thanks for the comments, got a new one now
bear thinks the nose needs bringing out and that he looks like he needs to poop
had a helmet, but it looked retarded
I like how you matched the age of the TV show to that of the model
I think it's good overall but the red logo on front of TV seems out of place. Just classes too much imo.
more practice, I feel like Im still doing alto of things wrong, looking at it now Im seeing alot of the trouble spots with the eyes and the ear still and proportions in general bleh!
sef , your still doing them same mistake again ang again , its like you completely ignore what people have been telling you , DONT subdivide if your lower levels dont have a solid shape base, otherwise it will just be a blobby weird mess like you have.
and also use refs, i dont mean looking at them and trying to copy, but actually understand, geez, its like the 1000th time youv been told this
i dissagreee, be hard on yourslef seph!!! i beat myself up daily, and thats the reason i grow and question everything i do artisticly! When you get comfy and stop asking why, is when you grow stail and get outdated.
You need to seriously look at perportions and compare. Find a photo, download xnview, set it to always on top and compare as you sculpt. Dont hesitate to find reference. Dont hesitate to delete a mesh and start anew. The only way your gonna learn is to fall flat on our face and try again. Its how we all have learned.... Now stop loooking for fame in your posts, and just enjoy what you do. In time you will be amazing.
more random crap, started with a cube and ended up with this 'thing', took me about half an hour, my workflow seems to be getting 1.5 times faster with every sculpt I make :P
hey talbot its Arman i can see this image now :P anyways i like how it came out what i would do now is optimize the mail box and then uvmap and texture it.
hey talbot its Arman i can see this image now :P anyways i like how it came out what i would do now is optimize the mail box and then uvmap and texture it.
Thanks man! I think I'm going to do a couple more quick models for practice. Then practice texturing.
Although it probably goes against the point of the thread. But I'm a beginner and I need practice. :P
Talbot: I see that you simply threw the model in a photo; but I would set up similar lighting in your 3d scene to the photo and make your object cast a shadow. It would really make the whole image way more believable. Off to a good start though.
Ha ha, thing was so freaking white I thought it was cg (like talbot rendered with that picture as the environment in the background). Untill I looked closer I could see that it was just a regular picture. Where the hell is the shadow of the mailbox and why doesn't it look like its actually interacting with the grass/ground lol? The reference picture looks weird to me, but oh well.
Talbot: I see that you simply threw the model in a photo; but I would set up similar lighting in your 3d scene to the photo and make your object cast a shadow. It would really make the whole image way more believable. Off to a good start though.
First attempt at 3d head sculpting (I've done some rocks and shapes but that's it). I guess I've spent about 2-3hrs on this fish/man hybrid; started from the default head in mudbox.
inspired by Japhir and the will to do something "oldschool", my modelling has become quite rusty, 3 hrs or so with a lot of breaks, i guess with sculpting i would have been faster, as i'm not modelling anything complex these days
i think i'm going to add him a body, and maybe do some more of this stuff, wouldn't mind doing some work for an animation movie, so some good oldschool clean characters wouldn't hurt
my future avatar
bear thinks the nose needs bringing out and that he looks like he needs to poop
had a helmet, but it looked retarded
Butt: Wow, this is a speed sculpt? Your stuff is getting really good.
Stimpack: Its always nice to see the cuddly type of monsters.
went over the limit, but it was good practice, and my first real model texture!
I like how you matched the age of the TV show to that of the model
I think it's good overall but the red logo on front of TV seems out of place. Just classes too much imo.
oh well around a hour or hour and a half?
Penrod: Awesome transition of Paul Richards concept in 3d:)
and also use refs, i dont mean looking at them and trying to copy, but actually understand, geez, its like the 1000th time youv been told this
Made whilst watching wall-e
Massbot- Really awsome! I still gotta see Wall-e btw.
afternoon speedler
You need to seriously look at perportions and compare. Find a photo, download xnview, set it to always on top and compare as you sculpt. Dont hesitate to find reference. Dont hesitate to delete a mesh and start anew. The only way your gonna learn is to fall flat on our face and try again. Its how we all have learned.... Now stop loooking for fame in your posts, and just enjoy what you do. In time you will be amazing.
/end drunken rant.
Lunchbreak stuff, boring generic dragon head thing. For some reason the paint options dont do anything in my mudbox beta version??
Time: about 30 minutes
Polycount: 124
At this rate you will be completing models before you begin!
Thanks man! I think I'm going to do a couple more quick models for practice. Then practice texturing.
Although it probably goes against the point of the thread. But I'm a beginner and I need practice. :P
lol. I didn't what he was talking about until I read your comment.
Brad: The picture on the left is a reference photo... google images.
Swizzle: Nice Sculpt dude!
snirdeetles are part bird part beetle and part turtle
Here's a quickie from a sphere,
inspired by Japhir and the will to do something "oldschool", my modelling has become quite rusty, 3 hrs or so with a lot of breaks, i guess with sculpting i would have been faster, as i'm not modelling anything complex these days
@swizzle: i like that hulk of yours
@jasp: haha great defintely my thing
thanks guys
i think i'm going to add him a body, and maybe do some more of this stuff, wouldn't mind doing some work for an animation movie, so some good oldschool clean characters wouldn't hurt
it's true.
this guy sure likes boobies.