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Sketchbook: Jackwhat

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Right, to save spamming the - what are you working on - thread i'll chuck all my shit in here. Although adding another thread to maintain probably isnt the best idea especially when im tryin to get better. Hah.

I wanna be a concept artist so I'm currently brushing up on as much as I can so hopefully i can be of some use to someone sooner rather than later. For the time being i'll probably just be throwing up studies n the like seeing as im doing them daily with a friend of mine and theyre good shit to do.

Any comments/crits or general advice would help a ton!

Commencing dump of recent work -






I'll probably dump these ere once a week or something! Should probably start working on some portfolio pieces of something like that soon... will be nice to see how much studying is paying off!


  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    VERY cool- you make me jealous in the sense that I wish I had the drive to do studies.

    *edit- agrees with mezz* Finish something damnit!!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    As I've said in the WAYWO thread, some really beautiful stuff! :) I really love the way you use the large colour strokes to indicate the shades and general colour.

    No critiques, but I would like to say... I wanna see a full rendered painting one day! :P I know it's nice to breeze right through all these paintings, but there's still something to be said for being able to stick with a piece until it's fully rendered and complete. If you wanna be a concept artist, you'll have to be up for and ready to complete work to the art director or whoever's standards. I'm not saying you should start crazy detail rendering every piece, cause I love the large strokes look, but maybe just choose one piece once in a while to detail? :)

    And are you going to get back to painting more humans/faces? I'd love to see more of that too.
  • System
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    konstruct; heh cheers dude! I find i have a bigger drive to do studies because i find my personal work such a let down. I compare my work others and it just becomes all the more apparent that i lack the knowledge to push it further. So i find studys more comforting :P

    Mezz; I dunno what it is with me and finishing things! If im pushing something fairly far it'll take about 6~ hours to get to a decent standard - fixing mistakes etc - but if the overall feel of the image is right I dont like pumping up the rendering because it feels like a chore - that being said my stuff is really fucking loose and I _have_ to finish some shit up at some point! I'll see what i can do for ya haha, cheers!

    For now, boobs + environments - one being more industrial which was a lot harder than organic shapes... at least it is when youre trying to get it all lined up and accurate.




    These are only hour long things, trying to speed up a bit so i should probably be aiming for a bit more finish that these have!
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    All these are fantastic. I love the color and form. You have some serious skill.
  • System
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    Cheers Slum, im only copying these so hopefully ill of learned something when I come to put it into practice!

    More girlies and environments; some of these are not so good, especially the recent ones - i've not been getting enough detail in in an hour and sometimes my hues are a bit off... othertimes theyre accurate. Swings and roundabouts.






  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    DUUUUUDUE, well you already know what I think-. you def are fleshing these out more. I dont mean to fan boy- but shit is HAWT
  • System
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    It feels really odd having people digging this who rock hard! Cheers :E

    More of the same from me, I think im gaining confidence with my environments as they seem to come out a bit more accurate with more detail in the time! I dunno when i'll start to seriously apply some stuff that i've learnt, im kinda happy just doin studies for ~3hours!







    I still find buildings and things really hard to nail, i cant work out a good workflow D:
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Looking amazing as always, you always make me wanna do some painting as well. :)

    The environments are indeed starting to look very good, you're getting a lot of very accurate detail with few storkes. The colours are always working out very well.

    The female studies are going pretty well, but some areas need more details. The hands especially, they're always very roughed in and could use more detail. Yes, they're a hard area, which is all the more reason to work on them. Overall, a nice feel and I'm seeing improvement :)
  • Rens
    Just amazing!

    haha the girl with the blue background is corinna, even stylized i still recognize some ;)
    when its about female references you cannot hide from me :D
  • bounchfx
    I absolutely love the way you use colors man. it gives me drive to improve my own work, and for that, I thank you.
  • System
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    Nail on the head, Mezz - Although in the hour I spend on those girls I end up finding it hard to get the proportions and things accurate as a whole let alone juggling detailing hands too! So here, have some hand studies.

    Rens, errr... RESPECT?! or I dunno... haha! <3 kindgirls

    Cheers bounch! hehe.

