Ged, are you getting the waiting for email authentication message everytime you try to log in? or can you log in now? When I had the same problem it was waiting for me to go to whatever email address I was first registered with and confirm the location of my internet exchange - then just ticked box that it was a trusted connection.......
I was really surprised to see that it was sold out too. Kinda weird for a digital-download, but I do understand them.
Now, I see that you can buy it from other places. But I'm a bit weary of having to deal with their convoluted crap. For instance, on Best-Buy's site it says you have to download a Best-Buy app for your PC which will then download the game. Like a Best-Buy Steam. You gotta be shitting me if you think I'm doing that. I'm not sure what Amazon is like.
I bought it from gamestops PC downloads and it worked great, they just give you a serial to activate the account on, and then you manage the client download etc from there.
Anyone else getting surprisingly low performance for their rig?
I did have to download the gamespot app. Was pretty quick and didn't install loads of garbage or anything. Once you click install in the gamestop app itll say "serial sent in email" or something and then tell you how to use it on
It takes some time to get used to things, first time round with GW1 - didn't know what was going on, keep in mind, make use wisely of any experience boosters about. I've got one that grants a possible %50 bonus on crafting for 1 hour. How much can you craft in 1 hour though?? So I'm saving up enough resources to last me that time.
Anyone know anything about the mist wars? I talked to the recruiter about it and all I took away from that was... "It's a place, well no it's many random places, you'll know when you are there. In this place(s) you fight things, unless you don't want to."
Just had my first dragon encounter in personal story. Idk if anyone took the Order of Whispers story or if it will be the same for everyone, but WOW. I'm assuming when you align with guild you are basically choosing which dragon you will primarily be working against? I'm guessing it goes something like..(Not really a spoiler, but some people might just want it to be a dragon roulette when the time comes)
Priory - Jormag
Order of Whispers - Zhaitan
The Vigil - Big crystal dragon douche that has nothing better to do than fly up and down that crystal scar of his.
Ged, are you getting the waiting for email authentication message everytime you try to log in? or can you log in now? When I had the same problem it was waiting for me to go to whatever email address I was first registered with and confirm the location of my internet exchange - then just ticked box that it was a trusted connection.......
it was saying waiting for authentication and then it didnt even send any email at all! its working since this morning though Yaaay!
wvw and pve aren't really tied together. but they're kinda where puggies reign supreme.
you'll have some servers (like mine) where you have large openworld centric guilds, who used to play dark age of camelot and warhammer online, who are basically zerg busters, 20 guys vs 200 and loving it etc. but for the most part world v world is where puggies/randoms go for their pvp kicks.
the red vs blue tournaments are pretty much the hardcore pvp of the game. there are guilds dedicated entirely to it, and they WILL destroy you if you're unlucky enough to go against them. it's probably the "purest" form of pvp. where gear means nothing and it's all about player and team skill.
you can level up in world v world, and it's actually really fast. each player kill is only worth somewhere around 60exp, but taking or defending a keep can be between 800 - 8000 exp, depending on the size of the keep and the forces you're against.
pve doesn't affect your standing in pvp at all in guildwars.
ON the contrary...PvE is tied to World vs World vs World pvp... but its it not tied to Mist PvP.
Mist PvP is essentially ranked pvp matches, team vs team. Because the developers designed this around the idea of professional gaming, it has to be balanced and outside of pve.
WvWvW pvp on the other hand is world pvp...pve with servers fighting for supremacy, taking keeps, repairing walls, tearing down walls, acquiring resources..ect The items and skills you earn in pvp are used in WvWvW..and any items that drop from mobs or players in WvWvW are present in PvE.
GW2 is not a bad game by any means, anyone that buys it really isnt "wasting" money.
So I tried leveling up through WvW, but that seems pretty pointless. As a low-level character there really isn't much you can accomplish. It would probably be wise to just quest until level 20 or so, then start doing WvW.
it depends how you're doing it... i get the impression that running solo or in very small groups won't achieve much of a result in wvw. but running in a decent sized guild group (15+) nets some really good results.
taking keeps without rams/ballistas/trebuchet's is almost impossible btw.
Really tempted to get this game, quite enjoyed GW1, but I'd like to hear some more opinions about it. Specifically about enjoyment in the long run, is it still fun after reaching 80, how is the end game content? I haven't read or seen much about it really and I don't want to buy it and lose interest after a few days.
I havent even scratched the surface of the game. Im still trying to find out what class I should play
Thief - too mainstream like rogue in WoW, and its pretty high maintenance
Warrior - fun, probably my final pick
Elementalist - pretty boring, good if you like to stay far away
Ranger - same as above
Necro - my first choice, actually pretty cool. Feels like a fast pace combo between a warrior and elementalist. Though it relied too much on pets and was really squishy
I havent even scratched the surface of the game. Im still trying to find out what class I should play
Thief - too mainstream like rogue in WoW, and its pretty high maintenance
Warrior - fun, probably my final pick
Elementalist - pretty boring, good if you like to stay far away
Ranger - same as above
Necro - my first choice, actually pretty cool. Feels like a fast pace combo between a warrior and elementalist. Though it relied too much on pets and was really squishy
Thief - so-so accurate
Warrior - straight forward
Elementalist - Dagger/Dagger ele is melee (I play D/D) and a ton of fun. Very difficult class to pull through.
Ranger - Pet micromanaging, but basically correct (melee setups for ranger too, such as greatsword and sword/dagger.
Necro - minion master is so-so, a condition spec Necromancer with the right build is king. Necro's are the most tanky class in the game, able to reach 32k HP with moderate toughness or 27-30k HP with insane toughness.
it depends how you're doing it... i get the impression that running solo or in very small groups won't achieve much of a result in wvw. but running in a decent sized guild group (15+) nets some really good results.
taking keeps without rams/ballistas/trebuchet's is almost impossible btw.
How do you find groups though? Short of joining a guild I mean. I'm not seeing a public raid ala WAR's public warband.
Thanks for the quick responses and a little insight into the classes, sounds like it could be worth the money. Thief was a main interest but sounds like I might stay away from that, tanky necro sounds fun, so does melee elementalist.
How is the mesmer? Most importantly, how are they with swords?
Guess I'll watch and read some more before I decide to get it or not.
Thief - so-so accurate
Warrior - straight forward
Elementalist - Dagger/Dagger ele is melee (I play D/D) and a ton of fun. Very difficult class to pull through.
Ranger - Pet micromanaging, but basically correct (melee setups for ranger too, such as greatsword and sword/dagger.
Necro - minion master is so-so, a condition spec Necromancer with the right build is king. Necro's are the most tanky class in the game, able to reach 32k HP with moderate toughness or 27-30k HP with insane toughness.
I only played each class to about level 5 and did a tiny bit of WvW, I know you can customize them in many ways though
these weapon sets are growing on me, I dont know what one I like more ugh, I wish I could view a summed up deal at whats good at what. Not sure if im feeling a difference or if I am lol
Yeah, they did a good job with the weapons sets. There is usually at least one or two combinations that just aren't viable, but the rest all have their place and it is usually up to preference.
PvP is really fun but at times it feels like theres too much going on, and the aoe/casters reign supreme. Trying pretty much anything melee when there isnt 1-2 is a deathwish lol
PvP is really fun but at times it feels like theres too much going on, and the aoe/casters reign supreme. Trying pretty much anything melee when there isnt 1-2 is a deathwish lol
Having a lot of gap closers/immobilizes helps with this. AOE CC is nice too.
yeah Im a warrior norn and pvp and wvw are both just frustrating for me because I like to use melee weapons like swords and axes and a group of casters just walk around killing me all the time and theres pretty much nothing i can do about it.
Warrior seems like the dullard class - ME LIKE HITTY THINGS WITH ME CLUB, DERP
Jk jk, I actually have one myself but have an Engi as my main, if you like to blow stuff up this is the one for you!
Ged: I think you'll shine when you run with another, maybe even 2 team mates as Warrior's tend to be able to take a lot of punishment, but yeah if you're going up against a few ranged alone its too easy to get slowed/rooted and toasted alive
Also, anyone notice cultural armor quickly becomes obsolete? I tried to get almost all of tier 1 then realised the gold items I got in the dungeon were way better, would have been cheaper to do it that way considering how much the armor is per piece XO
Figured I'd go for it and buy it, but it's sold out pretty much everywhere, except for the places that charge 10 more then everyone else. No digital download either. Worst part, one store still had it in stock yesterday. Only the collector's edition is still available at some places but it's 3 times the price so yeah.
