I haven't bought this game yet but I'm very curious about it. Can you play cross-continents or can north-americans only play with other north-americans etc?
I haven't bought this game yet but I'm very curious about it. Can you play cross-continents or can north-americans only play with other north-americans etc?
you can play with whoever you want on whatever server you want at any time
IF any1 wants to try GW2 give me a PM. I have a account that I havent touched sinced the launch day. Id be more then happy to loan it, so ppl dont have to spend money before trying it.
has a guild for polycount members been created yet? I was going to create one but I ended up having to wait another week to get my copy, which sucks, but now i've had it for like four days and I haven't really read this thread since
who sculpted the statue? it's freaking huge and i love it :P
My brother, Donald Phan, did most of the sculpt. The hilt of the sword was made by someone else (sorry, I don't recall his name- he started after I left the company). The armor was originally modeled by Darren Chiu. Joe Pikop (the OP of this thread) made the base. Glad you like it!
I am loving this game. I'm level 34 so far, human guardian. I was a huge fan of the previous GW games, and this is quite a departure, but excellent in it's own way.
I have been eyeballing the game for a while, but am still on the fence, because even during the last days of the Beta, people were reporting cases where certain hardware setups (even uber ones) couldn't Max out the game.
I don't have the most powerful lappy in the world, so I was curious if Arena actually tackled those issues?
I have been eyeballing the game for a while, but am still on the fence, because even during the last days of the Beta, people were reporting cases where certain hardware setups (even uber ones) couldn't Max out the game.
I don't have the most powerful lappy in the world, so I was curious if Arena actually tackled those issues?
this is fixed as far as I know. Mine went from running like beh to running great.
I have been eyeballing the game for a while, but am still on the fence, because even during the last days of the Beta, people were reporting cases where certain hardware setups (even uber ones) couldn't Max out the game.
I don't have the most powerful lappy in the world, so I was curious if Arena actually tackled those issues?
it was in the last beta weekend, the game runs perfectly now.
Man, I'm still getting that same, crappy error when I try to join the PC guild. Kind of sucks.
@frell - What weapons and trait build are you using for Warrior? I find that having a lot of conditionary/knockdown/immobilization helps a ton. I spec'd with a longbow and hammer putting points into strength and tactics. Hammer gives you a three knockdowns/stuns and some nice area damage while longbow has vulnerability and immobilization. Combining that with "kick", "endure", and "might" utility skills I'm able to get a really wide range of combat and support out of it . Hope this helps.
It may be because im having a hard time thinking between weapon sets instead of being able to see every ability.
I liked sword + axe in off hand, 2h sword I chased too much, 1h and shield I just get bombarded by ranged
Normally id use my mouse macro to auto switch weapons, cast, switch back but thats against the rules. It just feels too clunky to think the way guildwars makes you when it comes to melee.
Not to mention the warrior is hardly useful in WvW, I had an easier time thinking between attunements as an elemental but theres something about that class I still don't like that I cant put my finger on.
I liked warrior in WoW because of the way charge and heroic leap worked, but the 'charge' abilitys in GW2 are extremely clunky for me because they don't always get my right next to my target, and they can be interrupted too easily. Im usually sitting there running slow being pelted lol.
Guess im still trying to pick a class right for me but im having a hard time
least don't get singled out in WvW as warrior class. Can't escape from ranged!
switch to gun and join em! I will generally shoot ranged, then slow them, switch to dual axe and jump smash their face with the axe fury move (or 2h hammer of SMASHFUCKINGEVERYTHING). Once in close, hamstring again, and just unload. My warrior eats ranged people for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Guardians on the other hand....
As a warrior I don't have much utility (other than knockbacks and dps), and mediocre survivability, but I've been able to dominate in pvp games. Havent done wvw, but does really well with capturing points, taking points, and doing high dps on the team to capture objectives.
Could someone who has tried tons of classes compare them the most accurately they can to a WoW equivalent in how gameplay feels? If they have played WoW of course
Ive tried a few of them to level 5 but that could hardly be enough time to really experience it
Idk, I've just been doing what comes naturally for a couple hours every day when I get the time. I hit up renown hearts and do most events I see, gathering most ores and trees I see and scavenging just about all the drops I get for materials. I then take the spoils of the day to the artificing station and careful discover all that I can at minimal cost from the trade post.
been 79 for the past 2 days X_X work/real life has been a tad hectic. I wont be able to hit 80 till sunday
I also got a couple more story quests to do, currently only at the level 70 one.
Haha, 79 is excruciating, but at least it won't take a month to get through thanks to what seems to be a non-existent leveling curve.
