or just carried (scuffed by the neck) by a guy in a green suit, and then that's superimposed over a shot of the empty background. The shadows would show it though, so maybe they did some moving masks there to edit those out?
My guess is that they took some still video of just the staircase, then edited out the person holding the cat. It's not that many frames long where you couldn't go in and just remove the fingertips holding the side that isn't hidden by the camera. Also, it seems to be a few shots pieced together. If you watch the shadows on the bookcase they flicker a bit.
There's more of these: http://www.urlesque.com/2010/01/27/levitating-cats/
I saw them originally posted at b3ta.com, a haven for many things silly and/or photoshop, wouldn't be surprised if it was done by one of their members. MattQ has the likely answer though. (oh, there's a youtube from the author, who says he's scruffing the cat.)
This was before they start passing out Beta testing clients for single player and releasing public test realm clients for multiplayer and massive multiplayer to see what people would suggest in terms of anything regarding their game otherwise.
/edit2: accused-game-cheater-gets-knife-through-head-and-survives is the title
/edit Warning: kind of a disturbing image at the bottom of the page. Won't show when you open the link, but you'll see it if your scroll down. The dude lived though.
Every time I hear that man yell out, I half expect to hear the song Tunak Tunak Tun by Dhaler Mhindi start playing. Hopefully you know what I mean, I'd post a link but work has nearly all video streaming sites blocked.
Every time I hear that man yell out, I half expect to hear the song Tunak Tunak Tun by Dhaler Mhindi start playing. Hopefully you know what I mean, I'd post a link but work has nearly all video streaming sites blocked.
Tunak is awesome. The origin of the Draenie dance.
2 minute scene from the film too:
This made me lol
I can't stop watching it...
Oh, and
Wow...that is going to be class
Do people actually believe that?
That is VERY well made, I am still struggling with how its made, short of hanging the poor thing in some string you photoshop away..
Maybe it was carried by a fish line attached to a clamp attached to the cat's ear.
Just cannot figure out how the cat is suspended/held, unless its distressing the cat somehow..
I saw them originally posted at b3ta.com, a haven for many things silly and/or photoshop, wouldn't be surprised if it was done by one of their members. MattQ has the likely answer though. (oh, there's a youtube from the author, who says he's scruffing the cat.)
I dont believe it either...
This was before they start passing out Beta testing clients for single player and releasing public test realm clients for multiplayer and massive multiplayer to see what people would suggest in terms of anything regarding their game otherwise.
especially love the end of the video, and how it matches up with the lyrics.
Pathetic morons, am I right?
I actually couldn't stopped laughing.
Then I put on some Bloodbath, Psycroptic and Cannibal Corpse and imagined beating those emo kids to a pulp.
Nah, put them in a room with the the lads from Mayhem
Haha epic.
This is what I am so proudly listening to right now.
A friend of mine/ex coworker has done a few of the covers for that band.
/edit2: accused-game-cheater-gets-knife-through-head-and-survives is the title
/edit Warning: kind of a disturbing image at the bottom of the page. Won't show when you open the link, but you'll see it if your scroll down. The dude lived though.
With Oprah's rep, though, I'm sure she could easily run for president.
Maybe that's going to cause the end of the world in 2012.
Ben Folds Tribute:
Every time I hear that man yell out, I half expect to hear the song Tunak Tunak Tun by Dhaler Mhindi start playing. Hopefully you know what I mean, I'd post a link but work has nearly all video streaming sites blocked.
shit is awesome
Tunak is awesome. The origin of the Draenie dance.