Oh well.
edit: Bought it, reasonable price, should get it tomorrow. With that, which server are the EU Polycounters on? Would be nice to have someone to play with at some point, or a guild or something.
you can level up in world v world, and it's actually really fast. each player kill is only worth somewhere around 60exp, but taking or defending a keep can be between 800 - 8000 exp, depending on the size of the keep and the forces you're against.
You missed out Supply caravan. Easy exp if you just walk with it.
Man I am soo hooked to this game that I may have to say good bye to wow.
game seems ok.. After killing my 10th rat, or cleaning the 10th graffiti mark off the walls, or killing my 10th wasp nest I started getting bored.. Yes I understand that games are repetitive and as long as the underlying game mechanics are solid it should still be fun, but performing the stupidest tasks over and over and over and over just seems boring. Go kill 5 boars.. Yay
game seems ok.. After killing my 10th rat, or cleaning the 10th graffiti mark off the walls, or killing my 10th wasp nest I started getting bored.. Yes I understand that games are repetitive and as long as the underlying game mechanics are solid it should still be fun, but performing the stupidest tasks over and over and over and over just seems boring. Go kill 5 boars.. Yay
You are doing the renown hearts. Renown hearts are there to show you where to go. Dynamic Events happen around renown hearts, those are the main forms of getting xp. Next thing you can do is your personal story, and as a level 40 Sylvari Elementalist, it's a damn good story line.
Why don't you start actually trying other stuff? The only point in doing tasks is to gain karma. You don't have to do them at all.
Actually, doing hearts doesn't give karma.
On an unrelated note, I was able to make enough off the trading post to buy two more inventory expansions and a bank expansion with enough left over to buy my level 60you trait book
so don't do the heart quests? I find I'll do those world event quests but there aren't enough of them to level me up enough to move to the next area, so I end up doing the heart quests (the boring as fuck ones), or I go fight random creatures over and over until i'm ready to move on to the next section
so don't do the heart quests? I find I'll do those world event quests but there aren't enough of them to level me up enough to move to the next area, so I end up doing the heart quests (the boring as fuck ones), or I go fight random creatures over and over until i'm ready to move on to the next section
Have you tried just exploring? Also you shouldnt need to do any grinding outside of heart quests to level up.
Oh and make sure you're gathers/mining/cutting wood, thats loads of exp.
So I played some this weekend and had a pretty bad experience.
Made a Sylvari Mesmer, and picked the Green Knight as my story-line. It went alright, and art-wise I seriously love the Sylvari area, beats the Norn one any day. Quests were boring as shit. The same'ol kill 10 rats type of bullshit.
Then at level8, I don't know wtf happened, but they gave me this one quest that I just couldn't get beyond. The thing was insanely hard for no reason. You have to defend this woman from wave after wave (must have been like 10 waves) of these Sylvari Nightmare dudes. They send like 3 archers and 5 dogs at you each time, and I just kept chain dying. It took me like an hour of chain resurrecting and just killing one mob at a time to finally finish it. I have no clue how that quest got into the live version. You need like a 3-man group to do it.
Then I figured I'd do some PvP. So first I tried the structured one, reminded me a lot of the Warhammer Scenarios, which I loved. It felt a bit odd since it gives you equipment. And it doesn't give you XP towards your character level, so I guess it would have to wait until I'm higher-level.
Then I did a couple of hours of WvW. It felt nice, like old DAOC/WAR. The part that didn't quite click though is that where's the third W? It was just two factions fighting. I was expecting to see 3-faction warfare. Especially since we were one of the two lesser teams. I figured it would be us plus the other small one against the big one. Also the experience was pretty shitty. The only way to get good xp is to capture or hold some point of interest. That's so rare that you'll have to either be in a pretty massive zerg to see it, or otherwise just wait forever.
Which leads to the second problem, that I felt pretty useless in WvW with my lvl8 character. Of course that's to be expected. But they could have at least made it so that you get significant XP from it. At least it would feel like you're progressing.
Another problem I had with it is that I don't think there are any public groups. I had a seriously hard time figuring out where the action was. And this was apparent for other people on my side. People kept asking where everyone was, where the enemy was, kept calling out about a tower being taken, that kind of stuff. They need to have some system to organize people. At least public warbands or something.
Then the melee vs ranged problem is a pretty big one too. If you're melee you'd just get slaughtered. That's the problem with all those games though.
Overall it was pretty good, but I'm not sold yet. I'll give it another couple of shots later and see what's up.
