Got this after they updated a new build and reset the game. Checked my emails just now and have got several from ArenaNet asking if I'm logging in from a certain location. Thing is, it says Covent Garden London and that's miles away - think it's the exchange probably. Accepted the email and now I can log in.
Ok so lets be honest, anything people are disappointed with? I might finally pick it up but I never buy new games on hype. So I want to know how crappy the crappy parts of the game are first. Feel free to balance with positives though.
Ok so lets be honest, anything people are disappointed with? I might finally pick it up but I never buy new games on hype. So I want to know how crappy the crappy parts of the game are first. Feel free to balance with positives though.
This is the current status of the most important issues we're tracking with Guild Wars 2 live service. Account security - Hackers are systematically scanning email addresses and passwords harvested from other games, web sites, and trojans to see if they match Guild Wars 2 accounts. We're taking a number of steps to protect our players from this, listed below, but we need your help too. To protect your account, make sure you use a strong, unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you've never used anywhere else. If your password isn't strong and unique, change it right now. For the highest level of protection, also create a unique email address to use solely for Guild Wars 2.
Here are the things we're doing to protect your accounts.
We have the "password reset" feature temporarily disabled. If you need to reset your password, contact our customer support team.
We now have email authentication turned on for all players with verified email addresses. With this feature, even if someone guesses your password, when he tries to login from a location that you've never logged in from before, you'll have an opportunity to approve or disapprove of the login through an email check.
We've noticed that hackers who discover a working email address and password combination don't always immediately exploit the compromised account. We sent email to everyone whose account has been suspiciously logged into asking them to immediately change their email address and password.
We will also be sending email to all customers whose accounts have been unsuccessfully tested by hackers. We strongly recommend that these customers create a new, unique email address for their account.
We left in-game mail disabled for another half-day, because it's difficult for hackers to loot accounts when both in-game mail and the trading post are disabled. Keeping mail disabled this morning to prevent account looting gave us time to get email authentication turned on for all players, and gave players time to secure their accounts. But we will be turning in-game mail back on soon, so we ask everyone to quickly secure their accounts.
Email authentication - We started ramping up email authentication after last night's server update, and it's now enabled for 100% of players with verified email addresses. Email authentication provides a high level of security for everyone, and can provide an even higher level of security when combined with two-factor email authentication. Here's how you can set that up. Create a new unique Google or Yahoo email address solely for your Guild Wars 2 account. Verify that email address with Guild Wars 2 to turn on email authentication. Then follow the instructions at Google or Yahoo to enable two-factor authentication for all logins to your email address. Parties, guilds, etc. - We're working to address problems with parties, guilds, and other social features, which cause symptoms such as party members not appearing on the map, party members not staying in the same overflow servers as they travel between maps, and guild invites and guild chat failing intermittently. Overflow servers - During this initial surge of high concurrency, and especially while most characters are low-level and thus playing in the same starting areas, it's common for players to be directed to overflow servers. If you want to play with a friend, but you're not on the same overflow servers, you can form a party together, then right-click on your friend's portrait in the party list and click "join". Note that this functionality is sometimes intermittently unavailable due to the issues with parties and guilds noted above.
We expect the use of overflow servers to naturally subside as players spread out more through the world. Botting - Yesterday we applied 72-hour account suspensions to 500 players who were running bots. We're continuing to detect and ban bots. Soon we will ramp up to our normal policy of applying permanent account bans to anyone who runs a bot. Exploits - If you discover an exploit in the game, do not exploit it or publicize it, but instead notify us immediately at this new email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net.
This morning there was a widely-publicized, newly-introduced exploit in which specific cultural weapons were selling for one-thousandth of their normal price. We fixed it with an emergency build this morning. We want to thank the vast majority of players who became aware of the issue, responsibly reported it, and did not exploit it. However, a smaller group of players did significantly exploit it, each purchasing hundreds or thousands of these weapons. We permanently banned 3,000 accounts of players who substantially exploited it, and applied 72-hours bans to another 1,000 accounts of players who mildly exploited it. In-game mail - In last night's software update we fixed the potential abuse of the in-game mail system that we identified yesterday. We kept in-game mail turned off for another half-day while working to secure accounts against hackers, since in-game mail can be used to loot an account. And we kept in-game mail turned off while responding to this morning's exploit. We're now ready to re-enable it, and will do so this afternoon. Trading Post - Yesterday we tested Trading Post with a random 15% of players. This test helped us gather valuable data to fix important bottlenecks. This afternoon we will test Trading Post with a random 25% of players, and then work to ramp up from there. Tournament Rewards - We're working on fixing tournament chest rewards. Because this requires substantial testing, we do not have an estimated release timeframe to provide at this time. Forums - Our most important priority at the moment is to ensure that the game runs stably and flawlessly. So as to not create additional demand on our infrastructure and on our programming team, we made the decision not to open the forums until the initial mass influx of players has calmed down a bit. Next software updates - We're making non-disruptive changes throughout the day. We'll publish the next back-end server update tonight at midnight Seattle time. The game may be unavailable for approximately 20-60 minutes while we perform this update.
