no time to sketch anything right now but i thought i'd go ahead and drop something in here to let you guys mess around with. hopefully i can do something tonight or tomorrow
thanks guys... ERIC! absolutely GREAT to see you step up with such an asskicking contribution. that's what we like to see 'round here.
now tomorrow i'm leaving portland, so i'm pretty sure i'm really not going to be able to contribute to this thread for a while. not that i won't try...
i sloughed this one off about halfway through... here's hoping someone (Eric? ) picks up the torch. gotta keep this one going!
...and something old to stoke the fire. A Sci Fi Elvis that never got finished. Aliens really did abduct him...unfortunatly it turns out that there is fried chicken in chicken.
boredoodle! I wanted to get a lil' bit more gore in there..
naruSol > gauss > cthogua > shotgun > sectaurs > gauss > MoP > Mansir > gauss > cthogua > rooster
i may be long forgotten, but the thread liiiives oooooon! nice one Rooster, and Eric, dammit, how long have you been doing crystal meth plus speedpainting binges? keep it up!
having survived abduction, thirteen cardiac bypasses, and a handful of assasination attempts by neo-classical reactionaries, The King is proud to announce another system-wide tour featuring his dynamic new backup group, The Daleks.
screwed up on a few parts, very quickly done, was gonna clean it up and throw a slug-type pole dancer in the back but didnt have time
Chip>Neo God>Justin>Ufb
Zork gets sleazy
Cybroxide: I do't think you've quite got how this game is played, my friend. Looks like you've just posted an unrelated WIP and not a concept tag at all--please turn back to the first page and read the rules. Generally, you post something old or that you don't like anymore, the sketchier the better usually, and then you re-draw/paintover any image already in the thread. Got it?
and now finally, the first digital painting i've done after 7 months of traveling.
crash + a few dozen > gauss
see if you can spot just which part from crash's drawing above that made it through
Just FYI, Consumer Reports has said that the Zork is "unsafe for children of any age" and "exhibits an irresponsibility on the part of the manufacturer that borders on criminal".
thanks guys... rooster, sectaurs, and KP, i want to see you ALL back in action here!
ziggy returns!
this is another "random seed" type tag, derived from 5 or 6 previous tags. and yes, go ahead and make fun of the blatant trend-whoring with the eye-trails.
MoP told me I had to or else he wouldn't let me sleep tonight. Slave driver, that one, let me tell you. Though it was fun, I didn't need much convincing Good raw material to work with there, Crash.
Crash -> MoP -> Tully
And here's one from my back catalogue for whatever:
MoP and Tully, thanks especially for joining in--aren't you two just the cutest little tag-team. awww. especially when Tully joins in under threats good contribution, though, that's great concept tag raw material. I'll probably take my turn on that image soon...
Rooster is back and the gauntlet is totally thrown down! sort of! and happy to see Fuse back for more, too. couldn't stay away, could you?
Here are some images i did for my art foundation. They are just thumbnail story boards. I wont divulge any details, would be more interesting to see how people perceive it.
Project is called "The Ark".
Each image is a different scene, and whilst there are plenty of scenes missing, there's enough there to get ideas.
dangit WHERE IS ALL MY FREE TIME!!? cant even finish a sketch
if you're bored you can check out the event file:
VERY cool Eric
now tomorrow i'm leaving portland, so i'm pretty sure i'm really not going to be able to contribute to this thread for a while. not that i won't try...
i sloughed this one off about halfway through... here's hoping someone (Eric?
naruSol > gauss > cthogua > shotgun > sectaurs > gauss > MoP > Mansir > gauss
old one of mine
naruSol > gauss > cthogua > shotgun > sectaurs > gauss > MoP > Mansir > gauss > cthogua > rooster
heres one to add:
naruSol > gauss > cthogua > shotgun > sectaurs > gauss > MoP > Mansir > gauss > cthogua > Eric
Would have been nice to have added some gore.. :-\
The event file is actually pretty funny... the thing goes through some pretty emo phases... heh.. check it out if you're bored:
Did a levels pass in photoshop after OC..
Stole some inspiration from Craig Mullins, some of you guys might recognize the piece..
OC session:
and some fuel for the fire:
Snowfly > Gauss > Spacey
(...mmm, thread necrophilia...)
Something before I'm not a complete killjoy...
Vark (pg 3) > Spacey
Rooster > Sectaurs
and sumpin' to chew on:
now the ball's in your court...
Evil Elvis. Luring in randy astronauts, which he promptly devours.
One Day Zork hopes to be more than just a lowly space janitor...
Neo God: i hear Zork has plans for taking over the Universe, but i guess he's keepin' a low profile for now.
Chip>Neo God>Justin
Zork makes good!
Chip>Neo God>Justin>Ufb
Zork gets sleazy
Zork gets snoozy (and 'legs');
Glad to see this thread getting used again!
"News Flash! Zork, master of the Universe, revealed to be only the [hand] puppet of larger forces! Film at eleven!"
I shall tag stuff this weekend! Wootls... and sorry for the lousy pic. no scanner so i took a photo with my digi cam. :P
first off, the popular little slug Zork gets his merchandising contract:
Chip > Neo God> Justin > unfluffybunny > Manic > gauss
Sectaur's evil space elvis...
Chtogua + Chip > Sectaurs > gauss
and now finally, the first digital painting i've done after 7 months of traveling.
crash + a few dozen > gauss
see if you can spot just which part from crash's drawing above that made it through
edit: animated progress gif of above image here:
God I hope so.
ziggy returns!
this is another "random seed" type tag, derived from 5 or 6 previous tags.
Crash -> MoP
Blurry and quick, but I didn't want to downsize it
Crash -> MoP -> Tully
And here's one from my back catalogue for whatever:
Chtogua + Chip > Sectaurs > gauss > rooster
MoP and Tully, thanks especially for joining in--aren't you two just the cutest little tag-team. awww. especially when Tully joins in under threats
Rooster is back and the gauntlet is totally thrown down! sort of! and happy to see Fuse back for more, too. couldn't stay away, could you?
first off, here's an animated progress gif of the crash tag a few posts up (linked for size):
here's an interesting retake from steady's, from page 16:
mansir > gauss > steady > gauss
and now to contribute some more raw material, from roughly 6 years ago:
and oh shit, this one was in high school. so over 7 years ago:
have fun people... let's see them tags!
Project is called "The Ark".
Each image is a different scene, and whilst there are plenty of scenes missing, there's enough there to get ideas.
look forward to seeing peoples visions!
uk_resistant > gauss
doesn't anyone else want to play?
"Half Man! Half Ant! He's Mant!"
Lovin the juicy specular on the flesh and maggoty tubes