Anyone else get the feeling the npc's during story missions are just too weak? I stopped at a level 73 mission because despite there being an army of friendly npc's, one of which was of the highest tier boss, they all do barely any damage and go down too fast to a few undead. This goes for dungeons too, one moment they are recalling epic battles with elder dragons, the next they are fainting when a bunny rabbit so much as looks at them.
Also, fresh off a new article about the trading post:
the level curve is literally non-existant. outside of the exp that mob kills give (i think), just about everything out there gives you % of exp needed to level, rather than a flat value.
for example, if you're level 2 and total exp from 2 > 3 is 3k, you'll get 9exp for mining copper ore, but if you're level 42, and total exp from 42 > 43 is 18k, you'll get 53exp for mining the same copper node. the same applies to events, keep takes in world vs world, etc.
FYI, crafting a profession from 1-400 will give you 10 levels worth of exp... and that's at any level you start at, because the amount of exp you gain scales with your level.
Just remembered I have one of those letters of recommendation that give 400 influence to your guild. Think I'll use that when I get back on so we can research politics 1 and get the ball rollin.
How the hell. What was your go-to for gaining levels? Even if I no life I only get about 5 levels a day max
Get 100% in zones, and do lots of events. Toss in some story quests, and always have food or a potion on, and leveling is a breeze! I will clear 2 zones, then craft in town, discoveries give so much xp! Try to do the daily achievements every day, it'll start flying by. Also, if you get in with a mob in wvw, the xp from those events helps too. Leveled twice in one night (32 to 34) blowing through that stuff.
Frell...it's the same game as WoW, with the 'extra stuff' added to it, like a layer, if you strip away the two skill-menu for each hand weapon, dodge, world events, non-linear leveling, etc, you will get exactly the same game as WoW.
If you're bored with GW, then you will be/already are bored with WoW, you're simply missing your old community, which has nothing to do with this game.
Frell...it's the same game as WoW, with the 'extra stuff' added to it, like a layer, if you strip away the two skill-menu for each hand weapon, dodge, world events, non-linear leveling, etc, you will get exactly the same game as WoW.
If you're bored with GW, then you will be/already are bored with WoW, you're simply missing your old community, which has nothing to do with this game.
It is built on a similar structure but it is not the same game as wow. I mean shit, you listed 4 big reasons why within your post. It's SIMILAR, but not 'exactly the same game'. The leveling feels a lot different, as you mentioned, there are lots of world events. Dynamic downleveling. Dodge changes the game a lot in that it actually evades. Having a set amount of skills is quite different not only because you are forced to be more strategic in how you 'build' your character, but there is no more holy trinity. The combat is also much more fast paced.
It's an evolution of the wow/eq/mmo formula for sure, but it is not the same game.
i think you just have the wrong mindset for this kind of game frell.
I really really liked it when everything was fresh and I played it nonstop for 3 days. Then I realized everything is pretty much the same at level 10 as it is at 80. Nothing to look forward to. The game even does a terrible job at early levels of giving you armor to choose from. You feel like you're wearing the same crap 1-30 with just different stats.
Im more so missing the aspects of earning mounts/more 'involved' pvp scenarios, not simply capturing points. WvW is just run with the mob and wait for the gate to fall, and im not a pver type person.
The game would feel less segregated if it had REAL world pvp. Call me crazy but I think the whole faction thing spices things up in games.
lol'd at 'world events' more like the same scripted boss appears every 15 minutes... wooo so cool.
I just feel like theres no substance to it really, BUT I do want to keep playing. Im just having a hard time finding a profession I can tolerate, there seems to be something that pisses me off about all of them lol
Even if they arent on the same server
Also Europe can join NA servers and ect.
Wait... how?
Do I need to have a character before an invite can be sent? I literally just installed it and then walked away. Hoping to get into it on the weekend.
who sculpted the statue? it's freaking huge and i love it :P
To the help forums!
My brother, Donald Phan, did most of the sculpt. The hilt of the sword was made by someone else (sorry, I don't recall his name- he started after I left the company). The armor was originally modeled by Darren Chiu. Joe Pikop (the OP of this thread) made the base. Glad you like it!
I am loving this game. I'm level 34 so far, human guardian. I was a huge fan of the previous GW games, and this is quite a departure, but excellent in it's own way.
I don't have the most powerful lappy in the world, so I was curious if Arena actually tackled those issues?
this is fixed as far as I know. Mine went from running like beh to running great.
also http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/09/13/guild-wars-2-sales-pass-two-million.aspx
least don't get singled out in WvW as warrior class. Can't escape from ranged!
