But I SWEAR the original video I saw didn't have stupid music over it. It also didn't have a stupid logo in the corner... and it was also longer, showing the implosion from the second camera angle in slow motion... Why is the Internet so good at completely hiding the original source of something, and just have dozens of reposts show up whenever you try to find it??
I'm impressed, they even managed to fit a Tribes character, even if it's from the version that killed the series.
Completely different from her last video but still awesome, here's a youtube link for all those lazy people.
They Live! with rowdy roddy piper! its farking badass man!
^^ quite interesting. be sure to enlarge the pic.
OrganizedChaos: You're right, real food doesn't come out of tubes
very2 touchy T_T
btw, what's with the sick fuck recording this?
That's not Awesome at all.
Should be on the Thread of Fucktard
it just got gummo in here...
Series looks pretty amazing.
Painted People:
This guy is amazing haha
8FtSpider that second one is scary to watch
But I SWEAR the original video I saw didn't have stupid music over it. It also didn't have a stupid logo in the corner... and it was also longer, showing the implosion from the second camera angle in slow motion... Why is the Internet so good at completely hiding the original source of something, and just have dozens of reposts show up whenever you try to find it??
shop clerk cant get more epic than this
Woulda given this it's own thread but i think this video's only available in the US so screw it
There's a link that should work for the UK, 18th of March is the episode.