"You should have stopped me from doing it in the first place, not punish me for it afterward."
Come on man... 2,167 times?
EDIT: Oh this is rich.
"Yea bro. A HUGE mistake on YOUR part people expect it to be fixed on YOUR end.
Its like a store marking the price on items cheaper on accident and then arresting people for buying them."
No, it's more like stealing a ton of food because the price tag fell off and getting thrown out for it.
If people know they are doing wrong, why do they cry so much when they have to face the consequences?
"You should have stopped me from doing it in the first place, not punish me for it afterward."
Come on man... 2,167 times?
EDIT: Oh this is rich.
"Yea bro. A HUGE mistake on YOUR part people expect it to be fixed on YOUR end.
Its like a store marking the price on items cheaper on accident and then arresting people for buying them."
No, it's more like stealing a ton of food because the price tag fell off and getting thrown out for it.
If people know they are doing wrong, why do they cry so much when they have to face the consequences?
The consequences were a bit extreme in my opinion. Anet has to think like a business as well. Perm banning a stupid player who takes advantage of something Anet did by mistake shouldnt result in a perma ban. At the most, punish him by deleting his character. This way you still have a paying customer who will be more likely to buy the xpac, but also punish him by starting him off at point 1.
@Dataday Deleting a character may be a more complicated and involved process, this might be why the public appeals are an option. They can quickly over shoot and solve the problem then reel back the mild cases.
In this guys case, why let a dumb exploitative customer off easy in front of your horde of good customers? It can only encourage the bad behavior.
@Dataday Deleting a character may be a more complicated and involved process, this might be why the public appeals are an option. They can quickly over shoot and solve the problem then reel back the mild cases.
In this guys case, why let a dumb exploitative customer off easy in front of your horde of good customers? It can only encourage the bad behavior.
I highly doubt being able to restore items and accounts is harder than rolling back or deleting accounts and their items. No studio with a mmo would in their right mind not have a means to adjust characters or their properties on whim, much less delete them. For example, if you as a player can delete your character by clicking the delete button at character creation, then so can Anet.
I would consider removing all characters from an account and maybe a temp bad as getting off easy. In fact I would argue thats the most extreme punishment without losing a customer.
I wonder, and this could be a good discussion, since they aren't asking for a subscription while still providing a service is Arena Net less obligated to be lenient towards offenders?
EDIT: It looks like they are letting off people with a slap on the wrist, but they are making it very clear that they take this stuff seriously and that this is a one time sign of mercy.
Im just a beginner at guild wars so please understand these are just first impressions but Im not really impressed with the gameplay. Love the art and quality etc just cant ignore this stuff.
Some major problems in my opinion:
1. combat and loot - when I double click an item or an enemy why doesnt my character automatically run to the target and attack/pick up?
2. buying weapons/armour - there are no choices, just one type of axe, sword, helmet etc per character type
3. crafting - its overly complex and makes no sense to me, there is an npc next to each crafting area but he/she offers no relevant help and the supplies they sell dont seem to be any use in the discovery panel so wtf are they selling me!?
Ged, the idea behind having a limited choice on items to purchase, is that it makes crafting a more viable/attractive option.
crafting isn't difficult at all, once you bend your head around it... if you find you're struggling hard to get enough materials to reach the next milestone, you're doing it wrong.
crafting 100 of x or y shoulder pad isn't the best way to do it, instead you need to look into researching new recipes.
researching new recipes is pretty cool, you just combine items to get a new recipe.
crafting isn't difficult at all, once you bend your head around it... if you find you're struggling hard to get enough materials to reach the next milestone, you're doing it wrong.
crafting 100 of x or y shoulder pad isn't the best way to do it, instead you need to look into researching new recipes.
researching new recipes is pretty cool, you just combine items to get a new recipe.
Yeah it might be ok when Ive figured it out but at the moment I cant even figure out how to get the ingredients to make anything at all, not even the simplest little item. Apparently you have to go out searching/attacking things to even find the simple components(blood,bronze chain etc) and you cant just buy it from the armoursmith etc? and then even when u have the relevant components you still need some other stuff like insignia or something to bind it all together? it just seems waaay too complicated so I want to avoid it and just buy weapons but thats not an option because all the weapons available to buy suck. Ive never really played many mmos so this is all very new to me and feels very confusing, perhaps for standard mmo players it makes more sense.
most humanoid mobs drop "bags" of loot which you double click to get items out of, these can contain any crafting material from the basic jute scraps to the tiny claws and stuff. so they're a decent source of materials.
more specifically, mobs drop the insignia components that are likely to come from them. spiders will drop venom sacs, wargs will drop claws and teeth, etc.
you then make an insignia, and the basic components for say, a set of shoulders (needs two components, a padded part and an outer part). you can then combine the insignia and the components to discover a recipe to make shoulders with specific stats. this gives by far the most crafting experience.
so what i did was:
craft 5 of each insignia (3 types of insignia), craft 3 of each component, combine them to discover 15 new recipes, which is usually enough to level you up to the next tier of crafting.
for basic materials like jute scraps, or leather, you should salvage any WHITE armour that drops.
regardless of the quality of armour (white, blue, green, yellow) they all have the same chance to give you the same materials. so really, you should salvage anything that's white, or blue if you have plenty of them. and sell anything green or yellow that you don't need.
most humanoid mobs drop "bags" of loot which you double click to get items out of, these can contain any crafting material from the basic jute scraps to the tiny claws and stuff. so they're a decent source of materials.
more specifically, mobs drop the insignia components that are likely to come from them. spiders will drop venom sacs, wargs will drop claws and teeth, etc.
you then make an insignia, and the basic components for say, a set of shoulders (needs two components, a padded part and an outer part). you can then combine the insignia and the components to discover a recipe to make shoulders with specific stats. this gives by far the most crafting experience.
so what i did was:
craft 5 of each insignia (3 types of insignia), craft 3 of each component, combine them to discover 15 new recipes, which is usually enough to level you up to the next tier of crafting.
for basic materials like jute scraps, or leather, you should salvage any WHITE armour that drops.
regardless of the quality of armour (white, blue, green, yellow) they all have the same chance to give you the same materials. so really, you should salvage anything that's white, or blue if you have plenty of them. and sell anything green or yellow that you don't need.
I will have to just play and see what u mean, its really hard to understand by reading it. It just seems unneccessarily complicated from my(non mmo player) point of view, why didnt they just say kill 3 bulls for an axeblade etc? that would be much simpler. this seems like a good website to learn crafting?
How is everyone's reaction to it? Does it live up to what WoW was? I played a bit of Tera and enjoyed that but it lacked some basic things WoW did. Love Tera's combat but lacked. Hope GW2 is decent. Hear mixed opinions on it.
How is everyone's reaction to it? Does it live up to what WoW was? I played a bit of Tera and enjoyed that but it lacked some basic things WoW did. Love Tera's combat but lacked. Hope GW2 is decent. Hear mixed opinions on it.
I played the first one quite a lot, completed the first one - prophecies, then thought Factions was too hard. It's difficult to say since I have never played WoW, but the non-existant subscription model, with the added content that wasn't included in the previous version - crafting/creation, makes it a worthwhile purchase. Guild Wars wasn't that easy to get into as I remember, it's a new learning experience, GW2 is similar in the starting of it, so I know there'll be more to come - epicness.
I will have to just play and see what u mean, its really hard to understand by reading it. It just seems unneccessarily complicated from my(non mmo player) point of view, why didnt they just say kill 3 bulls for an axeblade etc? that would be much simpler. this seems like a good website to learn crafting?
good shout is there one out there?
I could make one - i'm on Gunnar's Hold EU server. won't be able to log on until tomorrow night though (GMT +1), but I'll make a post here when I do
My ingame Name is Keppe The Scythe if you want to get an invite btw
Im just a beginner at guild wars so please understand these are just first impressions but Im not really impressed with the gameplay. Love the art and quality etc just cant ignore this stuff.
Some major problems in my opinion:
1. combat and loot - when I double click an item or an enemy why doesnt my character automatically run to the target and attack/pick up?
2. buying weapons/armour - there are no choices, just one type of axe, sword, helmet etc per character type
3. crafting - its overly complex and makes no sense to me, there is an npc next to each crafting area but he/she offers no relevant help and the supplies they sell dont seem to be any use in the discovery panel so wtf are they selling me!?
Ged, Guildwars 2 is actually one of the least complicated mmo's I have played that isnt targeting children.
For combat, its not a game that plays itself for you... no more so than a first person shoot dodges and runs towards enemies without you controlling it. You actually have to play it a bit like an action game... swing at the enemy, regardless of targeted or not and it will hit. Picking up loot is easy, if you are in range, just hit F and it will open up the loot window. In your options menu, you can tell it to auto loot when you press F.
The game is NOT click based btw. Mouse serves as generalize interaction, but mostly it serves as a means to look around not so much clicking. Use the keyboard for the rest.
Crafting is easy. Get materials...there are only a few per tier in any one category..combine them and you get an item.
You have multiple ways of acquiring armor and weapons...First from killing enemies (they have a chance of dropping items), which is standard in most mmorpgs. Second, accomplishing quests (see the hearts on the map)... if you earn enough karma points and unlock the "hearts" on the map, the npc might carry items for you to buy with karma. The third is through crafting... you can get crating materials from trees and ore deposits on the map, or from killing enemies. The final way you can get armor is just to buy it normally... npcs sell basic armor, and as you go up in lvl you can get special armor from factions or through other events/dungeon based npcs.
When the Trading Post is up, you can also buy armor and weapons from other players.
So yeah, you have quite a bit of options. Try not to feel overwhelmed, or angry at the game. They make it so you are not stuck in any one linear path for character progression on the item side of things. Take it all in, play and have fun..theres no rush.
Ged, Guildwars 2 is actually one of the least complicated mmo's I have played that isnt targeting children.
For combat, its not a game that plays itself for you... no more so than a first person shoot dodges and runs towards enemies without you controlling it. You actually have to play it a bit like an action game... swing at the enemy, regardless of targeted or not and it will hit. Picking up loot is easy, if you are in range, just hit F and it will open up the loot window. In your options menu, you can tell it to auto loot when you press F.
The game is NOT click based btw. Mouse serves as generalize interaction, but mostly it serves as a means to look around not so much clicking. Use the keyboard for the rest.
Crafting is easy. Get materials...there are only a few per tier in any one category..combine them and you get an item.
Been playing a bit tonight and got to level 10 and actually started to get a few weapon drops from enemies now so that's not so bad a problem anymore. Still cant find any materials for crafting armour other than blood. Where do u get first tier of components from eg chain mail material etc?, if its so easy then why is a seasoned gamer like me finding it so confusing?
I know the game isn't click based but it really really feels like they should have made it possible to just double click on any item/enemy to make your character run to it and perform the relevant option. Its a simple thing that other games of this sort(eg diablo) do all the time why break the convention for no reason other than to make people think the game is more action based?
I feel like the game really does play itself it just gives the illusion of being action based. It is definitely not like batman arkham asylumn where every hit actually happens immedietly and you can respond to the enemys attacks swiftly and jump out the way. I can tell they were trying to achieve something like that but it doesnt work for me because of the long time it takes to make a dodge or a hit when you tap a skill button and the unpredictable nature of your enemies. I get into a fight and just spam my 1 to 8 buttons like crazy and dont have time to move my character around and dodging just exits the battle and puts my warrior into a non fighting mode so moving/dodging is not really adding to the gameplay its just making it more hectic and confusing and frustrating and less ordered and fun. Still as mmos go its certainly not bad combat and might be a step in the right direction.
Ged, pick up the gathering supplies from a merchant (axe, pick and uhm plant cutter) and gather materials. You can see them on your mini-map, the little log piles rock piles and leaf piles. Then with the copper you gather initially buy some tin(?) from a crafting trainer and craft the early crafting components.
Been playing a bit tonight and got to level 10 and actually started to get a few weapon drops from enemies now so that's not so bad a problem anymore. Still cant find any materials for crafting armour other than blood. Where do u get first tier of components from eg chain mail material etc?, if its so easy then why is a seasoned gamer like me finding it so confusing?
I know the game isn't click based but it really really feels like they should have made it possible to just double click on any item/enemy to make your character run to it and perform the relevant option. Its a simple thing that other games of this sort(eg diablo) do all the time why break the convention for no reason other than to make people think the game is more action based?
I feel like the game really does play itself it just gives the illusion of being action based. It is definitely not like batman arkham asylumn where every hit actually happens immedietly and you can respond to the enemys attacks swiftly and jump out the way. I can tell they were trying to achieve something like that but it doesnt work for me because of the long time it takes to make a dodge or a hit when you tap a skill button and the unpredictable nature of your enemies. I get into a fight and just spam my 1 to 8 buttons like crazy and dont have time to move my character around and dodging just exits the battle and puts my warrior into a non fighting mode so moving/dodging is not really adding to the gameplay its just making it more hectic and confusing and frustrating and less ordered and fun. Still as mmos go its certainly not bad combat and might be a step in the right direction.
also just wanted to say LIONS ARCH IS BEAUTIFUL!
You are playing a whole new genre so it will take some time getting used to all the different mechanics and challenge types associated with the genre.
The mats you are looking for is ore, leather and linen. They will drop from mobs via drops, or salvage (use a salvage kit to break down items into materials). Kill humanoids for linen, centars can drop bags that have leather. Ore is from those ore nodes you will see marked on the map. If you buy and equip a pickaxe, you can mine them.
You can immediately dodge enemies as well by double tapping in any direction..its not as automated as you think... You do have time to move your character around, also make sure you know which skills used and what they do. There is strategy involved.
Which class are you playing by the way?
@Frell, haha no nothing like Diablo. Just youtube some of the gameplay, check out the pvp matches bewtween players.
The mats you are looking for is ore, leather and linen. They will drop from mobs via drops, or salvage (use a salvage kit to break down items into materials). Kill humanoids for linen, centars can drop bags that have leather. Ore is from those ore nodes you will see marked on the map. If you buy and equip a pickaxe, you can mine them.
You can immediately dodge enemies as well by double tapping in any direction..its not as automated as you think... You do have time to move your character around, also make sure you know which skills used and what they do. There is strategy involved.
