Dragonflies, flies and beetles also take on an unearthly quality as the water droplets form on them.
These remarkable photographs were taken by physiotherapist Miroslaw Swietek at around 3am in the forest next to his home.
Using a torch, the 37-year-old amateur photographer hunts out the motionless bugs in the darkness before setting up his camera and flash just millimetres from them.
miles: last time I checked, this was the thread of awesomeness, not the thread of political bullshit. There's a reason the threads that focus on those issues always end up locked. Please don't try and make that happen to this one.
miles: last time I checked, this was the thread of awesomeness, not the thread of political bullshit. There's a reason the threads that focus on those issues always end up locked. Please don't try and make that happen to this one.
But to be fair to you let me now quote all the conservatives who screamed bloody murder (as loudly as you did above) about the Sarah Palin joke...
P.S. you're an olbermann fan aren't you?
P.P.S I understand your ideology forbids you from conceding when you've got it wrong so feel free to respond with something vicious and unreasonable...
awesome stinger88
Thought it was garbage till I saw the fights
and Im sold after hearing the announcer voice
The parents in the audience who had never played Portal must have been completely terrified by the lyrics.
More here:
The stunning pictures of sleeping insects covered in water droplets
Gifford Children's Choir singing "Still Alive"
Screw Meat spin
I feel oddly guilty while i laugh my ass off.
Now this is marketing!!
they have some pretty darn cool special effects going on there
maybe someone could do a tutorial on those
Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras as performed by teeny tiny stop motion animated people.
Haha love it.
That was low
Do you like explosions ?
Do you like boobs ?
well : http://www.explosionsandboobs.com/
The facebook page of : The International Jurassic Park Erotic Fan-Fiction Writer's Association
Which write something along these lines : http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=2415961099&topic=9335
The new site layout was just up on the Forums! It's gone now! What's going on!
Easily one of the most disturbing things I've seen in a long time.
Except maybe for greys anatomy.
And tofu.
i got that as a holographic paper when i bought 'the lost world'. i recognize it exactly
More movies need TF2 characters in them!
Someone posts an obscene joke about Sarah Palin and you go:
Someone posts a video of a democrat being a dumbarse and you go:
But to be fair to you let me now quote all the conservatives who screamed bloody murder (as loudly as you did above) about the Sarah Palin joke...
P.S. you're an olbermann fan aren't you?
P.P.S I understand your ideology forbids you from conceding when you've got it wrong so feel free to respond with something vicious and unreasonable...
ultra: pm me if you want to talk politics
Here's a cool video to change the topic: