Even if Rage reviews well, I think id's sealed it's fate among the PC crowd with this. I mean, not even a Vsync toggle? Who the fuck made that decision? How did Carmack not think "Hmm, the lack of any options might piss people off in a notoriously snobby-hard to please market section."
This is id! They pretty much created the PC community they're pissing off now! While in in the greater perspective, the game still looks pretty nice, this is the first time I feel like I'm inside a highly-compressed Jpeg.
Even if Rage reviews well, I think id's sealed it's fate among the PC crowd with this. I mean, not even a Vsync toggle? Who the fuck made that decision? How did Carmack not think "Hmm, the lack of any options might piss people off in a notoriously snobby-hard to please market section."
This is id! They pretty much created the PC community they're pissing off now! While in in the greater perspective, the game still looks pretty nice, this is the first time I feel like I'm inside a highly-compressed Jpeg.
Haven't used Radeon in a while but is it not possible to turn on vsync and triple buffering in catalyst? Also Maybe Aniso Filtering?
Don't know if this has been mentioned but:
In steam in launch options for rage using cg_usecompression=0 cg_useprecompressedtextures=0 makes textures pop in quicker.
In 3dvision surround there is no 3d support for opengl games. Rage and Brink are big upsets for me since both would have been awesome with as much.
Unlike Brink Rage at least has native multi-Monitor support. The smoothness of gameplay @ 6890(bezel corrected) X1080 is immersive enough to make sea-sick after an hour of dystopic desert peripheral realism. ( brink if not native werks jes fine in wide rez with a config setting ) If nothing else, Across three 27 inch acers... I'd have to say that Rage is the best nvidia surround experience i have had yet. ( even if that level of immersion makes me throw-up :poly144:)
FOV in RAGE is 80. To change it for multi-monitor or otherwise u add or subtract from that 80.
To increase the FOV from 80 to 105 degrees... In Steam right click on Rage in yer Steam library. choose properties. choose launch options:
add +cvaradd g_fov 25 +cvaradd hands_fovscale 1
At 105 the first person weapons and arm look ridiculous I am currently trying 10 ( 90 ) which seems like a nicer compromise ( pistol first person seems correct ) although rifle first person is still off.
Sometimes I get a drop in framerates and sometimes it runs smooth, but in any case its a great game so far (2 hrs in) I am sick of reviewers now a days. I buy what I wanna play and what I find enjoyable. Just like Dead Island. All that matters is what you want and not what the reviewer wants.
I have read that unchecking "enable steam community in-game" in steam's rage properties is helpful for some with drop framerates...
We just took a look at it at the office. The art is gooorgeous. Lots of texture popping, though. The thing that seemed to be most lacking was gameplay. It was boring to go from point A to B to A to B to A to B to A to B.
On top of that, the character would launch into the sky and scream like a crazy clown if you slightly bumped into anything with your buggy.
It was a pretty, but comical to the point of extreme disinterest. That's what I got out of the first hour.
if you are having mip popping issues turn on gpu transcode, completly fixed it for me. i like the FPS stuff, the driving is not so hot with wasd, would prefer more like half life 2 conrols. love the enemy hit reactions, they stumble around when you shoot their legs, it feels really nice to kill stuff.
if you are having mip popping issues turn on gpu transcode, completly fixed it for me. i like the FPS stuff, the driving is not so hot with wasd, would prefer more like half life 2 conrols. love the enemy hit reactions, they stumble around when you shoot their legs, it feels really nice to kill stuff.
I have readi that gpu transcode is only available to new drivers with opengl 4.2 and/or that is available only on cuda enabled nvidia 400/500 series cards?
Tim Willitis seems to imply that the transcoding of textures happens in yer cards memory. http://youtu.be/9qq4hqEXDSk
However I have read that Rage also:
Apparently the game looks for this folder to store it's cache files in, but never actually creates it. This means none of the textures get cached. Once you create the folder you will see Rage creates a 1gb cache file in there, and performance goes WAY up.
When I creat the folders: id software\rage
C:\Users\"your user folder name"\AppData\Local\id software\rage
I can at least confirm that a gig cashe file is created when I start up Rage afterwards.
As far as driving controls... has anyone tried with a wheel control?
If you have a xbox pad connected to your PC, you can just quickly grab it to drive around, and get back to mouse and keyboard when playing in foot, I know I'll do that!
If you have a xbox pad connected to your PC, you can just quickly grab it to drive around, and get back to mouse and keyboard when playing in foot, I know I'll do that!