@frell - What weapons and trait build are you using for Warrior? I find that having a lot of conditionary/knockdown/immobilization helps a ton. I spec'd with a longbow and hammer putting points into strength and tactics. Hammer gives you a three knockdowns/stuns and some nice area damage while longbow has vulnerability and immobilization. Combining that with "kick", "endure", and "might" utility skills I'm able to get a really wide range of combat and support out of it
I liked sword + axe in off hand, 2h sword I chased too much, 1h and shield I just get bombarded by ranged
Normally id use my mouse macro to auto switch weapons, cast, switch back but thats against the rules. It just feels too clunky to think the way guildwars makes you when it comes to melee.
Not to mention the warrior is hardly useful in WvW, I had an easier time thinking between attunements as an elemental but theres something about that class I still don't like that I cant put my finger on.
I liked warrior in WoW because of the way charge and heroic leap worked, but the 'charge' abilitys in GW2 are extremely clunky for me because they don't always get my right next to my target, and they can be interrupted too easily. Im usually sitting there running slow being pelted lol.
Guess im still trying to pick a class right for me but im having a hard time
switch to gun and join em! I will generally shoot ranged, then slow them, switch to dual axe and jump smash their face with the axe fury move (or 2h hammer of SMASHFUCKINGEVERYTHING). Once in close, hamstring again, and just unload. My warrior eats ranged people for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Guardians on the other hand....
As a warrior I don't have much utility (other than knockbacks and dps), and mediocre survivability, but I've been able to dominate in pvp games. Havent done wvw, but does really well with capturing points, taking points, and doing high dps on the team to capture objectives.
I also got a couple more story quests to do, currently only at the level 70 one.
Ive tried a few of them to level 5 but that could hardly be enough time to really experience it
Haha, 79 is excruciating, but at least it won't take a month to get through thanks to what seems to be a non-existent leveling curve.
Anyone else get the feeling the npc's during story missions are just too weak? I stopped at a level 73 mission because despite there being an army of friendly npc's, one of which was of the highest tier boss, they all do barely any damage and go down too fast to a few undead. This goes for dungeons too, one moment they are recalling epic battles with elder dragons, the next they are fainting when a bunny rabbit so much as looks at them.
Also, fresh off a new article about the trading post:
No actual numbers, but it's still nice to see.
Article: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/john-smith-on-the-state-of-the-guild-wars-2-economy/?utm_source=client
for example, if you're level 2 and total exp from 2 > 3 is 3k, you'll get 9exp for mining copper ore, but if you're level 42, and total exp from 42 > 43 is 18k, you'll get 53exp for mining the same copper node. the same applies to events, keep takes in world vs world, etc.
yeah my friends say it doesn't work, guess it still doesn't
I have 2 80's.... >.>
I leveled the last 3 levels crafting in an hour... granted it was +350 craft which gives you alot of exp.
you crazy :poly142:
Just remembered I have one of those letters of recommendation that give 400 influence to your guild. Think I'll use that when I get back on so we can research politics 1 and get the ball rollin.
Get 100% in zones, and do lots of events. Toss in some story quests, and always have food or a potion on, and leveling is a breeze! I will clear 2 zones, then craft in town, discoveries give so much xp! Try to do the daily achievements every day, it'll start flying by. Also, if you get in with a mob in wvw, the xp from those events helps too. Leveled twice in one night (32 to 34) blowing through that stuff.
Although the last quest is a instance/dungeon and find a proper pug and not having the game bug/glitch was abit of an issue.
I have to be missing something if im missing WoW right now...
If you're bored with GW, then you will be/already are bored with WoW, you're simply missing your old community, which has nothing to do with this game.
It is built on a similar structure but it is not the same game as wow. I mean shit, you listed 4 big reasons why within your post. It's SIMILAR, but not 'exactly the same game'. The leveling feels a lot different, as you mentioned, there are lots of world events. Dynamic downleveling. Dodge changes the game a lot in that it actually evades. Having a set amount of skills is quite different not only because you are forced to be more strategic in how you 'build' your character, but there is no more holy trinity. The combat is also much more fast paced.
It's an evolution of the wow/eq/mmo formula for sure, but it is not the same game.
I really really liked it when everything was fresh and I played it nonstop for 3 days. Then I realized everything is pretty much the same at level 10 as it is at 80. Nothing to look forward to. The game even does a terrible job at early levels of giving you armor to choose from. You feel like you're wearing the same crap 1-30 with just different stats.
Im more so missing the aspects of earning mounts/more 'involved' pvp scenarios, not simply capturing points. WvW is just run with the mob and wait for the gate to fall, and im not a pver type person.
The game would feel less segregated if it had REAL world pvp. Call me crazy but I think the whole faction thing spices things up in games.
lol'd at 'world events' more like the same scripted boss appears every 15 minutes... wooo so cool.
I just feel like theres no substance to it really, BUT I do want to keep playing. Im just having a hard time finding a profession I can tolerate, there seems to be something that pisses me off about all of them lol