announce the mesmer (or a renamed equivalent). If I can have that, I'll be happy.
Same, if they announce them I will pre-order this thing as soon as it's allowed, if they don't then I'm not sure how I'll feel about it. There are pretty strong rumors with evidence to support that they may be the last profession.
Hey guys. We put up a new video for the gamescom/pax trade shows. It's gonna be playing on the big screens at our booths. I did a bunch of shit in this one too. The dragon, a couple golems, a minotaur, the giant at the end. Anyway. I think this looks shit hot and I hope you guys like it! So stoked we get to do our trailers in house. Horia's team just KILLS it.
Hey guys. We put up a new video for the gamescom/pax trade shows. It's gonna be playing on the big screens at our booths. I did a bunch of shit in this one too. The dragon, a couple golems, a minotaur, the giant at the end. Anyway. I think this looks shit hot and I hope you guys like it! So stoked we get to do our trailers in house. Horia's team just KILLS it.
I've been tricked, saw the thread title and went to the Guild Wars 2 main webpage thinking "FINALLY! The mesmer's been announced! ...page is loading...The banner's changed! ...wait, new trailer? Well...that...but..."
Haha, that being said, the trailer was incredibly cool - I'm still amazed to be getting all that without paying monthly.
the character art in this is effin delicious. so much fresh design and color....gurgle
But we need browns and greys to make the bloodstains stand out! Where's the waist-high walls? Gah! Too much stimulation! I'm starting to use my imagination again!
wow, i really cant wait i played the hell out of guild wars this is going to be amazing stoofoo when you going to post some of your stuff i am sure some has been seen in trailers i really wish i could get a date for it though ill request a week off.
Oh man, the part where the dragon comes out of the water. The effect of the water following him is just incredible. I'd love to know how that one was done.
Overall just really impressive. I don't have time for MMOs these days, but I'll definitely at least check this one out when it comes out. Which is when by the way? Have they said?
According to to the tweet, the full reveal of the Mesmer was slated for Wednesday, but the CMs said that "someone jumped the gun" and let the information slip earlier than desired. Apparently GameReactor Denmark jumped the embargo and posted a video about the reveal (the video has since been removed from the site).
I preordered GW2 last year via gamestop / Ebgames. I wish there was a way to cancel and pre-book it on steam. But I wont get a hard copy for my collection so I suppose I'll wait...
I will try it, lets see if they still have my pre-ordered product transaction number since I made it a very long time ago, and the sales rep lady was giving me such a hard time because she messed up the transaction, so she didnt give me any receipt, but I went there couple of times after that to check if there is a GW 2 collectors pre-ordered under my account, and she said it is, and that, she couldnt give me the receipt still because there was something wrong with her system. I finally gave up and asked her for a better solution and said that I should bring a copy of my passport with me when I go to pick up the copy of the game.
I mean I like the EB game trading system and have been buying console games from them and some pc games ever since I owned a ps1 and pc, but sometimes some EB game sales reps can be such a racist douche bags who make you realize where you stand in the entire Canadian community..
......On second thought....I'll just wait for the GW2collectors to come out. Its just one thing that I have to pick up from there so I'll have this bitter swallow and pick it up upon release. It also sounds like that I am stuck with it.
I hope they call when my copy is there, otherwise I will be filing two complains to EBgames. One for racist sales rep's douche baggery , and the second one for not getting my copy of the game.
Also, eb games is a part of gamestop, take heed in every kind of way.
Lets not start discussing that, which will derail the subject from its main course.
That "Incident" happened to me about a year and a half ago. I've never been to any EBgames' branch ever since. I either order online from Steam for PC games, or EBgames.ca for PS3 games, and some pc games that are not offered on Steam.
I just want to be over with the transaction since she couldnt cancel it, or try several times to see if I get someone who can actually know how to cancel the pre-order from the system.
Anyways lets get back to the topic shall we?
If you like I can pm you and give you the details of the incident.
Mesmer looks awesome. Also I liked what they did with the "illusion" on the main GW2 homepage, haha.
It's rare that an MMO comes out and I'm actually having trouble deciding between multiple professions, but I think it's very likely I'll be rolling a mesmer first. :thumbup:
Or something like that.
Color me interested like a Lion in mating season.
If you have Eye of the North, it does indeed give you some in-game items based on your GW1 accomplishments.
I'm REALLY looking forward to this as well, though if it comes out before I graduate I think I'm screwed.
Holy fuck cakes.
Same, if they announce them I will pre-order this thing as soon as it's allowed, if they don't then I'm not sure how I'll feel about it. There are pretty strong rumors with evidence to support that they may be the last profession.
pretty in-game cinematic
Still only slightly interested in this title, but it sure is doing an awesome PR job. Even has fans making awesome trailers now.
Hey guys. We put up a new video for the gamescom/pax trade shows. It's gonna be playing on the big screens at our booths. I did a bunch of shit in this one too. The dragon, a couple golems, a minotaur, the giant at the end. Anyway. I think this looks shit hot and I hope you guys like it! So stoked we get to do our trailers in house. Horia's team just KILLS it.
I came. Absolutely epic work.
Haha, that being said, the trailer was incredibly cool - I'm still amazed to be getting all that without paying monthly.
(...seriously though, announce the damn mesmers.)
vvvvvvvvvvvvvit. Come play it. We'll get some russian water and i can punch you in the sternum this time. K? K.
But we need browns and greys to make the bloodstains stand out! Where's the waist-high walls? Gah! Too much stimulation! I'm starting to use my imagination again!
This, this a 1000 times this. Announce the mesmers and then all you have to do is direct me to where I have to go in order to preorder.
some really inventive creature designs in there, i *love* those fire dog guys. watched that part at least 3 times
Overall just really impressive. I don't have time for MMOs these days, but I'll definitely at least check this one out when it comes out. Which is when by the way? Have they said?
Apparently the "official reveal" is coming Wednesday.
Very much wanting Wednesday to get here.
Its 2 cities away from where I live now...I'll see if I can book a collectors copy on the EBgames.ca and cancel from the that other Ebgame shop. =\
I mean I like the EB game trading system and have been buying console games from them and some pc games ever since I owned a ps1 and pc, but sometimes some EB game sales reps can be such a racist douche bags who make you realize where you stand in the entire Canadian community..
......On second thought....I'll just wait for the GW2collectors to come out. Its just one thing that I have to pick up from there so I'll have this bitter swallow and pick it up upon release. It also sounds like that I am stuck with it.
I hope they call when my copy is there, otherwise I will be filing two complains to EBgames. One for racist sales rep's douche baggery , and the second one for not getting my copy of the game.
Lets see...
Also, eb games is a part of gamestop, take heed in every kind of way.
Lets not start discussing that, which will derail the subject from its main course.
That "Incident" happened to me about a year and a half ago. I've never been to any EBgames' branch ever since. I either order online from Steam for PC games, or EBgames.ca for PS3 games, and some pc games that are not offered on Steam.
I just want to be over with the transaction since she couldnt cancel it, or try several times to see if I get someone who can actually know how to cancel the pre-order from the system.
Anyways lets get back to the topic shall we?
If you like I can pm you and give you the details of the incident.
Mesmer looks awesome. Also I liked what they did with the "illusion" on the main GW2 homepage, haha.
It's rare that an MMO comes out and I'm actually having trouble deciding between multiple professions, but I think it's very likely I'll be rolling a mesmer first. :thumbup: