I got them all. I needed help on about 5 of them... a little internet research will pay off Of those 5, 2 of them were the damn Tron ones, because the name wasn't what I thought they should be. IE; the Light Cycles are not called Tron Light Cycles or anything along those lines.
cant figure out that Pink Cadillac one. Anybody want to Pm me with the answer?
*EDIT* Have to say 55 is dumb. Why did they paint it a pink Cadillac???? Totally threw me off. Same with The Royal Owl, WTF why did they make it an owl??? And the guy falling out of the window, Totally looks like he jumped. Got all 56 though.
lol. I love those gentlemen and that game.
hahaha that reminds me of this...
oh and
Which, conveniently, you can do.
do NOT show this vid to clueless client lolz
"WHAT THE SHIT?!" *boom*
Some creations from the gallery :
A Lego Prison guarded by firemen :
A secret base :
'The Eagle' - Fast and powerful Aircraft- Age 47
I lold.
Man, watched through all this guys vids, he was the dude who made the gnashing teeth-head gif.
Guess the internet is a small world after all.
Cool. Only got 13 so far.
Very cool!
very cool indeed, lovvvvvved the art style!
do not trust random people in facebook or myspace, cos they might be ......
Kinda stuck at 37
holy crap that is so awesome!
Dude, it's free and online. Link was in the info for that video.
I've been using it tons. So much fun.
I only watched like 30 seconds of the video and then I raged about where can I find it...
thank you sir.
(bows head in shame).
Oh great. There went my afternoon. 23 so far
EDIT: Make that 43. I can't for the life of me get these last few.
*EDIT* Have to say 55 is dumb. Why did they paint it a pink Cadillac???? Totally threw me off. Same with The Royal Owl, WTF why did they make it an owl??? And the guy falling out of the window, Totally looks like he jumped. Got all 56 though.
The music and the everything is just.. wat.
Lube man
"You have successfully delayed me helping you debug that bloom issue."
SHIIIIIIIIT the second vid with the glasses - I've been looking for that movie forever now.
I aw it on TV in Ukraine ages ago but I didn't know the name, but someone mentioned the original movie in the YT comments.