Which class are you playing by the way?.
Im playing a warrior norn because I thought that would be a nice easy introduction to the game mechanics. How is this a new genre? Ive played guild wars 1 and WoW and a few other mmos briefly and this seems quite similar to them in genre just with some odd tweaks.
The combat is like a wierd blend of WoW and diablo but I feel Guild wars 2 has lost the simplicity of both of those games. In wow you can be strategic, you use 1-10 skills and carefully time them because its slightly slow and turn based like that and theres nothing else to worry about. In diablo combat is fast and relies on very simple click based controls which keeps it simple enough for the user to have fast paced interactions.
Aw crap I had lots of leather and linen but they weren't listed as being useful to armousmith and weaponsmith! so I sold them to make space in my inventory
I cant immediately dodge, it seems like it takes a quarter second or so of lag, which can mean the difference between dodging and dying. I dont have time to move my character because I have to keep hitting the 1-8 keys when they refill and its very awkward moving from wasd to 1-8 literally every 2 seconds.
im a wow player and im just worried arena net doesn't take pvp very seriously or something. In all honesty im just worried ill dish out $60 and then not like it, and thats the worst feeling ever
Well it just seemed like they split it into 2 games. Part of what I liked about WoW was pve affected your standing in pvp (Atleast until engame) The whole instant level 80 in pvp thing 'in my mind' feels like it skips all need of goals and unlocks and turns it into just an arcade minigame
Im just always so cautious about buying games I haven't played before.
In world pvp it does, according to gamespot you can only use your armor and abilities you have in pve in wpvp. But battlegrounds or whatever the equivalent is also instant 80 but you also get best gear
And im sure arenanet takes care of pvp 100x better than blizzard does
The idea behind making sPvP instant lvl80 is to put everyone on a equal playing field, it should be about skill not what gear you have. Guild Wars has always been about profession skills and player skill and how you can utilize both.
The idea behind making sPvP instant lvl80 is to put everyone on a equal playing field, it should be about skill not what gear you have. Guild Wars has always been about profession skills and player skill and how you can utilize both.
But doesn't that ruin the feeling of unlocking items? I hate the gear system in WoW because it makes too much of a difference if you win or not, but without it I don't think I would have pvpd as much as I did just to unlock stuff
Well I guess your only option is to actually enjoy playing the game instead of worrying about what you look like all the time. It is a different feel but since the PvP isn't gear based like other games. You still unlock "prettier" gear as you go on in PvP. Your rank in sPvP determines what glory vendors you have available and as you rank up you're given more and more glory points to spend in wake of experience. I think right now the top glory rank is 40.
Also, I see a lot of people are selling their mats in order to make room for other items, but if you click the "gear" icon in your inventory and hit "deposit collectibles" your materials will automatically be transfered to your crafting storage which is different from your personal and guild banks. To access these materials again, just go to a crafting station and they should be in their designated slots.
This same system also applies to gear in PvP with the Locker system. Whenever you unlock or purchase new items in PvP, you can deposit them into your locker so you're not saving everything in your bank. It's a pretty nice system actually.
wow gay I went to buy the game and the digital copies are sold out... really..?
Nothing wrong with being cautious, am getting to anxious to wait for reviews. Nothing worse than spending $60 and not enjoying it. But the way I see it, to continue playing WoW will cost $55 so its an equal shot.
Also, I see a lot of people are selling their mats in order to make room for other items, but if you click the "gear" icon in your inventory and hit "deposit collectibles" your materials will automatically be transfered to your crafting storage which is different from your personal and guild banks. To access these materials again, just go to a crafting station and they should be in their designated slots.
Thanks man, I've been cursing the lack of space since day 1.=P
hmm now I cant even play the game. Seems a problem has crept into the authentification services and now I cant log in at all. I dont think Im alone in this problem because there was a popup on the support page about it.
But doesn't that ruin the feeling of unlocking items? I hate the gear system in WoW because it makes too much of a difference if you win or not, but without it I don't think I would have pvpd as much as I did just to unlock stuff
So you can play the game when you want, not because you feel obliged. I reckon it's a great system.
found this on guild wars twitter: We're aware that some players are unable to login due to the email authentication and our teams are working on fixing it ^SL
So looks like Im not gonna be able to play much this weekend so frustrating
So I got stung by the email authentication problems, now I would really really like to disable email authentication as none of my friends even use it. How do I disable email authentication? there's no option for it anywhere in my account settings.
Did you play GW1?
To save time:
This is the current status of the most important issues we're tracking with Guild Wars 2 live service.
Account security - Hackers are systematically scanning email addresses and passwords harvested from other games, web sites, and trojans to see if they match Guild Wars 2 accounts. We're taking a number of steps to protect our players from this, listed below, but we need your help too. To protect your account, make sure you use a strong, unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you've never used anywhere else. If your password isn't strong and unique, change it right now. For the highest level of protection, also create a unique email address to use solely for Guild Wars 2.
