have been lurking around the forums quite a while, but never posted anything. Really love this thread so I finally decided to give this a try this morning and here's my well rather generic "spacechick". It's actually one of my first completely hand drawn textures (= mouse drawn, since I don't have a tablet yet), so I'd love to get some feedback from you guys.
Thanks a lot for the SDKs btw, it's really great to train your texture skills!
looks pretty good Blackthief. Some things that stand out:
eyebrows go too far in... too close to a unibrow.
you can still see the mirror line on the texture. smudge that out of existance.
the darker helmet material is hard to read... not sure what kind of material its supposed to be... and you've got all these pure black squiggles [scratches? dents?] that look like an afterthought, and not a part of the actual helmet material. perhaps just tapering them would fix it.
thanks a lot for your reply Sectaurs.
the those black squiggles were supposed to be scratches, though I was never really happy with them and you're right it makes the material hard to read. So I just got rid of most of them and also fixed the eye-brows. Here's a quick update.
I somehow feel the helmet lacks detail, but not sure what to do about it atm
Well, SupRore, everyone starts somewhere. Looks like you could use some more color in the skin overall. In any case, just keep at it and you'll get to wherever you want to be eventually.
And I got bored, so I made this.
I'm trying to remember what it reminds me of... some celebrity probably.
Modeled a head got a bit inspired by the character of GTA:San Andereas....
Its a bit late and tomorow I'm going on vacation for a week I know there are some mirror problems (not realy a problem just mirrored the head and didn't weld it together to one)
anyway I'm still going to give the sdk maybe some one is still willing to skin it.. Head SDK
1. http://www.stephko.viranyi.de/files/sdk_fighter23.zip
A more or less generic fighter in a spacesuit, which is now unwrapped by Jboskma, thanks alot. Please redownload if you want to texture the helmet too.(Shimmer)
when i get back home i'll see if I still have the other ones saved on my hard drive (i expect i have at least 2 or 3 of those dead links), and i'll put them on my webspace.
I just finished playing the psychonauts level set in the spanish painters brain, and it looks like a lot of the textures there (and the whole game) were made in painter or artrage or something similar, looks cool!
Yay for first posts
some kinda sketchy detail but i'm not used to working lower than 512, that said it was alot of fun and i'm going to try a few of these and no doubt i'll improve (i hope ^_^)
Decided to try a highpoly version and normal map this girl... just roughing in the big shapes at the moment, gonna split off and optimise the mesh later, this was pretty much just bevelling edges from the lowpoly
This is my first attempt at texturing a head, the map is 256x256 im still working on it but im having trouble painting the metal. Any ideas on how to improve my work? Im having difficulty getting details in on the small res map, i was wondering if you have any tips on how your getting small details on such low res without it looking blurry. The heads are looking awesome.
achmedthesnake: shaping up well!
if you want things to look more metallic, think about how various metals react to light - google up some images of metal things in similar shapes to what you want to do.
you'll probably notice they have brighter, sharper highlights - so get in there with a 1px brush and add some fairly saturated light spots, maybe with a pixel of white here and there for a really shiny look.
basically you need more contrast between the midtones and the highlights.
keep it up!
Hey Ryuju as a general advice don't really try to force in minute details. Small res textures are a very good exercise because in that case you only have focus on the important bits ie the main shapes.
Add large blotches of slightly saturated darks in the pits, don't overbright the peaks too much and then reuse these base tones over the wole texture. Almost close your eyes and constantly check if what you did actually added to the picture. You will find out that you can trick the eyes into seeing details by just using a combinaison of darks and midtones. Also don't bother rendering your images using an actual renderer - just take simple captures using printscreen because that's the way realtime art looks.
have been lurking around the forums quite a while, but never posted anything. Really love this thread so I finally decided to give this a try this morning and here's my well rather generic "spacechick". It's actually one of my first completely hand drawn textures (= mouse drawn, since I don't have a tablet yet), so I'd love to get some feedback from you guys.
Thanks a lot for the SDKs btw, it's really great to train your texture skills!
eyebrows go too far in... too close to a unibrow.
you can still see the mirror line on the texture. smudge that out of existance.
the darker helmet material is hard to read... not sure what kind of material its supposed to be... and you've got all these pure black squiggles [scratches? dents?] that look like an afterthought, and not a part of the actual helmet material. perhaps just tapering them would fix it.
face texture looks good, better than i could do.
the those black squiggles were supposed to be scratches, though I was never really happy with them and you're right it makes the material hard to read. So I just got rid of most of them and also fixed the eye-brows. Here's a quick update.
I somehow feel the helmet lacks detail, but not sure what to do about it atm
EDIT: That's too awful even for me. Restarted:
Eyes removed, due to be repainted next time I work on this.
And I got bored, so I made this.
I'm trying to remember what it reminds me of... some celebrity probably.
Its a bit late and tomorow I'm going on vacation for a week I know there are some mirror problems (not realy a problem just mirrored the head and didn't weld it together to one)
anyway I'm still going to give the sdk maybe some one is still willing to skin it..
Head SDK
1. http://www.stephko.viranyi.de/files/sdk_fighter23.zip
A more or less generic fighter in a spacesuit, which is now unwrapped by Jboskma, thanks alot. Please redownload if you want to texture the helmet too.(Shimmer)
[/ QUOTE ]
Does this sdk still exist anywhere? Link's dead.
8. http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/cottages/crash/earthquake/newhead.rar
Crash Concept Crazy Face (EarthQuake)
9. http://kau.freesuperhost.com/thnomblowsgoats - look for "head-uv.zip"
Demonic Face (thnom)
10. http://freegamedev.sunnydale.se/the_dude_sdk.zip
The Dude (Badname)
11. http://www.planetquake.com/quakeremodeled/misc/heads/n30wizard.zip
Gandalf-like wizard (n30g3n3s1s)
[/ QUOTE ]
i wanna try a skin for the gogglechick again... accursed lack of tablet!
i will volunteer as well if i can get a copy
690 tris 1 x 512x512 Texture
The entire Visor can be blended out via alpha mapping.
I hope the UV´s are bearable...i´ve remade them three times
Have fun!
Hope this one works better for you.
some kinda sketchy detail but i'm not used to working lower than 512, that said it was alot of fun and i'm going to try a few of these and no doubt i'll improve
I love your work so i ll be here waiting and
maybe grab some one of this old SDKs
he's a fat bastard
edit: yeah, some more.
It´s great to see what other people can do with your stuff.
Those eyes look awesome.
EDIT: crits?
EDIT: crits?
[/ QUOTE ]
hey harry, good to finally see you post here... looking good
make the goggley thingys more metallic at a 256 tex res:
if you want things to look more metallic, think about how various metals react to light - google up some images of metal things in similar shapes to what you want to do.
you'll probably notice they have brighter, sharper highlights - so get in there with a 1px brush and add some fairly saturated light spots, maybe with a pixel of white here and there for a really shiny look.
basically you need more contrast between the midtones and the highlights.
keep it up!
Add large blotches of slightly saturated darks in the pits, don't overbright the peaks too much and then reuse these base tones over the wole texture. Almost close your eyes and constantly check if what you did actually added to the picture. You will find out that you can trick the eyes into seeing details by just using a combinaison of darks and midtones. Also don't bother rendering your images using an actual renderer - just take simple captures using printscreen because that's the way realtime art looks.
Good luck!