    Right, photobucket has removed some of my booby pictures so there are now less girly images in this thread (sorry rens). I've slowed up a bit with the digital stuff lately, although i REALLY want to get back to colour studies as its really been bugging me the last few days trying to get my head around it all. So a traditional update for a change with shitty 5-15min self portraits/blind contours and other shit.










  • wizo
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    wizo polycounter lvl 18
    those lines are HOT!! ...yeah that sounded geeky..

    anyways, Your brushwork is very effective, cool stuff!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Hahah oh hands :) Very good, hand studies always come in handy... no pun intended, I swear. :P

    Good stuff, the pencil work has some really nice details and shading. Also, cool concept painting. Just one thing I was wondering about--Did you do something different for the top three paintings? Because certain details and brush strokes don't seem to work as well as they usually do in your paintings and kinda stand out.
  • System
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    Bit of an empty post for the sake of replying sooner rather than later!

    The top three paintings are 15minute paintings, I do 2 of those and 2 1hour ones most days, I end up striving more for colour accuracy rather than details. I seem to spend most of my time trying to figure out colour at the moment, tis a confusing bitch and i want a nice epiphany where it all suddenly makes sense.




    - Wanna work my way through all of Bridgman because my anatomy sense sucks so hard, infact i should probably do some drawings from my head soon too so i can see where im really having problems.
  • System
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    Right some recent and not so recent stuff...

    My monitor died on me the other day so i'm now drawing in mah sketchbook till i get that fixed up! Practicing some much needed anatomy and shit! I should probably try and work on a portfolio or finished piece at some point but ack, dunno.

    Sketchbook stuff is the recent shiz;








  • System
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    Last few days wortha doodles, not quite as motivated as i should be thanks to the delivery company for fucking up and not replacing my monitor on friday! Bastards, i wanna paint!

    Most of these are from a fashion book thing i have, i figured that my fashion sense is piss poor as is my knowledge of casual poses - so study study.





  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Nice sketches :)

    However, it's been ingrained in me from my teachers that real life is always better to work from than a picture. Why not find a nice coffee shop or whever to sit at, while waiting for your monitor to finaly arrive, and sketch and sketch all the people there until they start eyeing you funny and get offended and ask you to leave? :)
  • System
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    Yeah granted mezz! i'd probably need some company to do that with so i felt less of a weirdo. That and i live slap bang in the middle of fucking _nowhere_.

    I probably should do more still lifes n shit to practice drawing ack i dunno, heres some more of the same for the sake of replying!


  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    lol I usually would do sketches of people on the way home from school or something on the bus in heavy traffic... It's a good time, and great place, cause the people can't get away! Mwahah! But I have to stop working on some of the sketches when they notice me and start getting a freaked-out expression...
    Well, you know, if you ever get a chance to sketch some people with other company go for it! :P
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Man, dude I come back to this thing like every day haha. I have no idea how to digital paint, but it's amazing to look at your outdoor studies.
  • System
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    Haha mezz, im generally the last person sat to on a full bus so yea, sitting there with my sketchbook out and a perverted looking squint isnt going to help me! hrrrrr, nah... ive been really tempted to draw on the bus but im generally riding on public transpot after about 2 hours sleep so I loose all motivation.

    Saidin cheers man!

    Fuck me this died in a bout of inactivity. Man, spent 2 weeks without touching my tablet for no particular reason, well aside anime/l4d/ill gripping me no end.

    But! im back into the fucking drivers seat... Heres some shit from old > new, some of which ive posted here or there already but ah well!

    (Studies first, although some are older/newer than the more finished looking shit)







    - Most of those studies were done at the front end of November and since ive kinda not bothered with them. I've kinda hit a point where it feels like if im not doing it all then its not really me. It's served its purpose as a good reference for colours and now ive got to put it all into practice and hopefully pull that shit from my head as and when i need to.

    So yeah, im probably going to stick to drawing stuff from my head - straight to colour, as colourising grayscale is a pain in the arse.

    So heres some doodles/competition entries/concepts from mid november to now!



