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polycounter lvl 18
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Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18


3D Challenge
It's time to gather up your creativity, pull together your talents, and get ready for a new kind of warm up competition in the Dominance War series - Mini Challenges! Although the theme is separate from the main epic event, world champion standings are assured for the best mini comp entries!

To commemorate a new class of competition, we will be using a modified theme from Dominance War I. So this year's first ever 3D mini topic is:
War General Portraits – SDK!

The rules are simple - artists are to take one of the pre-made unwrapped models and finalize it with details, colors, background and/or an expression. Your war general portrait can be from any time period and any race. As long as he/she/it looks like a war general, has the appropriate team war logo somewhere on the body/clothes, and has the appropriate team colors (green and black for Polycount), everything is good!

Click on the image to download a .rar file containing the base mesh.

Backgrounds are optional. Presentation is optional. Posing is optional. Basically... everything is optional. This challenge is here for those desiring to practice their art before the main event. So keep it easy, keep it quick, and keep it real.

You have 9 days (2 weekends plus 5 days) to finish with the following specs:

- Use only "1" of the base unwrapped meshes supplied to get you started. Altering its form before texturing is NOT ALLOWED. Once you are finished with colors and details, you can then pose the head and alter its expression for your final presentation.

- 1024x1024 of ANY and ALL texture sheet types. Example, one Normal sheet, one Spec sheet, one Gloss sheet, one Glow sheet, etc.

- Optional 500 tris for extra gear like a hat, hair, helmet, etc.

- All lighting solutions from any software package is permitted.

- All shaders are permitted.

Can I modify my uvw template?


Can I sculpt my normals in Zbrush/Mudbox?

Yes, when you sculpt in zbrush your pushing verts and this does not change the geo.

If you use Zbrush/Mudbox the overall silhouette must stay in tack and no geo added. Besides the 500 tri extra.

Additional Notes:

- Artists can only join 1 team for any event during dominance war IV. If you start with Polycount, you cannot enter another mini challenge or the main event with gameartisans or cgsociety.

- You are not required to enter all challenges. Pick the ones you like, and join.

- Posting your work in progress in this single thread is ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY.

- You can only submit one "up to" 1000x1000 350k max final image. 200w x 1000h is fine. 999w x 500h is fine. This image must include your team logo, your War General's name, and your personal name and/or contact details.

- Only 1 entry per person. Do not create or try to create multiple entries with different user names.

- Final submissions are final. If you upload your final image 4 days before the deadline, do not ask us to change it. Make sure you are happy with your image before you submit it into the system.

- Public voting starts Thursday March 5th to March 8th to find each team's best 5. Each team’s best 5 entries then gather together into a single pool and a grand mini champion chosen and announced with all other Dominance War IV event champions in June.

Final Submission link for Polycount team Members:

- http://www.gameartisans.org/contests/minis/join_polycount_3d.html

Final View Entries page for Polycount:

- http://www.gameartisans.org/contests/minis/view_entries_polycount_3d_1.html

Good Luck to all those who enter!


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