This is how I played the Mafia games, and the GTAs Good tip!
3.2 points... there's too much rage around rage, ironic huh?
They should have done the pc version much better, this is very sad. As a PC Gamer i'm with it, i was going to buy it, but damn, too many negative comments... so it's a fail game for me.
I borrowed a friends Rage on ps3, and the texture load in is a noticeable but its not as drastic as on the PC. I'm going to wait until ID fixes the problems on the PC before I buy it. Otherwise, I'll pickup the PS3 version since it runs great on it.
The problems on the PC were fixed by installing the Rage optimized video driver from ATI. That made the textures crystal clear (well, as clear as they ever get - I mean the extreme blurry stuff is fixed) and I have yet to see any blurryness - and I WAS seeing it everywhere. Try it if you have an ATI card!
The only issue this game has on PC is that id Software should have known better and added the right options to the UI... Not the shit they pumped out. After creating the cache folder, and adding just these few items to the shortcut:
I guess I'm just lucky. I havent really had any major issues with the game so far. I suppose tho that depends on what you consider "major".
AA doesnt work (Kills the renderer, but game continues to run, so you can recover). Some very minor mip-pop in on the periphery for a frame or two, not a problem for me.
Lastly, a weird graphical artifact that shows up on the main menu only.
As for the game itself? So far, its good times! The FPS mechanics are solid as a rock. The art is gorgeous, the voicework fun, characterized, believable and it has some of the best facial animation of any recent game in memory.
My only gameplay/design complaint so far is that it feels very linear, and not nearly as open as I'd hoped.
The only issue this game has on PC is that id Software should have known better and added the right options to the UI... Not the shit they pumped out. After creating the cache folder, and adding just these few items to the shortcut:
just so people know: here's what those cvars actually mean so they arent blindingly changing things:
All texture data on screen is crammed into a set of images loaded by the video card, these cvars control the size of those images. you need more vram to store larger images, obviously.
vt_pageimagesizeunique - this is the size of the texture used to store the terrain/world details that need multiple images (spec/normal/etc)
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly - these two images make up the bulk of the wasteland. since rocks etc are fairly specless in most contexts, this is a set of two diffuse only textures. vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 -same as above, just split between two images
vt_pageimagesizevmtr - this is the size of the texture used for all the virtual material data, which is al dynamic objects that need dynamic lighting. (characters, vehicles, weapons, some props, etc). in most cases you can get away with not raising this one, since your screen is never really filled with a bunch of up-close dynamic things.
Ok, well my game is almost perfect now Only pop in for a new area, then doesnt do it anymore. No more screen tearing or anything else either. Fun game so far. Reminds me of Bioshock 1 somewhat
Some more tweaks you can do to help performance/issues
RAGE currently does not have a menu option to turn V-sync on or off.
If the graphics driver supports a so called "swap-tear" extension then RAGE will use it and RAGE will V-sync when running >= 60 FPS and RAGE will tear when < 60 FPS. Unfortunately at the release of RAGE, none of the graphics drivers have the "swap-tear" extension enabled.
The user can force V-sync on or off in the graphics vendor control panel. Right-click on the desktop to access the graphics vendor control panel.
If V-sync is forced on then RAGE will always V-sync.
If V-sync is forced off then RAGE will auto-detect that V-sync is not working and RAGE will instead synchronize to real-time and screen tearing may occur.
Alternatively you can force V-sync on by adding the following to the RAGE launch options in Steam:
+r_swapInterval 1
The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in the dialog that pops up.
Blurry Textures and Texture Popping
The texture streaming is limited by the performance and number of cores of the main processor (CPU).
The higher the resolution at which the game renders and the higher the anti-aliasing setting, the more texture data is needed to texture the environment. If you do not have a high end CPU you may momentarily see blurrier textures and texture popping when the view changes quickly.
If you have a processor with few cores and you have a high end NVIDIA graphics card then you can try turning on the "GPU Transcode" menu option in the video settings menu in RAGE. By enabling this option a large percentage of the texture calculations are moved to the graphics\ processor (GPU). However, this option is not available on all graphics hardware and may not appear in the menu if your hardware does not support the necessary features.
On processors with few cores without the ability to turn on "GPU Transcode" you can significantly improve the texture streaming performance by adding the following to the RAGE launch options in Steam:
+vt_maxPPF 16
The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in the dialog that pops up.
If you have very few cores like a dual core processor then you can set a lower value like:
+vt_maxPPF 8
If setting these values does not improve the texture streaming performance for you then consider lowering the anti-aliasing setting in the video settings menu in RAGE.
You may, for instance, observe slow texture streaming at high resolutions like 2500 x 1600 with anti-aliasing set to 16X. In some cases lowering the anti-aliasing to 8X fixes the problem but lower settings may further improve the texture streaming. Alternatively, or in addition, you can lower the resolution.
I'm running the same Quad core Q6600 as you guys but with a GTX 460 1gb GPU and 8gb of memory. Runs great. But am having the texture popping as most others.
Creating "Users\(username)\appdata\local\id software\rage" (or whatever fs_cachepath is set to) seemed to help a lot. After i created the folder the game created a 1GB cache file in there. Perhaps they overlooked that in the installer. My machine isn't great (3core 2.8phenom, 1GB GTS450) but the popping is pretty minimal now.
some helpful hints, and a link to the beta drivers
Thanks for that Runs like a charm now.
I'm enjoying the game so far, the art is gorgeous. Hopefully ID will release a high res texture pack in the future.
barring all the glitchy crap..I love the game so far..the characters are awesome...I completely love the fact that heads are not screw on mannequin proportions..and they all have an eerie familiarness about them...awesome job art team!
Damnit, I got screentearing again randomly, and textures were poping bad again the futher I got into the game in certain parts. Still not a sure fix, but def. helps. The screen tearing bothers me most though, almost dont want to play when it does that.
Played it for a bit today and wasn't that great so far. I've been getting some framerate issues but that seems to be fixed now that I've set up a custom config file. Thanks for the Steam link DPaynter. Now it seems to be crashing on load every time I enter this same area though... Hopefully once I get past this crash and start getting some more weapons it'll get more interesting.
I started to get the same thing happen..only it crashed every time I had to load.if I was lucky it would load the new area when I relaunched it..plus the vsync issue came back..and that pretty much put the nail in the coffin for me with this game..I really really wanted this game to be awesome..and the art is...but I can't drop 60$ on a game that is broken...I'll re-purchace it once a stable, playable build is released for the PC
Got the texture popping thing happening constantly but i kind of sorta got used to it... kinda : (
The textures in general seem really blurry/low rez as well which is a shame (i normally don't mind turning video settings down but the game looks like it should be less blurry).
Anyone else notice the greentooth badge on the bartender in subway city btw (prolly been mentioned already ^^; )?
Short game but the gameplay was awsome. Doing a wingstick/fists playthrough second time : D
And yeah the art is really nice (especially dig the characters)
edit: took a screenie (again, sorry if it's been posted before ^^; )
Noticed this while screenshotting the hell out of the gorgeous environments:
Doom 4 Spider Brain concept art?
I think id's engine and art department needs to replace Bethesda's, and then we'll get the best of both worlds from any future Bethesda RPG's. I love the animation and the characters in this game; again, gold stars to id's art department.
I think id's engine and art department needs to replace Bethesda's, and then we'll get the best of both worlds from any future Bethesda RPG's. I love the animation and the characters in this game; again, gold stars to id's art department.
I don't know if you could develop a game the scale of Elder Scrolls and the visuals of Rage and still keep a reasonable time frame and budget to make it economically viable.
Also, shame on you for saying a team should be replaced.
Apologies - 'course I wasn't serious. They can at least aspire to the quality. : P
However, I'd argue that's what id already has done, create a beautiful world on the scale of Oblivion (and judging from what Howard said about the size, Skyrim), but filled it with a rather lackluster story and characters (again, story-wise).
That is awesome, I didn't notice it while playing through.
I enjoyed the game overall, but man, what a poorly handled launch. The loading screen crashes were irritating and the texture rendering issues really spoiled the otherwise beautiful environments. The last I checked both id and the gfx manufacturers were blaming each other, so I decided to play through anyway because I'm impatient. It's a shame because both the customers got shafted and the art team, a lot of people aren't getting to properly see what they spent so much time on.
So since I don't wanna go through this thread to find out, but which version is the better performer, the PS3 or the 360? There's no way I'm gonna get good performance on my pc, so I gotta go with a console...
The 360 is by far the better choice. The streaming is faster, the graphics are in a few cases a little better. The frame rate is the same on both. But the 360 wins just for streaming issues. But thats only if you install the disk (Of which you only need to install one at a time, not all of them).