  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    great studies man, was awesome to watch someone push themselves like that- those last few were particularly nice. now,- onto monsters and robots!!!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    hahah I know what you mean... I feel that the more I draw using reference, the better those pics turn out, but the worse anything i try to make from my head is. So I definitely understand... I feel like, for myself anyway, I should go with drawing from reference for what I create, and then, after hopefully I've gathered enough from doing that (understanding this could take a really long amount of time), I could apply it back to my own ideas and really be able to make something incredible.

    At least, that's my hope :)

    Great studies as usual, and I really like the painting of the guy in the suit!
  • System
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    Unfortunately konstruct ive not been pushing myself enough lately, my motivation died over christmas and ive not been able to get back into the swing of things till now :P

    Yar mezz, i actually managed to shock myself with a dire painting from my head, so im more passionate again. It was kind of insulting how bad it was, so ive got to get my arse in gear :P

    Hopefully i'll be revived now, Wrath of the lich kings teeth are losing there hold on me and im annoyed at how shit things are so i'll get back to doing this seriously! D:

    First a quick dump of some lineart I coloured, which is actually nice to unwind with! Then some really terrible shit from my head which resulted in my motivation and the study that followed.




  • bounchfx
    awesome stuff jack. I also have yet to get back into the grove after the holiday break. I've been busy as hell but that is certainly no reason not to find time to do some more studies.

    pleasure to look at as always
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Love that chun-li and indy? I love your paint brushes and loose style (even if you're colouring in the lines!).

    Don't let those winter blahs slow you down!
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Awesome update :D I know about that loss of motivation... been dealing with it for a while myself and just starting to slowly kick myself back into gear.

    Not much to say, I'm just musing one thing: The paint brush style you used on Chun Li, I really like it, but I wonder about how 'feminine' the style feels. Like I said, it's no big criticism I'm just wondering. It feels a little chunkier and grungier to me, like it would suit a guy better... but at the same time, looking over it, I really like the style... lol
    I just think it's something to think about for other paintings :) Please disregard if you like it better this way, lol
  • Rens
    Always like to see your stuff man!

    now get motivated and for fill our needz for artz! :D
  • Marnik
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    Marnik polycounter lvl 8
    Great stuff, I love your studies!

    I'm just trying out digital painting for the first time and I'm looking at those and thinking "There's no way he did that in 15 minutes!"

    Any tips on a workflow???

    Thanks and great work!
  • System
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    Heh, 2 months spent kicking around in wow.... time not well spent, time to gogo paint!

    Agreed on the style Mezz, I think it would look better with some better blending here and there!

    Heh Marnik! Most are 1hour I think although there are some 15minute ones still? - Some got deleted by photobucket and I didnt bother to replace them or edit my posts :E

    Dunno about workflow, I'd say whatever you find most comfortable would be best - If im working from reference I guess a midtone colour and block out a lot of the form, then just start defining the edges with darks and start working lighter. D: shitty explanation there.

    Right, im trying to get a portfolio together so I'm actually aiming more towards finished shit lately - Seeing as most of my "work" is study related I cant really show that and show im capable of drawing fantasy/scifi concepts. Hrrr.

    Random assorted update of which most have probably been posted here or there already.






    - Shame I was too lazy to finish off my war general in time for the deadline, Was busy with stupid shit D:, might get around to tidying it up so that im warmed up to rock shit up in the War!
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Hey JackWhat! Love your work. Great energy & style!

    I have a question about your studies, are you sampling your colors from your refs or picking and mixing them yourself?
  • L
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    L polycounter lvl 11
    good stuff you got posted in here. Im really liking your environment studied (I need to do more of those myself). also that last tree/mushroom nature creature concept is wicked! really loving that. nicely done...
  • vikramvr
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    vikramvr polycounter lvl 7
    Awesome SB, love the last tree concept art..Fantastic stuff
  • System
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    Scooby! - I always use my eyes! but i think ive told you that in IRC already - late update is late.