The game does a good job of making armor feel useless. The best thing about some games is to keep getting and upgrading your armor. But wearing level 5 armor in WvWvW at level 80...? I should be pretty useless. Especially without traits, yet im able to hit people pretty easily. Might aswell play naked.
But how are you supposed to find a group if they have no system for that? Just join a random guild? They really need some kind of public-grouping tool. I even saw people spamming LFG/LFM in the chat channels. This isn't 2005 anymore.
And for questing, I don't know, quests are supposed to be solo.
Now, I see that you can buy it from other places. But I'm a bit weary of having to deal with their convoluted crap. For instance, on Best-Buy's site it says you have to download a Best-Buy app for your PC which will then download the game. Like a Best-Buy Steam. You gotta be shitting me if you think I'm doing that. I'm not sure what Amazon is like.
Does anyone have any experience with those?
Anyone else getting surprisingly low performance for their rig?
I have
GTX 560 ti
i7 quad 2.8ghz 64b
8gb ram
And on all low I only get like 77 fps max..
Awesome, thanks, I didn't know they had that. The page does say though that the game requires the Gamestop App. Is that just BS?
I play with everything on max sett with 45-50+ fps on almost the same config.
I hit about 40-50 during gameplay, no reason I shouldn't be able to turn down 1-2 things from ultra and get constant 60 though
Man pvp is something else. Its really cool and feels solid but at the same time the game did not do a good job of introducing me to shit lol
Just had my first dragon encounter in personal story. Idk if anyone took the Order of Whispers story or if it will be the same for everyone, but WOW. I'm assuming when you align with guild you are basically choosing which dragon you will primarily be working against? I'm guessing it goes something like..(Not really a spoiler, but some people might just want it to be a dragon roulette when the time comes)
Order of Whispers - Zhaitan
The Vigil - Big crystal dragon douche that has nothing better to do than fly up and down that crystal scar of his.
it was saying waiting for authentication and then it didnt even send any email at all! its working since this morning though Yaaay!
But it makes me curious, if wvw and pve are tied together and feel like they both work together, whats the point of red vs blue tournaments?
you'll have some servers (like mine) where you have large openworld centric guilds, who used to play dark age of camelot and warhammer online, who are basically zerg busters, 20 guys vs 200 and loving it etc. but for the most part world v world is where puggies/randoms go for their pvp kicks.
the red vs blue tournaments are pretty much the hardcore pvp of the game. there are guilds dedicated entirely to it, and they WILL destroy you if you're unlucky enough to go against them. it's probably the "purest" form of pvp. where gear means nothing and it's all about player and team skill.
I just got the game, but won't be able to play until tonight. Trying to get a grasp for what leveling is like before I start.
WvW is bringing back memories of good times in DAOC.
ON the contrary...PvE is tied to World vs World vs World pvp... but its it not tied to Mist PvP.
Mist PvP is essentially ranked pvp matches, team vs team. Because the developers designed this around the idea of professional gaming, it has to be balanced and outside of pve.
WvWvW pvp on the other hand is world pvp...pve with servers fighting for supremacy, taking keeps, repairing walls, tearing down walls, acquiring resources..ect The items and skills you earn in pvp are used in WvWvW..and any items that drop from mobs or players in WvWvW are present in PvE.
GW2 is not a bad game by any means, anyone that buys it really isnt "wasting" money.
taking keeps without rams/ballistas/trebuchet's is almost impossible btw.
Thief - too mainstream like rogue in WoW, and its pretty high maintenance
Warrior - fun, probably my final pick
Elementalist - pretty boring, good if you like to stay far away
Ranger - same as above
Necro - my first choice, actually pretty cool. Feels like a fast pace combo between a warrior and elementalist. Though it relied too much on pets and was really squishy
Thief - so-so accurate
Warrior - straight forward
Elementalist - Dagger/Dagger ele is melee (I play D/D) and a ton of fun. Very difficult class to pull through.
Ranger - Pet micromanaging, but basically correct (melee setups for ranger too, such as greatsword and sword/dagger.
Necro - minion master is so-so, a condition spec Necromancer with the right build is king. Necro's are the most tanky class in the game, able to reach 32k HP with moderate toughness or 27-30k HP with insane toughness.
How do you find groups though? Short of joining a guild I mean. I'm not seeing a public raid ala WAR's public warband.
How is the mesmer? Most importantly, how are they with swords?
Guess I'll watch and read some more before I decide to get it or not.