Here are the things we're doing to protect your accounts.
- We have the "password reset" feature temporarily disabled. If you need to reset your password, contact our customer support team.
- We now have email authentication turned on for all players with verified email addresses. With this feature, even if someone guesses your password, when he tries to login from a location that you've never logged in from before, you'll have an opportunity to approve or disapprove of the login through an email check.
- We've noticed that hackers who discover a working email address and password combination don't always immediately exploit the compromised account. We sent email to everyone whose account has been suspiciously logged into asking them to immediately change their email address and password.
- We will also be sending email to all customers whose accounts have been unsuccessfully tested by hackers. We strongly recommend that these customers create a new, unique email address for their account.
- We left in-game mail disabled for another half-day, because it's difficult for hackers to loot accounts when both in-game mail and the trading post are disabled. Keeping mail disabled this morning to prevent account looting gave us time to get email authentication turned on for all players, and gave players time to secure their accounts. But we will be turning in-game mail back on soon, so we ask everyone to quickly secure their accounts.
Email authentication - We started ramping up email authentication after last night's server update, and it's now enabled for 100% of players with verified email addresses. Email authentication provides a high level of security for everyone, and can provide an even higher level of security when combined with two-factor email authentication. Here's how you can set that up. Create a new unique Google or Yahoo email address solely for your Guild Wars 2 account. Verify that email address with Guild Wars 2 to turn on email authentication. Then follow the instructions at Google or Yahoo to enable two-factor authentication for all logins to your email address.Parties, guilds, etc. - We're working to address problems with parties, guilds, and other social features, which cause symptoms such as party members not appearing on the map, party members not staying in the same overflow servers as they travel between maps, and guild invites and guild chat failing intermittently.
Overflow servers - During this initial surge of high concurrency, and especially while most characters are low-level and thus playing in the same starting areas, it's common for players to be directed to overflow servers. If you want to play with a friend, but you're not on the same overflow servers, you can form a party together, then right-click on your friend's portrait in the party list and click "join". Note that this functionality is sometimes intermittently unavailable due to the issues with parties and guilds noted above.
We expect the use of overflow servers to naturally subside as players spread out more through the world.
Botting - Yesterday we applied 72-hour account suspensions to 500 players who were running bots. We're continuing to detect and ban bots. Soon we will ramp up to our normal policy of applying permanent account bans to anyone who runs a bot.
Exploits - If you discover an exploit in the game, do not exploit it or publicize it, but instead notify us immediately at this new email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net.
This morning there was a widely-publicized, newly-introduced exploit in which specific cultural weapons were selling for one-thousandth of their normal price. We fixed it with an emergency build this morning. We want to thank the vast majority of players who became aware of the issue, responsibly reported it, and did not exploit it. However, a smaller group of players did significantly exploit it, each purchasing hundreds or thousands of these weapons. We permanently banned 3,000 accounts of players who substantially exploited it, and applied 72-hours bans to another 1,000 accounts of players who mildly exploited it.
In-game mail - In last night's software update we fixed the potential abuse of the in-game mail system that we identified yesterday. We kept in-game mail turned off for another half-day while working to secure accounts against hackers, since in-game mail can be used to loot an account. And we kept in-game mail turned off while responding to this morning's exploit. We're now ready to re-enable it, and will do so this afternoon.
Trading Post - Yesterday we tested Trading Post with a random 15% of players. This test helped us gather valuable data to fix important bottlenecks. This afternoon we will test Trading Post with a random 25% of players, and then work to ramp up from there.
Tournament Rewards - We're working on fixing tournament chest rewards. Because this requires substantial testing, we do not have an estimated release timeframe to provide at this time.
Forums - Our most important priority at the moment is to ensure that the game runs stably and flawlessly. So as to not create additional demand on our infrastructure and on our programming team, we made the decision not to open the forums until the initial mass influx of players has calmed down a bit.
Next software updates - We're making non-disruptive changes throughout the day. We'll publish the next back-end server update tonight at midnight Seattle time. The game may be unavailable for approximately 20-60 minutes while we perform this update.
However the results have been a tad... interesting.
"You should have stopped me from doing it in the first place, not punish me for it afterward."
Come on man... 2,167 times?
EDIT: Oh this is rich.
"Yea bro. A HUGE mistake on YOUR part people expect it to be fixed on YOUR end.
Its like a store marking the price on items cheaper on accident and then arresting people for buying them."
No, it's more like stealing a ton of food because the price tag fell off and getting thrown out for it.
If people know they are doing wrong, why do they cry so much when they have to face the consequences?
The consequences were a bit extreme in my opinion. Anet has to think like a business as well. Perm banning a stupid player who takes advantage of something Anet did by mistake shouldnt result in a perma ban. At the most, punish him by deleting his character. This way you still have a paying customer who will be more likely to buy the xpac, but also punish him by starting him off at point 1.