    Thankies lemonhead and vikramvr! It took way too long though, although I learnt my lesson on that D:

    Not much to update with but an update all the same... fortunately I have done some other things besides the small amount on my Dominance War. I should really be cracking on with that though. eep. Alas, some 25-1hour Colour studies will have to do.




  • System
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    Moreeee studies~ Slowly getting into the habbit of sitting down and doing these as oposed to procrastinating endlessly!



    Steps of my blotchy process~



    Lineart / anatomy studies~

  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Awesome painting studies as always!!

    Gasp, is that a finished rendered piece I see snuck in there? Loving that scraggly old guy, though I think his beard could be a little more rendered imo.

    Am I crazy or is there something blurred about the top two? Like they had a quick blur filter in photoshop put on them? Or maybe I just need my eyes checked? :\

    Anyway, good studies all around, keep it up!
    And no more procrastinating! (She says as she continues bumming around on Polycount instead of working herself... ahem)
  • Rens
  • System
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    Mezz, oh god i hope not... finished pieces are a taboo around these parts. I thought about adding some more hair to his beard and then i? didnt :< har.

    Nah, its not your eyes but it is a softedged brush. (its a squashed circled with blurry left/right parts).

    Cheers rens!

    More studies! I'm glad im painting regularly again, and ill probably start up my dominancewar again in a few days too.



  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    DANG- nice metal indeeeed
  • bounchfx
    holy shit dude, fantastic. way to step up your work. I've been out of it the past few weeks myself, gotta get back into a routine.. I have new motivation to do so though so I'll get to it ASAP.

    really love what you're doing here, inspiring as always. see you on #md!
  • System
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    Heh, cheers you two! Yeah, i'm finding myself painting a lot more now I'm doing a bit of work as a colourist... I just feel comfortable doing it and its fucking cool!

    Heres some assorted shit thats been posted here or there. Some of the sketches are for a forum activity on another board called "ArtPG" where you level up the more you draw based on your character. I thought id be great to start up so I can craft a story and have an insentive to keep posting and leveling up my character.

    - Cheers for the comment in the other thread, bounch! <3





  • Diwan
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    Diwan polycounter lvl 13
    Hey man very nice paintings, I enjoyed everyone of them, you characters are really living. Out of curiosity, do you have fine art skills in oil painting before doing this stuff digitally?
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18
    great update man, that last piece has a bit of robg vibe to it ;)
  • toren3d
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    toren3d polycounter lvl 7
    Excellent work! I especially love the simplified yet beautiful female paints, the brush work is just amazing!

    Keep it up!
  • System
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    Diwan - nope, no fine art skills unfortunately, although its something i'd definately like to do... i really slack with traditional at the moment.

    Heh ferg, i'd say im more inspired by www.misterfungi.com than robg :E

    Thanks toren!

    Finished up my ArtPG character thanks to a shit load of comments/crits/paint over help from the apedogs forum, I dont really have any plans to do much more to it as its got to the point where id rather have it as a stepping stone than something to keep revisiting, learnt a lot though so all is good! And a couple of studies too... gunna do some traditional studies - first off sargent, because his colours are fucking rad.


  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    good job, nice values and tones overall

    keep it up
  • System
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    Cheers duders!

    Avoiding studies for the time being, trying to flex my imagination muscle so its not so fucking shit and boring. It's probably one of the most frustrating things so far, especially when youre trying to think of something cool and it comes out not so.

    Theres a few more sketches/doodles and what not that couple these, but they arent really of any merit besides wasting bandwidth.

    I shant post all the backstory to these, because its a wall of text i wont bore you with here.. so pictures;




    - and if you are curious, and want to see more on it... go check out the ArtPG section on the link below! Started by the awesome Prometheus.

  • System
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    Ugh, what an unproductive week... Napping and obscure sleeping hours do a good job at killing motivation. Bed at 11am and napping at 11pm is shit!

    I really need to take a looser approach to my things, so im stealing - http://www.youtube.com/user/idiotapathy84 - his approach and just tryin to come up with more interesting and crazy things.



  • System
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    Another quick piss about with colour and whatnot and a study to see if i can learn anything new to apply to the next one! Hopefully this will bear fruit of some kind soon!


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