man, I ordered the GW2 art book and had it delivered to my office. except they messed up the suite number so the guy left it by the guard by the lobby, and whadayaknow, the guard says he never signed for anything. im still pissed.
they dropped some more knowledge today on the combat system. Getting stoked. The more they talk about the game the more excited I get about working on it. Up until now it's just been a lot of pretty pictures, now people are starting to hear where we are going with it. Is nioiiicieee
Just got my Art Book yesterday and looked/read through it all in an hour! Was awesome! It's one of the highest quality art books I've ever seen, both art wise and the general quality of the book (Paper, ink, layout). Can't wait for the game to come out!
There are a few creatures I can post now, but i have not been paying a lot of attention. I'll prolly post a couple today if i get a chance to get shots
I'm not new to the MMORPG genre. I have heard all these promises before, and I've heard enough empty hype to last me a life time. I think Arenanet is wielding some powerful ideas and some talented artists... But I'll believe it when I play it.
Love what you're doing for your LOD/Atmospheric effects. The depth of field is pretty hot.
Game is looking good nice use of color and that city was spectacular.
To be perfectly honest though I'm not really seeing a painterly/illustrative look. Don't get me wrong game looks great, but I'm having trouble seeing that connection.
There are a few creatures I can post now, but i have not been paying a lot of attention. I'll prolly post a couple today if i get a chance to get shots
Well put together trailer with fancy camera angles with some nice stuff here and there. Gonna be interesting to see how it plays.
Other than that I'm curious, I never believe the whole "We dun wanna be like all the other mmos derp derp!"-talk since every mmo-dev says exactly that. At the moment I'm not pantswettingly excited though. Really sweet art though.
Well put together trailer with fancy camera angles with some nice stuff here and there. Gonna be interesting to see how it plays.
Other than that I'm curious, I never believe the whole "We dun wanna be like all the other mmos derp derp!"-talk since every mmo-dev says exactly that. At the moment I'm not pantswettingly excited though. Really sweet art though.
I'm the same the amount of mmos that have been shite, derivatives, promise the earth, and hype to hell then reveal the shite is endemic.
But have you read their blog?, they appear to have approached the problem with some analytical thought(which is incredibly rare in game development). Wether or not it will work out in the end is another matter, but I am hopeful.
Not gonna lie. It's hard to love a game for how it plays when you work on it from such an early rough stage. That said, GW2 is pretty fiery good right now. I'm really stoked to have people outside the studio play it next week. Any of you guys going to be at gamescom? I'll harass you in game if you play.
Not gonna lie. It's hard to love a game for how it plays when you work on it from such an early rough stage. That said, GW2 is pretty fiery good right now. I'm really stoked to have people outside the studio play it next week. Any of you guys going to be at gamescom? I'll harass you in game if you play.
lol...I'll save the fun for open beta or a chance for a glance at the content a week before the official release.
I'd suggest this idea for GW2 release but meh...its just me.
lol and wow...did you guys see that GW1 and its expensions are popular again, just because GW2 is coming out
So right now it's 1:40 am and I am at work playing overnight to support the gamescon demo. I'm pretty stoked to hear what people think of it. But in the meantime..
The demo showed Guild Wars 2 is capable of fulfilling the promises it made -- at least, at the start and somewhere in the middle. If the full release can sustain what the demo showed, World of Warcraft may finally have a run for its money.
From what I could understand, Guildwars does not concentrate on the jobs and item grinding. They stick to the missions, storylines and pvps, and maybe small quests that you do on the side.
Where as, World of Warcraft highly relies on the farming (Gold farming, and material farming for your talents), Raid Instences for good gear, and instences, and pvp. Just like any other mmorpg you will find on <.<
The only reason why WOW is still alive is because they know that their game will die anyday just like Warhammer Online, and they are determined to release an expension of wow every year to keep their fund flowing.
Now I hope they are true to their words about GW2.
I want to see how they've adjusted PVP, GVG was great I always wanted Anet to create a smaller scale version of that as it was tricky getting 8 people online for an organised GVG session.
Also playing balanced builds required time and practice in order to get good at them I liked the fact that there were many ways to interpret battle strategies/ tactics in PVP such as spike builds , Iway alongside the conventional balanced builds.
Hope you all play it-- fantasy or not. I'm mad proud and hope you all want to high five all the rad people who have been dumping their amazing creativity into this game.
Nitwalkr: sadly i did not follow what you were saying! I think WoW is doing pretty marvelously not because they know it's dying but because, well, it's a good game. It's not my style, but it's incredibly well done even if not mind blowing and new.
Hope you all play it-- fantasy or not. I'm mad proud and hope you all want to high five all the rad people who have been dumping their amazing creativity into this game.
Nitwalkr: sadly i did not follow what you were saying! I think WoW is doing pretty marvelously not because they know it's dying but because, well, it's a good game. It's not my style, but it's incredibly well done even if not mind blowing and new.
I was talking about how everyone thinks that WOW will die if some new mmorpg comes out, though their words may come true anytime, they ignore the major and simple concept. Its Activision Blizzard giving priority to only one game and producing same thing every time based on the original content of wow. They ignore the way Blizzard works in terms of making their one mmo rpg, which isn't soo great yet popular because there is always an upgrade for it to keep the game running.
Basically WOW doesn't have anything new which would grab one's sight and be impressed (except for the cinematic) , but everything that other mmo rpgs have done their best at, you will find them in wow. Take other 2 good mmos, compare and you will see slight to no difference. The only reason, WOW wins the race every time, is because they come up with new expansion for it every year.
If your well-done means "repeating the process and creating the same game contents over and over, pay no attention to fixing the issue with pvp not being balanced, and lets not forget the graphics." than sure! Blizzard is doing pretty well at that.
I am a big fan of WOW, War hammer, and Guild Wars.
At least I am? Ahaha.
Honestly I'm stoked about this video. check it.
Anyone know if you can get the artbook still? The official site is sold out. Perhaps a second printing or something?
I am stoked.
Ah. Thanks! Top notch.
Game is looking good nice use of color and that city was spectacular.
To be perfectly honest though I'm not really seeing a painterly/illustrative look. Don't get me wrong game looks great, but I'm having trouble seeing that connection.
Do it, you whore! I need my fix!
Other than that I'm curious, I never believe the whole "We dun wanna be like all the other mmos derp derp!"-talk since every mmo-dev says exactly that. At the moment I'm not pantswettingly excited though. Really sweet art though.
I'm the same the amount of mmos that have been shite, derivatives, promise the earth, and hype to hell then reveal the shite is endemic.
But have you read their blog?, they appear to have approached the problem with some analytical thought(which is incredibly rare in game development). Wether or not it will work out in the end is another matter, but I am hopeful.
Just hurry up and release it.
jk. lolz I love the way it is shaping up, cannot wait to test it further
lol...I'll save the fun for open beta or a chance for a glance at the content a week before the official release.
I'd suggest this idea for GW2 release but meh...its just me.
lol and wow...did you guys see that GW1 and its expensions are popular again, just because GW2 is coming out
lol and wow...did you guys see that GW1 and its expensions are popular again, just because GW2 is coming out
Not going to lie, i re-installed GW1 because of GW2.
I did too, actually.
Now all of a suddon..Damn!! O.O
I re-roled also.
OHH SNAP! Birthday presents! MINI PETTTSSSS!
From what I could understand, Guildwars does not concentrate on the jobs and item grinding. They stick to the missions, storylines and pvps, and maybe small quests that you do on the side.
Where as, World of Warcraft highly relies on the farming (Gold farming, and material farming for your talents), Raid Instences for good gear, and instences, and pvp. Just like any other mmorpg you will find on <.<
The only reason why WOW is still alive is because they know that their game will die anyday just like Warhammer Online, and they are determined to release an expension of wow every year to keep their fund flowing.
Now I hope they are true to their words about GW2.
Also playing balanced builds required time and practice in order to get good at them I liked the fact that there were many ways to interpret battle strategies/ tactics in PVP such as spike builds , Iway alongside the conventional balanced builds.
Nitwalkr: sadly i did not follow what you were saying! I think WoW is doing pretty marvelously not because they know it's dying but because, well, it's a good game. It's not my style, but it's incredibly well done even if not mind blowing and new.
I was talking about how everyone thinks that WOW will die if some new mmorpg comes out, though their words may come true anytime, they ignore the major and simple concept. Its Activision Blizzard giving priority to only one game and producing same thing every time based on the original content of wow. They ignore the way Blizzard works in terms of making their one mmo rpg, which isn't soo great yet popular because there is always an upgrade for it to keep the game running.
Basically WOW doesn't have anything new which would grab one's sight and be impressed (except for the cinematic) , but everything that other mmo rpgs have done their best at, you will find them in wow. Take other 2 good mmos, compare and you will see slight to no difference. The only reason, WOW wins the race every time, is because they come up with new expansion for it every year.
If your well-done means "repeating the process and creating the same game contents over and over, pay no attention to fixing the issue with pvp not being balanced, and lets not forget the graphics." than sure! Blizzard is doing pretty well at that.
I am a big fan of WOW, War hammer, and Guild Wars.
No offense to you all.