In this guys case, why let a dumb exploitative customer off easy in front of your horde of good customers? It can only encourage the bad behavior.
I highly doubt being able to restore items and accounts is harder than rolling back or deleting accounts and their items. No studio with a mmo would in their right mind not have a means to adjust characters or their properties on whim, much less delete them. For example, if you as a player can delete your character by clicking the delete button at character creation, then so can Anet.
I would consider removing all characters from an account and maybe a temp bad as getting off easy. In fact I would argue thats the most extreme punishment without losing a customer.
EDIT: It looks like they are letting off people with a slap on the wrist, but they are making it very clear that they take this stuff seriously and that this is a one time sign of mercy.
"Very good, but kind of sucks how you guys can't just delete the items yourself."
Don't push it.
Some major problems in my opinion:
1. combat and loot - when I double click an item or an enemy why doesnt my character automatically run to the target and attack/pick up?
2. buying weapons/armour - there are no choices, just one type of axe, sword, helmet etc per character type
3. crafting - its overly complex and makes no sense to me, there is an npc next to each crafting area but he/she offers no relevant help and the supplies they sell dont seem to be any use in the discovery panel so wtf are they selling me!?
crafting isn't difficult at all, once you bend your head around it... if you find you're struggling hard to get enough materials to reach the next milestone, you're doing it wrong.
crafting 100 of x or y shoulder pad isn't the best way to do it, instead you need to look into researching new recipes.
researching new recipes is pretty cool, you just combine items to get a new recipe.
Yeah it might be ok when Ive figured it out but at the moment I cant even figure out how to get the ingredients to make anything at all, not even the simplest little item. Apparently you have to go out searching/attacking things to even find the simple components(blood,bronze chain etc) and you cant just buy it from the armoursmith etc? and then even when u have the relevant components you still need some other stuff like insignia or something to bind it all together? it just seems waaay too complicated so I want to avoid it and just buy weapons but thats not an option because all the weapons available to buy suck. Ive never really played many mmos so this is all very new to me and feels very confusing, perhaps for standard mmo players it makes more sense.
more specifically, mobs drop the insignia components that are likely to come from them. spiders will drop venom sacs, wargs will drop claws and teeth, etc.
you then make an insignia, and the basic components for say, a set of shoulders (needs two components, a padded part and an outer part). you can then combine the insignia and the components to discover a recipe to make shoulders with specific stats. this gives by far the most crafting experience.
so what i did was:
craft 5 of each insignia (3 types of insignia), craft 3 of each component, combine them to discover 15 new recipes, which is usually enough to level you up to the next tier of crafting.
for basic materials like jute scraps, or leather, you should salvage any WHITE armour that drops.
regardless of the quality of armour (white, blue, green, yellow) they all have the same chance to give you the same materials. so really, you should salvage anything that's white, or blue if you have plenty of them. and sell anything green or yellow that you don't need.
I will have to just play and see what u mean, its really hard to understand by reading it. It just seems unneccessarily complicated from my(non mmo player) point of view, why didnt they just say kill 3 bulls for an axeblade etc? that would be much simpler. this seems like a good website to learn crafting?
good shout is there one out there?
I played the first one quite a lot, completed the first one - prophecies, then thought Factions was too hard. It's difficult to say since I have never played WoW, but the non-existant subscription model, with the added content that wasn't included in the previous version - crafting/creation, makes it a worthwhile purchase. Guild Wars wasn't that easy to get into as I remember, it's a new learning experience, GW2 is similar in the starting of it, so I know there'll be more to come - epicness.
I could make one - i'm on Gunnar's Hold EU server. won't be able to log on until tomorrow night though (GMT +1), but I'll make a post here when I do
My ingame Name is Keppe The Scythe if you want to get an invite btw
Ged, Guildwars 2 is actually one of the least complicated mmo's I have played that isnt targeting children.
For combat, its not a game that plays itself for you... no more so than a first person shoot dodges and runs towards enemies without you controlling it. You actually have to play it a bit like an action game... swing at the enemy, regardless of targeted or not and it will hit. Picking up loot is easy, if you are in range, just hit F and it will open up the loot window. In your options menu, you can tell it to auto loot when you press F.
The game is NOT click based btw. Mouse serves as generalize interaction, but mostly it serves as a means to look around not so much clicking. Use the keyboard for the rest.
Crafting is easy. Get materials...there are only a few per tier in any one category..combine them and you get an item.
You have multiple ways of acquiring armor and weapons...First from killing enemies (they have a chance of dropping items), which is standard in most mmorpgs. Second, accomplishing quests (see the hearts on the map)... if you earn enough karma points and unlock the "hearts" on the map, the npc might carry items for you to buy with karma. The third is through crafting... you can get crating materials from trees and ore deposits on the map, or from killing enemies. The final way you can get armor is just to buy it normally... npcs sell basic armor, and as you go up in lvl you can get special armor from factions or through other events/dungeon based npcs.
When the Trading Post is up, you can also buy armor and weapons from other players.
So yeah, you have quite a bit of options. Try not to feel overwhelmed, or angry at the game. They make it so you are not stuck in any one linear path for character progression on the item side of things. Take it all in, play and have fun..theres no rush.
Been playing a bit tonight and got to level 10 and actually started to get a few weapon drops from enemies now so that's not so bad a problem anymore. Still cant find any materials for crafting armour other than blood. Where do u get first tier of components from eg chain mail material etc?, if its so easy then why is a seasoned gamer like me finding it so confusing?
I know the game isn't click based but it really really feels like they should have made it possible to just double click on any item/enemy to make your character run to it and perform the relevant option. Its a simple thing that other games of this sort(eg diablo) do all the time why break the convention for no reason other than to make people think the game is more action based?
I feel like the game really does play itself it just gives the illusion of being action based. It is definitely not like batman arkham asylumn where every hit actually happens immedietly and you can respond to the enemys attacks swiftly and jump out the way. I can tell they were trying to achieve something like that but it doesnt work for me because of the long time it takes to make a dodge or a hit when you tap a skill button and the unpredictable nature of your enemies. I get into a fight and just spam my 1 to 8 buttons like crazy and dont have time to move my character around and dodging just exits the battle and puts my warrior into a non fighting mode so moving/dodging is not really adding to the gameplay its just making it more hectic and confusing and frustrating and less ordered and fun. Still as mmos go its certainly not bad combat and might be a step in the right direction.
also just wanted to say LIONS ARCH IS BEAUTIFUL!
You are playing a whole new genre so it will take some time getting used to all the different mechanics and challenge types associated with the genre.
The mats you are looking for is ore, leather and linen. They will drop from mobs via drops, or salvage (use a salvage kit to break down items into materials). Kill humanoids for linen, centars can drop bags that have leather. Ore is from those ore nodes you will see marked on the map. If you buy and equip a pickaxe, you can mine them.
To save you some time, just read this guide:
You can immediately dodge enemies as well by double tapping in any direction..its not as automated as you think... You do have time to move your character around, also make sure you know which skills used and what they do. There is strategy involved.
Which class are you playing by the way?
@Frell, haha no nothing like Diablo. Just youtube some of the gameplay, check out the pvp matches bewtween players.
Im playing a warrior norn because I thought that would be a nice easy introduction to the game mechanics. How is this a new genre? Ive played guild wars 1 and WoW and a few other mmos briefly and this seems quite similar to them in genre just with some odd tweaks.
The combat is like a wierd blend of WoW and diablo but I feel Guild wars 2 has lost the simplicity of both of those games. In wow you can be strategic, you use 1-10 skills and carefully time them because its slightly slow and turn based like that and theres nothing else to worry about. In diablo combat is fast and relies on very simple click based controls which keeps it simple enough for the user to have fast paced interactions.
Aw crap I had lots of leather and linen but they weren't listed as being useful to armousmith and weaponsmith! so I sold them to make space in my inventory
I cant immediately dodge, it seems like it takes a quarter second or so of lag, which can mean the difference between dodging and dying. I dont have time to move my character because I have to keep hitting the 1-8 keys when they refill and its very awkward moving from wasd to 1-8 literally every 2 seconds.
I have to say all these wierd issues aside I still love the game
you know what, don't waste your money man.
They temporarily disabled their online sales so they can fix some things, you can still buy it elsewhere, like amazon.
Guild Wars (1 & 2) are really built with PvP in mind so you don't need to worry about it.
Well it just seemed like they split it into 2 games. Part of what I liked about WoW was pve affected your standing in pvp (Atleast until engame) The whole instant level 80 in pvp thing 'in my mind' feels like it skips all need of goals and unlocks and turns it into just an arcade minigame
Im just always so cautious about buying games I haven't played before.
And im sure arenanet takes care of pvp 100x better than blizzard does
Also, I see a lot of people are selling their mats in order to make room for other items, but if you click the "gear" icon in your inventory and hit "deposit collectibles" your materials will automatically be transfered to your crafting storage which is different from your personal and guild banks. To access these materials again, just go to a crafting station and they should be in their designated slots.
This same system also applies to gear in PvP with the Locker system. Whenever you unlock or purchase new items in PvP, you can deposit them into your locker so you're not saving everything in your bank. It's a pretty nice system actually.
Nothing wrong with being cautious, am getting to anxious to wait for reviews. Nothing worse than spending $60 and not enjoying it. But the way I see it, to continue playing WoW will cost $55 so its an equal shot.
Daven, is the "pretty gear" wearable back in pve?
Thanks man, I've been cursing the lack of space since day 1.=P
So you can play the game when you want, not because you feel obliged. I reckon it's a great system.
So looks like Im not gonna be able to play much this weekend