New screens and such out, hype get. How "ingame" is this shot? :P
Anyway, pre-ordered on steam yesterday for me and gifted it to a friend. Watching vids and reading up about it more makes it really look like SD really know how to get a good MP game going
I just hope the textures are actually that crisp and colourful in the shipped game :P
Just love everything visually about this game, it's so easily recognizable and nice to look at, I think I'm in love.
Only thing bothering me so far is that ragdolls seem to suffer from IdTech4itus, as in it looks like they hit rigor mortis the second they die, like in Doom 3 and Quake 4 :P Not a gamebreaker by any means, just looks a bit silly :P
skamb: they're not ragdolling, really. they're just going into the same 'wounded' state that characters did in Enemy Territory. Can't say I'm a big fan of it either though. With the rest of the game animating so fluently, seeing that jilted looking solution come back is a bit disappointing. Its just strange chewing through dozens of enemies with a machine gun, only to have them lie on their back groaning a bit. Doesnt help that we've been spoiled by some incredible death animations over these last few years too.
There's obviously some technical reasons too, as its easier to synchronize a lying down guy playing an animation vs. sending ragdoll data across the whole server when the game has to worry about medics finding the casualty and giving a revive or an enemy delivering a coup de grace.
I noticed the "lie down in pain" animation, but it works like in gears of war, when they fall down like that the medic can thrown them a rez kit. But if an enemy shoots them again or melees them they fall into an awkward ragdoll mode that is pretty stiff, like the one you find in Doom 3 or Quake 4 :0.
But again, not a gamebreaker :P
I"m excited for this game too. It looks great, and original with the art direction. The game looks like fun, and like they actually spent time on the single player, instead of focusing only on multi player. I love the customizable guns, too.
Can't wait to play this the second it comes out.
I am curious about the mega-texture stuff they're using, and how good it's gonna look when it's actually on an OK (more average) pc, or the 360. I also wonder if this will be a decent gauge to see how well RAGE will play on my pc.
I prefer a falldown animation to ragdoll - I don't think anyone's done ragdoll that doesn't look silly.
Metro 2033 and Bad Company 2 had nice ones :0, so did UT 3 really.
It's all about dat weighting. Anyway, you can still shoot people in the "lying down" animation till they're REAL DEAD, in which case I'd prefer to see their limp body tumble down stairs instead of intersecting with a nearby wall or some CS 1.6 shit
Wow first time Ive seen something I didn't like with BRINK. I hope th flat dialogue was just for demonstration purposes only!! " I am building a MG Nest" or "Attempting disguise" where is the personality in that?
Miles, yes to both! of course we have entirely different looking versions for each faction, it's just not advertised as part of the pre-order packs.
Tim, thanks! Knowing that the exclusive weapons have alternate skins for each faction makes picking a pre-order bundle that much easier. I'm really looking forward to this game. I hope Brink does well for you guys.
New video out, really looking forward too it, colours everywhere!
The whole "why are there no women" discussion really needs to fucking die though, I've seriously never read a less informed comment thread on RPS, it's worse than Kotaku. At least on Kotaku they accepted devs saying "it honestly means we have to decrease the overall quality of the game visually to accommodate for the larger ram cost, it also takes more time and money from our budget. But if we can make a sequel, representing both genders is high on the list"
Yeah the customization stuff looks cool, but in the latest gameplay vids some of the lighting and animation looks pretty bleh....I was expecting more. Hopefully not indicative of the final game.
The music from " a touch of class" trailer ... in house or from somewhere else?
BTW, since hearing that the shotgun has a lion's roar blended into it I'll never think about weapon sounds the same way again. Top work from Paul, Laurel, Tim and everyone else. Soooo looking forward to this.
Can I, upon seeing you playing the game on Steam, jump in to your game with my persistent character and play as either your ally or foe? I thought I read this..
Adam I thought I may have read where you could do something of that sort so long as you completed the full campaign as one faction or the other first. (I don't know how much truth there is to that).
I'm are the PC based controls for navigating the menus and such?
@adam that reminds me of that anti co-op mode in perfect dark 64, where another player would take control of a randomly selected enemy unit in a regular single player map and try and stop the player, good times.
Hope thats in
If you and I are friends, you can jump into my match. The game will try to put you on my team (since we’re friends and all) but if there’s no room, it’ll put you on the enemy team.
This is assuming that I’m running a match that allows people to jump in. I could have set it up to be password protected, or I might be running offline.
You can substitute match and campaign sure! By match I meant an instance of the game.
I should add that I haven't been on the game for the last five months... so I haven't been playing the pc builds, however that functionality certainly exists in the console version.
I am very confident that you can have drop in/out co-op on the pc too! (can confirm next week when I am back at work).
Can't wait myself, despite working here for almost 4 months I still haven't played through the campaigns yet because I wan't to wait and see it on my own xbox, heh.
Although from the multiplayer playtests I can say that it is very satisfying scoring a headshot whilst sliding along with smart.
You can get brink through direct2drive for $38. I attempted only to be told my credit card couldn't be saved. tried to save my cc to my account (not my preferred method) only to get the same issue with tech support that was a failure.
Instead I bought on steam, since they were willing to take my money
Well heres the vid on Rock paper shotgun, it also links to a article they did!
Anyway, pre-ordered on steam yesterday for me and gifted it to a friend. Watching vids and reading up about it more makes it really look like SD really know how to get a good MP game going
I just hope the textures are actually that crisp and colourful in the shipped game :P
Just love everything visually about this game, it's so easily recognizable and nice to look at, I think I'm in love.
Only thing bothering me so far is that ragdolls seem to suffer from IdTech4itus, as in it looks like they hit rigor mortis the second they die, like in Doom 3 and Quake 4 :P Not a gamebreaker by any means, just looks a bit silly :P
suck my life away that is.
There's obviously some technical reasons too, as its easier to synchronize a lying down guy playing an animation vs. sending ragdoll data across the whole server when the game has to worry about medics finding the casualty and giving a revive or an enemy delivering a coup de grace.
But again, not a gamebreaker :P
Can't wait to play this the second it comes out.
I am curious about the mega-texture stuff they're using, and how good it's gonna look when it's actually on an OK (more average) pc, or the 360. I also wonder if this will be a decent gauge to see how well RAGE will play on my pc.
It's all about dat weighting. Anyway, you can still shoot people in the "lying down" animation till they're REAL DEAD, in which case I'd prefer to see their limp body tumble down stairs instead of intersecting with a nearby wall or some CS 1.6 shit
and link:
Im still hyped dont get me wrong just thought it was odd too release.
*Can the hockler machine pistol (Walmart pre-order bonus) be used if playing as resistance?
*Can the ceasar revolver (Amazon pre-order bonus) be used if playing as security?
Wow first time Ive seen something I didn't like with BRINK. I hope th flat dialogue was just for demonstration purposes only!! " I am building a MG Nest" or "Attempting disguise" where is the personality in that?
Tim, thanks! Knowing that the exclusive weapons have alternate skins for each faction makes picking a pre-order bundle that much easier. I'm really looking forward to this game. I hope Brink does well for you guys.
New video out, really looking forward too it, colours everywhere!
The whole "why are there no women" discussion really needs to fucking die though, I've seriously never read a less informed comment thread on RPS, it's worse than Kotaku. At least on Kotaku they accepted devs saying "it honestly means we have to decrease the overall quality of the game visually to accommodate for the larger ram cost, it also takes more time and money from our budget. But if we can make a sequel, representing both genders is high on the list"
What no bewbs?? ;P
Looks good, this year has been a let down with shooters that I have been anticipating though, hope this doesnt dissapoint.
BTW, since hearing that the shotgun has a lion's roar blended into it I'll never think about weapon sounds the same way again. Top work from Paul, Laurel, Tim and everyone else. Soooo looking forward to this.
Which is GREAT.
Would anybody in the US be willing to gift the game to me? (I'll reimburse you) I refuse to pay the $40 markup for being Australian.
Can I, upon seeing you playing the game on Steam, jump in to your game with my persistent character and play as either your ally or foe? I thought I read this..
I'm are the PC based controls for navigating the menus and such?
Hope thats in
This is assuming that I’m running a match that allows people to jump in. I could have set it up to be password protected, or I might be running offline.
I should add that I haven't been on the game for the last five months... so I haven't been playing the pc builds, however that functionality certainly exists in the console version.
I am very confident that you can have drop in/out co-op on the pc too! (can confirm next week when I am back at work).
Ep 1 - Basics - [ame]
Ep 2 - Objectives - [ame]
Ep 3 - general gameplay - [ame]
i cannot wait :x
Can't wait myself, despite working here for almost 4 months I still haven't played through the campaigns yet because I wan't to wait and see it on my own xbox, heh.
Although from the multiplayer playtests I can say that it is very satisfying scoring a headshot whilst sliding along with smart.
You can get brink through direct2drive for $38. I attempted only to be told my credit card couldn't be saved. tried to save my cc to my account (not my preferred method) only to get the same issue with tech support that was a failure.
Instead I bought on steam, since they were willing to take my money
May 10th.