Ok, everything is baked now and I've just started on the diffuse. Nothing exciting so far, just base colors to get a feel for it. Might make it to the finish after all!
I've been screwing around with this for a few days now. Right now I'll be happy just to have the high poly done by the deadline.
I baked the AO and normals to see how well the high res held up against the provided mesh. Then screwed around with ShaderFX for a bit. I couldn't get anything fancy to work the way I wanted it so this is just AO*diffuse colour and normals.
Dang so much good work. Vidar and ExMeow those look amazing. Here's my wip. I unwrapped it and started messing around on the diffuse a lot of the forms will change but I was just having fun and trying out ideas.
this is version with rough colors and now i am going to concentrate at the ditails on the texture. I can not render it on mental ray as i wanted on first place becaouse have mirrored normals and I cant deal with it. So probably I gonna have to render it using simple maya hardware.
Here is how my final lowpoly is looking. Notice how the tusks blend with the final model almost perfectly? I got a nosebleed making that work last night but it was worth it! Now to bake my Ambients and final normal maps.. gah only today to texture. lets hope it comes out ok.
Skiffy the wandering robot ... is lost... or something
Yeah I'm also a bit confused about the deadline, on the site it says March 2nd, 11:59pm EST, so that's still more than 24h away right? In which case the competition lasts 10 days, and not 9 as is written on the site...
Thats awesome Snefer!
I'd love to hear about your texturing techniques
Skiffy - it is really interesting that there isnt any seams regardless that those are separate meshes! i was trying to do something familiar but i didnt manage to make it look right! What software were you using for bakeing?
Fock it. Don´t wanna mess around with it anymore. Could have done alot of things alot better and i particularly liked that after i had submitted my final image i managed to fix a transp bug and get an overall better thing going.
(Myeah the hat sucks... )
Durr. Oh well. Fun times. Now i can play games for awhile
Trying a different direction, not sure if I'll be able to finish...the other version baked down horribly...this one I might have better luck with as it's thought out a bit better.
skiffy> I like your model, but I'm surprise I'm more amazed on your making that jaw fit perfectly, lol.
nicely done.
Snefer> yours is the highest res piece of seen out of anything on any of the boards (it's also one of the prettiest). How do you do it? Does it have a back side? just crazy cool haha.
Gav> I'm digging the head dress, but you're gonna kill your texture space fo sho.
Gavimage: Really cool idea, now finish it, GO GO GO
Coldkodiak: cheers man Actually, i don't know :P Its got a backside and everything, everything have the same texelcount, so I dunno, but I'm happy that I maintained a high rez ^^
Im finally finished with the textures, now its rendertime
Havent finished texturing and no spec map yet.
I running out of time, best I can hope for is a nice baked low poly :x
no time for texturing ;c
EZmeow I love the way the way that fur is coming out. Rock on man!
I baked the AO and normals to see how well the high res held up against the provided mesh. Then screwed around with ShaderFX for a bit. I couldn't get anything fancy to work the way I wanted it so this is just AO*diffuse colour and normals.
kite> I dig it man. A lot.
Mynki...so Shiny...looks good. Just needs the finesse of finished textures.
Here's an update. I put the normals from Zbrush onto the Base Mesh, looks good, but the diffuse doesn't seem to work in all areas.
ruff scetches!
i want finish one of them...
but i think not on monday ^^
Skiffy the wandering robot ... is lost... or something
Bakes are done time to get to the mad painting dash. Selections masks and ambient bakes for the win... oh and cavity maps hehe. GAH
Skiffy the junkyard monster rushes off into the distance to build something big....
Serious contender? He fuckin owned all of us.. I hope the diffuse will be equally awesome
Good show skiffy! One of my favs. Vidars is really crazy good aswell.
good luck!
definately doing the main even though
just wanted to drop by and give the whole PC team a 'good luck,' albeit a bit late
some serious stuff in these pages.
great inspiration just before the main event.
can't wait to see all the finals
Good luck everyone! there are a number of serious contenders in here!
Also.. when is the deadline.. in number of hours? im confused by the timezones and stuff :S
I'd love to hear about your texturing techniques
Skiffy - it is really interesting that there isnt any seams regardless that those are separate meshes! i was trying to do something familiar but i didnt manage to make it look right! What software were you using for bakeing?
Well, I'm calling it done so far as the model goes. Any suggestions or tips about the presentation before I submit?
snefer thats looking damn sweet.. love the sharpness
here's mine..
not very subtle, but I've never been too good with subtle:
fun warmup! getting into the spirit of it now, can't wait to hear the brief..
Nice work guys.
(Myeah the hat sucks... )
Durr. Oh well. Fun times. Now i can play games for awhile
Kite: I cracked up when u mentioned the bennett mesh vest u got going. I think whale shark boy needs to let off some steam. great stuff btw
..added a spikey shoulderpad dealy.
nicely done.
Snefer> yours is the highest res piece of seen out of anything on any of the boards (it's also one of the prettiest). How do you do it? Does it have a back side? just crazy cool haha.
Gav> I'm digging the head dress, but you're gonna kill your texture space fo sho.
He's wearing a rusted brass crown, I'm going to add some poisoned quills sticking out from behind it.
Guess I'm going to have to pull an all-nighter if I want to finish this...
Anyway, progress up to Friday night:
Worked on it on Saturday:
Gonna try and finish it today.
Coldkodiak: cheers man
Im finally finished with the textures, now its rendertime