Its something like 360 with disk install > Ps3 with HDD install > 360 off disk. I don't believe you can run the PS3 version without installing the 8gig file.
Was enjoying the shooting, am now stuck with the game crashing at the end of the monster bash arena thing... load up game again and i am at the beginning of it. urg -_-
I don't remember the last time it was nvidia cards having driver issues on the launch of a new game.
This is id! They pretty much created the PC community they're pissing off now! While in in the greater perspective, the game still looks pretty nice, this is the first time I feel like I'm inside a highly-compressed Jpeg.
ALso afaik they're both in their mid/late 20's, not kids lol
Ah ok now... that changes perspectives, we can now rest easy.
Haven't used Radeon in a while but is it not possible to turn on vsync and triple buffering in catalyst? Also Maybe Aniso Filtering?
Don't know if this has been mentioned but:
In steam in launch options for rage using cg_usecompression=0 cg_useprecompressedtextures=0
makes textures pop in quicker.
In 3dvision surround there is no 3d support for opengl games. Rage and Brink are big upsets for me since both would have been awesome with as much.
Unlike Brink Rage at least has native multi-Monitor support. The smoothness of gameplay @ 6890(bezel corrected) X1080 is immersive enough to make sea-sick after an hour of dystopic desert peripheral realism. ( brink if not native werks jes fine in wide rez with a config setting )
If nothing else, Across three 27 inch acers... I'd have to say that Rage is the best nvidia surround experience i have had yet. ( even if that level of immersion makes me throw-up :poly144:)
FOV in RAGE is 80. To change it for multi-monitor or otherwise u add or subtract from that 80.
To increase the FOV from 80 to 105 degrees...
In Steam right click on Rage in yer Steam library. choose properties. choose launch options:
+cvaradd g_fov 25 +cvaradd hands_fovscale 1
At 105 the first person weapons and arm look ridiculous I am currently trying 10 ( 90 ) which seems like a nicer compromise ( pistol first person seems correct ) although rifle first person is still off.
I have read that unchecking "enable steam community in-game" in steam's rage properties is helpful for some with drop framerates...
On top of that, the character would launch into the sky and scream like a crazy clown if you slightly bumped into anything with your buggy.
It was a pretty, but comical to the point of extreme disinterest. That's what I got out of the first hour.
I have readi that gpu transcode is only available to new drivers with opengl 4.2 and/or that is available only on cuda enabled nvidia 400/500 series cards?
Tim Willitis seems to imply that the transcoding of textures happens in yer cards memory.
However I have read that Rage also:
When I creat the folders: id software\rage
C:\Users\"your user folder name"\AppData\Local\id software\rage
I can at least confirm that a gig cashe file is created when I start up Rage afterwards.
As far as driving controls... has anyone tried with a wheel control?
This is how I played the Mafia games, and the GTAs
3.2 points... there's too much rage around rage, ironic huh?
They should have done the pc version much better, this is very sad. As a PC Gamer i'm
I'm a id fan so I'm surprised that so many people experience problems with it.
BTW, the art looks amazing!
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 16384
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly 16384
vt_pageimagesizeunique 16384
vt_pageimagesizevmtr 16384
(I had to use 8k rather than 16k, as my GPU has 2 gig but its split over two cards, meh, damn lack of SLI support)
...the game had ZERO issues. At all.
AA doesnt work (Kills the renderer, but game continues to run, so you can recover). Some very minor mip-pop in on the periphery for a frame or two, not a problem for me.
Lastly, a weird graphical artifact that shows up on the main menu only.
As for the game itself? So far, its good times! The FPS mechanics are solid as a rock. The art is gorgeous, the voicework fun, characterized, believable and it has some of the best facial animation of any recent game in memory.
My only gameplay/design complaint so far is that it feels very linear, and not nearly as open as I'd hoped.
just so people know: here's what those cvars actually mean so they arent blindingly changing things:
All texture data on screen is crammed into a set of images loaded by the video card, these cvars control the size of those images. you need more vram to store larger images, obviously.
vt_pageimagesizeunique - this is the size of the texture used to store the terrain/world details that need multiple images (spec/normal/etc)
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly - these two images make up the bulk of the wasteland. since rocks etc are fairly specless in most contexts, this is a set of two diffuse only textures.
vt_pageimagesizeuniquediffuseonly2 -same as above, just split between two images
vt_pageimagesizevmtr - this is the size of the texture used for all the virtual material data, which is al dynamic objects that need dynamic lighting. (characters, vehicles, weapons, some props, etc). in most cases you can get away with not raising this one, since your screen is never really filled with a bunch of up-close dynamic things.