I only played each class to about level 5 and did a tiny bit of WvW, I know you can customize them in many ways though
There doesn't seem to be a way to actually find a guild.
these weapon sets are growing on me, I dont know what one I like more ugh, I wish I could view a summed up deal at whats good at what. Not sure if im feeling a difference or if I am lol
Having a lot of gap closers/immobilizes helps with this. AOE CC is nice too.
Jk jk, I actually have one myself but have an Engi as my main, if you like to blow stuff up this is the one for you!
Ged: I think you'll shine when you run with another, maybe even 2 team mates as Warrior's tend to be able to take a lot of punishment, but yeah if you're going up against a few ranged alone its too easy to get slowed/rooted and toasted alive
Also, anyone notice cultural armor quickly becomes obsolete? I tried to get almost all of tier 1 then realised the gold items I got in the dungeon were way better, would have been cheaper to do it that way considering how much the armor is per piece XO
Figured I'd go for it and buy it, but it's sold out pretty much everywhere, except for the places that charge 10 more then everyone else. No digital download either. Worst part, one store still had it in stock yesterday. Only the collector's edition is still available at some places but it's 3 times the price so yeah.
Oh well.
edit: Bought it, reasonable price, should get it tomorrow. With that, which server are the EU Polycounters on? Would be nice to have someone to play with at some point, or a guild or something.
You missed out Supply caravan. Easy exp if you just walk with it.
Man I am soo hooked to this game that I may have to say good bye to wow.
Made an elementalist to hopefully allow me to assess situations easier in wvw :P
You are doing the renown hearts. Renown hearts are there to show you where to go. Dynamic Events happen around renown hearts, those are the main forms of getting xp. Next thing you can do is your personal story, and as a level 40 Sylvari Elementalist, it's a damn good story line.
Actually, doing hearts doesn't give karma.
On an unrelated note, I was able to make enough off the trading post to buy two more inventory expansions and a bank expansion with enough left over to buy my level 60you trait book
Have you tried just exploring? Also you shouldnt need to do any grinding outside of heart quests to level up.
Oh and make sure you're gathers/mining/cutting wood, thats loads of exp.
Made a Sylvari Mesmer, and picked the Green Knight as my story-line. It went alright, and art-wise I seriously love the Sylvari area, beats the Norn one any day. Quests were boring as shit. The same'ol kill 10 rats type of bullshit.
Then at level8, I don't know wtf happened, but they gave me this one quest that I just couldn't get beyond. The thing was insanely hard for no reason. You have to defend this woman from wave after wave (must have been like 10 waves) of these Sylvari Nightmare dudes. They send like 3 archers and 5 dogs at you each time, and I just kept chain dying. It took me like an hour of chain resurrecting and just killing one mob at a time to finally finish it. I have no clue how that quest got into the live version. You need like a 3-man group to do it.
Then I figured I'd do some PvP. So first I tried the structured one, reminded me a lot of the Warhammer Scenarios, which I loved. It felt a bit odd since it gives you equipment. And it doesn't give you XP towards your character level, so I guess it would have to wait until I'm higher-level.
Then I did a couple of hours of WvW. It felt nice, like old DAOC/WAR. The part that didn't quite click though is that where's the third W? It was just two factions fighting. I was expecting to see 3-faction warfare. Especially since we were one of the two lesser teams. I figured it would be us plus the other small one against the big one. Also the experience was pretty shitty. The only way to get good xp is to capture or hold some point of interest. That's so rare that you'll have to either be in a pretty massive zerg to see it, or otherwise just wait forever.
Which leads to the second problem, that I felt pretty useless in WvW with my lvl8 character. Of course that's to be expected. But they could have at least made it so that you get significant XP from it. At least it would feel like you're progressing.
Another problem I had with it is that I don't think there are any public groups. I had a seriously hard time figuring out where the action was. And this was apparent for other people on my side. People kept asking where everyone was, where the enemy was, kept calling out about a tower being taken, that kind of stuff. They need to have some system to organize people. At least public warbands or something.
Then the melee vs ranged problem is a pretty big one too. If you're melee you'd just get slaughtered. That's the problem with all those games though.
Overall it was pretty good, but I'm not sold yet. I'll give it another couple of shots later and see what's up.
aside from not seeing the third faction in wvwvw, which is more of a random chance thing.
And for questing, I don't know, quests are supposed to be solo.