It's pretty small/cryptic right now, but it promises to expand. Would be awesome if it grows daily over the course of several weeks, we'll see. The performance is kinda rough right now, it's loading a lot of high res images/audio that it's not even using (yet).
Looking forward to seeing more RAGE, hope they release some new screenshots soon!
my computer just can't take it captain
There's some wacky stuff hidden in there, a little more humor and color than you've seen out of id for a while. I hope they keep this going, could be a nice way to warm people up to the IP.
Nice stuff I guess.
It's looking cool, for a mystery-meat site. Can't stand that kinda crap, but it's iD's game, and I must admit, I'm a bit of a fanboy (not the rabid type that'll flip out whenever someone insults them, just the kind that really likes everything they've put out so far). Can't wait to see more of this game.
enuff said
id Software have a crazy clown area in the game... Jesus as if clowns arn't bad enough, its gonna be id Software clowns... This games gonna be amazing. Yes. Just because of how crazy that place looks...
This game is gonna make Fallout 3 look like a cake walk... But do we all float down there...?
It just sat for ages at a black screen in the centre with an arty border.
Is week 4 due to open up later on? or is my computer dumb...?
That first screenshot looks awesome. Those destroyed buildings remind me of Aliens or Fist of the North Star. This game gonna rock.
the first two pages are actually concept art (composited with a mutant model in the second page). First actual screenshot is the dude with the mohawk and bodypaint.
People are all sorts of worked up about the regenerating health and controllers- first design. Looks and sounds awesome to me though.
pick a car, outfit it with all sorts of weapons, add armour plating, improved engines and head off and race.
There used to be a pen and paper game put out by Steve Jackson called 'Car Wars' that was just that, it was fun too. Had mutants and everything.
Because the car racing sounds spot on for what Episode 1 Pod Racer did, which, and sod you all if you dont agree, was an AMAZING game in its day
Then you have a game like this, where its so detailed and huge... Its going to be amazing...
It may just be a top game of the year contender. It all depends. With gameplay time less than Doom 3, I dunno... I just hope there are a crazy number of side missions to go for... And that the achievments are really hard. Like, there are 1000 missions in the game, do them all, 10 points hard... Not something stupid like Fallout 3's
Still, its by id Software, it looks amazing, it sounds amazing and it looks to have some really amazing depth to it... How can it go wrong...?
Careful what you ask for.
I'm still slightly stinging from that whole "We know what people want and nobody wants coop" in doom 3 thing... Silly out of touch days...
Still pumped though :P
Jokes aside, beautiful screenshots ! I don't know if it's the technic used, but looks like the Image base lighting is really doing his job here :]
/me want to see some gameplay, now.
Seems they have some character variation system going on as well, different pieces of clothing and heads and so on.