I wanted to space my ears for so long. Never did do it though =\ My mom would not approve, lol. And now I think I'm a little too old for it :P. Awesome though.
I don't understand why they keep trying these Americanised version of British and occasionally Australian comedies. I mean besides The Office which failed utterly untill they turned it into a completely different show, have any of them run for longer than a month?
I has da question..if hez not a man, hez not a dude, he likes confescating skate boards from 14 year old kids and claims that he is a police officer who have the right to do whatever he wants to.
What does that make him.....
oh wait O.O
On serious note: You know good part about living in Canada is that, if you are mistreated by some police officer who thinks he can do anything after wearing a police uniform and no one can do anything about it? You can actually have him fired by complaining once to police head quarters, and you can also file a lawsuite on him.
And you can actually tell them that Bylaw they can not do that or it can be filed against them.
*High five*
That was pretty awesome. Go Adamn!
wkakakk what is thiszzz O;0
I wanted to space my ears for so long. Never did do it though =\ My mom would not approve, lol. And now I think I'm a little too old for it :P. Awesome though.
Its pure fucking amazing... too bad she wasn't doin this while I was there-_-
Damnit I wanna go back to Japan>.>
Thoughts: I wokeup at 6am and couldnt stop humming this. :S
In light of recent events in P&P
do you think she knows it's a semi racist song about wanking in prison?
This one will grow hair on your chest.
it's fairly old, but i just found it on youtube.
and i LOVE that video Nitewalkr
I... er... I really just don't think they got how it was supposed to work? Wow. That was actually painful.
I assume you've seen the original?
This guy is ridiculous.
I don't understand why they keep trying these Americanised version of British and occasionally Australian comedies. I mean besides The Office which failed utterly untill they turned it into a completely different show, have any of them run for longer than a month?
I has da question..if hez not a man, hez not a dude, he likes confescating skate boards from 14 year old kids and claims that he is a police officer who have the right to do whatever he wants to.
What does that make him.....
oh wait O.O
On serious note: You know good part about living in Canada is that, if you are mistreated by some police officer who thinks he can do anything after wearing a police uniform and no one can do anything about it? You can actually have him fired by complaining once to police head quarters, and you can also file a lawsuite on him.
And you can actually tell them that Bylaw they can not do that or it can be filed against them.
er.. what? say it isn't so.
wow, douchey!
But seeing what they make him drive and the get-up he has to wear, maybe he has something to prove!
also, this is pretty awesome
- Akira
- Ghost In The Shell
- Cowboy Bebop
- Park Chan-wook's vengence trillogy (Oldboy, Sympathy for Mr. Vengence, Lady Vengence)
- Battle Royale
- Also they keep trying to remake Red Dwarf, but I'm pretty sure it'll never happen since most of the test audiences are found dead seven days later.
On a lighter note:[ame]
In "Creamwolf" you are a warewolf ice-cream man who attracts children with ice cream then at night eats them, hahaha...!!!
i want this one become next gta expansion
now you should be glad not to born 30 years earlier
could be a double post ^
-1 for mounting it on a Scion.
OMFG, I'm gonna make this my active desktop at work.
wish i were there