Here's some screenshots I've taken:
RAGE currently does not have a menu option to turn V-sync on or off.
If the graphics driver supports a so called "swap-tear" extension then RAGE will use it and RAGE will V-sync when running >= 60 FPS and RAGE will tear when < 60 FPS. Unfortunately at the release of RAGE, none of the graphics drivers have the "swap-tear" extension enabled.
The user can force V-sync on or off in the graphics vendor control panel. Right-click on the desktop to access the graphics vendor control panel.
If V-sync is forced on then RAGE will always V-sync.
If V-sync is forced off then RAGE will auto-detect that V-sync is not working and RAGE will instead synchronize to real-time and screen tearing may occur.
Alternatively you can force V-sync on by adding the following to the RAGE launch options in Steam:
+r_swapInterval 1
The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in the dialog that pops up.
Blurry Textures and Texture Popping
The texture streaming is limited by the performance and number of cores of the main processor (CPU).
The higher the resolution at which the game renders and the higher the anti-aliasing setting, the more texture data is needed to texture the environment. If you do not have a high end CPU you may momentarily see blurrier textures and texture popping when the view changes quickly.
If you have a processor with few cores and you have a high end NVIDIA graphics card then you can try turning on the "GPU Transcode" menu option in the video settings menu in RAGE. By enabling this option a large percentage of the texture calculations are moved to the graphics\ processor (GPU). However, this option is not available on all graphics hardware and may not appear in the menu if your hardware does not support the necessary features.
On processors with few cores without the ability to turn on "GPU Transcode" you can significantly improve the texture streaming performance by adding the following to the RAGE launch options in Steam:
+vt_maxPPF 16
The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in the dialog that pops up.
If you have very few cores like a dual core processor then you can set a lower value like:
+vt_maxPPF 8
If setting these values does not improve the texture streaming performance for you then consider lowering the anti-aliasing setting in the video settings menu in RAGE.
You may, for instance, observe slow texture streaming at high resolutions like 2500 x 1600 with anti-aliasing set to 16X. In some cases lowering the anti-aliasing to 8X fixes the problem but lower settings may further improve the texture streaming. Alternatively, or in addition, you can lower the resolution.
I've got a Quad core Q6600, but an older Nvidia 8800GT 512mb, will this give me decent performance as far as the texture popping goes?
some helpful hints, and a link to the beta drivers
I have similar specs too,
Thanks for that
I'm enjoying the game so far, the art is gorgeous. Hopefully ID will release a high res texture pack in the future.
The textures in general seem really blurry/low rez as well which is a shame (i normally don't mind turning video settings down but the game looks like it should be less blurry).
Anyone else notice the greentooth badge on the bartender in subway city btw (prolly been mentioned already ^^; )?
Short game but the gameplay was awsome. Doing a wingstick/fists playthrough second time : D
And yeah the art is really nice (especially dig the characters)
edit: took a screenie (again, sorry if it's been posted before ^^; )
Doom 4 Spider Brain concept art?
I think id's engine and art department needs to replace Bethesda's, and then we'll get the best of both worlds from any future Bethesda RPG's. I love the animation and the characters in this game; again, gold stars to id's art department.
I don't know if you could develop a game the scale of Elder Scrolls and the visuals of Rage and still keep a reasonable time frame and budget to make it economically viable.
Also, shame on you for saying a team should be replaced.
However, I'd argue that's what id already has done, create a beautiful world on the scale of Oblivion (and judging from what Howard said about the size, Skyrim), but filled it with a rather lackluster story and characters (again, story-wise).
That is awesome, I didn't notice it while playing through.
I enjoyed the game overall, but man, what a poorly handled launch. The loading screen crashes were irritating and the texture rendering issues really spoiled the otherwise beautiful environments. The last I checked both id and the gfx manufacturers were blaming each other, so I decided to play through anyway because I'm impatient. It's a shame because both the customers got shafted and the art team, a lot of people aren't getting to properly see what they spent so much time on.
The 360 is by far the better choice. The streaming is faster, the graphics are in a few cases a little better. The frame rate is the same on both. But the 360 wins just for streaming issues. But thats only if you install the disk (Of which you only need to install one at a time, not all of them).
Its something like 360 with disk install > Ps3 with HDD install > 360 off disk. I don't believe you can run the PS3 version without installing the 8gig file.
can anyone on PC confirm this?