If its still the same as the original - clicking on a creature and then sitting back watching your character fight and occasionally pressing some number keys then I might want to give it a miss.
I'm all for more action-y MMO's, but most companies seem to think that means "Autoattack bad! More skills!" which just ends up making you mash number keys to use a bunch of generic-ass-skills that might as well be your 'autoattack' anyway. At least GW did a good job of making every skill, condition, buff and the timing thereof really mean something.
Unless you played assassin, then it's all mashing 123142123... but the rest still matters ¬_¬
The Chronicles of Spellborn actually had an interesting hybrid system. Conan could have been if they hadn't just shoved all the directional attacks onto the hotbar. Maybe you can configure them to be more sensical. I could see it being cool with a gamepad.
As for GW2, looks nice, I will buy it. I'm seeing a little more blockiness in the video than I'd expect but GW1 is still one of the prettiest western-made MMOs we have (kind of sad) so I'm not complaining.
I cannot speak for the environments, Zotter, but the character team hand paints everything. Us monster chaps hand paint as well. I'm pretty certain the enviro is handpainted looking at the textures.
Does this mean there won't be any normal mapped sexiness? 'Cause I really want a giant, shiny, normal mapped polar bear with a warhammer to do my bidding.
i've been collecting all the titles and crap in GW in preparation for this game...
And after watching this trailer, i've shed a sticky tear from the massive erection i had during the viewing process.
*pushes AION to the backburner*
As usual, the art is fucking phenomenal. Looks like it's time to get another collector's ediiton for that ever so inspiring concept art book. AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL JOB CHAPS!
Damn you guys for making this game look so incredible....I might be dragged into it:P Awesome trailer, and love that it shows off the concept to the game assets, really beuatifully done!
omg I can't wait for this game to come out, are we goona get small pvp arena's as trying to organise an 8v8 gvg was a bit troublesome. The graphics look great but I also thought the original Guild Wars namely prophecies was stunning as well.
the only thing I am concerned about is the WoW feel the game is taking on.
the only thing I am concerned about is the WoW feel the game is taking on.
I dont know, I dont think its taking on any more of a wow feel than it had before but thats just the fantasy game genre and the way mmos in general look if you ask me.
I read some of the early articles and they want to introduce new races like the asura, norn and Charr etc with their own base advantages and disadvantages. Also the level cap has been pushed back some as well. It just that it seem as if they are trying to fit themselves into a Wow mould when I felt Guildwars was excellent as it was.
Some of the features they are bringing in seem exciting like players get to choose to mould their surroundings for example we can choose to save a town from getting destroyed by a dragon or we could choose to let it get destroyed. I like that as it makes me feel i am having a direct impact in some shape or form.
Either way I am a pvp player at heart so that is where my attention will mainly be when the game does come out.
On a side note will Arenanet release their old game engine considering the fact that they used a new game engine to create the sequel?.
Nice art but I never got into the first game. Only have Prophecies and got to level 9. Patching when you enter a zone is annoying. From what I've some story elements can be missed very easily: zoned into a quest area and started running off and almost missed the Prince or whoever appear behind me and walk off in another direction.
I reinstalled GW after seeing this trailer but only played about 5 minutes. Didn't even leave the starting town.
Same, though from the looks of it I'll be preordering anway; I'm guessing it's not out until next year. I really don't like Art books bundles in with he software, they are always tiny tourist guides; I'd pay the 40-80 dolled for a full sized real one.
This hasn't happened in a LOOOoooong time but i actually want to play this game simply for the graphics, it looks *(&#$in sick. I would level a character just to see more cool shyt.
Ok, so I just read the art book is debuting at PAX... doesn't this mean it's only available at PAX? So there would actually be a reason to go to PAX this year and I just moved across the country away from it?
So who's going and who can I pay to get me one? seriously, i want this damn book, lol.
Hah. Yeah, they show up at pax. I'm actually signing them for some portion of time during the show at our booth. They will be available for purchase later on, though.
Hah. Yeah, they show up at pax. I'm actually signing them for some portion of time during the show at our booth. They will be available for purchase later on, though.
oh man. I'll be in Montreal during PAX, but I'm going to track you down and make you sign mine when I get one.
I visited Arenanet and the art I've seen on their walls blew me away, honestly, I need that book!! Oh and what I've seen from the game, must have! And this comes from a guy that hates MMO/RPG!
Well I got a slip on my door from Purolator... so I am going to assume its the book, which, bitch as much as I do about shipping price, that was like 3 days, so that's pretty good. It's going to take me a week to travel to the other city it wants me to pick this fucking thing up, but the shipping cost did its part.
Edit: Nope, not the book, it was just shipped right now. Wonder what the other package was then
Hey guys? Remember this thread? I'm digging it up. Because HEY. We are actually releasing information about the game. FINALLY. And a little bit of gameplay stuff!
This will definitely beat most other MMOs as far as design and visuals go, hands down. the site beats most others in my opinion. I hope they keep the ranger.
Unless you played assassin, then it's all mashing 123142123... but the rest still matters ¬_¬
The Chronicles of Spellborn actually had an interesting hybrid system. Conan could have been if they hadn't just shoved all the directional attacks onto the hotbar. Maybe you can configure them to be more sensical. I could see it being cool with a gamepad.
As for GW2, looks nice, I will buy it. I'm seeing a little more blockiness in the video than I'd expect but GW1 is still one of the prettiest western-made MMOs we have (kind of sad) so I'm not complaining.
Does this mean there won't be any normal mapped sexiness? 'Cause I really want a giant, shiny, normal mapped polar bear with a warhammer to do my bidding.
And after watching this trailer, i've shed a sticky tear from the massive erection i had during the viewing process.
*pushes AION to the backburner*
As usual, the art is fucking phenomenal. Looks like it's time to get another collector's ediiton for that ever so inspiring concept art book. AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL JOB CHAPS!
so great
too bad i won't have time to play :[
gosh darn grad school
the only thing I am concerned about is the WoW feel the game is taking on.
I dont know, I dont think its taking on any more of a wow feel than it had before but thats just the fantasy game genre and the way mmos in general look if you ask me.
Some of the features they are bringing in seem exciting like players get to choose to mould their surroundings for example we can choose to save a town from getting destroyed by a dragon or we could choose to let it get destroyed. I like that as it makes me feel i am having a direct impact in some shape or form.
Either way I am a pvp player at heart so that is where my attention will mainly be when the game does come out.
On a side note will Arenanet release their old game engine considering the fact that they used a new game engine to create the sequel?.
I reinstalled GW after seeing this trailer but only played about 5 minutes. Didn't even leave the starting town.
I need that book. I'm going to have to buy this game as soon as it's out.
it better be freaking bundled with the CE like normal as well.
If it comes bundled, I'm preordering this muhfuckah.
Hell, I'll probably preorder it anyway.
Awesome, look forward to buying it, any idea when they go on sale? can I just slip you some money and it'll arrive in the mail by coincidence?
So who's going and who can I pay to get me one?
oh man. I'll be in Montreal during PAX, but I'm going to track you down and make you sign mine when I get one.
Prepare yourself.
Ian: creepy fucker.
It's on sale now. There's no employee discount or I'd hook you up. 30 dollars is a steal, though. It's gorgeous.
Goddamnit, it needs to be payday.
I think around February, was with our school from Belgium, than some cool people from Arenanet followed us to digipen etc, lovely day!
Edit: Nope, not the book, it was just shipped right now. Wonder what the other package was then
I hope this one have more secret paths, Love the environment already.
Nice work guys.